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The Division 2 has finally arrived, and players around the world are having a blast. So too are we here at Sacred Symbols, and so we delve deep into our experiences so far, while also pondering the obvious: Does this game have the long tail its competitor, Anthem, so severely lacks? There's lots of news to get through this week, too. Borderlands 3's announcement is imminent, Turtle Rock's Left 4 Dead spiritual successor is in the works, a new Sonic the Hedgehog game is a-comin', the Uncharted movie's ex-screenwriter apparently loathes Neil Druckmann, and much more. And what would Sacred Symbols be without letters from the listener, letters ranging on topics from Ghost of Tsushima's release window and Capcom's meteoric upswing to the pros and cons of turn-based combat and the glory of the South Park RPGs. There's much to get through, agent. Let's do it.


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:02:25 - Last week's discussion about gum was very divisive.
0:02:59 - Our best goes out to our Kiwi listeners. (Plus: Are games becoming too violent?)
0:10:15 - The audience voted 74%-26% to keep the New Releases segment of Sacred Symbols.
0:11:16 - One listener wonders if Chris and Colin will ever return to Resident Evil 2 Remake.
0:12:18 - What was the deal with that 'Sony buying Take Two' rumor circulating last week?
0:13:39 - What games are we playing?
0:23:16 - It looks like Borderlands 3 is gonna be revealed very soon.
0:27:06 - Turtle Rock announces Left 4 Dead's spiritual successor, Back 4 Blood.
0:31:35 - It looks like EA Access is finally coming to PlayStation 4.
0:32:19 - A new Sonic the Hedgehog game is in development.
0:33:09 - Seemingly-abandoned PS4 exclusive Wild reemerges in Sony trademark filing.
0:34:21 - No Man's Sky's newest update/expansion -- Beyond -- has been revealed.
0:35:44 - A Japanese voice actor's drug bust throws Yakuza Judgement's release into question.
0:37:49 - Ex-screenwriter of in-limbo Uncharted film doesn't like Neil Druckmann very much.
0:39:22 - Battlefield V's Firestorm battle royale mode finally gets a release date.
0:41:18 - Rebellion reveals they're working on new Sniper Elite, porting SEV2 to PS4.
0:42:33 - A new DualShock 4 color (Alpine Green) is coming soon.
0:45:51 - It looks like Castle Crashers is coming to PlayStation 4.
0:48:23 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
0:51:04 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR. (Plus: Brief Bloodborne talk.)
0:57:56 - The South Park RPGs are awesome. Are there any other games like 'em?
1:00:55 - With Halo Collection coming to PC, is Xbox turning up the Play Anywhere heat on Sony?
1:05:59 - Capcom is on a major upswing while Konami has never been lower. What's going on there?
1:08:18 - Why do publishers sometimes experiment with games that are clearly going to sell poorly?
1:09:58 - What is it about turn-based combat that turns some gamers off?
1:13:36 - Could discless consoles have the unintended consequence of raising game prices?
1:17:02 - When (if ever) will Ubisoft return to Splinter Cell and/or Prince of Persia?
1:19:24 - Is Ghost of Tsushima's release more imminent than we think?
1:22:40 - Outro.




Looks like a great episode from the description. Thanks for all the hard work, boys :)


This may have got buried in the poll comments. I'm all for keeping the drop. However, could you move it to the end of the episode? I think this is a fair compromise for the people that do not enjoy it.


Hey Colin, you are absolutely right. My team and I also find The Division 2 to be much more difficult. The NPC's are much more aggressive and tend to go balls out right at you from the very beginning. Especially the ones with the batons. God, they piss me off. All in all though, I am enjoying the game very much. Much more then the original. The game is beautiful in the gameplay it's much smoother and less clunky. Anyway, thank you for making my work week more bearable with your podcasts. Keep up the fantastic work!

Mario Miranda

Hey Colin, just a comment about your minor complaint about the white house being a hub at the very beginning being anticlimactic, I can see where you're coming from but I imagine this is because statistically very few people will actually make it to the end of the game and wouldn't have seen it if it was toward the end. A problem which seems to get worse with these long open world games as I think some statistics showed most of these kind of games getting about 20% of players finishing the game versus around 40-45% for single player story driven games. Which I always find hilarious when you consider how much the internet likes to complain about getting the most bang for their money or waiting until DLC to fully drop so they can get a "complete" game. The increased difficulty seems to be caused because the game is really an RPG shooter but the general audience didn't seem to get that or just flat out didn't like if they did get it because a common complaint of Div 1 was that it was weird for players for enemies to take vasts amount of damage and bullet spongey. To remedy this, Massive made the time to kill shorter but also made the player more vulnerable to play out a bit more realistically.


