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It might be easy to poke a little fun at massage therapy, what with the easy Happy Ending jokes and all. But in reality, the art of relaxation is a serious endeavor, especially here in the 21st century, as people around the world become more aware of their bodies, and the curative qualities unorthodox treatments bubble to the forefront. Today's guest, David Merlino, is a professional massage therapist. Well, he was, anyway. These days, he primarily plies his trade as an instructor and author, and happens to be the writer of acclaimed study guides that help massage therapists-to-be learn the craft and pass their exams. It's safe to assume he's the man to talk to when it comes to using your hands for a living.



Johnny Waffles

Thanks for having me on, Colin! It was a fun conversation! If anyone has any questions about massage therapy, I'm here to answer 'em, or you can email me directly at david@mblextestprep.com

Jose Horrach

This is something I've been interested in doing myself, looking forward to listening!

Lou & Rei Loper

This is RIGHT up my alley, I used to have a set appointment with a professional massage therapist a handful of years ago. I tried it once on a whim since she was in the same building as a chiropractor my friend told me I should try once when my back hurt one time. It helped, and I don't carry a wallet anymore because I think she'll come kill me in my sleep if I were to ever sit on one again lol. As for the massage therapist? After that ONE time, I had a permanent tri-weekly schedule with her for years. Absolutely amazing, I swear it's probably better than sex, maybe lol. I miss it, but I stopped when we decided to start saving to buy our house which we did now 3 years ago. I will definitely get on someone's books again one day. I implore anyone who's never had a professional massage therapist (especially one who specializes in sports medicine) experience, you HAVE to do it you're welcome.


My gf is extremely ticklish like yourself. I’ve been trying to get her to get a full body message for awhile since she’s been complains about her back. Just like you hesitate to get one because of being ticklish, she got one last week and immediately felt a good percentage better. Her therapist didn’t know how she was walking around like that lol. She explained her ticklish legs and she actually used a technique that didn’t make her laugh. It would help you out a lot to get one. I use to suffer from really bad social anxiety that this did help a tad with how tight I was . Does help a lot with sleep.

Maxx Lazos

Colin, you should eventually do an episode on a Chiropractic. There’s tons of legitimate, scientific research that backs up the benefits, yet there’s a large stigma around Doctors of Chiropractic. However, there are goofy chiros out there. Make sure to talk to a research-based, empirically-driven chiropractor!

Johnny Waffles

The deeper or more firm the massage, the less it tickles. That's all it takes! Unfortunately, there are still some areas that are more sensitive than others because of a lack of anatomical structures in the area, like the popliteal and axillary regions. Areas like that are always massaged lighter to prevent damage to nerves and blood vessels in the area, but everywhere else should be good to have a little more pressure and prevent a tee-hee tickle party on the table.

Johnny Waffles

I feel like I didn't convey my feelings on chiropractic effectively. I think chiropractic is beneficial, but it's not an end-all-be-all. A lot of structural issues are caused by muscles and fascia being too tight and pulling structures like vertebrae out of place. Just putting the bone back in place doesn't fix the problem in those cases. Chiropractic and massage therapy together are a solid combination, in my opinion.

Alex Bolton

Resident tall ass dude here who used to have constant back problems, and I totally believe the benefits of Chiropractics, I've gone for three years and my back problems have greatly subsided since.

Alex Bolton

At this Chiro I have PT and then massage too before the actual cracking so I guess it probably all helps

Johnny Waffles

The more you do, the more benefit you'll receive for sure. Chiropractic by itself doesn't work nearly as well as chiropractic with massage incorporated. I'd definitely recommend getting a massage before any chiro adjustment so everything works better


Really enjoyed this episode as always Colin . I’m sad to see the chats go . Wish you could still do them every now and then . The eclectic nature of the show is very appealing to me .

Alex Cabrera

Great episode as always! Gonna be sad to see Fireside Chats go. A quick aside, the only time the word oriental is offensive is when it's used to describe a person, since it is an adjective used to describe objects, not people.

Johnny Waffles

I would have killed to have a regular client coming in three times a week. Of course, I always recommend you find someone with plenty of experience, and people who have experience or training with sports medicine, in my personal experiences, have the highest quality massage because they understand the body, especially kinesiology, much more than the average massage therapist. Here's one way to figure out if your therapists knows their stuff: ask them to name the three muscles that attach to the coracoid process. If they can effortlessly drop short head of biceps brachii, coracobrachialis, and pectoralis minor on you, you're good to go.

Alan Ortega-Lopez

I've gone to the chiropractor as a child a couple times but now that I'm older, I'm scared of getting my neck snapped lol

Will Hahn

David, it was a pleasure to listen to you! This was quite the charismatic conversation! Lol

Maxx Lazos

Hell yah they def go really well together!


The mineral pool in Iceland that you’re talking about is probably the Blue Lagoon. I’ve been there. It was cool but it kinda reminded me of a giant, bubbling pool of cum with all those people there...


Yeah, I always tell people that light touching is what tickles. If you touch me with authority, well... =)


No, I know it's not GENERALLY offensive, but I thought it was one of those words that was being gleaned onto as ALWAYS offensive.

Maxx Lazos

Getting your neck snapped is impossible! Adjustments move joints along their natural plane of movement. If you want REAL euphoria, smoke a doink, go to a massage therapist and then go get adjusted. You’ll be on another plane of existence

Johnny Waffles

There are chiropractors with massage therapists on staff! Just find a chiropractor who also employs a dope dealer and you're set

Johnny Waffles

I didn’t get into it during the podcast, but I’ve been discriminated against by employers as well. “We have enough male therapists” a Massage Envy told me. I got suspended once because I gave a woman a body wrap, just because I’m a guy. It’s frustrating and hurtful, for sure.

BettyAnn Moriarty

Interesting episode. I once got a deep tissue massage that sent me into migraine phase for several days. But hearing that there are other types of massage that could be beneficial to me made me feel better about trying again. And I love hot rock- they’re amazing! Thanks guys. Learned some good stuff today. 😉

BettyAnn Moriarty

Col, when I went to Jeff... he WAS actually horrifying. It hurt to have my neck done. But when I went to Christine, she was a total healer. Used applied kinesiology techniques- no force- and it was heavenly. For real. She would put you on the table sometimes and sort of massage your back to slightly adjust you. Her you liked. 😉💕 and I totally trusted her

Johnny Waffles

The key is to find a massage therapist who is able to give you the massage you need. It may take some searching, but once you find that therapist, you're golden. Thanks Colin's mom!