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E3 2019 is Sony-less, which doesn't exactly benefit The World's Most Beloved PlayStation Podcast. Or does it? Because we're as wily and unpredictable as the day is long, such a situation absolutely begged us to make an unusual detour into Xbox Land... fresh off of a 90 minute press conference, no less! Microsoft's showing unleashed a barrage of interesting announcements, including new games (both exclusive and third party), a cool controller, and further details on some neat and not-so-neat things to come. At the end of the day, though, everything was framed around Project Scarlett, PlayStation 5's arch rival-to-be. We now know this much: Next Generation officially begins in the Fall of 2020. Consider this the opening salvo of our focused, methodical, and some might even say unnecessarily long countdown to What's Next.



Marcus Brown

On a personal level I believe the reveal of Keanu Reeves in Cyberpunk 2077 is the biggest E3 moment ever as a movie buff and a Reeves fanboy this can't be outdone, I'm so happy. Overall a good conference although dwindled after the Cyberpunk reveal.

David Graham

The RC Cola of console brands.

Tim J Weckwerth

What what what??? A Monday episode of SS? We're not worthy Colin... We're not worthy.

James Galos

I felt like Xbox really took a shot at going for some PlayStation fans with some game announcements. I’m waiting for the answer from PlayStation. Right now I’d say with the cross play and game pass I’m leaning towards Xbox

Luis Sanchez

Agree with Marcus and Timothy. Don't hate MS but David's comment is too funny!


Duke nukem 3D had a shrink ray


I’m in Italy right now, and wine functions as water here LOL It’s a drought


Minecraft dungeons - coming to PC, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Xbox One and Xbox Game Pass in spring 2020.

Ryan Harvey

Your podcast title made me immediately chuckle haha

Ryan Gorris

Hell yeah. Conference was alright. How could you guys forget about the Shrinkray in the classic Duke Nukem Forever. Come on boys, keep up the great work!

Kenneth Oms

Hey col and Chris, but mostly Col. PSO2 has a huge following here in the U.S, to the point where people found a way to play the Japanese version with auto translators and fake accounts. The MMO community flipped out In excitement for PSO2. Just wanted to mention it as I know both of you don’t play MMOs.

Craig Carter

Thankfully Psychonauts 2 is still coming PlayStation

Jose Horrach

Minecraft dungeons is indeed coming out to PS4.

DB Cooper

The NDAs with Disny/Lucas are in fact insane. You're not wrong

Brett Carlson

Idk how you guys though this was a good conference. Seems to be moving the goal post. Last week we were talking about how this was there opportunity to close to Grabd Canyon size gap between them and Sony and how did they do that? What did they show to entice the 98 million people playing PS4 to jump ship and not buy a PS5? This was an overwhelmingly negative conference. They showed no gameplay for anything of relevance. They wasted almost 2 hours on a bunch of stuff we knew last year. Sony released the PS5 specs in a WIREED article. Xbox wasted a whole conference only to show a completely contrived ViDoc about "how powerful" it is. No shit. We knew that. Sony smells like Rose's. Microsoft could have skipped this year and it would have made no impact. Compare this show to Sonys 2016 Year of Dreams. Spiderman, God of War etc. All had gameplay shown. We know nothing about Halo. Gears 5 drops in 3 months and they showed ZERO gameplay. We saw nothing new from any of there purchased studios. Nobody wants to play Overwatch from Ninja Theory. We want Ninja Theory games. This was a clear miss Colin.

Caleb Greer

Nah. (P.S. They showed a ton of Gears gameplay after the conference, which they said they’d do during the conference).

Greg Horsman

Anyone else having issues with this not showing up in their podcast app? Usually it shows up in my podcast app about 15 minutes after the Patreon post. Still nothing though.


It wasn’t weird to open with The Outer Worlds because the game looks great and it’s a reminder that they bought the studio. Best part is: it’s day 1 on Game Pass. I was gonna get that on PS4 but now I’ll save that money and play it on Xbox. You guys were very kind to that Gears 5 shit show. The game is out in 3 months and they didn’t even show more gameplay. 10mbps in LA sounds wild.

Caleb Greer

I don’t think some people quite get what’s going on: Xbox doesn’t “want” / expect you to buy an Xbox One this year if you don’t own one, then buy their new console next year. This was for people who own an Xbox and tease for next year. They advertised third parties that will run better on the X, teased for next gen, gave players a new elite controller, game pass ultimate, and are trying to entice PC players to sell software and get new people on their subscriptions. It’s really egalitarian. Also, they have so few xbox units that entering that PC market is smart, considering Microsoft own Windows 10 OS. It’s a great play to proliferate Windows, increase Microsoft Office sales, and compete with Apple in the OS market.


I never got the link to work in a podcast app. It always says "URL is incorrect" when I try and add it.


