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Colin's Last Stand is a benevolent monarchy. However, as you know, I like to flex the muscles of democracy every now and again. In fact, I insist.

During Episode 37 of Sacred Symbols, we present you with a simple question based on some recent listener feedback: In short, should we continue to read the newly released game descriptions every week after we get through that week's news, or should we scrap that segment entirely?

For a little background, the game releases and descriptions are posted each week on the Official PlayStation Blog, and the idea of reading them aloud is about a decade old now, and goes back to The Golden Era of Podcast Beyond (my old, old show). I started wanting to read them each week because they were continuously entertaining. A lot of people like the segment; others seem not to. Either way, I'm not necessarily married to it. I want to do what you all think is best.

This poll will determine the future of the segment. Vote carefully! We'll reveal the results (and the fate of the segment) during Episode 38.


Brian Borlaug

Is there something that would replace the segment? I like it and don't want it to leave, but if you have something in mind to replace it, I'd be open to hear about it.

Alex Ball

I would only announce games you believe are worthy of our attention. Either way I’ll always listen.


I don’t care either way


I like it, however if loosing that segment in favor of 5 more minutes of a free form conversation between you and Chris, I would rather not know what crappy indie games are on the store this week. If something catches your fancy and you play it, I would rather know about that.


I personally find it both interesting and hilarious (as I'm sure others do), and since you tend to keep it towards the back of the podcast it's easy for listeners to skip out of it if they're not interested. If you were to change anything, it would be to ensure all other discussions/listener mail is finished before the drop, so those who skip out on it don't accidentally miss out on anything else. Win win.


I always skip it or start thinking about other stuff during the section


Just pure feedback, I usually physically jump forward in the podcast during the game release segment. It's just not something I'm interested in and takes up too much time. And often it feels a little mean-spirited. No hate to you guys, love the podcast at large and CLS at large. Just voicing my own personal opinion.


You’re a cool ass dude Colin.


Yeah I say axe it if it means you get to one or two more listener’s comments or questions

Ray Briggs

I selected to eliminate it in hopes that it would allow more listener questions to make the show. The segment is funny but not terribly helpful as any major/minor releases you guys actually care about you will discuss anyway.

Travis Johnson

Always something I look forward to in every episode and I’d be sad to see it go!


Sorry my comments are never constructive. I like the one liners.


Continue it just for the sole purpose of making Chris awkardly read through Japanese titles and poorly written descriptions. I legitmately love when his vocal inflections don't match the tone of the writing, that shit entertains me to no end.

Craig Carter

I think keeping it is probably gonna win. I really enjoy when you bros read the drop


It's kind of hit or miss for me depending on whats coming out. But it's always good to know whats coming. Maybe you could trunkate it? Only read out the games that seem the most interesting or rediculous. Not sure how you would decide or make it fair though. Im just spitballing.


Thumbs up 🖒🖒 the drop lives in perpetuity


I feel the drop breaks the cadance of the podcast. Either way I still love the show.

Jayce Tamulevich

How can you not love when poor Chris has to stumble over something like, "Rice Sensai Bukkake Overload: Grand Fate Edition." We're not laughing at you Chris, we're laughing with you. 😂


The drop is kind of when I check out a bit... the entertainment mileage of mis-pronouncing Japanese words and reading bad copy varies quite a bit. Maybe you could keep the drop doing just a quick read of titles but highlighting a couple for lampooning on the full read?

Lou & Rei Loper

We won't die if it dropped off, but it can be humorous to listen to at times. If it were to go away and something new and interesting popped up...who knows. Also, half the time I swear that those descriptions are ONLY made for the sole purpose of having you guys read through them and hearing your brains hurt haha

Tyler Payne

Leave it in! The Drop is great. If the votes lean towards removing it, at least replace it with a new segment so the episodes stay around the same length


Keep it - it's great, charming, and fun. Anyone asking to get rid of it is an attention-deficit baby. In general though - please choose to answer some more questions. This podcast is undeservedly short.


I hope you keep it. As one of the only PlayStation focused podcasts remaining, one of which that actually focuses on constructive news & information, it would be a disservice to not talk about games that are, in-fact, releasing on the platform. Yes, alot of them are games that most of us may not be interested in, but something may actually strike a chord with various segments of your audience. I know I have found interest in a few games from yall reading it, to which I then go gather more information on it to see if it is worth buying.

