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Days Gone Review -- CLS Side Quest

The newest AAA PlayStation 4 exclusive -- Sony Bend’s Days Gone -- has finally arrived. Was the game’s lengthy dev cycle worth it? Well, yes and no. But it's the evolution Days Gone went through over just the past few weeks that may be the real story. All footage in this video review was captured by CLS off of a PS4 Pro at 1080p60 (rendered to 1080p30). The copy of Days Gone utilized for this review was provided to CLS by Sony free of charge and ahead of release. Colin's Last Stand: Side Quest is free of baked-in ads, product placement, and other obnoxious forms of advertising because of your support. Please consider subscribing to CLS' Patreon to show your support for independent content: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Listen to Sacred Symbols, CLS' PlayStation podcast (also available on podcast services and here on YouTube): https://cms.megaphone.fm/channel/STU5682506591 Listen to the CLS interview podcast, Fireside Chats (also available on podcast services): https://soundcloud.com/colinslaststand Listen to the CLS retro podcast, KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://soundcloud.com/clsknockback Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC PO Box 1233 | Santa Monica, CA 90406



Definitely the best most fair review of the game I've seen... My biggest problem with the game so far is the shooting isn't very fun or responsive I for sure had a rough time getting used to it


This is one of those games where it isn’t really doing anything new but that’s okay because it’s fun to play. Also, good to know I wasn’t the only one confused when all those menus popped up when you complete a mission. There was so many times I didn’t know what was happening lol.


I agree. There's nothing revolutionary here. Quite a few problems. But still fun to play. I hope they get a crack at a sequel.


Eloquent review as usual.

Real Radec

How easy or hard is the getting the platinum?

Russell Garrett

I was waiting for your review before I bought the game, because your opinion means more to me than any other “journalist” out there. Curiosity got the better of me though, and I bought it on Saturday (not a criticism of your timeliness at all, I’d rather have something thought out like this) and I agree with you almost word for word. It’s a lot of fun - when it lets you have fun, and borders on tedious as fuck other times. I’m glad I got it though, I’m really hoping Bend get a shot at a sequel.


I find it interesting that a lot of the reviewers that posted well after the embargo seem to enjoy the game more. I think reviewing a game on a deadline encourages a certain style of play some games weren't meant to encourage. Granted, rushing the critical path is a perfectly valid way to play and games should support that, and a review pointing out that a game doesn't hold up when played that way is valuable to some gamers. Personally, I'd rather read a review from someone who played the way I intend to play, and that's what I'm seeing here.


This might sound selfish, but man I really hope this doesn't get a sequel. After TloU2, I don't want to see another zombie game from first party... Heck,I didn't even want ND to make another one.

Ryan Murdoch

Good review Colin, I am about 10 hours in and agree with pretty much everything you are saying here. It's a fun game, but it's sure got it's issues haha.

Daniel Gonzalez

I’m looking forward to playing this when I find time to, I’m planning for a wedding in June, a visit to Disney in Anaheim in May, maybe July will be the right time, hope everyone is enjoying it!


Yeah, the urgency to hit embargo is very real, but it's something I've totally let go of (I missed other embargoes, too, including Tomb Raider's last year). I'd rather do it right than do it quickly. Plus, at IGN, I could just dedicate myself to the game and some other odds and ends. I would have easily hit the embargo. But that's not my life as a small business owner, unfortunately!


If Bend survives (and I think they will), they're gonna make a sequel. So set your expectations accordingly. =)


Liked the review. I will buy plenty of single player games on release day (Last of Us 2), but this is a perfect example of a good game to wait on. Need to play, but can wait for price drop.

Michael Candelaria

Great review Colin, I am currently only a few hours into the game and the main thing I have a issue with is the save system. I'm just not used to manually saving anymore. Last night I was playing for about a half hour, left Copeland's camp, and was heading to a mission. I stopped to refuel at the gas station/motel area and got killed by a sniper after spending 20 minutes looting and collecting. Then it reloaded me back at Copeland's Canp, it was super deflating. So I turned it off and went back to Borderlands GOTY edition. I know it's my fault for not saving at my bike but man it was a let down.


There will be a relationship between how the game does and when that price drop arrives. We shall see!


Yeah, the game definitely has a very loose auto-save system. I found myself in the same situation more than once.

Michael Candelaria

I put some more time into it today and I'm still really enjoying it. There are just some little things (like the saving situation) that just make it feel super antiquated. I feel like it's going to be one of those games that is looked back on as being so close to amazing, but because of a lot of little things is just seen as decent.

Justin Matkowski

Considering picking this up after Spider-Man & Horizon: Zero Dawn, which are next on my list. I need something thoroughly-enjoyable after being disappointed by Sekiro. PS - This review is a great example of why yours is one of my most trusted voices in game coverage. Great nuance and detail to your perspective, always!


I can agree with those saying it doesn’t quite reach the quality pedigree of other 1st party Sony games, but I’m enjoying it a ton.

Justin Matkowski

Will do! Was actually just listening to the Sekiro episode of Sacred Symbols (Catching up on a lot of content- been a bonkers ass couple of months work-wise) and I agree with Chris's sentiments on From Software. Let Bluepoint release their inevitable Demon's Souls remake, and then let the genre take a breather for awhile. Sekiro felt kind of uninspired to me.


Thanks for the thorough review, Colin! I think a lot of the other reviews I've seen glossed over what you discussed, especially about the patches.


Random comment: The Mega Man Legacy Collection is on sale. I didn’t play it much beyond casually as a kid, I’m going to pick up 1-6 and if I like it, I’ll buy the whole damn lot of them since you always speak so highly of the series.


Colin, I normally try not to be negative or talk about things like this but did you see the Gamespot review for Days Gone and how the reviewer complained that the freakers where all white? She said more but that’s the one that really gets me. They talk about in the game that the skin becomes albino. Why must there have to be these agendas now? What is happening in games media.....so sad to me. Thank you for your review! One of the few good ones left in the gaming world! Proud to be a patron!


agendas ! have you seen who is the reviewer. it's kallie plagge. the same person who destroyed vince ingenittos career. she is an attention seeker.


I just saw who it was.....wow. I really try not to be negative but wow this one is tough to swallow. Just seems like she did not play the game. I am for sure done with GameSpot now.


Yeah, it was a horrible review by someone who isn't an exceptionally talented writer. Not a huge surprise, but to each his (or her) own.