Thought it was a fine press conference as a game pass subscriber, saw a good amount coming to the service. My main thought though is this is why Sony was smart in skipping it as if it was a fine to good conference when they had the stage all to themselves and I don't think they had a misstep or missed opportunity, there just wasn't a reason anyone needed a conference except tradition. Sony saved a ton of time and resources not planning something out and I rally don't think Xbox gained anything but spending that time or resources even though they didn't fail in any way in the process.


This is huge, as I read your comment I did a double take at PSO2. Looked up the trailer on YouTube, and yeah - thank you for posting this!

Brett Carlson

Exactly. Some people in the comments are not understanding the criticism. Any other year this was a perfectly decent conference. But this was not any other year. Your being outsold 3 to 1 in the console space. Why should 98 million Playstation gamers jump ship go XBOX? That was the question and they failed to answer it. The most hyped moment by far was Keanu in Cyberpunk and that's a 3rd party game. We know nothing we didnt know already.

Brett Carlson

All the services are great. No one is disputing Games Pass, but services are useless without games and they have none. We saw nothing new and enticing to grab any of the 98 million Playstation owners to jump ship. That was the point of this conference. Sony gave them the floor and they didnt take the initiative to tell people why they should play on Xbox. That's the point. Games Pass is useless without games. Outer Worlds will be good but that is not a AAA game it's a AA game and Obsidian has repeatedly told people that. Any other year this conference was perfectly adequate. But this year all eyes were on them and they missed. They showed virtually no new gameplay for anything. Ninja Theorys new game flopped on the show floor. All the articles and reactions to it were meh. Why am I buying the Scarlett? What track record of games am I getting excited to spend possibly 450-500 on a new Xbox when Playstation already has 3x as many players on console. PS5 will have backwards compatibility with PS4s mass amount of critical acclaimed games. What does Xbox have this generation to entice people to adopt for next gen? Halo 5? People hated it. Gears 4 while a game I personally think is great, did not sell well. The most hyped part of the whole show was Cyberpunk and that's not there game. No one hates Xbox. We want to see all consoles be great so that the games can be diverse and plentiful. They did not do that this year. Clearly they are gearing for E3 2020 which is why they didnt need a conference and neither did Bethesda. I will say this, Microsoft atleast went status quo which is fine whereas Bethesda was straight putrid. Useless conference.

Brett Carlson

Colin, I'm hyped for Outer Worlds but I have a concern and wonder if you share it. Outer Worlds is not a AAA game. It is a AA game with a AA budget, size, and scope. Everytime I hear people talk about it they frame it as this sprawling new massive RPG. I just hope gamers realize what this product is. Obsidian has said 3 or 4 times that this is not a massive open world 100 hour video game not even close. I feel like expectations are getting a little skewed for what this is. The games budget is WELL BELOW AAA levels.

Barrett Boswell

Microsoft will do fine for the upcoming generation. I completely agree that Sony is going to have the better exclusives because they are so much more a single player story driven studio than any of the others. Their game streaming future is going to be fun. Looking forward to the tomorrow episode as well to hear your opinion on the Ghostwire trailer during Bethesda's conference. Intriguing trailer I thought. Also, is Final Fantasy VII Remake just coming to PS4? Saw the release trailer and again a trailer had just the PS4 listed for the platforms it's releasing on. Maybe just a timed exclusive I guess?

Phillip Guglielmo

It wasn't quite the slam dunk that last year's MS conference was, but it was still really good. As someone who has never owned an Xbox console, and I'm getting more and more intrigued by their ecosystem. I can't wait to hear what you guys thought of WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Bethesda conference -_-

Jason Pettet

XBL Gold was 10 a month and so was Gamepass so 20$ a month for both. Gamepass ultimate is 15$ a month and combines the two. So we are actually paying less now! It’s awesome!

Jason Pettet

As a Xbox first gamer(I know this is a Sony based group but we can all be homies!) I loved the show. When I got on twitter and saw people fussing about it I was shocked. I thought Xbox did exactly what they needed to. Hell some people were confused about the wording with the XCloud stuff, I thought it was pretty straight forward. I guess I just don’t understand what people are expecting anymore lol.


Hey guys - when it comes to next generation being potentially expensive. I might be wrong but my understanding was that new Xbox has 8k capabilities of can reach 120 frames per second. Not both. So pretty much the same what Sony said as you rightfully noticed Colin. Sony's little .png file with 'what we said, what we are yet for talk about' was better investment than multi-million dollar Xbox E3 conference 😂

Zack E

The conference formats are getting stale. Half of the time it feels cringe worthy and awkward. Nobody in the tech world has been able to replicate what Steve Jobs was able to do with his presentations. Surely there are better ways to do convey the information, something in between a traditional keynote/conference and a Nintendo Direct sort of production.


Yeah also having some issues with this popping up in the patreon podcast feed for some reason, tried re adding the podcast URL again and didnt work Just gonna listen via Patreon!

