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Lost in space.


Save Colin Moriarty in Habroxia on PS4 and Vita

Lost in space. All footage was captured on a PS4 Pro (1080p60) using a copy of Habroxia provided by Lillymo Games before public release and free of charge. Lillymo Games is the developer of the upcoming (and otherwise unannounced!) Sacred Symbols game. Listen to Sacred Symbols, CLS' PlayStation podcast (also available on podcast services and here on YouTube): https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7ZhIfrxIxSR0rg25 Listen to the CLS retro podcast, Colin’s Last Stand: KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://soundcloud.com/clsknockback Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC PO Box 1233 | Santa Monica, CA 90406



Having heard a lot about this game but never seeing it, it was fun to come across this video in the SS archives. Thanks for the video. Would be cool to see small one-off videos like this to spotlight lesser-known but good games.

There’s No I in LLC

Hey fuqface when does the game release so I can buy it!!!


I actually bought and played Perils of Baking after seeing on PSN that Colin platinum’d it. Tbh, it is not bad at all.

Gabriel Duque

Hello Colin, nice video! I've got two questions for you: With so many awesome themes for the PS4, why did you stick with the original one? When it comes to shmups, do you prefer vertical or horizontal scrolling?

Barry M. Johnson

Colin, I sent the Let's Play link to my Mom. She watched it and she said you sound like a very nice man. #MOMAPPROVED

Carlos Quintanilla

Sub-Terrania on Genesis and Chaos Field on GameCube are really the only games I've played like this. Love the pixel art asthetic though.

Ryan Murdoch

What the hell is this!!!? Never heard of it. Interested to watch when I get home from work!.


Really like the look of the game and can't wait to play the sacred symbols game, but the video had a bit too much empty space without commentary. Maybe edit it a bit tighter or something. That said I'm buying the game, so you did your job

Vaughn Allison

Any chance if this ever coming to switch, Col? Or do I gotta dust off the vita to play this beaut?


Totally keeping my fingers crossed for a pre-order bonus for the Sacred Symbols game. Maybe a static or dynamic PS4 theme by none other than Mr. Dagan himself?

Karl Brown

Is this one of the SS related games you mentioned last episode?


We shall support your game, Barry. That platinum(s) looks really good. Is it cross buy?


Blue's my favorite color, so I like the default aesthetic of PS4. I actually probably prefer vertical.


Thank you for your feedback! I didn't intend on playing the end for so long, so you kinda run out of things to say. =\

Ryan Murdoch

I did, will be picking this up for sure. Also, Colin.....I need you to listen carefully buddy.....the trophy list for the Sacred Symbols game, don't shit the bed. Hey!....do....not...shit the bed.

Barry M. Johnson

Hey Vaughn, Habroxia is launching on Nintendo Switch thanks to my friends at EastAsiaSoft. Sorry for taking so long to respond, but I was waiting for our announcement : https://twitter.com/LillymoGames/status/1173614753857658880?s=20

Tony Colton

Physical Vita release inbound 💪🏻 long live the Vita

Tony Colton

Plz say the Sacred Symbols game will have a physical vita release too 🙏

Colin Kolhoven

Hey Colin! I just wanted to say that based on your video I bought Habroxia on Tuesday and have been loving the game so far. Thanks for sharing and hope your week is going well!

Judah Bailey

Picked up Habroxia last night due to your praise. Looking forward to playing it as soon as I can pop this Borderlands 3 platinum.