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Yes, it's true: There's a lot to love about the 1970s. But the reality is, it was kind of a down decade. Unemployment was high, and inflation was, too. An oil embargo crippled western economies. The peace and love of the '60s rapidly gave way to stagnation, corruption, and agitation. By 1980, people were ready to break free, and they did just that. Buttressed by a technological boom and a rapidly recovering market, the '80s were a time of excess, a time to be loud and bold. The music, movies, games, and television shows each tell a portion of the overall tale -- and we've talked plenty about 'em here on KnockBack -- but it's perhaps that 10 year span's fashion that spoke (and still speaks) loudest. This was an era when sneakers and caps first became an obsession, when accessorizing reached an all-time high, when the colors you wore better be bright (and preferably neon), or else. So grab your Aquanet, tease that hair, and turn on your answering machine. Let's discuss a time when people wore 10 watches at once, when shoulder pads were considered hot for some reason, and when Air Jordans somehow cost more than they do today.




Love listening to you guys. I’ve never been too far away from my family, but I can understand the isolation and the interest in reconnecting. Wish you the best. ps Politics does suck right now. Christ

Britton Dowers

Just FYI from a bald guy It's not the hair you get from your Mom's father, it's your baldness. Most hair loss genes are tied to the X chromosome. It's not 100%, my son's whose Grandpa (my father in law) has a full head of hair in his late 60s still could be bald because I am, but they have a better shot at not losing their hair. And bitch on about your hair. I'm bald, beautiful and loving it.

Caleb Greer

Phenomenal episode, gentlemen. I think I speak for most when I say we’re all very happy you’ve found a peace and comfort in the prospect of living close to your family on the East Coast. And great to hear on Twitter that your cancer’s not back! Wishing you the best my dude

Forrest Hunter

I’m really happy to hear your revelation about moving back with family. I’ve had a very similar revelation this past weekend when I went back to CT for my brother’s wedding. My life is now in SC and it’s a much better place to raise my son than CT, but being back home and seeing everyone and the flood of memories I experienced, as well as the sharing of these things with my wife and son, really took an emotional toll on me. I think your life will improve greatly, Colin.


Thank you. There are perks of being in California, and moving will require some sacrifices. But I really do think it's important to be nearer to my family at this juncture in my life, and that's kind of where my head is at for now. The beauty of modernity is we can move fairly easily. If I feel like a mistake was made, I can always come back.

Ryan Murdoch

Great episode guys. I am happy for you Col, glad you have decided to take the steps to improve your life. Glad the cancer is not back too dude, thats one less fucking problem to have to deal with!. Anyways, about the episode, I have some Jordans and I love them!.

John Fazio

The first half hour was very emotional for me being thousands of miles away from my family as well. I’m just glad to have this community and to know there are people out there who are going through things too. Thanks for the content. Great episode

Adam Barnes

Colin has said many times that he is jealous of people who haven’t seen Seinfeld yet. That was echoed by Dagan in this episode, in a way, about current gen gaming. Spot on. I was an Xbox gamer when I first play The Last of Us. I wish a knew what I was about to get into when I first loaded that game up. I cannot wait for this episode. Fuck.

Kenneth Oms

Great episode as always! Also the episode was released a day after American Horror Story 1984 which has a bunch of the 80s fashion haha!

Adam Barnes

26:49 - you broke my god damn heart, Colin. Go home <3

Monterey Jack

I look forward to eventually hearing you both discuss what made this current decade unique, and what fashion trends it will be remembered for, and possibly predictions for trends in the 2020s.

Trevor Deal

Hey Colin I love to hear you open up man and look forward to what CLS will be from wherever you go. Maybe we finally get to hear your sisters side of all those stories. I'm curious though (you don't have to answer) what is Erin's take on moving to VA potentially? Is she eager to leave LA as well? Is VA close enough to her family that this also has as much of a benefit for her? <3

Jeshua Anderson

Hey Col! I haven't finished the podcast yet, but wanted to let you know I work in the Kaiser Permanente (of Washington) Compliance Office. In our next departmental meeting i'ma let my superiors know it took you 7 weeks to be seen for a nose gushing blood from possible cancer. Not exactly the best look for us. Apologies for that. Anyways, back to the podcast! 👌🏿 Jeshua


Hey, I live in Virginia too! Colin, if it’s worth anything I’d hang out with you lol. Great episode again fellas. Keep up the great work.

Brandon Soto

Very emotional in the beginning, Colin. Do it. Buy a house & start a family. Maybe become friends with Greg again. It’s never too late to find happiness. Your happiness comes first over anything else.


I'm still figuring out my plan, and it'll be up to Erin to decide what she wants to do. She obviously always has a place with me, but I don't want to coerce her to move where she doesn't want to be. One way or another, we'll sort it out.

Brandon Soto

:/ It’s a shame. You guys were great together for so long. Life’s too short, and hopefully he realizes that some day.

Luke Tucker

"It takes a village to raise a Colin." - I smell merch opportunities! :D I think moving *home* is awesome dude. Part of why KnockBack resonates so much with me is the brotherly bond between you and Dagan. <3 Also, then you guys absolutely have to go dig up that Dracula VHS! 😂

Neil Quigley

Just to add to Colin and Dagan's conversation on NBA logos and iconography, there is a website sportslogos.net and it has all the current and former logos of all the pro teams. Its a pretty cool site and worth a check

Jordan Gagliano

I’m weeks late on this, but that’s awesome Colin congrats. It’s a wonderful thing to go home. Everything is temporary, so don’t be afraid or second guess it. It’s a great exercise in growth to go somewhere new and you’ll find it can make you stronger.