James Galos

I often will look a game up based on that list just to see what the hell it is after some of these horribly crafted descriptions. Usually I get a good laugh out of it, but I have found a couple of games because of it.


I guess I'm the minority but I fast forward the drop every single time. It's already a long enough show as is for there to be 10 minutes of the random games that they themselves criticize the playstation store for having. But hey I understand if people like them, just keep giving me the timestamps so I can keep skipping to whats important to me: your opinion, which I've been following religiously since 2012.


I would either stop covering the shovelware or replace the segment completely with something else


I skip the drop every time. I care for their opinions which I've followed since 2012, not them reading a blog that I can read myself. Seems to me that a person who can't understand that not everyone thinks like him is the "attention-deficit baby".


You can mention what games are releasing, just don't read the descriptions.


The Drop creates a historic through line with past PlayStation podcasts. Don't attack history!


The problem for me is this: does the drop take time away from reader questions? How would the remaining time be distributed? If you took the drop out would that give way to answer more reader questions? If so then this question needs to be asked again, Colin. I'm sure people would respond differently if they have better chances to be part of your wonderful discussion in lieu of a blog that anyone can read online. You said so yourself that you're getting way too many questions now-a-days, this could potentially be an answer to get more people involved. Just my 2 cents

Mitch Krassin

I think the highlights are all that is really needed for me, and 90% of the time you guys mention them in what you've played or the news.

Brett Medlock

Depends really, would another segment be added? The longer the podcast the better (IMO)


The Drop is consistently hilarious. Don't even think about getting rid of it.

Tony Colton

Would like to hear some in depth discussion on the new ps+ releases once a month


I don't understand why anyone would want this segment to go away! It's the most consistently funny part of SS every week!


Any PlayStation person worth their weight in Platinum trophies reads The Drop on Friday afternoon. Hearing it on Tuesday is redundant, but users can manually skip it. I'd say keep it for people as an option. I always thought a Sacred Symbols "pick(s) of the week" would be a good way to add something to the segment, as well as give listeners a better understanding of your gaming tastes and what games you gravitate towards.

Josh in Tampa

I voted eliminate but maybe there’s a sweet spot. Some weeks it’s so long. Maybe only read the “bigger” game releases and less description. I know this then creates the question what a big release is and is it fair to decide (and by way of reading, advertise) when not doing others. I would add too that you and Chris do a good job of making it as funny as possible

Matthew Clem

I enjoy the segment, and I voted to keep it, but I wouldn't be upset if it went away. I would just want it either be replaced with a nother segment or filled with more questions instead of just losing 10-15 mins of my favorite podcast.


I find it as a source of humor and simultaneously informative although most of the list seems like shovelware.

Luke Bernhard

Love that you're involving your constituents in the democratic process. And that segment is funny as all hell, especially Chris's annunciation of things.


I always found it fun to hear the one sentence quips Chris and Colin make about the games


I'm okay replacing the segments with something else but I dont want it to just go away and shorten the podcast.


Sort of off topic comment. Maybe it has always been this way but I like not being able to see the voter % until after I submit my vote.


It’s so much fun listening to you cringe when reading some of those synopsis.

Zack E

What is the motivation behind people’s dislike for the segment? If the podcast is meant to be focused on the PS ecosystem, then discussing the new releases seems like it fits in just right.


I enjoy the drop, but it might be more useful if you frame it as more if a "here's what you should check out"? Maybe combine the drop and what you've been playing into one segment?

Mario Miranda

I enjoy the drop, I end up finding about games I didn't realize were coming out (especially for the vita).

Brad Bury

A suggestion. You and Chris both pick your top 1 or 2 entertaining new games each week. With the PS store turning into the iOS store, sometimes the segment can get lengthy

Craig Mcguire

What's the alternative ? If it's more listeners questions and audience engagement then I would 100% say yes drop it even though I still somewhat enjoy the segment


It’s hilarious and I love it. It would be sad to see it go.


It’s s fun segment! If someone’s not a fan it’s easy enough to fast forward through and it’s never that long.

Mario Diosdado

I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like that part, even if it's not going away (seems like the poll is not favoring that).

Mario Diosdado

I agree. I don't like it, but usually (not always) I just skip it, not a big deal.

