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Today is March 20th, and that means it’s Colin’s Last Stand’s birthday. Two years ago today, I launched CLS here on Patreon, and although we’ve taken some twists and turns along the way, it has turned into a brand that has wildly exceeded even my most optimistic expectations. I’ve worked enormously hard, and I’m tremendously proud. I really am. Today is the one day every year where I really want to make sure I sit back and acknowledge that. I never, ever stop and smell the roses. I never tell myself I do a good job, or that everything is far better than just okay, or that I earned my success. For one day out of every 365, I want to buck the trend.

But far more importantly, today is the day where I want you -- the listener, the viewer, the fan, the supporter, the Patron, the passerby -- to know how much I love and appreciate you, and how deeply honored I am that we’ve made it this far together. It’s not everyday that someone gets multiple chances to chase his or her dreams, but I’ve been fortunate enough to do it my whole adult life (and then some), all thanks to you. I was a 14 year old kid when I started writing on GameFAQs. I didn't know I'd begin a journey then that brought me to now. I pen this letter to you as a 34 year old.

The reality is, there are people out there that have been with me for nearly 20 years, which is truly staggering. And there are plenty of you that have been with me for the last decade, through the golden era of IGN PlayStation and Podcast Beyond and all of the other nerdy things we pioneered together. It truly has been a trip, hasn’t it? I’m grateful that we’ve taken this ride. (I’m also grateful that you let me take a few stabs into the dark along the way, get some things out of my system, and discover that I wouldn’t be as happy as I thought dedicating my whole life to, say, politics.)

The CLS community is a truly wonderful thing. It’s full of thousands upon thousands of interesting, diverse, and unique people from around the world, people of every conceivable nationality, skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and political ideology. What binds us isn’t that we see eye-to-eye on everything. It’s that we understand we shouldn’t see eye-to-eye on everything. We’re curious people, eager to learn and anxious for new ideas. We believe in kindness, we keep our minds open, and we don’t judge books by their covers. We focus on honor and decency. We like to laugh and be silly. Even if we stumble (and we all stumble), we just get back up. The mantra remains the same. We don’t need to have a name for ourselves, or shine bright lights on ourselves. We are who and what we are. Those who get it get it. Those who don’t don’t.

Year Three of Colin’s Last Stand is going to be its strongest yet, and it’s not about adding more, or throwing things against the wall to see what sticks, or piling content on top of content for no reason. It’s about reinforcing what we already do and making it better, while keeping an eye towards the future to see what makes sense for CLS as a brand, and for us as a community.

Sacred Symbols has quickly turned into one of the premiere gaming podcasts on the Internet, and it’s something I’m immensely proud of. I’m especially proud of Chris Ray Gun, my co-host, who stepped into a role he didn’t think he was prepared for, and rapidly came into his own. Our weekly PlayStation show is a true pleasure to write, produce, record, and edit, and I’m so pleased that it’s finding a bigger and bigger audience. To the 50,000+ of you out there who have made Sacred Symbols a part of your ritual: Thank you. We’re gonna keep on going, and I have no doubt we’ll keep pissing off the gaming industry along the way.

KnockBack is just over a year old, and in that time, the average episode’s 30 Day traffic has increased something like 400%. In other words: Our retro and nostalgia podcast is finding its way just fine. It’s funny, because even though Sacred Symbols has a much bigger audience than KnockBack, KnockBack receives more feedback, not only per capita, but overall. Those who listen to the show are in love with it, and hearing people’s connection to what Dagan and I do every week has been a blast. Dagan is undoubtedly the star of KnockBack, and I have to tell you, I couldn’t be any prouder of him if I tried. He’s a natural. Getting together with my brother every two months to record more episodes is categorically the highlight of my schedule.

