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There's nothing quite like a good mob movie, and when it comes to 1990's Goodfellas, there are few better. Based on a authoritative, journalist-written book drawing from historic experiences and events, and played by a series of actors mimicking their real-world counterparts perfectly, Goodfellas is one of the most quotable and beloved films of any kind in the last few decades. DeNiro. Pesci. Liotta. Sorvino. Brocco. These are powerful names in film and television, particularly when it comes to this type of fare. So go home, get your shinebox, and come on back and listen to a two-plus hour long conversation about one of Martin Scorcese's very best flicks.



Forrest Hunter

I messed up my sleep schedule Sunday night because I started Goodfellas at midnight and HAD to finish it. I had to get my kid up at 6a and then go to work, but this movie is worth it.

Joey Finelli

I laughed out loud with the opening

Caleb Greer

Referencing the beginning of this episode: do not worry about the length of these episodes, homies. The recent longer episodes have been detailed and awesome.

Ethan Barbee

Oh my god, that Mad Lib bit had me dying, it will be indelibly etched in my anuses.

Nathaniel Taylor

Mad Libs finally took its inevitable dark turn 😂😂😂😂


The greatest Mad Lib ever


Forever etched into our...

Monterey Jack

Guys. I was listening to this on my commute to work and was laughing so hard at the Mad Libs that I was crying (thought i was going to crash from laughing so hard). Thank you for the laugh, haven't had a good one like that in a long time!

Jessica Gutiérrez

I had just got out of the restroom when the madlib started and was eating noodles and did one of those laughs where you sneeze spit the water and noodles halfway across the room and a few out of your nose. Such a good episode.


The madlib bit was the funniest thing you have ever recorded! Bravo!


Im so used to your normal intros, I got frightened today when you yelled OOOOOHHHH Colin

Brandon Hardman

Good always triumphs over buttplugs!

Russell Garrett

Holy shit dude, I was laughing so hard at the mad libs I almost had to pull my car over and stop. Thankfully, you guys stopped first.


I was crying during the madlib. That was hilarious. Loving the podcasts!

Devon McCarty

No bullshit, all of the hype on the mad libs made me try to watch it right now at work, and I fuckin can't. I'll come back to this later so I can stop laughing like a maniac.

Kenneth thomas

The Departed NOT one of his great films? Who is this guy, nick scarpino? sheeeeeeeeeeet

BettyAnn Moriarty

This was awesome. Ohhh ... do I have some stories for you. 😉 Remind me about Aunt Lucy during prohibition and my uncles visits. And what I said to granny one night during dinner. 😬 And when Martin Scorcese agrees to dinner with Dagan- I’ll cook. And I’ll be silent. Maybe. 😉❤️

Tyler Bello

Colin... that madlib... almost killed me and the poor fools in traffic that drove next to me loll dude I damn near went into a laughter induced coma man great work.


We included some second-hand stories in here about you, but we decided to cut 'em. Too personal. =)

Tyler Bello

It's too late Colin. You've killed them all.

Nate McKinney

I loved the part about "Knowing somebody who knew somebody." I've always wondered how people in Nebraska or whatever think of Mob stuff. It probably just seems like a Hollywood invention. Growing up in the Chicago area, sometimes you'd hear or know things. Not as much as the Northeast probably, but it's been here, going back to the Capone days. (My great grandfather tended bar at a restaurant that Capone sometimes went to called Vogel's.). I was close friends with a guy in high school who was born in Sicily and his family had "old ties." Fascinating stuff, kinda like being at an intersection between these mythical Hollywood figures and where they meet reality. It's kinda neat. (Oh and growing up we always kept the knife in the box too.)

Marcus Brown

Great episode on the greatest crime epic of all time. Also Casino is fucking great and slander will not be permitted lol.

George Edkins

Excited to listen to this. When are you planning to do an episode on Bottle Rocket? I recall one of you mentioning it recently, love that movie. Keep it up boys!


The madlib had me laughing in tears. And that's just the first 15 min of the episode. Awesome job!

Reuben Barrett

Not sure if this comment is too late but I think Dagan would love this video if hes never seen it! Skateboarding meets Goodfellas. https://youtu.be/fH6ZElaGZ_8

Marc Cairney

I am not even 10 mins in and I'm crying at the adlibs. Wow! I need a break before the rest 🤣🤣😂 "a good slap on the balls" 😭


The knife mustn't leave the box until it's all gone. Pretty sure it's part of the 10 commandments.

Matt Cejko

I just made my girlfriend watch Goodfellas for the first time because of this episode, she loved it and couldn't believe it took her this long to see it. We both think that Zac Efron would make a good Henry Hill in a remake. Thanks for the great episode guys :)