Hey Colin, I was wondering how I get in contact with you about doing some advertising with you on your shows? Do you have a contact for that? Go right to Castbox? Let me know.

Travis Johnson

quick pronunciation note for Sekiro. In most three syllable Japanese words, the emphasis is placed on the first syllable, meaning that the pronunciation Colin assumed was more american was actually the more accurate. For some reason Americans almost always default to the middle syllable in these words (ya-KU-za vs the correct YA-ku-za, ko-JI-ma vs the correct KO-ji-ma). It's not a big deal and I'm sure you and pretty much no one else listening cares, but I thought I would put it out there since you seemed curious.

John Lynch

After you guys discussed the Division 2, and frequently we discuss about how the current game “journalists” are throwing their politics into games. I just saw the guardians review of the division 2. Not familiar with staffing but Keza McDonald was retweeting about being proud of the reviewer. Frankly it’s disgusting to me that a game got 2/5 stars because the reviewer wanted it to politically say something it didn’t. It makes what people did to far cry 5 look pedestrian

Luke Bernhard

C&C - I definitely felt the division 2 is hard as hell and definitely punishes you. I've noticed you've got to git gud quick. The online capabilities are pretty seamless though. Once you get in a group you can seriously take down the whole map til the carpel tunnel hits. Really happy with it. LMG+Rifle ftw.

Marcus Brown

How crazy, I wait outside for the delivery man as well. I actually meet them halfway cause I live upstairs and they can never find my apartment lol. Great episode as always, till next week, stay classy.

Ross Tarren

I empathize hard w whoever wrote in about bloodborne. Just a few days ago I went back to it to get the last trophy i was missing (from its dlc) and goddamn that game is excellent. Still one of this generation's strongest


I'm glad I'm not alone. There's no doubt my gaming skill is atrophying as I get older, but I didn't know if I could chalk up my many Division 2 deaths to that... =)


I suppose there's that, but wouldn't that make more people want to finish the campaign? Knowing that it all culminates with taking the White House would be tantalizing...

Kc Wright

Any thoughts about Google's streaming device


<a href="https://twitter.com/notaxation/status/1108139096285679617" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/notaxation/status/1108139096285679617</a>

Harley Carlson

I've played about 10 hours of The Division 2 so far, and it seems quite a bit more difficult than the first game. I've been incapacitated more times in these few hours than I remember in all of my time with The Division (PvP modes excluded, of course). Despite that bit of frustration, I'm enjoying myself quite a bit. I think my biggest complaint might be that the day/night cycle is too short and at night it's really difficult to see much of anything. Really hard to appreciate the environmental design when it's nearly pitch black half the time.


I feel a bit better reading your thoughts (and others') on the difficulty. I've definitely died several dozen times. LOL.

Brett Carlson

Whatup Colin. Quick question. I was told by somebody that FromSoftware is a far better studio then ANY SONY 1st Party, and that they tell superior stories then Naughty Dog and God of War. To me this highlights the downside of popularity. Once your popular you somehow become less credible. Do you see this at all when talking to people about Sony games? Their is this almost resistance to admit the sheer pedigree of storytelling and world building that Sony fosters. Very strange to me. The whole "everyone has an opinion" is all well and good, but how many awards do you have to rack up before someone can just admit, hey I dont like these games but I see how good they are.

Joey Andrzejczyk

REMINDER FOR NEXT WEEK: has there ever been a time where a publisher bought a studio from another publisher? For example, what if Sony bought Id soft from Bethesda, or even better sony buying BioWare from EA!

Phillip Guglielmo

You go to bed at 5 am? You're a madman, my man. I get up at 5 am!

Daniel Schiffer

I love the little conversations at the end.

Josh Lucas

There’s a Prince of Persia collection that’s a PS3 exclusive.

Tyson Williams

Talking about how most games default to violence, it reminds me of this neat game I played at PAX West in 2017. I own it on PS4 but I have yet to play it. It’s called Way of the Passive Fist, it’s like a beatemup where you can’t attack, you have to counter attacks instead

Tyson Williams

Colin, have you read Jason’s book Blood Sweat and Pixels, it’s very good, one of the chapters was about Stardew Valley


Hey Colin, Thanks for answering my question about publishers releasing sub-par games. Like you said, I might have been too harsh to refer to them as 'objectively bad'. Maybe 'miserably received' would have been more appropriate.😅 But you should try playing 'The Quiet Man' and see if you don't ask yourself 'Why did SquareEnix fund this?' 😛. Would make a good CLS Let's play. 😁

Tyler Payne

That green Ford Explorer was my very first vehicle!