Side Quest is the only excuse I get to write anything these days, and that’s why I really love doing it. As you already know, the show has slowed down to 1-2 episodes a month -- mostly because I really only want to talk when I actually have something to say -- but I love getting to post on YouTube as a supplement to my podcasting. Let’s Plays, too, have been an awesome respite. Drafting both Dagan and Chris into doing Let’s Plays with me was a good idea, and you can expect to see more of those as we move through Year Three. Solo Let’s Plays, as well as review-centric episodes of Side Quest, will also continue.

Fireside Chats was (and is) inspired by my own deeply eclectic nature, which is why I lovingly subtitle the show The Eclectic Interview Series. It’s also been an excellent way for me to showcase the interesting, amazing, thoughtful, courageous, and talented people in my audience, because in reality, Fireside Chats is all about what you bring to the world. While I’ve long been open that Fireside Chats will be the first show to go if I want to try something new, I also say with complete confidence that it won’t be going anywhere any time soon. I’m sitting on a bunch of episodes, a bunch more are scheduled, and a bunch more are being discussed. Let’s all strive to be Renaissance Men and Women through Fireside Chats through the rest of 2019, shall we?

And so, here we are.

As for what’s next, well, I have a few ideas percolating. But I want to share two important things with you right now:

1.) I hear you loud and clear: You want merch. Two issues had previously conspired to stop me from pursuing this more heavily, though: My complete lack of time, and my insistence that all CLS merch is 100% sourced in and made in America. But we’re near the finish line. Production samples are being made and a contract has been presented to me. I should have word on this in the coming weeks, and I thank you for your patience.

2.) CLS Prime has been dormant for eight months, but I don’t want it to sit fallow forever. So I’m going to produce a few videos for the primary and general elections here in the US. These videos won’t be supported by Patreon (though I’ll be sure to publish them here), they aren’t contingent on anything going on here, and they’ll likely be complementary pieces, as opposed to pieces about candidates or current politics. I don’t want to dedicate my life to this stuff, and we cover politics plenty on Fireside Chats, but I still have things to say, and I know there are those of you out there who still want to see this kind of content. Just know that I’m thinking about it.

Okay, I think I’ve rambled enough. So I’ll leave it here.

As we enter Year Three of Colin's Last Stand, I promise you this: I will keep working my ass off on my content, I will continue to do my best to entertain and inform you, and I will always put you first. There is no advertiser, no publisher, no force in this world that has sway over me, this, you, or us. CLS will always be for you, and I will always be listening.

Thank you again. I couldn’t do this without you. Sincerely, -Colin



Dennis Fox

Been loving the content! Keep up all the hard work and dedication, it truly shows how much you care about CLS. Can’t wait for PS2 knock back.


Best podcaster on the internet. Way to go Colin!

Jeremy Cochran

Thanks to you, Chris, and Dagan for all that you do.....this is truly a great community that I cherish and love and am immensely proud to be a part of. Everyone here will understand that sentiment and that's all that matters. Here's to Year 3 and many, many more. ❤


Great to see your continued focus on delivering quality! It really feels like you value my time as a listener.


Your hard work is definitely noticed and appreciated!


Congratulations, you deserve all the success that this has brought you. You keep making them and I'll keep listening. Here's to year 3.


While you may have been given multiple opportunities to pursue your dreams, it is your tenacity and resiliency to keep on the course that has gotten you this far Colin. <b>Happy 2nd Birthday to CLS! </b> I look forward to what you have in store for us in the years to come :)! Cheers from Canada, L.M.

Jake Watson

That's beautiful, Colin. It makes me happy to see how well you are doing. Onward and upward


I am so grateful to everyone in this community because without all of us we would not have this amazing content to listen to every week! Congrats on this 2 year point in this adventure Colin, and I look forward to what the future has in store.


This is the only podcast series I willingly pay for. The episode that made me do it was the one with Erin when you poured your heart out. That made me realize how sincere you are. I have my own issues with anxiety and even though I never met you, I do look up to you. I became aware of you when you reviewed Mass Effect 3 and I've been a fan of yours ever since. I'm in this for the long haul!

