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Sure, we talked about PlayStation 5 extensively last week, but we just can't get it off our minds. This is especially true considering an extra morsel of information we weren't aware of until recent days, a morsel all about price. We jump into the new info, plus take a bunch of PS5-related questions from the audience, 'cause it turns out you want to talk about it a whole bunch. Then again, we still need to dwell in this generation, and so there's plenty of news to cover there,  too, including Mortal Kombat 11's leaked DLC roster, The Last of Us: Part II passing a key production milestone, and all the juicy (and nerdy) details about Konami's upcoming Castlevania compilation, plus more. Then, we put a bow on everything by considering the possibilities of more Xbox-Nintendo collaborations, the future of outrage-driven games journalism, and the possibility of upgrading your PS4 games to PS5 games... for free!


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:02:20 - Here's our plan for Days Gone coverage.
0:05:09 - Based on PC hardware, will PS5 really be able to do 8K?
0:07:18 - Some British listeners don't know how to speak English, apparently.
0:09:48 - PSA: PSN name changes can severely fuck up your PS3.
0:11:07 - Colin’s Last Stand is partnering with Charli Cohen to raise support for mental health.
0:16:29 - What we’ve been playing.
0:17:41 - One listener writes in to say that Dreams is fantastic.
0:19:22 - An unreleased segment from Wired’s PS5 article could hint at the price.
0:22:39 - How will Sony get consumers to invest in potentially expensive hardware?
0:26:29 - Is Sony making the right move by focusing on more power instead of gimmicks?
0:30:56 - Will the PlayStation 5 introduce something truly groundbreaking?
0:34:54 - Is it possible that backwards compatibility will change cross-generational gaming forever?
0:41:17 - TLoU 2's protagonists wrap up motion capture; retailer listing suggests September release.
0:43:46 - Data miners have leaked the (likely) full roster of DLC characters for Mortal Kombat 11.
0:44:38 - GameStop is introducing a new return program.
0:46:51 - Sony is releasing a documentary about the development of God of War.
0:50:36 - The full list of games in the Castlevania Collection has been revealed.
0:54:33 - XIII is getting a remake.
0:56:22 - After 11 years, EA is pulling the plug on Burnout Paradise's last-gen servers.
0:57:14 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
0:58:01 - A quick note from a listener on the Snooker World Championship.
0:59:07 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:02:11 - Is there a contradiction between censorship and games as art?
1:06:07 - One listener asks what’s wrong with games journalism (per recent Kotaku SNAFU).
1:13:14 - With Nintendo and Microsoft’s new friendship, what moves could they make that would hurt Sony?
1:19:15 - How do we feel about remastered games changing up key elements?
1:22:22 - Will PlayStation follow in Xbox’s footsteps by releasing games on PC?
1:24:47 - Do certain in-game mechanics spoil the experience?
1:28:06 - Could PS Vita games get ported to PS4/PS5 now that the device is no longer being produced?
1:31:44 - Outro.




I'm in the same boat as Colin regarding the satisfaction of the PS4/Pro. I have absolutely zero desire to get a new console. I love my PS4 Pro and think it still has several years of life left in it. Even though I have pretty great internet, I just want a regular console that can download games to a hard drive and don't care at all about game streaming. I genuinely don't think anyone *wants* game streaming primarily. Hell, I wouldn't even care if I couldn't use video services on the console. I still even use my PS3 multiple times per week for because my fiance prefers the interface and it has some amazing JRPG that haven't come to current consoles.

Tony Colton

Yikes... Where did that week go? 🤔

Ivan Hornett

Heads up I don’t think this is feeding to Apple Podcasts.

Forrest Hunter

Holy shit, you guys taking the Brits to town had me laughing so hard I nearly crashed my fucking car! Now THAT'S why I'm a Patron! <3


Hi Colin, on the week's episode, you mentioned not being able to wall run Titanfall 2 to get the Platinum Trophy. I think that would be a good idea for a Let's Play. Chris offered to do it for you but you were adamant about doing it yourself. I would like to witness the great Colin achieve yet another Platinum Trophy. Thoughts?


