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In recent days, word emerged of a most unusual alliance: It seems Sony is teaming up with longtime arch-rival Microsoft across a series of initiatives that could have significant impact on both entities' future gaming success. Indeed, the announcement was such a surprise -- and seemed to have so much impact for both companies -- that Sony employees were internally fretting that plans for PlayStation 5 might have been altered. But, of course, there's nothing to worry about. Right? We discuss. Plus: Call of Duty's unannounced 2020 entry is in serious production turmoil, Square Enix closed its Tales-like studio just as quickly as it opened it, the PlayStation brand is eyeing the film industry, and THQ Nordic may just be tantalizing Chris at his innermost core. Also, let's delve into some listener inquiries too, on topics ranging from the philosophy behind menu screens and Final Fantasy VII Remake's possible Trophy conundrum to PS4 Pro's resonance on the market and our hopes for Doom Eternal.


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:02:58 - You haven't forgotten about CLS merch, have you?
0:03:35 - We'll have a new cadence with Side Quest and Let's Plays moving forward.
0:05:25 - Happy 10th birthday, Minecraft!
0:06:45 - Switch has officially outsold PS4 in Japan.
0:09:09 - Why isn't anyone talking about the major shakeup at the ESA?
0:11:45 - A heartwarming game about an asteroid colliding with Earth (finally).
0:13:20 - One fan turned 21 tomorrow... but he may be from the future.
0:14:06 - What we’ve been playing.
0:20:04 - One listener laments the lack of a Platinum trophy in Castlevania Anniversary
0:22:44 - Microsoft and Sony are teaming up across a variety of initiatives.
0:27:02 - Call of Duty 2020 is going through some major development upheaval.
0:31:46 - Sony Interactive Entertainment is launching a film division.
0:33:54 - NIS might be in financial trouble.
0:35:48 - EA is scaling back its E3 EA Play streaming presentation even further.
0:38:46 - Square Enix has shut down Studio Istolia, cancelling its unreleased game.
0:41:05 - Ubisoft is doing great and has four AAA games coming in the next 12 months.
0:43:46 - THQ Nordic is teasing two unannounced games.
0:47:22 - Sony seems to be stepping up its censorship march.
0:50:11 - Story DLC is coming to Metro Exodus.
0:51:33 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
0:51:58 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:01:56 - How will Final Fantasy VII Remake’s episodic release affect the Trophies?
1:04:20 - Why don't games just bring you to a game's main menu instead of a title screen?
1:08:04 - Should games journalists be using more data in their reporting?
1:13:31 - Will this upcoming E3 be uneventful?
1:15:56 - What are our hopes for Doom Eternal?
1:19:48 - Why did PlayStation give up on the platformer genre?
1:23:19 - Are people who jump from PS4 to PS4 Pro artificially boosting PlayStation 4's
sales numbers?
1:26:06 - Do games from already established franchises score higher than new IP?




Listening to this while playing Everybody's Golf VR :)

Martha Silla

Ugh I literally JUST sent out a mass email to all my enemies telling them to listen to Sacred Symbols 😑

Russell Garrett

Yeah! You read my question. I’m so fascinated by the data side of the gaming business. How many combined hours (all owners) do people game on each console every day? How many hours, on average, do people leave their consoles idle? What % of players suspend games instead of just leaving the game idle? I’ve got so many questions. There’s no doubt in my mind they track all of that shit and more. I’m a developer working on business to business applications, we track all nature of things. When you analyse the data at a high level you can really get a feel for what features people use, and, more importantly, which features they don’t use. We use this data to make the products better. People always lie about what they actually use - the data doesn’t lie. There’s no way a company like Sony isn’t making data driven decisions. Anyway, tangent over. You’ve got to embrace the inner nerd.