Justin Little

Brilliant and thoughtful content on all your podcasts. May your success continue well into the future! Also please remember to take a few days off!

Jason Stafford

I just want to say 'Thank you' and I love you dude. Happy birthday CLS!


That means that I've been supporting you here, more than during Kinda Funny days. It's insane how time flies. On to the next year!

Danny Gonet

Colin! I just want to thank you for providing me with so much content and laughs over these past 10 years. I’ve certainly learned a lot from you and I’m so proud to be a patron. Can’t wait for year 3!

Simon Winstanley

Very well said Colin!! I agree that the reason this works is because we all know we shouldn’t agree with one another about absolutely everything but understand that rather than scream and shout about it we can listen to each other’s ideas. Points you have made have changed my ideas and perspective many times and many times they haven’t - but I always trust and believe the things you say are being said for the right reasons. Keep killin’ it my dude.


Congrats Colin!! I'm glad to be a Patreon and will continue to support the amazing work that you do.

Kenny Gutzler

Yours and the whole team's hard work shines in your catalog of work. Just your quarterly reminder - it's about the journey and not the destination. Enjoy your roads traveled with those you love!


Keep up the great work!

Matthew Clem

Wonderfully worded letter, Colin. I'm so grateful to be a part of this community and proud to have supported you for many years. I love listening to the shows you put out each week, and I can't wait to see how CLS evolves over it's third year. Thanks for all of the endless work you put in to make CLS something special.

BettyAnn Moriarty

Congratulations on this second year birthday! Your thoughtful content,your intelligence, work ethic and integrity are so evident in all you do. And, Chris and Dagan add their own brilliant, unique flare and are such a wonderful compliment to your work. May CLS continue to grow strong in all of its endeavors. Proud of you, bud. Bravo. I love you. 👏🏻❤️


Wow - 2 years have absolutely flown by. I'm so proud of what you've managed to build and maintain with CLS. Keep doing what you're doing, Colin. I'll be with you every step of the way. &lt;3


Looking forward to the next 20+ Years of CLS❤️

Lucas Gremista

For year three of CLS I just wished you took more time off and enjoyed your success by doing things you love besides work. But I know it is easy to say but hard to comply when you're an workaholic :) You're not my kid (we're the same age, I'm actually 2 months older), but I have to say: I'm extremely proud of you and what you built through a lot of hard work and talent. Looking forward for many years of entertaining content and interaction. Best wishes from this born and raised Brazilian, now proud of being an American citizen for 5 years


Been a subscriber since the day you announced this new project. Money well spent. Thanks for getting me through the hard times, Col. Your voice is always a comfort to me during hectic days

Ryan Harvey

Great write up colin! I've been supporting you since the beginning, and think this next year will be your best yet dude! 😎


Congratulations, Colin. You truly are an inspiration and I can probably speak for all of us on that. Here's to an even more successful Year Three, which I look forward to being a part of! Much love -Connor P.S. Great two year logo by the way!

Michal Dudic

Sometimes I find myself considering pulling support from other Patreons simply because I get less bang for my buck there than I do here. Then I realize that that's silly, I totally get enough content for what I pay those creators, it's just that you create an absolutely stupidly large amount of killer without filler - raising the bar to an almost unreasonable degree. I hope this job brings you happiness because we the listeners/viewers are totally covered in that regard.

Jay Phillips

Congrats to the Super Moriarty Bros and Chris "gentle hands" Raygun!

Forrest Hunter

Colin, you're the man. I've been following you for a while and you have the ability to inspire loyalty in people because of your candor and transparency as a person. Not everyone appreciates that quality in a person, which is something I certainly know from my own experiences in life, but that's their own problem. It's been a pleasure seeing your multiple ventures become successful, and even though we're the same age, I'm simultaneously proud of you while acknowledging you as one of my greatest heroes. We all love you, Colin.


