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As we settle into the fall months, rumors abound. A new photograph seems to confirm the v-shaped PS5 dev kit design that was earlier making the rounds, much to our chagrin. But does it actually matter? Guerrilla Games is mo-capping, while Sony Bend is pre-producing. But should we be surprised? The US Congress has officially put Activision-Blizzard on notice over its behavior regarding Hong Kong and China. But will it be enough to bring change? Plus: Fallen Order goes gold, League of Legends is PlayStation-bound, Fallout 76 DLC gets delayed, and THQ Nordic goes to Japan. Then, listener questions! Could AI become sophisticated enough to make games without human intervention? Should Sony be willing to take significant financial losses to ensure PlayStation 5's proliferation? What should Square Enix do with Final Fantasy after VII Remake? Why do British people pay for goods with squid instead of money?


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:03:24 - Various notes of import.
0:06:03 - The Death Stranding embargo has been revealed (+ Stadia launch details).
0:07:06 - A random RIP to a listener's PS3 Fat.
0:08:48 - Fried Burrito Talk + Ocean Fears.
0:11:33 - A quick note concerning last week's DLC discussion.
0:12:38 - A listener wonders if we're being dramatic about PSVR.
0:15:07 - What’s an example of a good video game romance?
0:18:40 - What will our next spoilercasts be?
0:20:36 - The workings of sales tax.
0:22:57 - What have we been playing?
0:28:06 - Those v-shaped PS5 dev kits appear to be real.
0:32:16 - The US government makes itself seen in the Blizzard/China fiasco.
0:35:30 - MLB: The Show 20 has been announced.
0:38:56 - Some new details out of Sony Bend and Guerrilla.
0:46:27 - These are September 2019's best-selling games in the US.
0:49:32 - Jedi: Fallen Order has gone gold.
0:55:52 - A modified version of League of Legends is coming to consoles.
1:00:21 - Bethesda is putting the breaks on some Fallout 76 updates.
1:02:54 - Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2 has been delayed.
1:04:07 - THQ Nordic is now operating out of Japan.
1:05:50 - A new firmware update is available for Vita.
1:07:57 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:09:30 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:29:04 - Could AI one day make games without human intervention?
1:34:38 - Could GameStop get a bump from PS5's backwards compatibility?
1:39:38 - Could Sony sacrifice immediate profit to proliferate PS5?
1:43:33 - How does music best serve gameplay and story?
1:46:59 - What will Square Enix do with Final Fantasy post-VII Remake?
1:52:48 - Will DualShock 5 cost more than DualShock 4?



Tony Rivera

Thanks for all you do, fellas! Can't wait to listen- Also, Colin.. thought I'd spread the word.. a Lego Ideas project has reached 10,000 supporters for a 30th Anniversary Seinfeld set. Includes minifigures of Newman, Kramer, Jerry, George, and Elaine. Here's the URL. Share with your brother, Dagan.. Let's hope the Lego Board approves! https://ideas.lego.com/projects/763f0060-42c3-4329-9a39-d7dec10f72ce YouTube Trailer: https://youtu.be/Yxc_JT0Nl4s

Joey Finelli

Tuesdays are great again.

Sean P.

What about a The Outer Worlds Spoilercast? Chris said he's excited for it and it's made by Obsidian who Colin is very fond of. Would love to here your guys' extended discussion on it even if it is an "xbox game on playstation."


Love coming back from my lunch break to this. Makes the rest of the day go by fast.


I hate ads because they interrupt the flow of the episode, but I wouldn't mind an ad compilation since it wouldn't be an interruption and yours are damn funny.


Please dear Jesus, do a spoiler-cast for Fallen Order


Pro Tip: If you are only interested in the Call of Duty campaign, it will be available to rent at Redbox.


Fuck the Buck! All about the squid


For anyone wondering what A’up (pronounced more like ayup) is. It’s how we say hi, what’s up in Yorkshire in the north of England.