Luis Sanchez

I am no longer a free leader :)

Luke Bernhard

Earnings before interest, taxes, debt and amortization - i.e. how much your straight up product/service revenue makes against the expenses allocated to it excluding non-product/services related expenses. for instance, the ability to make your interest and debt payments has nothing to do with your business's actual performance. Neither does amortization - the cost of your capital assets (buildings, machinery, etc. allocated over the time of their useful life. Taxes would be determined after all the other expenses are taken and are just a percent of your profit or loss - and also therefore have nothing to do with the raw performance of your product or service. People basically point to this figure and say - hey we would be making more money, but we are making debt and interest payments and allocating amortization expenses over time. Or, they point to it and say - bro, you're not actually even making money without all of that (i.e. your product/service is not performing). - Your friendly neighborhood CPA


Sorry Colin rage 1 is on ps now. And it really doesn’t hold up.

Raul Hernandez

Is just me or does the mp3 not dowloading properly? Maybe it is my darn phone, it downloaded the castlevania sidequest just fine tho

Michael Miller

I hope Raven comes out ok. Singularity was awesome. I even liked Quake 4.

DB Cooper

I was wondering what the hell was going on with Skull and Bones. Was (and still) looking forward to seeing more. I'd love some good pirate action in 1600/1700s West Indies!

Cameron O'Neill

As a data scientist, I wanted to shed some light on the data question. Most of what you guys talk about is done internally, such as making reports, visualizations, and decks. What is often lost to people is the data is most of these companies greatest resource, which is why they never release the raw data to external sources. Additionally, there is some interesting inference you can do with the data in terms of demographics, synergy between game releases/console sales, and what regions prefer which games. But most of the 538 statistical analysis, such as multi-level models and statistical methods more advanced than linear regression requires more nuanced data with more features than simply, this customer bought this game. Now say hypothetically, console manufactures were tracking players movement through their UI on the homepage and wanted to study where to place ads or where people most often navigate towards, then you could start studying some interesting things. But I think most of the sales figures are pretty self explanatory, meaning they basically boil down to some basic linear and/or logistic regression that most people intuitively understand.

Cameron O'Neill

Russell, I am a data scientist and tried to provide some context to why I think that sort of industry/coverage doesn't exists. If you want to talk more data nerdy stuff (not sure how into statistical inference you are) feel free to DM me on Patreon or respond here. But like I said below, what you want is done internally at these companies by data scientists and data analysts. Most of the reports I write would fit right at home in a publication like NPD or Forbes, but obviously had code and some more complicated visualizations. I'd also like to remind you that data is only as good as the methods you used to collect it. So while we like to think it is objective it often isn't.

Craig Carter

Interested to find out who’s gonna be writing side quest. You of all people hiring a writer says a lot about their talent and ability. Welcome to the CLS family, Ms. Editor!


Amazing episode as always lads. Just thought I'd clarify though that when mentioning the THQ Nordic games you stated that they own the Saints Row series and the studio Volition. That is in fact false as Deep Silver acquired Saints Rows and Volition when THQ initially shut down. Thanks again for the amazing content and proud to be a patron


It could be an RSS issue. Try replacing your RSS feed link with the RSS link on the front page of CLS' Patreon (when logged in on a browser). That may fix your issue. DM me if anything further persists!


I think they'll be fine. It's just that they're probably not gonna be let off the leash again ever.


Seems like it's not coming together as they had planned. I'll be eager to see it on the other side of its dark period.


Interesting point. Perhaps we're nearing the point at which complexity isn't even a useful metric in and of itself for the data we're looking at.


You'll find out tomorrow. I just watched the video (also edited by someone else), and it's great. Really excited for this new era of Side Quest.


Ah, good call! We'll make a correction next week. (Feel free to post this in the thread on Friday, so that I remember.)

Brett Carlson

I have to say Colin, I really am hugely optimistic for Playstation as a brand going foward. All the details that have been coming out in the last week or so just really further cement the fact that Sony has the pulse of the actual gamers. They arent just overtly and blatantly searching for the bottom line. All the comments Jim Ryan made at this recent event were just more of the right things to say. They may make silly blunders on small scale issues, but on a macro level they seem to genuinely want to be a place were gamers can come and expect the most premium experience in the console space.

Travis Johnson

great episode! I may have heard wrong, but I believe the patent on the D-pad actually expired in 2005, which is why Xbox One now has a nintendo-style pad after that horrible wobbly disc on the 360. At this point Sony is probably holding out on their four button design out of tradition, but you'll notice that the Vita's D-pad is actually one solid cross like any nintendo D-pad, only with raised edges to maintain the playstation look and feel.

