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It feels like we've been waiting forever (and we kinda have), but our long national nightmare is finally over: Sony Bend's PS4 exclusive Days Gone has arrived. Now that it's on store shelves and in folks' hands, we thought we'd do a special episode of the show all about the game, giving our in-depth opinions about all it has to offer, and delving headlong into the plot with reckless abandon. (This podcast contains substantial and consistent spoilers, as the title suggests.) We also corralled a ton of your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas about the game, which we've sprinkled throughout our program. So top off your gas, load your shotgun, and ride off with us to Central Oregon. There are zombies... we mean, Freakers... to kill.



Darren Steele

I really enjoyed my time with it. It deserved a sequel.

Michael Candelaria

Downloading now, I'm pretty early in the game so I'll save it for later, but I'm excited to listen when I do finish the game


Going to comment this now then come back and listen but I just unlocked camps four and five and I am loving the game! Besides the technical issues I have no clue why reviewers were so hard on the game, I find it to be a hell of a time.


I have to say that this game feels a lot like Assassins creed (the original) and I hope to god Bend gets another shot to make a sequel. The base is great, and I love the frantic feel of being low on ammo and running from a horde. It's really unlike anything I've had in gaming before. The sequel should hone in on that aspect and fix the problems that people have. I applaud Bend for this game and I'm really enjoying Days Gone

Ryan Murdoch

Thank you guys, gonna listen to this while I play Days Gone today.

Tony Rivera

Colin! Just started listening to your podcast on the way home and parked the car when you started to have your hiccups lol - I had to comment here and tell you my secret remedy for hiccups. My sister told me this when I was but a wee awkward lad in my teens and I have passed this from stranger to friend because it fucking works! If this ever happens to you again during a sesh (or just in real life), here is what you do: Take a deep breath, hold it, take three large gulps of water, and release your breath. You will most likely burp (make it a good one) but your hiccups will be gone. No joke. Take it to the bank. Tell Erin and spread the word. Fun fact: I asked a guy at the front desk of a bowling alley how he was doing one day and he said he was miserable- he had chronic hiccups for hours that day. I told him this trick and he skeptically nodded his head. 30 minutes later he comes over and gifts me and my girlfriend 2 free games because it worked. *mic drop* Thanks for all you do, and keep being awesome. CLS For Life, Dude-Bro.

Real Radec

Thanks for reading my question! Haven't picked up Days Gone yet but I think I will eventually down the road, probably around Black Friday. As for the Ubisoft comparisons, I think Days Gone is most comparable to the original Watch Dogs. Watch Dogs had a lukewarm reception but its sequel fleshed it out and was more well regarded than the original. Hopefully Days Gone 2 has the same trajectory.

Brett Carlson

Colin, Sony as well as Bend should feel encouraged by this game should they not? For a small team that has never made this kind of game and has not been on console for a long time the early sales projections are quite encouraging. Retail sales record in the UK. That's fantastic because we know Retial is much less of a chunk these days then digital sales. So to be doing well at retail is a very good sign, and early projections are a few million copies. I think Sony has to see that as a win. They spent a fraction on marketing for Days Gone compared to Spider-Man or God of War and really marketed this as not our premiere product but 1 rung under that. If it eclipses 3 million copies I think that has to be a win and will green light a sequal.


Colin and Chris did you guys get to the final NERO mission? The game ends with a big twist and kind of a cliff hanger for the next possible game. Thoughts on that scene?

Philip Andersen

I'm currently playing Far Cry new dawn right after Days Gone and love it; Tho new dawn is constantly randomly freezing a couple times an hour causing the game to crash on my PS4 Pro, I even fell trough the ground once. When it doesn't freeze, it's an amazing game, not have any issues or bugs... In comparison, I had several small issues and bugs with Days Gone but nothing game breaking like crashing the game in missions like Far Cry New Dawn.


Alright, I'll keep this in mind next time it happens! Thank you! That said, I must admit that I very rarely get hiccups, so it was truly a bit of a mystery.


Perhaps so, though I must admit from someone who (albeit briefly) played the original Watch Dogs, that this is a much better first step.


I think they're probably pleased. They're a team of barely 100 in what is undoubtedly cheap office space in central Oregon, so the cost of sustaining them is far cheaper than a Naughty Dog, for instance. I think they'll be okay.


Wow. I didn't have that experience at all in New Dawn, and I played it on Pro, too. I wonder if a new patch broke it.


Ok, well did you like that last mission then with O'Brian and what Days Gone 2 will most likely be about?


Hey Colin, shall i wait for the game to be fully patched before getting it? Say after couple of months from now. Or shall i wait for the game to be discounted digitally in black friday?


I think the game is probably in good shape right now, but I don't know. I haven't played it since 1.06.


I know I am late on this and I still have not listened this episode. I am pretty far in the game and I just gotta say, I have never felt more of a disconnect from reviewers. The game is great. It is something that BEND can easily take and refine and tune up for an even better sequel. I know scores on reviews are redundant but no way this game is a 5 or 6...


I think this is one of those games that's gonna always have a hardcore fanbase that's disconnected entirely from the critical reception, which was softer than it should have been.

Marcus Brown

Now that I've completed the game platinum and all this was a phenomenal game. It's almost baffling to me what the critics saw, but like you said it was a different game then. I loved it all, maybe it was being a fan of SOA, or it being in my home state? Nonetheless I very much enjoyed it. It has some flaws but not enough to hinder my experience. Even though the game is doing well I feel it will be criminally underrated in the future. That end though! What a twist. I hope there is a sequel. Till next time this is radio free Oregon, don't believe the lies.


Just completed the story today, enjoyed it a lot.

Taylor Martin

The critics initially led me to believe this was a game to skip. Finally came back to it on PS5, and it’s one of my best game experiences in a long time. It’s a B+ game, but has a gameplay cycle that is just so satisfying. Deacon being gruff and off-putting initially hurts the story experience but as his experiences and history are fleshed out it makes him an appealing protagonist with an arch. Once hordes are introduced, the gameplay is A+. Ultimately pacing and tech issues out of the gate likely ended this franchise. Shame.

Paul Andrew

Ditto. Having it free on PS Plus got me in. Enjoyed my time enough that I'll buy a copy to vote with the wallet. This is an underappreciated gem