Austin Killian

I would prefer to hear select releases, either really funny or for really good games.

Matthew Cooper

I really like the segment! It's fun and I do like that you mention every PS game that comes out at least once..


I personally really enjoy the segment, and I think creates a nice buffer between the news and listener questions.


Read them aloud, loudly and proudly

Ryan B.

I love you guys but I skip it every week so I really appreciate the time stamps. I’ve used the word “cumbersome” to describe the segment in the past and I still feel that way. You responded to me before Colin, and I appreciate that, so know that I’m only offering it here again per the prompt of the thread. These ridiculous releases are something I already couldn’t care less about, so given how many there are week to week, it’s like somebody trying to sell you repeatedly on something that you’ve already passed on in a number of ways. I get that you guys try to make a joke of it, and maybe I’m too old to “get” it (37), but if I wanted to know the releases, I’d simply read the blog or scan the increasingly os breaking ps4 store. I’ll still listen every week eagerly no matter what you do and thank both of you for creating an otherwise dependably stellar podcast. Blessings to both of you.


If eliminating the segment would open up more time for answering listener questions and more discussion, then I'm all for it going away. If it's just gonna shorten the show overall, then keep it.


I would be in favor of losing the drop if it meant adding more discussion, such as a topic of the show segment. I'm just not sure I care for it anymore, it feels like a fairly robotic 5-10 minutes of the show that could be better used for more listener questions or deeper discussions.


I enjoy it and I’ve ended up picking up a couple of games I wouldn’t have heard about otherwise.


One of the most amusing parts of the show. I really enjoy Silly Chris' delivery.


Who are these cretins that don't want this segment??


I want it eliminated if there is something that would replace it. I (and I think others would agree) don't want the show any shorter.

Michael Akridge

I like the segment, but...Voted to eliminate it because I’m curious to see what else you guys can make in its spot

Blake Davis

Keep the train going. I love for this segment.

Brett Carlson

Colin, it seems overwhelming. Keep it around. Besides the entertainment of it, you never know what people will be inspired to try some of the games that are far less well known. It's also good for these obscure Devs to get atleast some shine.


The best part of the show. It stays.

Chris Barnes

In prepping for the show, I'd like it if you viewed a quick trailer for some of these games. There have been times that you pushed a great game aside just because the description sounded ridiculous.

Bryan Finck

Agreed, it may shine a light on a game no one would ever know about, and its entertaining as hell.


DO NOT get rid of this classic.


Id prefer that you guys read whole thing, unabridged, every week until the end of time.

Greg Horsman

I've been introduced to games I would have never heard of. That alone makes it a yes, keep it going!

Brandon Soto

I saw scrap it entirely. I always fast forward after it.


Why is this even an option? It's hilarious. I say hold hands while reading it in its entirety like a prayer

Shawn Hayden

My only question would be what would you guys do to replace it since it does take a pretty big chunk of time from the show.


Keep it, but maybe say on the podcast what minute to skip to, in order to appease all parties?


To those asking: I don't think we'd replace it with anything. We usually only spend 5-10 minutes (and often less) on it. Maybe we'd include another listener question or two, but that's it.


Keep it. Fun must be had.


I look forward to the drop every episode <3


I love the drop and have even written in to the show to say as much, but don’t think it would affect my enjoyment if it was removed, however, it could affect the enjoyment of people if it stays.

Tony Rivera

Listening to Chris fumble and curse through Japanese is one of my highlights...


It is both funny and informative. We could vote for the worst and that turns into a monthly let's play or something if you want to make it more interactive. It could be a 5 min video if its atrocious. Sorta like Jim Sterling but with your own style applied

Matthew Major

Don’t stop please haters are gonna hate. Screw them! Great work guys!! Thank you!

Tyson Williams

I’ve been in DC for the past few days for the first time, and flexing the muscles of democracy is my jam right now. Also there was a George Washington statue in the National Museum Of American History that seemed like it was directly taken from Bioshock Infinite, like he was even presenting a sword in a toga showing off his muscles, I don’t remember if that was the symbol he carried in Infinite but I’m pretty sure one of them held a sword. Also also I think it’s funny Division 2 was coming out around the time we planned a trip to DC

Tyson Williams

I feel like you can use Colin’s super duper helpful time stamps on every SS episode to skip the drop if you really don’t like it

Bogey Zero

I always skip it honestly. I'd much rather you fit in another listeners questions/comments or some more conversation between you and Chris.