I'm not necessarily a fan of ads either, but they help keep the lights on, as it were. Plus, I kinda like writing them. I like being silly and crazy in my ad reads.


I know it’s fun to make fun of Call of Duty being called Modern Warfare again instead of Modern Warfare 4 but I think it’s actually important to note the original was called “Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare”. So I think it was a smart idea to differentiate themselves instead of using 4 again when it comes to internet search analytics. It’s still dumb but not as dumb imho.


Oh awesome!! my question got read. Maybe I'll submit more, rather than type and delete them out of anxiety. Keep making tuesdays great, fellas.


It was announced that Respawn was making a Star Wars game with Stig as the game director at E3 2016. Can we stop talking like this game hasn’t been in development for years.

Travis Johnson

As per the backwards compatibility question: The problem with Microsoft's model is that it requires every single game to be revisited by their publishers to be made available for download, as they have to be verified to work on the new hardware (and recertified by MS). While the library is always growing, that means they can't just press a button and make all 360 games available, and many old games will never be made available either because their publishers aren't interested or simply no longer exist. I would prefer to see Sony attempt to integrate a system-wide emulation suite that can act the same way a piece of emulation software on PC can play almost any ISO of its given console without any need to update or alter the ISO files. That way the PS5 COULD actually just read the games off the discs while pretending to be PS1/PS2/PS3 hardware. It's frustrating, because some early PS3 models a little bit after launch had their Emotion Engines removed but were still given the ability to play PS2 games off disc via software emulation, so Sony has experience doing this, but has ignored it ever since so they can instead resell a select library of retro games with higher resolutions and trophy support, both of which I'd gladly trade for universal playstation library emulation that just plays old games as they were off their discs.

Kenneth Oms

THQ Nordic would be wise to get into the visual novel translation game. People love those kind of games and a lot of them don’t make it over here, causing fans to translate them on their free time.

Lucas Gremista

Hello Gentlemen! Great episode as always! I dont mean to keep hitting the same key but, as far as I know, the regular $29.99 version of Concrete Genie is also VR compatible. It seems the $39.99 version has some silly extras. I don't own the game yet (waiting to go down in price), so take what I just said with a grain of crushed red pepper.


Colin one thing for real on this one gotta give up on Xbox first party games coming to PS4 and ps5 after these games release. I know you trust your source and you don’t listen to any Microsoft news outside of what push square or twitter shows you. However Microsoft has 100% said and confirmed no more first party made games from say obsidian will ever end up on anything other then pc or a Xbox console. I know you keep pushing this angel but it’s kinda a dead horse. I think besides the weirdo toxic fan boys on twitter you’re the only one still pushing it

Nathan Favreau

Colin, The ocean is not dumb, octopuses and dolphins are actually extremely smart. I would recommend watching some videos of octopuses solving puzzle boxes without being taught.

David Graham

Wait, is the Sacred Symbols game not going to be getting a physical release? I thought I remembered you saying it would get a limited one. The thought of being able to put it on my shelf and actually own it quite pleases me.


Just so you know, MLB The Show 19 was the free PS+ game this month, so honestly now is a great time to give it a shot! This was my first time ever playing The Show and I’m having a great time after getting through the slight learning curve.


Well, it's also been like 11 years, and a lot of people playing it probably didn't even play the original.


Well, Microsoft had/s also been doing a lot of the heavy lifting, even on behalf of third parties. I agree with you that they need to be more inherently inclusive of the old catalog, and hopefully they will do that. I refuse to believe it's that difficult.


We have an interested party that will maybe do a limited run, but we're not there yet. I'd like that to happen, but it's not a priority right now. Right now, I just wanna get the game done. =)


Thanks for making my Tuesday great.

Gabriel Garcia

Another great episode but I wanted to make a minor correction. The Bradwell Conspiracy was developed by a studio called Brave Plan and published by Surgeon (not "Surgery") Simulator's developer: Bossa Studios. It was neither published nor developed however, by Goat Simulator's developer: Coffee Stain Studios. Despite being simulator games they were developed independent of each other, likely because being a surgeon and being a goat require two very different skill sets. Anyway, keep up the great work, Chris!