Hi Colin! Growing up living with my single mother and two sisters, I always envied the relationships my friends had with their brothers and fathers. While I'm rounding the latter part of my twenties now, hearing you and Dagan share stories of your childhood antics and memories fills me with a sense of nostalgia I never quite had for myself but still feels somehow familiar to me; a vicarious-nostalgia, as it were. I was disappointed to hear the recording with your dad didn't work out, so I hope you are able to try that again at some point in the future! I always enjoy the stories and jokes at the expense of good ol' dad. Kindest regards - Tim


Colin my man; you’ve outdone yourself yet again. I’ve been here since your first podcast of beyond and I’ll be here for as long as CLS exists and whatever comes after 🙏🏽


Happy Birthday CLS! I can’t thank you enough Colin, for all of the great content that gets me through my weeks! I’ve shared how Knockback really hits home with me I’m the past and gives me a way to remember my brother, but all of your shows are a treat to listen to! I like each one for different reasons and I always come out of an episode with a positive feeling. It’s not only entertaining content but also informative. It’s rare I don’t learn something from an episode! Anyhow I’ve rambled enough! I’m so happy you are having success with CLS and you can be assured no matter what direction you take CLS, I’ll be along for the ride the entire way! Thanks for all you do!

Francis Bryan

Congratulations Colin! I've been a fan since you first joined the Podcast Beyond team and many of my greatest PS3 memories are tied to that show. I'm loving the content you have been producing the past few years and finally became a Patreon after listening to your interview with Erin in episode 50. I just found it to be really touching and sincere. Plus I really wanted to be able to hear the Saved by the Bell Knockback episode. Your podcasts are always near the top of my rotation, right after Locked on Dolphins, and have gotten me through many long commutes and boring days at the office. Keep up the great work! I look forward to seeing what you, Dagan, and Chris produce on year 3.


From one celebrating their birthday to another Happy birthday CLS! Thank you for creating the best Playstation podcast and bringing fun and intellectual entertainment with the other shows , It's great to see this empire and community improving all the time :D


Your passion and work ethic never go unnoticed. To take the time to write something so thoughtful just speaks to your character and is one of the many reasons your fans love you and your content. Congrats!

Jeshua Anderson

Happy Anniversary to the CLS brand! As always you and the CLS family do an incredible job! Since you're gonna do an exclusive on our comments, I'll ask a question, if ok: How is Ramon, and will he be making a belated return soon? Hope everyone is doing great, and a warm shoutout to Erin! Jeshua

Josh in Tampa

Happy 2 year anniversary to CLS Colin. It’s been an amazing ride. I’m honestly blown away by the amount of work you put into it while always maintaining the quality that we have all come to expect from you over the many years following. I wish you and Dagan and Chris a happy anniversary. I hope you can take a bit and enjoy it Colin. With all the amazing work you’ve put in you cartainly deserve a moment to enjoy the fruits of your labor buddy. Congrats and here’s to many more years of a thriving prosperous CLS.

James Kinslow III

Thank you for all that you do, Colin! It's an honor to support you. Happy anniversary! 😊

Thomas Connolly

Happy 2 years to CLS! Colin, it’s been incredible to see your evolution into having your own brand and once again being the host of the #1 PlayStation podcast on the internet. Every week since I was 13 i would listen to your shows and now that I’m 10 years older and about to graduate college it’s so nice to reflect on how much you’ve taught me throughout the years in terms of expanding my vocabulary, and my knowledge of all things PlayStation. I’ve been wondering, have you ever thought of doing a new podcast with your girlfriend Erin? She was awesome on episode 50 of fireside chats and I think she could make an excellent podcast personality. Good luck on the next year ahead Colin!