I've been playing the Dreams Early Access and it really feels like a spiritual sequel to LittleBigPlanet 2. when I was playing through the tutorials I saw many returning creation tools from LBP2, but they were all expanded to an insane degree. Even the motto Play Create Share made its way into Dreams in its own form. I can't wait to see what people are making a year from now considering how crazy LBP creations got with its less expansive toolset.


I've never been happier with a console, ever, than I am right now with the PS4. It does everything I want it to do, and it runs nicely (with the exception of the fuckin' Store).


Colin, I am not satisfied with the PS4 and was much happier with the PS3. The solid-state storage in the PS5 should help alleviate most of the issues I have with the PS4.

Josh Lucas

I actually did buy an Xbox for Cuphead haha but I understand that I’m in the minority. Also it has been officially stated that Xbox achievements will be coming to Cuphead on Switch. You already can unlock Xbox achievements on Minecraft for Switch.

Zack E

So is the Days Gone episode going to include spoiler (story wise) free discussion? Will there be a moment when you guys will say “Ok, let’s talk about the ending, etc”?

Koray Savas

As much as I enjoyed Golden Abyss, I have to agree with Chris that it will most likely stay stranded on Vita. Sony had the perfect opportunity to include it in the Nathan Drake Collection and didn’t.

Dan Parsons

Fun Fact: Snooker was invented by Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka so you must be right. Language is for everyone, but not all languages are for everyone. In simplified easy-mode English, does spook rhyme with book?

Tom Hawkins

Right, all my fellow Englishman that think they know the "correct" pronunciation of Snooker seem to be making the mistake of confusing accent for pronunciation. the correct English pronunciation of Snooker is "Snoo-" to rhyme with who, "-ker" to rhyme with purr. i'm pretty sure the way Colin and Chris pronounce it is considered correct as American English though, so they were arguably more correct than the English people they quoted this episode.

Jacek Debowski

hi col and chris! i got and idea: what id they release another ps4 ultra pro along with ps5. it would have better specs than current ps4 pro for same price if it launches in 2020. along with it goes ps5 with high price tag but they keep BOTH ecosystems live for a while, until they figure out how to lower the price - and the games still launch of both, with some exceptions. they just load faster and work 60fps 4k 8k whatever on ps5. what do you think? ;)


Those accent impressions 😄 I’ve always hated that “This could be the last box” talk. Still can’t see them going away until the other options are as powerful and consistent.

Gary Huss

The show hasn’t come up in my CLS feed on iTunes.


I had to add the link to apple podcasts again, think patreon changed something.

Ivan Hornett

Ahh this worked for me too. Todays Germany Fireside chat didn't populate either. And you cannot copy the RSS url from the Patreon iOS app, you also cant copy it from the mobile site because its garbage and doesn't let you select the url to copy. So I copied the url by hand from my computer to phone. Worth it for that sweet sweet early access. Thanks for tip.


"You don't need to be the main character of everyone else's lives." Chris spittin' straight facts in this episode. I heard a quote the other day that I found to be very interesting on this subject. "How can a generation raised on South Park and Family Guy be offended by so much?"

David Kramme

This outrage generation (Kotaku aritcle) is kind of my problem with Austin Walker, he is sometimes guilty of this on Waypoint, while at the same time not willing to talk to anyone with a differing viewpoint like you Colin, he doesn't want to "contribute" to your profile, all I can think of is what a fucking pussy, sorry for the negativity but been bothering me lately, he's such a hypocrite, sure i'll have a conversation with someone as long as we both agree, anyway keep up the great work and I loved the mental health collaboration, thanks so much for that


I dunno. That Bend was messing with a port earlier means that it's at least in someone's mind...


There's a problem with the RSS feeds, and I have no idea why. Patreon is aware and is looking into it.