David Kramme

I have a PC and PS4 pro, signed up as soon as they announced Game Pass for PC, the library is amazing, finally get to play Hellblade, Void Bastards, Shadow, Sony needs to figure this out, if MS is serious about bringing 1st party titles to GP day one, as much as I love Sony i'll probably be spending a lot more time in the Widows ecosystem going forward, the experience is seamless.


I've heard that the game is pretty short. I think there's plenty of space to explore in AA. I'm excited!


I think it's a timed exclusive. Always has been, as far as I know, but we'll probably find more out tonight.


I think Xbox is on the right trajectory. I think a lot of people just want them to fail for some reason.


Yeah. Whether intentional or not, Sony's move to do that Wired article and then a brief presentation totally undercut the most exciting portions of Microsoft's reveal.


I mean, if I were in charge, there'd be no E3, and none of this would be happening at all. LOL.


Sorry for the lack of clarity, I mean the ad-free CLS patreon feed, the app I listen on is Pocket Casts


I feel like they had a golden opportunity to get out ahead for the next generation and fumbled it. Their scarlet reveal said exact thing about their box that Sony teased in that interview about the ps5. And their holiday 2020 release window means they are not going to bother trying to get some sort of head start on Sony who is also eyeing holiday 2020 for their release.


I think this is Microsoft’s end goal. Moving the Xbox brand onto your smart phones, and switches, and rebranding games for windows to Xbox. It’s a smart move especially if the future is streaming and azure is the engine that ultimately runs everything.


I dunno what people are saying about Microsoft, but I'm personally negative (bar Keanu ofc). And by that I mean it was 'okay.' I'm negative because I'm annoyed. I think i desperately wanted them to show up big to keep Sony on their toes. Now, i imagine Layden, Shu and Rhodie watching from their evil lair petting their cats and sipping their goblets of children's blood while snorting in disinterest. I normally hate cg trailers, but if there's ever a time to show some from games that are nowhere near ready, it's when your opposition is absent and you have the stage. I wanted smug Sony to get pulled down a few pegs.


I think the Xbox presser was disappointing and here is a few reasons why: -A lack of new 1st party AAA IP! The last big IP MS revealed was Sea Of Thieves in 2015(!!)! Its time for some new AAA games that isnt Halo/Gears/Forza! -Like no gameplay at all! They keep saying that the Gears 5 campaign is huge and new and amazing, yet they cant show any of it 3months before launch? Also no Halo Infinite gameplay while showing arguably less than last year? -Ori delayed to 2020, which means that the only "succesfull" MS games in 2017/2018/2019 are Forza Horizon 4, Cuphead and Gears 4! Thats not good enough! Sorry for a messy post with mediocre English! Greeting and salutations from Norway!

The Chicken Chaser

Hey Colin I know it’s not related to this episode but I thought I should update you that I beat the gauntlet trophy in titanfall 2 whilst listening to this. Almost went into the BTAS episode on knockback but had a few minutes left to spare, if I can do it you can do it!


While it was a good conference, nothing they showed made me want to play on my Xbox. Project Scarlet is still a ways away and none of the games i thought were interesting were something i couldn't already play on my ps4 when they relaease


That's what I felt: Sony undercut their big announcement with a simple Wired article. Kinda brilliant.


I think people gotta be a bit more patient. They bought all of these new assets, and now they have to give everyone time to get stuff together.

Craig Mcguire

I didn't think it was a bad conference but it certainly wasn't great. Personally I think anyone expecting big new IP announcements the year before a new generation are just kidding themselves. Microsoft can't launch hardware on minimal new content like Playstation have in the past, Xbox simply doesn't have the brand power especially after this generation. Everything they've done the last 2 years with gamepass, PC, new studios, is to position themselves for next generation and put themselves in a position where success isn't dependant on the number of consoles you sell. Pretty smart if you ask me.


I personally think the biggest surprise was Halo Infinite being so far away. I, like you, wasn't at all surprised to see a dearth of new IP.


Paying $10 for stadia and then paying for games is the exact same thing as paying $10 for PSN and then having to pay for the game. The only difference is playing on the go and you'll be getting a deal on some games through stadia.


Stadia’s plus service is $9.99 a month, the base Stadia streaming service is free. With plus you get the 4K streaming and free games to play, but to stream games through their service is free. You don’t have to buy their controller either. As long as you have a piece of hardware capable of using the stadia service then you will be all set to go.


But you don't pay to play; you pay for online access. I take your point, but it's not the same thing.

Juan Pacho

Keep the good work Colin.

Mitch G

Personally I think stadia is gonna kill it. I've played it and didn't notice any significant latency. Xbox and ps are gonna be blindsided by this

LastStandMedia (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 09:36:04 Thank you! I will do my best. <3
2019-06-15 02:36:37 Thank you! I will do my best. <3

Thank you! I will do my best. <3


We shall see. Someone shared this with me today: https://twinfinite.net/2019/06/daniel-loeb-streaming-isnt-netflix-of-games-sonys-physical-console-still-winning-model/