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A Brief History of Konami!



Monterey Jack (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 09:51:20 Great job, Sophia & Colin! Educational, engaging, and to the point.
2019-05-23 15:46:51 Great job, Sophia & Colin! Educational, engaging, and to the point.

Great job, Sophia & Colin! Educational, engaging, and to the point.

Devon McCarty

Great job on this you guys. Obviously your styles of writing are a little different, but it won't be that long at all until Sophia really gets your "voice" down. When I worked in Broadcast, it took a bit to figure out the cadence of each individual anchor/reboot when I was writing scripts with them. But once you nail it, its so, so sweet. Excellent research and sequencing of the information. Great editing on the piece. Great delivery of the information. Great work, folks. Looking forward to you guys doing a deep dive into other aspects of gaming.