Other than that and saying “and this is the wrap up” is there anything else left of the olden days? I say we keep it


Keep it. If it’s only a few minutes what does it matter if the minority’s hate it. Skip it move on and let the rest laugh along

Dave Dufault

Love hearing the game releases, otherwise I’d have no clue! Last episode you mentioned a cool rpg (ghoul boy I think)for vita! Essential news


I am so curious about Colins response to this poll! :)


I love the way Chris reads his games out, please keep it up.

Liam Mcnulty

Keep them! I love hearing Chris lose his mind when he gets to the awkward ones 😂

Tom Cargill

I love hearing you guys read out the terribly written game descriptions, especially if its some anime game.

Christopher Moore

The drop makes me laugh, you both seem to enjoy it and it isn't that long most of the time. Keep that shit!


Its good to know what games are coming out each week and its also very funny the way Colin and Chris read the games. Especially the very niche japanese titles


Love hearing this each week. Keep it up boys!


I appreciate the upcoming games segment. If anything I’d like to see a minute spent on commentary for remarkable games on the list. I know you try to fit the podcast into an efficient timeframe though so I understand the need to trim the fat where necessary.


I used to enjoy the drop but it goes on for so long now that I usually just skip it. If we can't eliminate it can we at least shorten it? Every game coming out for an entire week is kind of a long list these days.

Cory Hahn

I've always been a fan of The Drop as it often provides additional comedic relief to the podcast. I'd also like to add that my favorite rendition of this segment was when you announced that a game had a platinum trophy. This was greatly helpful in culling the herd of prospective games week in and week out. Even though I may be in the minority on this, I'd actually like if you continued to spotlight a few games that catch your eye (or Chris') as something to look into. After all, this is how I learned of a few great games including Timespinner!


It’s a fun segment. Keep it!


Keep it, could you move it to the end of the episode? That way if people don't like it they can stop at that point.

Ryan B.

Not so easy if you're driving but I'm still glad that we have them. It's not my expectation that the podcast will be exactly what I want in every way but the segment remains problematic for reasons I've already listed.

Ryan B.

I'm in the same minority boat Sergio. It'd be different if they offered commentary on the games but it's just reading a list that is already available to everyone.




I think this makes a lot of sense for all... cause I definitely would stick around to the end to hear the drop. It’s a marathon in hilarity.


Keep it :) Always good to hear about games that I have either forgotten about, or have never heard of.


Absolutely love the show with the exception of this segment which feels like low-value banter segments that fill the shows that bigger players produce. Seems that I'm in the minority but wanted to put my two cents out there!


Just throw in one made up game each week and see if anyone catches it.

Jordan Falduto

People who vote to keep The Drop are still waiting for their nuts to drop


It's a boring segment. I don't understand how anybody finds it enjoyable. I get it, I guess, the campy voice thing Chris does, awkward japanese pronouciations, ridiculous titles/descriptions, I can almost understand somebody finding humor in that at first, but 37 weeks later, it's a bit much. I feel bad for you guys having to read it every week, especially since it's seemingly going to stay.

James Sprules

The people have spoken!

Ryan B.

I’m actually pretty curious about how this skews age wise. I have a suspicion you’re right and I don’t necessarily mean that pejoratively just that it probably remains the younger viewers that form the majority on this issue based on the large number of perfunctory comments.

Ryan B.

I think it was about week 10 or so when the novelty wore off for me. It’d be different if there weren’t so many but I agree it’s a bit much at this point. I also have a hard time empathizing with the folks that continue to enjoy a list being read but alas..


Even just mention a few highlights/funny ones - doesn't have to be every single game.

Anthony Lencioni

It’d be a damn shame to get rid of the drop

Ryan Harvey

Oh man, the people who dislike the wrap up really hate it. I like the segment, but maybe not as much as people hate it.

Ryan Harvey

Totally cool with you guys having to do less work if you're both indifferent to it.

Ivan Hornett

Imo it’s a waste of time and I’d rather hear you talk about anything else or take more questions.


Don't do away with this segment. Traditions are important!

