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21st Century Torture: Sacred Symbols Plays Kingdom Hearts III

Why do you hate us? All footage was captured on a PS4 Pro (1080p60) using a copy of Kingdom Hearts III provided by Chris' roommate (because he also hates us). Listen to Sacred Symbols, CLS' PlayStation podcast (also available on podcast services and here on YouTube): http://bit.ly/SacredSymbolsPS Listen to the CLS interview podcast, Colin’s Last Stand: Fireside Chats (also available on podcast services): https://soundcloud.com/colinslaststand Listen to the CLS retro podcast, Colin’s Last Stand: KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://soundcloud.com/clsknockback Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC PO Box 1233 | Santa Monica, CA 90406


Tony Rivera

Behold!! Kingdom Sharts!! Never thought we would see the fucking day. Well done, good and faithful servants. That’ll do pigs, that’ll do.


Finally! I've been eagerly awaiting this.


+1 for what I'm going to assume is an Archer reference.


Can't wait to see this. But I wonder how many children had to be sacrificed for us to receive such a gift.


Ooohh I will enjoy this...

Jose Horrach

After watching this, I have a feeling that Colin does NOT like A Goofy Movie.

Robbie Agnew

Best selling game of the year! So obviously your close minded opinions are in the minority.

Michael Miller

This is what the English did to William Wallace.


I think most rational people would agree that this game is torture

David Graham

Colin & Chris: "They play it so you don't have to."

Raymond keys

I don't envy you guys at all lol. Kingdom Hearts is a very strange franchise


After watching this I’m puzzled how I put 50 hours into this thing.


No one knows for sure but it is likely that Rook comes from “Rukh” which is Persian for chariot. When the game came to the west rukh sounded a lot like “rocco” which is Italian for tower. Thus the little chariots became towers.


Oh yea that looked triple A

Brandon Hardman

I’m so glad I didn’t buy this game

Trent Miller

So Colin, are you going to save this game and come back to it for platinum #100? 😂


Okay I am really sorry you had to go through this experience. Never do this again, for your health.


This was a very fun watch! Great work gents!

Devon McCarty

This is one of the most entertaining let's plays I've seen, jus because of how frustrating this bullshit game is. I can't get back into it, because I was forced to sit through roughly 10 minutes of cut scenes. Was sequentially 2min, 4, min, 3, min pieces of info that was far too tedious to go through. Some of the combat and leveling aspects are great, but the game is just so g/d boring.




Thanks so much for finally getting this out Colin. I know how much you don’t care much for Kingdom Hearts, but it is my favorite game series and I enjoyed this very much. You put out the best content in my opinion and I’ll always support you.


Square Enix is awesome, Disney is awesome... what exactly is it that turns you off? I know the story is shite (it was actually good in KH1), but everything else is good.


I dunno. If I'm gonna play something incomprehensible, there are a lot of other games I'd choose first!