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"Video Game Critic" is a cartoonish job title on the face of it, but in reality, it can be a pretty weighty gig, particularly if you work at a large outlet. Thousands -- or tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, and sometimes even millions -- look to the world's biggest gaming sites and publications for advice on how to spend their hard-earned dollars, and frankly, it just doesn't seem like the powers-that-be take that role too seriously. As we dig through the mailbag this week, we discuss why that is, and how things can change. Plus: Where's Mega Man X9? What will Naughty Dog do after The Last of Us: Part II? Do a plurality of developers actually want to unionize? Is gaming actually useful, or simply a distraction? (And more!)




That ending was so good omg I'm dying


Fuck this, can't believe it.


1 word: Einhänder


Oh hahah. Barely getting around to finishing it. Was like what did they do wrong lmao! 😂


Media criticism has totally lost the plot. I was reading reviews about the new Rambo movie. Apparently it’s “problematic” if Mexican drug cartels are depicted as villains. Or when that ‘study” (I think from vox or salon) on male vs female speaking roles in Tarantino movies and conveniently left off Death Proof just to justify their false narrative.


Re: the Days Gone reviews, as someone who loved and platinumed that game, the only thing that bothered me about it was the backlash that some of the reviewers got. The whole thing was petty and juvenile on the part of the gamers. It got so tiring being on the Days Gone subreddit and seeing multiple posts every day where someone would only play the first few hours and then boldly proclaim that all the reviewers were wrong, that they had some agenda, etc., not knowing that they still had potentially 70+ hours of repetitive gameplay to slog through in order to finish the whole thing. For myself, I took it slow and made the decision fairly early on that I would not play it as a stealth game, that I would approach every encounter creatively and try to have as much fun as I could. I’d lure hoards into enemy camps or find other ways to terrorize them. I had a blast and I loved my experience. But the game itself was so fraught with fundamental design problems and there were definitely times that it dragged on so much that if I were under a deadline to finish it, I’d just want to get it the fuck over with as quickly as possible. So I don’t blame someone for getting through it and having nothing but complaints because that was their experience. Those problems exist and the game suffered for it. So many people wanted to love the game and they attacked reviewers for having legit concerns, even going so far as to accuse them of never finishing the game without a shred of evidence (as far as I could tell in those early days when the game first came out). Anyway, I’m glad Chris didn’t just agree with Colin about the whole bias issue surrounding this game. It seems like whenever the world doesn’t agree with someone who likes something, “bias” is the one card they always play and frankly I find it exhausting. Again, I loved and platinumed Days Gone, but I wish people would crawl out from inside their own ass and just accept that not everyone has to like what you like.

Turloch Healy

Uncharted 4 the worst one?? Its the complete opposite for me. It's my favourite one for sure. 2 close behind