Joshua McGee

Colin, I still remember the day that I realized you were no longer on PS I Love You XOXO, and thinking “well what is he going to do now?” I was so bummed out, thinking I might not ever hear your thoughts and ideas related to video games. I came late to CLS, a little over a year after you launched, and was impressed instantly. CLS was my first Patreon-supported project and it has paid off immensely. I absolutely love all of your content, from the memories you discuss on Knockback with Dagan, to the hilarious antics of Chris Ray Gun on Sacred Symbols, to the eclectic guests on Fireside Chats- it is all so good! Your thoughtfulness to the way you submit content on Side Quest is also extremely admirable- from the “what I’m thankful for” episode to the episodes that feature your opinions about newly-released games, you put a new spin on the way content like this is presented and it’s awesome! I’m so happy CLS has surpassed it’s 2nd year and I’m excited to see what’s next. CLS makes my weeks so great and I’m always anticipating your next episodes of each show. Dagan and Chris, thank you for being so great and providing such a presence on Knockback and Sacred Symbols, you guys are so enjoyable to listen to each and every week! Thank you all for all that you do, and most of all thank you Colin for being brave enough to take a chance on something that you knew would make you happier. Doing what you love is so important, and we love you for what you do, thank you so much Colin 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Two years?! How time flies. I’ve followed you since your Beyond days on IGN ever since I was in high school. You’re one of my favorite people Colin and I love hearing your take on everything from gaming to life. A few times I’ve been influenced by you to change myself and I’m grateful for it. I will always support you in whatever way I can and I’ll continue to follow you. Congratulations on two years of CLS and I thank you for just being you.

Austin Powell

Thank you, Colin! I’m glad to support you! Keep up the great work!


Colin, Thanks for two awesome years of content! I think CLS has greatly improved during that time. You've truly find your stride. You're plan for year 3 has me excited for the future. 👍

Liam Mcnulty

Two years!? That's pretty mental! We owe all this to the intolerant left who couldn't handle an innocuous joke 😂 Congratulations on your success. Been with you since the Beyond days, and this is my favourite content of yours. Bringing Chris over was a stroke of genius as well, I've been watching his videos for a few years now, he's one of the funniest people on YouTube imo. Here's to the next 200 years.... 🍻

Monterey Jack

Seriously good stuff, keep up the good work.

Alex Castellanos

Keep doing what your doin', Colin! It's been quite the ride so far. I'm highly anticipating what's ahead of us on this C.L.S. venture!

Tony Colton

Your hard work, honesty and integrity must make your family and friends so proud. You truly are one of a kind in this industry and we thank you for never changing and always speaking your mind and being open with us. You have built an incredible community here and the inclusion of Dagan, Chris and Erin in your content has been a master stroke. Congrats dude and a very Happy second birthday to CLS 🎂🎉🎈 #colinwasright


Congrats on the two years Colin! I have been following you since the IGN days (7-8 years now) and it’s unbelievable the ride you have been on. I am glad to be here with you and this unbelievable community and I will no doubt be here for the rest of the ride.

Alex Ball

We also thank you Colin. We may help your business and support yourself, but you have been entertaining us for years and making our lives better just to hear your wit, sarcasm, humor, intellect and passion every week. I’m glad you are so driven and I love all the content you make for us, but I also hope you take some time for yourself, and Erin, sometimes. We understand you are human and sometimes need a break. But whatever happens I’ll still be following for Year 3 and however many years after.

Austin Killian

I love everything about this. It shows your dedication to all aspects of your craft and for that I am thankful. When a new CLS show goes up, it brings a level of excitement that I rarely feel otherwise. And I’m sure we won’t be disappointed in any future endeavors. Thank you Colin. Keep up the amazing work!


Congratulations, Colin! Thank you for all your content and hard work. It’s incredibly inspiring to see the amount of work and love you’ve poured in CLS over the last two years. Cheers to year three!


So much for Pithy.... amiright? Seriously though, congrats on the success, and happy re-birthday! I’m glad to be a part of the community that has helped give you the freedom to build something you love as much as the rest of us.


Congrats Colin! Thank you for all the great content you provide. The “2” integrated with your logo looks dope btw. Props to Dagan (assuming he drew it).

Joe Piervincenti

thanks Colin, you’re doing an awesome job!