Brett Carlson

I notice how you and Chris always sort of talk about the 3 consoles as if they all can not win, and the winner is the one who is blazing the trail for the future of gaming. I look from a different perspective. Look how many other hardware video games companies fell to the wayside as time went on. Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are the survivors. I think each company can take it's own route into the future and still be just as prominent as they are today. Gaming has grown immensely since its invention and there are so many consumers all 3 can continue on for a long time, each doing their own thing. This generation is the proof. The Big 3 could not have had a more diverse path through this generation. They all carved out their own brand identity. Microsoft: Play any game anywhere for a bargain price. Games Pass (They learned into services). Sony: Play the best games here. Cultivated and curated ( Sony doubles down on it's own content similar to what Netflix is doing with their originals program. Nintendo: Leans into affordable accessibility and the nostalgia factor. I think all 3 can "win".

Lucas Gremista

Just noticed the horse violence conversation after all the names lol

Michael Miller

Good discussions today, fellas.


I’d still like to believe that Splinter Cell is coming because they’ll never let Walmart Canada live it down. 😄

Alex Castellanos

Quick one Colin: Sony officially licensed the SCUF Vantage controller as their "Elite" controller of choice last year. So all this talk of their not being an elite controller is not TOTALLY true. You might be able to get them (Scuf) to give you one to check out and see if it's worth telling you listener-ship about the product. -Alex C.


Evolve was one of those games that clicked with me overtime. Glad they’re making a “Left 4 Dead 3” though. PlayStation owners can finally get a good taste of a fantastic co-op zombie shooter. Also, Colin you’re in the clear of smoking weed within the 5,000 mile radius. You’re about 5,355miles from Japan...smoke up!

Bruce McClain

With the recent announcement of the Google Stadia streaming platform, I can’t help but think about the horrible data caps that have been imposed on so many already. I used to have a 1TB data cap with Comcast but when I started streaming 4K Netflix I was exceeding my data cap almost every month! Luckily I now have AT&amp;T and no data cap. My question is, do y’all see this as becoming a major issue with more and more people jumping into 4K and more entertainment being streamed across the board? Somethings gotta give...right???

Kenneth Oms

Another great tuesday! I hope that this new left 4 dead spiritual successor does well and doesn't suffer the same fate as that Walking Dead game that just came out.


Chris doesn't watch Game of Thrones??? Is he ill? Tell Chris he needs to marathon the whole show before the final season airs. He's got just over 3 weeks before it starts, easily enough time to marathon the whole show.

Craig Mcguire

I don't like this stadia streaming, tech looks interesting but it kind of makes me appreciate Microsoft's approach a bit more where they are flat out saying the best experience will be native hardware. I hear people saying it's an "option" but to me there is no option with stadia and they're trying to directly position themselves as the console alternative and a direct competitor to the console space whereas both Microsft and Sony are treating it as an "and" and not "or". And honestly just fuck Google.


They make very different games. I think both are incredibly polished, which is great. From a gameplay perspective, I think From makes better games. From a narrative and environmental perspective, Naughty Dog obviously bests them.


I totally take your point on quality! Thing is, these games might have been cheaper to make than you think. Just 'cause it's Square Enix doesn't mean it has a $50 million budget.


In the current environment, I don't believe all three can win. I think -- at best -- Nintendo can win, and either Microsoft or Sony, 'cause the latter two are doing the same stuff. That said, the next-gen is right around the corner, and who knows how it'll shape up from there?


That's why the Stadia is, from my perspective, a complete non-starter. It'll work one day, but that day isn't today, nor tomorrow.


Turtle Rock makes good games, and they have a solid publisher behind 'em. I think they'll be fine.


What Stadia is doing would be a great supplement to disc-based support and traditional downloads, which is the road Microsoft and Sony seem to be going down. Doing just one or just the other is a mistake. Stadia is ahead of its time.

Tyson Williams

I love the Sniper Elite games but I wish they would do one that isn’t based in WW2 because the first four are and they’ve all had different cool settings during WW2 but I wanna see a different setting in time now

Nathan Cermak

Just wanted to say thank you for reading my question. My brother and I will check it out!