Ryan Harvey

I'm super worried that the playstation movie division will hemmorage money and be costly to the business as a whole. I dont want video game movies...

Jeremy Craves

Hey Colin, past week you mentioned that Devolver has a good eye for games. I absolutley agree. Observation was on the drop and is their newest published game. The dev's last game was PC only but Stories Untold was like an episode of Black Mirror. So fucking good. I know you like BM so probably worth looking into Observation if you want a game to tell that kind of story.

Kendrick Luckenbach

I would love an Xbox podcast during E3 from the perspective of a PlayStation fan looking at their neighbor across the street. The more E3 coverage, the better. I love the drama and stories that emerge.

Michal Dudic

E3 predictions are good content, that's why everyone does it. You should take copycats as a compliment.


Japan’s weird. Days Gone selling more than God of War there just doesn’t feel right. Like Cory needs to go and hug everybody there individually. The Last of Us 2 would be my asteroid game. It’d be fitting. “When are you from?” 😄 Twisted Metal was announced as the first project I believe. Made me think of an adaptation of Twisted Metal Black. I could see it kinda working if it were allowed to be dark. Would love a new Saint’s Row game as long as it was more toned down than the last 2. It went from kinda silly to just ridiculous after 2. I’m all for skipping the title screen. ✊🏼 “Healthy is code for you’re not currently deceased.”

Ryan Gorris

Another banger of an episode guys. You should totally do an xbox e3 podcast as well. Going to be a interesting e3!

Not Sure

They may've copied u in the past, but look who's winning now? Maybe u could do a live q&a after each show...?


Jet Force Gemini is a good game with a great soundtrack that at least deserves the Ratchet and Clank remake treatment.

Nate McKinney

Interesting that you guys mentioned shows being more viable than movies. I just read a story that a Twisted Metal series is the first big project under the new tv/film movement.


God dammit

Kevin Sullivan

Tfw Chris said he's never heard of anyone named Hayden https://images.app.goo.gl/ETGZ7KLidBYBCLTC7

Peter Campbell

Have just started playing Team Sonic Racing. Its a lot of fun and knows what its about. Never gonna be game of the year but sometimes just being fun and very replayable is what is needed from a game.


I really liked what you did with e3 last year a side quest video reviewing each conference.


Thank you! That was fun, but not possible this year. I have people coming through for Fireside Chats, and last year's E3 was before Sacred Symbols, so we need to tend to that show, too. An overview or "review" of the entire thing might be in order, but we'll have to see.


Funny you should ask. I just landed in Knoxville, TN (present day). I’ve been away this week to QA test some upcoming titles that might even shock you. I’d love to sit down with you and Chris sometime to discuss Jet Set Radio: R. SEGA has gone all in on this reboot and I think the fans are going to be very happy

Jonathan Rice

I would vote for 2 episodes around the E3 if it doesn’t kill you guys. Don’t want our boys coming out (especially Chris, we all know he’s somewhat fragile, with the constant illness and what not) and complaining that they are being worked too hard bc their Patreon supports are forcing them to work 150 hour weeks. Also, is the 50/month tier the one that gets the 50th episode signed art? Was gonna up my pledge to get that one. Thanks boys


Hey! Yeah, the $50/month subs will get the postcard. I think we're gonna do two episodes, but the problem is actually that our editor is going to be at E3 doing his own work, so we need to fit our shit in his schedule. What I THINK we'll do is a normal episode, and then a follow-up "Special" episode later in the week for Xbox.

Brett Carlson

Colin, I was wondering if you are getting a similar feeling about Ghosts of Tsusima being a launch window game for PS5. Just the other day Playstation specifically mentioned Last of Us 2 and Death Stranding as being PS4 releases and didnt say anything about Ghosts. Infamous Second Son was a launch window game for the PS4. Seems logical that Sucker Punch would be the studio to have the first major release for the new console. I think that is a safe bet.


It's possible, but doubtful. It'll obviously run on PS4, but I think we'll have Tsushima by this time next year.