Jeremy Miller

Crazy timing about the Vita Slim question as I just purchased a slim yesterday. I agree with him that the slim feels very cheap and like I could break it over my knee but I really prefer that the buttons are less clicky as playing the og vita around other people would often result in people telling me to shut it off. I also really thought the screen would be night and day but after using it for a while I hardly notice the difference. Going for the freedom wars platinum now. Wish me luck!


Good episode. I noticed that you made a reference to the film The Patriot where he melts down gold into bullets. I could be wrong but from what I faintly remember from the movie is that he uses little toy soldiers that he got for is son to melt into musket balls, not gold. I just thought it was worth noting.


very good episode. yeah you were right on now 360 BC works, put in the disc and it lets you download the game. then it's like chris said, you can access and open the 360 menu in game, it freaks me out sometimes. i don't think that the ps5 will play ps3 games, but there is that rumor of it playing all old playstation games. that would be shocking to me, if true. also not sure if sony needs any of their studios to be ready with a big game like Horizon 2, at launch. when i think of launch lineups i always expect average at best

Koray Savas

Just as an FYI, the DualShock 4 retails for $64.99. However, most of the standard colors are often on sale for $40-$45.

Dan Parsons

Great episode, as always. I agree the Dark Souls comparisons are getting silly at this point, but it seems like Jedi: Fallen Order is very much in the Souls-like genre. Combat aside, you lose XP when you die which can be reclaimed from the mob that killed you, it has "bonfires" that refills your healing items but reset the enemies, uses player and enemy stamina in the same way and has a similar level design to Bloodborne. Also, "Sabre made from LIGHT doesn't seem to have much weight to it" :D

Dan Parsons

I think an AI could absolutely figure out the rules of chess from watching a lot of chess, that's what machine learning is. You would have to tell it how to watch chess though.


A' up . It's a UK saying mostly a northern thing . Just means what's up .


nice episode🤯


Nate & Elena is the only romance that comes to mind. I want a spoilercast for The Outer Worlds and then Death Stranding. Good luck on the latter. lol I don’t buy 2K every year but I make a point to play it. I know of people who have bought consoles just to play those sports games and Call of Duty like you said. Will DS5 cost more than DS4? Yes.


Liberate AdReads for Patrons.

Brandon Hardman

I’m halfway through this awesome podcast and just found out that Snowden is on JRE... Sophie’s Choice...


Just want to throw this out there. No the community was not asking for cash shop items, specially things like refrigerators. Bethesda asked what items would people like added to the game to make it better. Things like repair kits, scrapers, and refrigerators was mentioned. Bethesda decided that to put them in the cash shop instead of giving them to players. Also atoms have been broken for a while, Bethesda lowered atom gain and said they will be "reworking to make earning them easier and better".


I've had so many thoughts during your show. I'm going to start posting them way more often. I unplug and set up my VR anytime I think there is a game worth playing. It's so easy and fast because I've done it so much. Also VR comes with concrete genie the delux is like an artbook and extra pages in the sketchbook. Also bring back Saints Row 2 it's one of the best game ever.


Can we get a C&C go to sushi together podcast or video short?


Also guys, I was a total skeptic like you but I got fallout 76 on amazon for 11 dollars and its actually not horrible, it would be awesome if you guys did a lets play for it.


What genre is the game you guys are making? Can't wait!


That squid joke bombed.

Brandon Reed

0/10 - Not nearly enough talk about either gentleman's undercarriage.


Hey, new to the patreon. I heard you talk about a spoilercast for Control. But I cantd find it in the feed. Can you point me in the right direction? Thank you!

Forrest Hunter

You’re completely correct about confidence. I’m 350 lbs with the confidence of a body builder and women FLOCK to me. It's the weirdest thing and my wife can't understand it, haha


I'm playing Tales of Hearts R, and it's really button-mashy in combat, and when I don't have the sound on, I'm like "this must be really fucking annoying."


