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Today, I have some pretty exciting news: CLS is pleased to welcome its fourth freelancer to the team, a talented writer named Sophia Narwitz. You may know Sophia from her byline on Niche Gamer, where she holds the title of Senior Staff Writer. You may also know her from her occasionally snarky Twitter account. I’m not much a bomb-thrower these days, but then again, I suppose someone has to be.

CLS’ content currently revolves around four people: Me, Dagan, Chris, and Dustin. I run the business, host or co-host the shows, and generally act as producer and coordinator. Dagan co-hosts KnockBack, and is responsible for all of the logos and various art used on and for the shows, including all of the special pieces used for CLS-related (and real) holidays, Patreon perks, et cetera. Chris is the co-host of Sacred Symbols. And Dustin edits all of the podcasts. (And, of course, I’d be remiss not to also thank our occasional contributors, like my best friend Ramon, who has written all of Colin’s Last Stand’s various theme music.)

In other words, we already have ourselves quite a team.

The thing is, our team is incomplete, and Sophia strengthens our squad in a way that allows us to take better care of perhaps Colin’s Last Stand’s most neglected show: Side Quest. When I began Side Quest in the Fall of 2017, I intended on doing a video a week, if I could, and at least a few a month. As time has worn on, though, and as the content has piled up (both KnockBack and Sacred Symbols were launched after Side Quest), our humble YouTube show has become an afterthought. It’s almost impossible for me to have any sort of functioning life, do all of the other content I do, and still get Side Quest done.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. And moving forward, it won’t be. Sophia is taking over Side Quest as its Lead Writer, and the episode that went live today -- A Brief History of Konami -- was researched and written by her. I edited the script, made some additions and subtractions, and massaged it to be my own (as I’ll still be reading all of the VO). But she did the heavy lifting, and she’ll continue to do so moving forward, as Side Quest will be delivered reliably on an every-other-Wednesday schedule moving forward. Off weeks for Side Quest will usually (if not virtually always) be filled by Let’s Plays and/or Reviews. And, as I love to review games, I’ll continue leading those videos up from stem to stern, writing and editing on my own. The same can be said for topics where only my voice makes sense. But I want Side Quest to be a collaboration moving forward, because I think it'll be a way stronger and more consistent show that way.

The reality is, Colin’s Last Stand has become a podcasting network first and foremost, which is awesome. And I truly believe that shows like Sacred Symbols and KnockBack will remain our bread and butter for years to come. But who doesn't want more bread and more butter? I really like bread and butter. I also really like Side Quest. I like having a presence on YouTube. And I wanna keep making videos. Sophia is the woman that’s gonna help us keep that engine fueled and running reliably, and while her first few videos will be shows already voted on in months past by the CLS Patreon audience (a Moriarty always pays his debts), we’re eventually gonna flex into topics that allow us to explore every aspect of gaming: Business, Politics, Design, Culture, and so on.

Alongside Sophia joining the team is an increase in responsibilities for Dustin. The reason CLS podcasts sound so great is because Dustin is a meticulous and obsessive editor just like I am, and he does a really awesome job there. Dustin will now be editing Side Quest, too, working in concert with Sophia to deliver the goods every 14 days. And, hey, if the show starts doing really great, drives some Patreon traffic, and gets positive buzz from you guys and gals, there’s no reason why we can’t get the show eventually going on a weekly basis. It just has to make business sense to do so. I suspect we’re gonna get there. That's up to all of you.

Most of you know my philosophy here on Patreon, but for those that don’t: I always want to add value, so that you simply get more and more from your subscription. Bringing Side Quest back into the fold as a regular show means that we can begin to hold elections for topics again, which we'll begin doing in June. That means that $2+/month subs who already get to vote for Sacred Symbols Let’s Plays and KnockBack topics, alongside having the opportunity to submit questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas to Sacred Symbols and KnockBack, will now have three elections to participate in each month instead of two. Boom!

And, with an eye towards my “free” audience as well (who I also love very dearly), know that Side Quest will be available to you at the same time as everyone else. The MP3 version of each episode will continue to be a Patreon exclusive, but you’re free to watch at your convenience, and even make your own audio files if it’s more convenient for you than video. I simply ask that you don't profit off the show's audio, or post it anywhere for private or public consumption.