Ryan Murdoch

Congrats Colin, you have done well for yourself man. Stop and smell the roses, or at least get some Mcdonalds hotcakes and play mega man 3 to celebrate 2 years!

Kyle Goodrich

Very proud of what you and the team have accomplished too, Colin. You're doing a great job! Can't see what the rest of the year holds.

Richard Duflo

Congratulations, Colin. I honestly cannot believe it’s been two years already. It’s been an absolute pleasure to follow you through this chapter of your life/career. Of course Beyond and Kinda Funny were great, (I still wear my Beyond shirt) but I feel like this chapter may be the best yet. Your work ethic is insane, but it really shows in the quality of your work. It’s also been great to be introduced to “new” people in your life. I’ve loved hearing from them all. I gotta say, (and I’m not trying to take shots at anyone) but the old “best friend” thing from KF never really resonated with me back in those days. I get that feel here now though. I feel that with this community. It really does feel like a close and tight nit community here including you, Dagan and Chris. Anyway, I just wanna say thank you. Your content is great it’s a mainstay in my life and I look forward to it every week. I look forward to the future of CLS and what’s to come with it. Congrats again.


Congrats, dude! You, Chris, and Dagan continue to inspire and entertain every week, and for that I'm grateful. I've been sitting here struggling to find the right words to explain what this show means to me. Just know that it means a ton, and I'll be here to support you guys for the foreseeable future. In a way, it feels like more than a show; it feels like I'm listening to long-time friends. Thanks for everything, and here's to year three!


I am so happy that the whole turmoil has led you into this point in time Colin. I would never consider Patreon before but seeing the quality and consistency of CLS content made me pull the trigger. Proud to support you and the wider CLS team. Now we dance!


Congrats Colin! I’m so glad to be on this journey with you and it’s crazy that I’ve been listening to your opinions, thoughts and ideas for nearly over a decade. We’ve never met and probably never will, but I feel as though we are good friends and your podcasts perfectly supplement my gaming hobby. I’m so glad I stumbled upon you in the glory days of IGN and have stuck around ever since. Thank you for everything and for being a part of my life.


Just wanted to let you know, I’ve been following you since the early IGN days. I knew it was going to be a great episode of GameScoop when you were on, I read all of your pieces on IGN, and ultimately followed you to Kinda Funny. I liked all you guys (Greg, Tim, and Nick), but when you left, Kinda Funny changed. It wasn’t the same. I used to watch every video you guys did, now I can’t even get through an episode of any of their shows. To make a long story short, I’m glad you got back into the gaming side of things, and fell in love with KnockBack. I’m 37 so we grew up knowing most of the same things. Thanks again for what you do and...Go Flyers!


Happy anniversary! Much love, and thank you. Beyond!


Here’s to many more years . Best PlayStation podcast and my favourite gaming podcast .

Jason Bolla

I don't think I can express how proud of you I am despite so much being against you. You're an inspiration for so many, including myself, and I look forward to year three and all those that follow.

Lloyd Roger Spencer

Happy Birthday CLS. Congratulations! So happy to be a part of this community.


Congratulations my friend, it’s been a pleasure hearing you every week!

Kendrick Luckenbach

Happy Anniversary CLS! Thank you for all your hard work and content! Can't wait to see what the year holds!

Michael Morris

Just stoked CLS is in my life, I love the direction you have it going and the content (especially for patrons) kicks ass. As a day one supporter I’m very pleased in this channels content and it’s success. You’re right, I don’t always agree with you or your guests or whatever but everything is so thoughtfully presented that at least it makes me check myself and my own ideas from time to time. Keep doing what you do man! Thanks Colin.


Congrats Colin, you've been creating my favorite internet/video/podcast content since the Beyond days. We appreciate the hard work and dedication to the channel! Here's to a great year 3!

