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When it comes to the gaming industry, the war for your time and money is a relentless slog. It almost makes you wonder if -- in trying to give you more -- you're actually getting less, not only in content, but in creativity and wonder, too. A listener question sparks a conversation surrounding just such a topic, and we naturally delve head first into it. But before we get there, there's some news to attend to. One upcoming PS4 exclusive (Days Gone) has gone gold, while another (Death Stranding) seems to be falling behind. New firmware brings PS4 Remote Play to iOS devices. PlayStation is breaking the Chinese gaming industry wide open. And did you know NIS is bringing a new Vita game out... in 2020?! We discuss all of that, plus much more, rounded out by even more listener questions, like: Where's Killzone? Will Legend of Dragoon ever come back? And does Colin really hate gum more than anything else on Earth? The answers may just surprise you.


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:02:32 - It doesn't seem like anyone's getting Sekiro early. We'll have thoughts after release!
0:03:36 - Shoutout to Buntyking for putting us in touch with Ubisoft's Canadian PR agency. They don't ignore us!
0:04:55 - Your vote will determine if we should keep reading new game releases each week, or scrap the segment.
0:05:44 - One listener notes that The Division 2's DLC scheme is not that unusual for Ubisoft.
0:06:50 - Colin is hiring Chris to make the Vita Funeral video. More details soon.
0:07:51 - A quick primer for Patreon, since people are occasionally confused by it.
0:09:22 - Little known fact: Colin loathes gum, refuses to try it, and hates being around people chewing it.
0:11:17 - What games are we playing? (Plus: Chatter about the new Devil May Cry 5 censorship controversy.)
0:19:14 - Days Gone is gold (and it's getting post-release DLC, too). (Plus: TLoU release date rumors.)
0:23:44 - Death Stranding is slightly behind its internal dev schedule, says Kojima.
0:25:41 - PS4 Firmware 6.5 brings Remote Play to iOS devices.
0:29:15 - EA follows suit with Sony, reveals it won't have an E3 press conference this year.
0:33:25 - THQ Nordic apologizes for 8chan SNAFU.
0:34:42 - Judgement, the Yakuza spinoff, is coming to western PS4s in June.
0:36:21 - BioWare is working on fixes to Anthem's prominent PS4-centric technical issues.
0:37:47 - Seven brand new Chinese-developed games are coming to PlayStation 4.
0:38:53 - NIS reveals three upcoming games for the west, including one for Vita!
0:39:34 - Last month's most-downloaded PS4, Vita, and PSVR games were...
0:41:50 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
0:43:06 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
0:47:17 - Are "Games as a Service" doing a disservice to players?
0:55:18 - When will we find out for sure what Rocksteady is working on?
0:57:22 - Would combining PlayStation Plus with PlayStation Now be a wise business decision?
0:59:40 - Will Sony ever revisit The Legend of Dragoon?
1:01:55 - Why do "Game of the Year" Editions of video games exist?
1:03:27 - Should Sony revive Killzone or Resistance to attract FPS players, or concede the genre to the "Big Guns"?
1:07:13 - How excited do we actually get about upcoming video game releases?
1:09:38 - What's a niche rerelease or remaster we'd like to see?
1:12:56 - Outro.



Kevin Diaz

Hey Colin! Appreciate all you’ve done and was just wondering if you’re a patron at a tier that gets early access to Sacred Symbols (and all the other shows Knockback, etc.) does early access only exist on the Patreon app or does an Apple Podcasts link exist that I don’t have. Either way completely fine just wondering if that’s the case as my main place for all my podcasts is the Apple Podcasts app, thank you god sir hope all is well! Also I’m visiting California this weekend and we may be in Santa Monica for Saint Patrick’s Day, know any good spots for a fresh 21 year old? Have a good day my man.


On the overview page of his patreon, there is an RSS link. you can copy that into the apple podcast app.

Brian Borlaug

I love the shout out to Medicine Hat in Canada. I used to go there all the time for the water slide park as a child in Montana. Random.

Monterey Jack

I definitely think that the death stranding "delay" was just Sony easing fans into accepting that it was never intended to come out this year.

David Kramme

I'd love to see a Metro Exodus review on Side Quest, just a thought, as a fan of the series Exodus is very different but retains what make the 1st 2 great, just a thought, keep up the great work!


Glad to hear you picked up Trivial Pursuit Live!, the Wife and I have had good times drinking and playing that one. It really is a battle of the wits, and can make you feel stupid sometimes. To say again, I think it would make a quite entertaining let's play. I picked up Scrabble after watching your recent video, especially after seeing it on the Ubisoft sale. Looking forward to Scrabbling with my Wife. Thanks for the inspiration.