But if you do have a few extra bucks a month, we’d love to have you as a subscriber here on Patreon. There's merch, too! And for the thousands of you that already support CLS: I see you. Thank you.

Colin’s Last Stand is growing. =)

More soon. -Colin


sophia narwitz

I'll do my best not to ruin the channel for anyone!!!

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

This is really cool! Very much looking forward to seeing this!

Dennis Fox

Very excited for the continued success of CLS! It’s great to see how much this has grown and will continue to grow!


Excited to listen to your work, Sophia. I'm not familiar with you, but if Colin thinks your the one for the job, then your the one for the job!

Frank Howley

This rules, I love all the content you produce and I’m stoked your team keeps growing. Thanks for the update!



Teny Kuti

Glad to hear this. I really think Side Quest could be something really unique and special in the YouTube space.


Thanks for putting out content so far Colin. Godspeed!

Nicholas Coso

This is awesome! Congrats Sophia and welcome!


Great to hear. Congratulations to Sophia.


Awesome! More CLS is always a good thing in my book. I'm sure this is only the beginning =D keep up the good work

Trent Miller

This is great news! More side quests and more tasty CLS content to indulge in.

Forrest Hunter

Glad to read all this and I'm ap happy for your success!


The best entertainment value gets better? No arguments here. Gz to all.

Ian (616Entertainment)

I responded to Sophia in the comments of the YouTube video, but I'll say it here, too. Side Quest is one of my favorite shows on the entire internet, and if this is a sign of what's to come, the show is in great hands. Colin, great job picking her up, and Sophia, excellent job on the script. And Dustin, I can't forget the editing. Fantastic!


Yessss thank you for bringing back History of! Been waiting for you to do something similar to what you did with Naughty Dog and Insomniac for a long time

Kendrick Luckenbach

I'm very excited to see what the future of Side Quest holds especially with E3 around the corner. Your E3 content last year on Side Quest was top notch and I'm stoked to see what you and Sophia come out with!

Josh in Tampa

Wow!! Great news Colin and the whole team. I am a patron of a number of other gaming patreons but say without any hesitation that CLS delivers the most fun and interesting topics by far. Honestly an amazing value that sounds like it just got even better. Thanks!! Keep up all the great work guys


Nothing but good news. Love to hear it. Very happy for you Colin and happy to see your baby grow. I'm glad I can support and be a part of this thing. Thanks for all you, and all of your helpful staff and co-hosts, do.

Russell Garrett

Awesome! I’d not heard of Sophia until very recently. The questionable ethics of Laura Kate Dale article popped up on my Twitter feed when it was written a month or so back. I’m no big fan of Laura, but there are a lot of transphobic comments surrounding her online. Having never heard of Nichegamer I kind of expected a sort of....hit piece. When I read it, and found out about Sophia, I quickly discovered how wrong I was. Great writing. I’ve followed her work since. Really excited to see what becomes of this.

Luke Tucker

A big warm welcome to Sophia and a hearty cheers to more Side Quest! CLS is value and QUALITY personified!

Korey Burns

Wonderful news! Welcome Sophia to the team! And congrats Colin on the continued growth of CLS!


Great News, Colin! Congrats! I'm glad to hear about Sophia's addition.

Craig Carter

I had a feeling it was you. You’ve been doing great work on niche gamer, looking forward to what you come up with for Sidequest :D

Tanner Brant

I've read a couple of Sophia's articles on Niche Gamer, she is a really great writer! Congrats to her and looking forward to more Side Quest

Ryan Murdoch

Its fucking crazy that you are getting a big team now Col, congrats to you, all the rest of the CLS team, and all the Patreons too! good job everyone :D

Nathan Cermak

I like this a lot. Congrats to all.

Eric S

Great news, Sophia has written some very good articles and I look forward to seeing the content you both will now do on CLS


Awesome news

Nicholas Swanson

Really proud of you, Colin. You’re really building something up.


Love the team you are assembling


Good stuff! Excited for what's to come and really dug the konami video today

Prince Borutski

Your team did a great job with the konami episode. I like that it seems that Side Quest will become a source for evergreen journalistic and editorial gaming content. There is definitely a demand for such content.

Jorge Aponte

This is awesome that you're getting more free time- more free time to play and complete Kingdom Hearts III.

Ryan Cook


Simon Pusateri

So exciting! Was sort of sad to see the show going by the wayside, now I'm pumped to know that it doesn't have to!