Ian (616Entertainment)

I’m one of those who have been following you since waaaaayyyy back, had to be 2007-ish. That’s crazy, right? This is your day to enjoy yourself and relax, so I won’t write you a book. I just want to double and triple down on what I’ve been saying for years, which is that you’re an incredible inspiration, Colin, and I mean that personally and creatively. I support at such a high level because yea, I selfishly want the content early (lol), but mostly because I can always count on you to share your insights, knowledge, thoughts and feelings in a way that helps me learn things about the world, other people, and even myself. We’re getting into book territory, so before I begin to repeat myself, I’ll cut it here. Happy birthday CLS, much love to you, Colin, and much love to everyone else in the CLS family (Erin, Lola, Chris, Dagan, BettyAnn, everyone!) PS - I have a complete in box copy of the Super Famicom version of Donkey Kong Country 2 that I’d like to send to Dagan, I figure it might compliment his ever growing collection. I’ll use the PO Box. =)

Dustin Goncharoff

Congrats Colin! Love all of the shows every week, they really are fantastic.

Isaac Senesi

Colin, I send the same happy thoughts, congratulations and proud regards as everyone else here. I have only one thing I want to say - which is please, PLEASE do not let yourself get burnt out. You've shared on numerous occasions the amount of time and effort that goes into each of the shows you produce. And we, as an audience, appreciate it. Your hard work shows. But we also understand that there's only so much time and energy that a person has. We're here for you. If you ever need to take some time off, temporarily drop a show, or adjust your upload frequency - we'll understand. You may naturally be a 'burning the candle at both ends' kind of guy, and that's fine. Just please don't ever let work/CLS become more important than your mental/physical health. Alright… I love you man. Go get some Five Guys or Chick-fil-A and celebrate another great year. Can’t wait to see all that CLS Year 3 has to offer!


Keep fucking that chicken!

Will Hahn

Colin, it has been a pleasure to support you. You bring so much joy to my life everyday and listening to you, Chris and Dagan has been such a privilege. You have helped me get through a lot and have inspired me to become a better person, more honest, and a better thinker. Keep doing great things and I know this year will be even more successful for you than the last. Here’s to the future of CLS, cheers!


Congrats man, I've been following you for roughly about 8 years now, so your content has been ever present since my mid-teens. Just want to say thanks for everything you do, and I know a lot of us patrons say a very similar thing. But your content really does become a great part of our regular lives; I myself am truly grateful for this! Even when I've disagreed with your opinion in the past, I've always respected it - you've always come across as the kind of guy you could happily have a beer and an intelligent conversation with and that is something that is becoming rarer. Keep on being the rational, adaptive human being you are good sir!

Prince Borutski

That #2 with the CLS logo in it is excelently branded. Great job by the graphic designer. Congratulations on the anniversary. I am happy with the direction that you are driving the company. I love your weekly content and look forward to CLS Sidequest and Prime eppisodes when (and only when) you have the inspiration to write them. I admire your dedication to quality over quantity.


Congrats Colin! Your content has been great and I'm so glad you've introduced so many people to Dagan and Chris. Seeing this post has me craving some more good old Colin Moriarty long form articles!


Love you duder.


Love CLS and everything its become, Been a supporter since day 1 and haven't regretted it. Can't post as much as I used to but I still download every podcast on iTunes and listen to everything. Real life is so chaotic now. Keep up the great work Colin, and now Chris and Dagan.

Trent Miller

Happy birthday CLS!!! I’ve been following along the whole time and I’m very excited as to where you’ve gone with it as a whole. I was wondering though where you think CLS will be in, let’s say, 5 years? Do you have a kind of end goal? Keep up the great work Colin!

Ryan T. Mandle

Thanks for everything Colin! You’re still the highlight of my week and I’m so proud to be supporting CLS! I can’t wait to wear my support as well.

