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Hey All!

It's time for this month's Patreon-exclusive podcast. After three consecutive months of Dagan's KnockBack-related Q&A (thanks, Dagan!), we're seguing back to Sacred Symbols for April.

It's time for Long Lost Letters III.

For the uninitiated, Long Lost Letters is an exclusive segment I occasionally do here on Patreon, where I mine old show treads for unused inqueries. This podcast answered 20 questions from Episodes 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44 of Sacred Symbols (four from each show).

I hope you enjoy! Thank you for your support. <3

P.S. I think I call this Long Lost Letters IV in the audio itself. I apologize for the error.



Tony Rivera

Colin.. what the fuck kind of expression is that?? If it wasn’t for the pillow I’d say you were taking a shit. But with the pillow it means... oh God no.. why, Colin? Why?!


That's the face of a Gruff White Male Protagonist!


That is a healthy looking beard my friend.

Brandon Soto

Yo Colin, did you play Kingdom Hearts 3 yet? *thumbnail*


Thanks for all the hard work!


Great exclusive. I just want to comment on the whole " aren't people sick of x ! " concept, whether it's zombies or super heroes, or a certain franchise etc.. I think people have a narrow point of view and don't consider that not every person consumes every zombie game or super hero movie etc that's released..... Like honestly, I'm one of those guys that never had a problem with Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty being released yearly.... I don't get why people had such a problem with that other then potentially not liking the games which is perfectly fine... People would say "I'm so sick of Call of Duty" like someone was forcing them to buy the game every year... I would buy COD every year because a lot of the time COD would be the one FPS I played for the year and I knew generally what I was getting... I stopped buying COD now with their focus shifting to multiplayer because battle royales and the MP were never what I cared about. Long winded post but I needed to get it off of my chest lol.


That's a totally fair and valid point. Not everyone consumes everything, and thus we need to step away from our ecosystems and see things from a greater perspective, sometimes.


Hey Colin, I know this is probably the wrong thread to post this, however I missed the cutoff for the last Sacred Symbols. I just saw that a game called Fell Seal: Arbiter"s Mark came out on April 30th and appears to be a very clear homage to Final Fantasy Tactics. Old school style tactics games are some of my favorites and I was hoping to hear an impression or review sometime in the future. Just wanted to let you know about this supposed gem (according to smaller website reviews) in case you missed it. Keep up the awesome work!

Dan Parsons

I couldn't resist listening after being seduced by that incredible picture.


Hey Colin, any chance you could post this and the prior exclusive episodes of Sacred Symbols to Youtube as unlisted videos for those of us who only use Youtube for your content?


Hi Colin, just on the issue of the UK and Slovakia PSN's not linking up if you move, the EU actually brought in a law recently that forced Sony to change this. You can now switch between EU countries PSN stores at will on your PS4.

Luke Tucker

In regards to the one who determines Toxicity? I believe it is System of a Down. *ba-dum-bum* =)


I can't, unfortunately. Filling my YouTube channel with hidden videos fucks with the algorithm.

Jorge Aponte

Thanks for the podcast. Have a fantastic day.


First time listening to a Patron Exclusive after subbing a couple weeks ago :)


Hey Col. I kinda forgot you’re 1 of the few game peeps that would talk about sports games. It is interesting the more that I think about it how that genre isn’t as big in gaming discussions. However, my interest in sports games has fallen off so maybe I’m part of it. I always preferred the more arcade-y sports games like Blitz, Slugfest, Street, etc. 🤷🏻‍♂️ The visual of you in a Pokémon world calling people nerds then throwing out a Magikarp is pure gold. I’d love to see somebody draw you with the Pokémon you mentioned. If you ever get back to the series, I suggest Sun/Moon. That gen changed up a lot of the core elements and I found it really refreshing.


Awesome! Thank you for subbing. Remember: You have a whole back catalog of exclusives, too. =)


I can almost 100% assure you I'm never going back. I'm glad folks love the series still, but I've moved on. It's just too much of the same stuff.


That beard made me realize how long it's been since I've seen your face lol. If only I could grow something like that, but my face insists on staying thin while my neck does all the work... Not a very pretty sight

Dustin Furman

Just wanted to echo what you said Colin. Not sure who will see this but thanks to the patrons for the support! As you said, the financial support helps all involved (Colin, Dagan, Chris and myself etc) make this great and it means a lot.

Daniel Schiffer

43:30 My Dad bought a curved LG tv for over $3000. Most beautiful TV I've ever seen. But after a few months he was just watching and a corner of the screen cracks. Now the top and left side are always static. The warranty didn't cover it because it doesn't cover "impact damage", which it was assessed as despite never being touched between setup and that final viewing. #FuckLG


When people complain about zombie games, what exactly are they complaining about? Some of the best games have zombies in them. Dying Light, The Last of Us, Dead Space, Resident Evil, Silent Hill. So what’re people wanting instead?


Dude, LG is horrible in my (fairly extensive) opinion. I'm always flummoxed by their amazing reviews and how highly they're considered, though I accept that I was probably given a series of duds that (rightly) painted my opinion.


It's a valid question. I'm not sure. But as someone who has been playing video games for 30+ years, well, the zombie thing really is kinda new, with rare exception. Splatterhouse or something like that was novel because it was the only thing of its kind (not a great example, but you get the idea).

Dustin Furman

When I saw the notification pop up on my phone that said you replied to this, I KNEW you were going to say that! Just adding it to the list of grievances for when we form #CLSUnion.

Robby Deadman

Hey Colin, just listened to LLL#3. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question! And I know it’s not a question, or rather, many questions, that have any clear answers. It’s something that I’ve been pondering about. My hope is that the industry will eventually come together and agree upon reasonable standards or a code of conduct to deal with toxicity. I get that Sony’s doing it to protect their brand image, but I don’t like that games will be censored on their consoles because of certain circumstances in the world. Wasn’t it because of mass misinterpretation the reason 6 Days in Fallujah wasn’t released? I don't wanna open up that can of worms. But I guess what Sony’s doing in regards of desexualizing-stuff is consistent with certain actions like distancing themselves from Quantic Dreams. Anyway, thanks for making episodes like this Colin!