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With so many good inquiries coming through the Sacred Symbols inbox, it's quite literally impossible to keep up with them all on the 'regular' show. So we've been stowing them away in a spare Google Doc for rainy days, and today Colin (that's me!) returns with another handful of excellent questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas submitted over the last couple of months that we couldn't fit within the confines of our usual madness. Questions about emotional gaming and inverting the Y axis. Comments about the resurgence of Japanese gaming and mobile titles that are actually good. Concerns about The Last of Us: Part II's open-endedness and gaming while inebriated. Thoughts on PS4's rest mode and Insomniac's AAA status. Ideas on wiser publishing timelines and the hypothetical return of Midway. There's much to get through, Citizens of CLS. All of that, plus (!) more! Let's get going.




I can't wait for the download to be complete. Have a great weekend CLS family.

Captain Canada

Love this use of the SS+ format!


It's gonna be 2020 and we still can't get "The Outer Worlds" correct. Even I messed up on it yesterday.


I know we bring it up, but the games “journalist” industry preaching that mobile is the future and consoles are dead will forever blow my mind.

Lucas Gremista

So I was thinking: Betty Ann Moriarty is at a producer level of a channel produced by her own product. Inception. PS: I'm not high.

Richard Duflo

I know you mentioned struggling with the 5 wave combat arenas in Borderlands 3. I had problems with them too until I turned off Mayhem Mode. The difficulty changes drastically and I was able to beat them all by myself with no problem. Idk if you have MM turned on, but just thought I’d throw that out there

Jose Horrach

My experience with inverted controls is very strange. When I was in my teens and early adult, I was strictly inverted. Then I stop playing FPS games for a while, but when I jumped back in, inverted controls felt so wrong, and normal controls felt right. It's like my brain reset and flipped. I always wondered why that happened.


Colin, there are plenty of people that have been born in the time since Final Fantasy IV was released who have not had 24 years to play it. I am one of them. I don't really care but its something something to think about when discussing spoilers flippantly. I'm sure there are plenty of teens and 20 somethings that would rather not have it spoiled for them with the excuse they've had 24 years.


Better not mention Darth being lukes father in any future conversations just in case then.

Matt tamer

Great episode!

Nate McKinney

Psi-Ops from Midway was fucking dope. One of the great deep cut, late gen PS2 gems. Did a lot of cool physics based stuff with the different mind powers like telekinesis and stuff. I would love it if that game got a remaster.


Colin, my man, thank you for preaching the good news of inverted controls. I have played this way for years and I can't play with "normal" settings. Also, your explanation for why you play inverted echoes my thoughts exactly. I've tried to explain this to people but they just call me crazy. If being crazy means I can play games then admit me to an institution.


In response to the issue of the PS4 rest mode malfunction, I have an answer. I went through the same thing with my launch model last year (although I don't remember if it had a flashing orange light associated with it). I would put the PS4 in rest mode and would have to unplug the power to start up the console. This eventually got worse to where I would have to start unplugging the console even on regular start ups, until there was a one in four chance that my console would even start. I found out it was the power supply that was going out. I purchased a new one for $40 and $10 for the specialized tools and now it works like it was brand new again.

Dan Parsons

Colin do you invert the X axis too? Push the stick in someone’s head left, they look right?

Anthony Longo

Hey Josh I’d rather not have to see your drivel when trying to enjoy my premium content. There are plenty of people (I am one of them ) who don’t really care about your feelings

Anthony Longo

Hey Colin do you speed up the audio on your end ? There are many parts where your voice seems to hit the turbo button to the point I have to check if I’ve changed to X1.5 speed. Please confirm for my curiosity!

Joey Rawlings

Re: The Destiny question - I'm in the same boat (35, FT job+commute, wife, homeowner, father of a 2y/o and 5y/o). I've been playing Destiny since the D1 beta and have fallen off not out of disinterest, but because I have the time-honored issue of now having more money than time. While Colin sees it as a design problem, I see it much differently. Bungie, and most developers from what I can tell, create these l***er s****ers in order to keep the hook deeply in and secured to you and your controller. The amount of content that Bungie is putting out after 6 years with the same IP is not sustainable for people in our position. If you think back to when WoW was in it's hayday in the early 00's, the amount of content that Blizzard was putting out in the form of gameplay loops, expansion packs, additional content, and the requirements for raiding (which are 10x worse than Destiny), one could make the argument that if you were in your 30s then as we are now, then you'd be excluded from that ecosystem as well. At 35, my life choices have distanced me from my decades old hobby - it's not a bad thing, it's just a change. I'm starting to understand now that video games, especially now that games can be 50+ hours long in the AAA space, is not for us anymore - it's for the kids that have the inverse (more time than money) - the amount of time to grind for that set of armor hasn't changed, the patience level and the dopamine drip that we in our 30s as 'family men' get from it isn't as high anymore; again it's not a bad thing, it's just a change.


Colin now Death Stranding is going PC are sony going down the same path as Microsoft (xbox)?putting all their games on PC if so no ps5 for me as this is the reason I dumped the xbox. Sony needs to be careful letting their exclusives onto pc.

Cole Minder

I feel the same way sometimes, pretty sure it’s just Colin in turbo mode

Rob Aitken

Colin - your a class act. Chris isn't available yet you still refer to him as a teammate, or reference him in the discussions Can I say as a man that gives a great deal of team based presentations, that slight modification of how one speaks with a tacit mention of teammates is subtle but speaks volumes and is appreciated. My best to both of you fine gents- Cheers


Yeah, that's interesting. I think my brain was trying to twist me back in 2014 to revert, but I held-out. =)


Okay, that's valuable feedback. FWIW, it's not really a major spoiler (though I hate when people say that to me, so take it as you will).