I'd much rather them say it can play PS3 games but not PS1 and PS2 games than the other way around. And so would a vast majority of the fanbase, I assume.


I was thinking about the Souls-like games recently (I got Code Vein and didn't realize it was also a Souls-like), so it's definitely become its own genre, like Battle Royale.


I guess what I'm saying is, a computer can learn the game from scratch and then play it at the level IBM (or whoever) has its chess master computers playing at? If that's really true (and I don't think it yet is), we are in a lot of trouble right now, not later.


I think we'll do both of those spoilercasts. I got a copy of Outer Worlds today; hoping to jump in tonight, but I have so much fucking work to do.


I listened to that last night. Honestly, half of it or more was boring. He talks way too much and he says way too little. I wanna know more about what he did, PRISM, etc., and not his theories on pre and post-9/11 security and stuff.


Sure! If you just sort posts on browser by Sacred Symbols+, you'll find it pop up. You can also actually Google it if you're having specific trouble finding it (not a great solution, but Patreon is pretty limited in its functionality).


Love the Ron Paul shout out. As far as I understand the importance of buying gold was as a store of value. Precious metals and Bitcoin are very popular alternatives to the dollar. The idea being that it will hold it's value when the dollar crashes and to combat inflation. Since gold is a very rare and useful metal it will always be worth something. I would also recommend Murray Rothbard's book "What Has Government Done to Our Money?" and Peter Schiff's "How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes" But you are right, in a post apocalyptic world guns and food are what is more important.


I mean, I understand the premise very well. It just never made any sense if we got past certain chapters. Your gold would be as worthless as USD if shit fell apart.


It’s funny listening to your segment on fallout 76 after hearing about the $100 subscription service first. Bethesda’s got brass balls. Lol

John the Nabo

I think that it speaks to the quality of MBL: The Show 19 how I, a Brazillian dude with no love for sports, or sports game, never even watched a single match of baseball in my life, downloaded the game on psn this month as it is free, and I absolutely love it. It's an incredibly chill game, march to october mode is awesome and even not knowing jack shit about baseball i can see that a lot of love and passion was put into this game, being made by people that actually give a shit about it. You should definetelly try it out, Colin, its a perfect game to play while listening to podcasts or even watch tv. I was actually surprised that you never played it, given how much you support it.

John the Nabo

Shouldn't the japanese wing of THQ Nordic be called THQ Eastern?

Robby Deadman

Thanks for the response to FFVII Remake inquiry CLS Podcast Factory! Can't wait till March! Its gonna be a hectic Q1 next year. P.S. Ron Paul should be in Smash Bros. or something ;)


Where can I review podcast?

Rob Kvasne

Listening to Sacred Symbols makes me feel like the only person in the world with an aesthetically pleasing PSVR setup lol

Your Boi Nicky V

I agree that Sony should stop aiming for Halo. Based on the success of Siege and PUBG, there's definitely a bigger market for tactical shooters on console than when Zipper were killed. I hope Guerilla are working on Socom as opposed to Killzone!

Ryan Rumsey

I’m not seeing these posted on Tuesdays. Am I doing something wrong?

Kaz Redclaw

The Xbox One CAN read the old discs. Bluray drives have both the blue and red laser so that they can read bluray discs, dvds, and CDs. But, they definitely download the program files for the games you insert. I don't know if they still read the game data off the disc, but they do recompile the application for the new system. I actually did go buy some 360 games after I found out they were supported by the XB1.

LastStandMedia (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 07:39:03 Ryan, you're at the $1 level. Only $5+/month subs get the normal show three days early and without ads. <3
2019-10-30 23:06:49 Ryan, you're at the $1 level. Only $5+/month subs get the normal show three days early and without ads. <3

Ryan, you're at the $1 level. Only $5+/month subs get the normal show three days early and without ads. <3

John the Nabo

Pretty much, I was lost as fuck at first, i barely knew what a homerun was, but i got the hang of it over time.