Eric Wilson

Fuck yeah! Keep that foot on people’s necks Colin! Appreciate you bro🥳


Long time listener, first time writing in. I can’t believe it’s been two years since CLS started. It’s hard to put into words what it means to me. I started listening to you as a sixth grader in 2010 after moving back to my birth country of Kenya and am still listening as a college student now in Ohio. Throughout my life, I’ve faced challenges, as we all do. Listening to Beyond, Kinda Funny, and now CLS never failed to put a smile on my face. Growing up there were times where I thought all was lost or I was simply lonely because I had recently moved again and didn’t have friends. Listening to you and your various partners (shoutout the PlayStation Powerhouse Ryan Clements) over the years was something that always kept me going. I cherish the hilarious moments from shows like Knockback and Beyond, but the way you have opened up your life to us fans is what has truly stuck with me. You’ve taught me it’s okay to be different and how important taking care of my own mental health is. Though I’ve never met you I feel like you’re a long time friend. Thank you for all that you do, you have a lifelong fan in me.

Daniel Schiffer

Cannot wait to see what year 3 has in store!

Ryan Sherwood

Two years already wow! Wishing all the best for you Colin, your family and co-hosts in the years to come. It is a pleasure to support your content.


Hi Colin, Congratulations on a fantastic 2 years so far of CLS, and best wishes for the success of your company for hopefully many years to come. We may not agree on everything on topics from gaming to Politics, but I've always been a great admirer of yours. It's been fascinating to follow you for nearly 10 years now, and always enjoy listening/reading you consistently articulate your strong views almost immaculately. You've changed my mind on many things through the years, and I look forward in continuing to follow your journey. Also, I think Fireside Chats in a fascinating podcast series and one I look forward to every week due to the wide range of guests that you have on, and hope this series is able to continue for the foreseeable future. All the best


Here since a bit after roper left beyond, still not a fan of the politics, still not far enough up my own a** to stop listening. Kudos Colin, you made it. Again.


Congratulations on the 2 year mark Colin ! I’m happy to continue to support your work. I’ve been a fan since your time covering Playstation for IGN. Keep up the great work. I can’t wait to buy a Sacred Symbols shirt when they are available.

Anthony Longo

Happy born day kid !!! Kid like NY/NJ slang- not cuz you’re podcast is 2 ; feel me ? You’re the writer not me 😂


Congrats! Happy Anniversary, Colin!

Joey Rawlings

If it’s not broke, don’t fix it. CLS has evolved (that feels like the right word with the slow and steady changes made) into an excellent set of content from Colin and company - keep up the good work.


No Colin, thank you. I know its impossible for you to know all the lives you touch but you make a huge difference to many of us. I'm 44, back in college while being a stay at home dad, and take more joy in listening to you and Chris TALK about video games than life allows me to enjoy actually "playing" them. Knockback keeps me young as a child of the early 70s and Dagan reminds me of me everytime he talks about playing with his toys longer than he should have. Last but not least is Fireside Chats...you've brought tears to my eyes tackling some of the mental health topics that you have. For those of us that suffer the very real and sometimes debilitating realities of depression, just hearing you talk about it has, quite literally, got me back into the game of life some days. So again, thank YOU Colin and don't ever think for even an instant that what you do isn't important or doesn't matter.


Congratulations on all of your success Colin! I've appreciated your character and thoughts for well over ten years now. Here's to an incredible year three!


Colin your one of the nicest most genuine people I've ever met, keep killin it. The hours of joy you've brought me has no price thanks so much. Cheers to year 3 and to many more!

Kenneth thomas

Colin, have you seen this?! I can't believe this is real <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nvi1wJGI7aE&amp;t=7s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nvi1wJGI7aE&amp;t=7s</a>

Christopher DiViaio

I went solo in private practice a month prior to the bullshit that went down with kinda funny. So seeing yourself grow and thrive was encouraging for me to keep moving forward. I've now superceded everyone that trained me while pople like you stood as example that it was possible. Thanks for doing what you do. I had never heard of Raygun Chris before you nabbed him for the show. You made a good choice. You mother fucker.

Niall Prendergast (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 10:43:14 &lt;3
2019-03-28 19:26:31 <3