It's weird that Walker thinks he would "contribute" to my profile when I'm far better known, have a bigger audience, etc. But I digress. The real reason he wouldn't want to talk with me is because I'd dismantle him, and he knows it. =)

Gary Huss

This is probably a dumb question, but where is the RSS url? I can’t find it anywhere.

Daniel Schiffer

Definitely Snoo-ker. Gotta say though. Australian English is the de facto best iteration of English. It takes the best of all iterations (including American English), cuts some out and bastardizes the rest.


Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Days gone.


Spot on about Laura. She's the 3rd host on Podquisition with Jim Sterling and Gavin from Miracleofsound, her antics come alive there more often than not. It's a shame because she has some pretty insightful things to say about video games and then there are things like the recent article, which is just her outrage disguised as journalism. Journalism has a social justice function but I just don't think she understands what that actually means.

Brett Carlson

Here is what everyone needs to understand about Frame Rate Colin. 60fps is for competitive twitch reaction based games like shooters. Any cinematic story based game like God of War or Last of Us NEEDS TO BE LOCKED 30. So many people dont understand why these games dont use 60fps as a standard. Film is shot in 28 frames. When you turn Last of Us remastered to 60fps mode the cinematic immersion immediately disappears. The 30fps is what give those games their filmic texture. So what needs to be done is simple. Every PS5 game should have a choice between Resolution mode or Performance, but 30fps is essential for story games. Just looked at Peter Jackson when he tried to shoot the hobbit in 70fps and everyone was puking on disgust at the theater. It makes it look like a Soap Opera. Them is just the fact. The PS5 needs to be all about visual option sliders in every game. In my opinion

Andrew Hoculik

When discussing the drop and how there are so few titles releasing this week due to Days Gone, you guys seemed to blame Sony for this, but I know from experience that smaller devs will actively avoid release dates around big AAA games to try to maximize eyeballs (making the assumption that most people will just buy the new hotness and not look at other games)....just another side I thought might add something to the discussion

Brett Carlson

Colin, Chris, there is not shot the PS5 is 600 dollars. They would never approach that number again. It is going to be $500 dollars and that is a steal. The specs quoted would cost you easily over $1000 dollars for a PC. Plus Xbox One X launched at $500 and people loved that price for the power and PS5 is going to be a large amount more powerful then the X. $500 dollars is a great price point; especially if they have 2 SKUs. What would immediately win them the start of next-gen is if they reveal this beast at $449.99. People would lose there shit, but 500 Is the number.


Of course, but why wouldn't 90% of the PSN library not want to go up against Days Gone? Sony sucks at managing their library.


$600 is steep, though cheaper than $600 13 years ago (will be 14 or 15 by the time the thing launches).

Brett Carlson

I have a question I really would like to get your thoughts on buddy. I watched your Days Gone review and completely agree. I have about platinums the game and can not fathom media outlets like IGN or Gamespot giving 6.5 and 5s respectively. This is not a top tier Sont 1st Party. It is not a 10, but my God who are these people reviewing games these days. How is this a 6? How does a 6 reflect the CONSUMER LAUNCH product? This games biggest issue is the fact it's a 1st party Sony game. These people are holding Days Gone up to games like God of War. Really? Sony Bend has not made a home console game in 100 years, and has NEVER made a open world game like this. Should these facts not count during a critical analysis? Every year Far Cry gets 8s and 8.5s from these outlets, yet this game was docked points for its "open world tropes". I understand the Bugs and tech issues, but this is honestly bullshit. This is why review scores are killing gaming. The User score on metacritic is higher then the critic score.....that NEVER happens with Sony exclusives. Never. The community has reacted awesomely to this title and Sony Bend should be proud they were able to accomplish this, but when a game gets a 6 from a major outlet that is a death blow for sales because casual fans see a 6 and think trash. This game is not trash. I rest my case.


Mr. Moriarty. Mr. Raygun. I demand a Snooker 19 Lets play! A 2-player vs match. And the loser must forever pronounce snooker the English way. Thank you