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Hey bud! Way back in 1981, Rolling Stone journalist Cameron Crowe wrote and published a book chronicling his time spent undercover at a Southern California high school. It was called Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and it's something of a collector's item today, having never even been republished since. Indeed, it would have no doubt become an obscure (albeit interesting) piece of early-'80s trivia, save for one thing: It shares its name (and some of its characters and plot) with a tremendously well-regarded film. Fast Times (as the movie is commonly referred) is a seminal teen flick from an era where that term hadn't really been defined yet. It stars young actors in believable, yet archetypal roles, provided near-unheard of amounts of candor and realism in its dialogue and situations, and -- perhaps most importantly -- introduced the world to the majesty of Sean Penn's Jeff Spicoli.  So listen in to our conversation that's longer than the film itself, and perhaps you, too, can answer the immortal question: "Where did you get this jacket?!"



James Kinslow III

I'm listening to this as soon as I wake up in a few hours. I always look forward to Thursdays for Knockback.

Everyday Patrick

LOVE THE NEW SEGMENT! I too have a mind for dates in history!


I'd never seen the film before. Listened to first 30 mins of the podcast. Really enjoyed as always. Now I'm watching the film and I'll finish the podcast tomorrow. Thank you...

Jason Bolla

Dustin! Put this at the end.

Jason Stafford

Do you ever wonder if Spicoli is the inspiration for the cartoon version of the Ninja Turtle, Michaelangelo?

Jimmy Valentine

I went to high school literally across the street from the beach. Carbon copies of Spicoli definitely exist. Go to any beach town and you'll find them everywhere. It was great. My sister had a friend that had the same tone and pattern of speech. It was crazy.

Michael Candelaria

First off I was very excited for this episode. I love this movie. I'm 37 and saw this movie when I was entirely too young to see it, and as best as I can remember was the first time I saw naked breasts, a very important time in a young man's life. This movie was in heavy rotation foe me and as I got older I started to appreciate the different things about it. At first it was only for the crude stuff and the boobs. Then I started to relate to some of the characters when I got into middle and high school and the movie had a whole different meaning for me. Keep up the great work guys, really loving the show. SIDE NOTE Jefferson was always played by Ted McGinley, Marcy's first husband was named Steve and was played by David Garrison. I'm really looking forward to when you do a Married with children episode(s), I absolutely love that show.

Tim Taylor

Great episode for a good movie. Would love to hear you guys do one on Dazed and Confused, as well. I might be alone on this but I always preferred it to Fast TImes.

Koray Savas

Agreed. Came here to post that the soundtrack is better as well. Both great films but Linklater’s direction beats Fast Times for me.


I'll go on for an hour about how Martha Washington always had a bowl packed for George at the end of the day.

Javier Ramirez

I listen to 3/4 of the podcast when I realized that in my head I had Fast Times and Dazed and Confused mixed up. I stoped listening,watch fast times, and then started the podcast over. Lol