By the way Colin Vanquish was ported to PC two years ago. Gameplay can run well over 60fps at 1440p resolutions with just a mid tier graphics card, absolutely invalidating the PS3 version. Probably won't come to PS4 so you'll have to be a huge nerd to play it ;)


Why is it only Japanese games getting censored though? A little weird. Metro Exodus wasn't censored.

Marc Boggio

Brendan I bought him a copy of it a few weeks ago when it was on a Humble sale - he was supposed to give it to Chris and I’m shocked and a little hurt it didn’t come up 😂 There’s no real reason for Sega not to port it to PS4 and Xbox One though. Unlike Bayonetta (which was also ported to PC at around the same time), Nintendo didn’t snipe the franchise publishing rights, so I doubt it would be very much work. Even on my ex’s relatively crappy PC, it was pulling off 1080p/60 without a hitch.

Marc Boggio

Chris made me pull the (devil) trigger on DMC5 in this episode. I appreciate that he didn’t over-sell it and he’s right, sometimes it’s okay for a game to just be solid and fun 👍

Ian (616Entertainment)

Great episode, punkheads. Colin, quick note: Rocksteady openly stated “it’s not Superman.” So it probably IS Justice League, as I’ve read from you and Jason Schreier. As a huge Superman fan (I’m not going to bother defending him to you, hahaha) I was let down, but hey, Superman is a member of the Justice League, and beggars can’t be choosers. Much love, boys.


A bit late for that, but I'll certainly talk about it on this show when I get around to playing it!

Marcus Brown

Great episode as always, also in FC:New Dawn for the 'Anger Management' trophy the best way to get it is to make sure you have the 'Eden's Touch' skill which refills your Eden's Gift meter every time you do a takedown. I did it at the (Signal Post Outpost) cause they have alot of enemies. Just chain takedowns and punch your way to the trophy. Focus more on the normal enemies then the Elite. I only have 1 trophy left to platinum but it's a damn multiplayer one lol Until next time.


Alright, wait, I had to pause the podcast at the 10-ish minute mark, I can KINDA understand Collin's aversion to chewing gum, as I dont like it either, but how come Chris "Ive never seen a cicrus tent" Ray Gun thinks he can be outraged about this? Cmon chris, you're a weirdo too <3

John Lynch

I’m with you on the far cry platinum Colin. Having the same issue getting it. I couldn’t get it with the expedition trick or the helicopter method. Moved on to modern warfare remastered while waiting for the division 2

John Lynch

also, it really goes up my ass the way that you guys didn’t get an invite to play days gone. Colin has been literally the only guy banging the Sony Bend drum for YEARS at this point

Josh Lucas

Puyo Puyo Tetris came out as a physical game only before, it just came to PSN last week. Still very weird

Kenneth Oms

Not sure if i'm too late here, but Activision flew a lot of streamers/soulsyoutubers to From's office in Japan and let them play Sekiro there. They've also held quite a few hotel demos in the U.K for other streamers and content creators. Also, Judgement is being pulled/delayed due to voice actor being caught with cocaine.


I'm the same with gum. Never had. Put off. Not a fan of chewers.

Kam Wallis

Hey Colin, bit of random Canadiana, the Northwest Territories was split in half in '99 to create an additional territory called Nunavut, of which the capital is Iqaluit. Yellowknife does indeed remain the capital of the NWT. We have an additional territory that borders Alaska known as the Yukon Territory, of which the capital is Whitehorse. The difference between a Territory and Province is essentially the government structure, and the Territories are largely governed by the Federal government. Keep up the great work! Btw, the Remote Play function has worked on specific Xperia phones by Sony since the PS4 launched, and now Android has built in support for the DualShock 4, including button icons. The Android full release of Remote Play will be launched when more flagship devices have been tested yet iOS does not support the DualShock 4 whatsoever. Sony even sells a controller dock for Xperia phones that allows you to put the phone right above your controller. This basically means that a new handheld can all but be eliminated.


Hey Colin - just a quick comment on what Chris said in regards to fun arcade racers. GRIP was released recently and by all means it can be treated as unofficial sequel to Rollcage aka 'Wipeout on wheels'. Just wanted to throw it out there as GRIP is not getting much love and press. Cheerioo

Justin Marxer

Hey Colin, just wanted to chime in and share that from a consumerist standpoint, providing a finite game would probably be detrimental for a publisher since it’s essentially an admission of planned obsolescence. Most consumers like to maintain the illusion that once something is purchased, it is theirs, so it probably would not sit well with people. Also yes, Peter Jennings is dead; he passed in 2005 from lung cancer. Anyways, I’m getting all 4 wisdom teeth yanked Friday (it only took me 34 years), so I will be catching up on episodes of FSC while I recover. Thank you guys for all you do!


