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Over the last two months, I've rolled out Patreon-exclusive episodes starring my beloved big brother, Dagan. Dagan, of course, is the co-host of CLS' retro and nostalgia podcast KnockBack, but in reality, Dagan has quickly become a fan favorite. I think that's awesome.

So let's showcase him one last time (at least for the time being) in the third part of his unnecessarily long Q&A series we've lovingly called Dagan's Diary.

Beginning in April, exclusives will alternate between special episodes of Sacred Symbols, KnockBack, and Fireside Chats, but I assure you -- due to popular demand -- we'll do this again with Dagan later in the year.

Thank you for your generosity, kindness, and support. Without you -- CLS' most dedicated and ardent audience -- we wouldn't be able to do any of this.

Have a great weekend.




Dagan is so fucking awesome!


Dagan rules! You guys remind me my brother and me, for he and I, share similar interests overall, like you guys. He's lived overseas, and I haven't seen him in over 4 years; so, you two are bringing me the warmth of brotherhood that I've been missing, lately. The concert, anime, and TMNT episodes really hit home; especially, the concert one, because I've taken him to many 311 shows, and despite having never met the band members, your account of doing so, Colin, triggered all the happy times we've seen them together. Also, I am the oldest(Like you Dagan)and the cartoonist/artist, where he is younger(Like you Colin.)and has a similar type of shrewdness, humor, and temperament; so, it always brings me such joy to vicariously be with you two guys while you are podcasting. I'm so lucky to have found a perfect wife, a son about to be born, and a new house for my Mom and Fam; and having been inspired so much by you Colin(I've followed your trajectory since 2011), and now your brother; I thought it important to share the immense positive impact you've had, and still have, on my life. Experiencing your successes as a fan makes me feel like we're all part of the same family. I love you guys! You make the world a better place for us all! :D

David Graham

The pain of these is that I keep thinking of cool things I could have asked Dagan but didn't.

Nate McKinney

Great episode. Also, on the subject of cartoon reboots from 90s shows, give me a Gargoyles reboot, NOW! Such a great show. That and Darkwing Duck would be my two answers.

Anthony Longo

The 6 hour (lol that’s Dagan for ya) Q&A finally and sadly comes to an end. Thank you for all your hard work into being so candid and generous with all your answers. I’d love to see a pictures of your notes for this ( these) episode(s). Hope we aren’t keeping you from your family too much ! Appreciate ya !

Corey Adams

Dagan content, woot! Anyone else think it’s really endearing how Dagan always calls Colin “my friend?”


Loved these exclusive Dagan Q&A's. Not sure if Dagan missed mine, but I think someone asked a similar question anyway. Looking forward to more Knockback and more Dagan!

Ian (616Entertainment)

Man, I have fucking loooooved these. I’m sure when Dagan sent you a 6 hour file you were wondering what the hell he had done, lol. But any time you want to ask him to do it again, I know I’ll be sure to be in the comments. Dagan sounds genuinely happy to answer each and every question. What a treasure.

Daniel Schiffer (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 10:35:45 Phenomenal ending to a monolithic q&a. At this point Dagan is as irreplaceable to Knockback+ as Colin is to CLS.
2019-04-02 14:12:56 Phenomenal ending to a monolithic q&a. At this point Dagan is as irreplaceable to Knockback+ as Colin is to CLS.

Phenomenal ending to a monolithic q&a. At this point Dagan is as irreplaceable to Knockback+ as Colin is to CLS.


Wow! Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm so glad that the content is resonating with you to that level. <3


I'm sorry he missed your question! There must be a method to the madness (or he just made a mistake, I dunno).

Stefano Fontana (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 10:35:45 This is my favourite Q&A ever. Thanks for all the time Dagan! Was a pleasure to get to know more about you!
2019-05-29 23:26:02 This is my favourite Q&A ever. Thanks for all the time Dagan! Was a pleasure to get to know more about you!

This is my favourite Q&A ever. Thanks for all the time Dagan! Was a pleasure to get to know more about you!