Bruce McClain

I have to vote continue with it. I've enjoyed the drop since the days of podcast beyond and I still enjoy it with Sacred Symbols. One thing I would suggest, though, is to let Chris read exactly one half of the reader mail as well. He reads half the games in the drop so why not carry it over to the mail segment?


Just a thought that might make be a nice addition to the show is some kind of deals or great game/great prices segment that would spotlight some of the games you talk about or have talked about in the past. A lot of people take to heart your recommendations but with so many high quality games of late, it is easy to miss a few the first time around or just forget what has all been mentioned. Not everyone can spend $60 on every game every time, so it might help to highlight/remind those of us that can't. I get that it is more workload to add that in so I am willing to help. Hit me up and I think I can help you out.

Francis Bryan

It's my favorite part of the show!

Niall Prendergast

Keep it, but make sure the pacing is right.

Alex Landry

It's a nice reminder of the new games!! I'm also a sucker for regular segments if you don't have an intended replacement in mind


Love the drop! Perhaps you should force Chris to read the games in a different accent each week


The drop is the greatest! When silly Chris reads it, it really brings out his accent! I couldn’t imagine the show with out this segment!


This isn’t even a question. The drop is awesome.


I would please just recommend putting the drop segment at the end of the episode, after user questions are submitted. To be honest, it really isn't life threatening or anything, but literally every week, I have to (choose to) push skip however many times (30 seconds at a time in pocketcasts) to skip over the drop.


I like being informed... can't keep up all the time and this helps

Ryan Taylor

I would much rather it be replaced with more reader questions. To me, that’s more engaging than hearing about some shovel ware game I’m never going to play. But I’m also kinda torn because I know it’s a tradition!

Paul Moss

Keep doing it. Most people here know where this segment came from and will likely want it to stay. Plus, is there anything better than Chris trying to read some of these games... :)


I'm in favour of keeping The Drop but in weeks when there are lots of new game would be very happy just to have a half dozen or so high/low-lights to avoid the podcast getting bogged down.


Keep the drop. If possible, make it longer. More ridicule for bad writing please.


I've purchased some games I otherwise wouldn't have thanks to the drop. I think it's important to know what's coming to the PlayStation ecosystem each week. That said, putting the drop at the end of the episode might be helpful for the heathens in the group who don't appreciate the tradition.

Josh Jones

If the segment was dropped, would it be replaced with a new one?


I never minded it on your previous shows, but I honestly can't stand it now. It has genuinely gotten to the point where I skip it all completely or, more often (when driving), I just don't listen to the rest of the episode after that. :-(

Trevor Deal

I was going to say eliminate but I changed my mind and I'll explain. There's another large gaming podcast... and they used to do the drop and changed it to just read off the titles and platforms. It's just a big list with 0 context and boring as all hell. The Drop with Sacred Symbols is better because we get to hear these comical descriptions that trigger conversation, jokes and so on. I think as long as you realize we aren't here to listen to what's out as much as what's worth looking into, what's coming out from notable publishers/ studios and jokes about those who put no effort into it then it works. The Drop I feel would be best as a resource and when it turns into reading a list it has no substance. Add context when possible and keep it comical and I don't see why it would need to go.


Hey guys, I’ve been subscribed for a while but this is my first time posting. I was asked for my girlfriend to say : “you can’t get rid of the drop because I like how Chris Raygun reads them like a 1930’s newsboy”. Thanks for making Tuesdays awesome.

Ryan B.

Same here, which is unfortunate because there’s some good stuff usually at the end- namely more listener comments and general back and forth.

Ryan B.

Part of that is because he’s dyslexic which isn’t funny at all to me. That’s maybe the weirdest aspect of this segment and everyone’s affinity for it. Chris is obviously cool with it, but it’s hard for me to laugh at a reading disability- even if it’s admittedly offered as intentionally self deprecating.


I think pulling out a few games from the drop that you guys are somewhat excited about or would totally dislike or whatever would be awesome. But 20-25 game drop is too much. I lose interest.

Drew Packard

I was really hoping this would be voted off the show. As a listener who doesn’t own a playstation (I understand I’m in the minority), I always skip this section. I don’t find it funny or useful in the slightest sense. Nonetheless, it looks like I’ll have to continue skipping it.

Drew Packard

For reference, I listen to this podcast for the greater playstation news and the good conversation. I couldn’t imagine the average patreon listener would want to hear about every title being released, but I stand corrected.