I started playing Stardew Valley on both PS4 and Vita but I could never get into it either. When I finally played it on PC, it clicked. I honestly think it’s just because watering crops without a mouse is a huge pain in the ass, and it feels like it takes at least twice as long on console. I know you’re not going to play it on PC because you’re not a gigantic nerd like me, but I thought I’d throw that out there.


Colin, your gum story is astounding. I’m not a fan of gum either but every now and then if I get it for free I’m like whatevs. I prefer the title Dead Don’t Ride but I’ve recently learned that the freakers aren’t technically dead and can die without shooting them in the head at all so maybe that’s part of it. I think combining Plus and Now would be smart but I don’t see it happening unless they do a bundle that’s like $10 off what it would be to have both for a year or something. I’m still surprised Xbox hasn’t done this with all the “Xbox Live Platinum” rumors that were floating around when Game Pass came out. I never finished The Legend of Dragoon but I’d buy that day one. Loved it at the time, just ended up getting stuck somewhere. I don’t know if it’s niche but I’d be EA’s bitch to get a remaster of Def Jam: Fight for NY. But it’ll most likely never happen due to crazy licensing issues.


While I like “The Drop” I might have to vote against it. I think you two are to talented and knowledgeable with games to waste your time on the drop. It could go towards more thorough discussions or even reading your fans questions, thoughts, or concerns that the fans submit. Keep up the good work though!

Bruce McClain

Colin, I share your excitement for the Division 2. I didn't play the first one but I was balls deep into Destiny 1. I played Destiny 2 for awhile but I just couldn't shake the feeling that Bungie made so many mistakes with the game, specifically with it's emphasis on the Eververse store. I'm getting more and more angry with the gaming industry when many games lock some of their best content behind a secondary pay wall. For instance, I bought AC Odyssey and paid extra to get the season pass. But as I look through the Ubisoft store, all the best looking gear sets, horses, and ships have to be bought. I'd prefer to pay a premium price, say $120 or something, to unlock the complete game. I'm hoping that the Division 2 isn't full of loot boxes etc. although I'm positive that there will be some kind of store. Do you think we will ever get to a point where developers/publishers will do away with these schemes and just charge us up front? Or maybe even have 2 versions of the game, one with everything included for 100-120 bucks and then a 60 dollar version that has a secondary pay wall to lock certain items? I don't know, this really seems to be a mess that isn't going anywhere anytime soon.


I honestly think it'd be easier for me to restart the campaign and rush to the north to get the power, and then try at a Level 1 outpost or Expedition.


Eh, it's whatever. We're not gonna beg for access. We have a larger reach than many who got to play the game. If Sony doesn't want to speak to their own audience, that's okay. We still will.


Yeah, see, I knew I was at least half right. Still, you gotta give it to me: That's more Canadian knowledge than you'd find out of almost any American. LOL.

Tyson Williams

DMC would have been less ridiculed if his hair was white and not made by Ninja Theory, change my mind

The Chicken Chaser

Colin as a die hard Game of Thrones fan it pains me to hear you playing games whilst watching. There’s so much nuance and important dialog in the show you might miss. I would say the only other show as important to pay attention to the whole time would be Mad Men but you know all about that! Obviously I know you said you’re rewatching but once you hit new ground put the games down my man, it’s about to get crazy!

Michael Candelaria

Just caught up on Chris' videos, and he does in fact bring up "the PlayStation podcast" in the last Glasses Off video. Good shit Chris, really enjoy your work here and in YouTube

Ryan Zimm

I thought he said he was only doing for the eps he is re-watching...and that when he gets to new eps, he'll focus more


I don’t think it would be insane to think Last of us later this year, Ghosts in 2020, and Death Stranding coming out in 2021


Well, of course there are many economic complications. I guess the better thought exercise would be: What if that were simply the expectation all the way around the table?


I would really like a Charge Up Front model. This is what I complained about with Plants vs. Zombies 2 a very long time ago. The game literally refused to let me pay for it, instead nickel and diming me along the way. So instead of me giving EA and PopCap $20 or whatever, I gave them $0, and I never played the game for more than like an hour.

Trevor Deal

The Division... more like The Divisive.

Tyson Williams

You should definitely play Watch Dogs 2, it’s like so cheesy and fun in the most lovable way imo, and the gameplay is quite fun of course definitely better than WD1. Also I know you aren’t like big into online stuff but the online co-op and competitive is super duper fun with just strangers and no mics, and it’s completely seamless (although you can play in offline mode if you’d like but it’s definitely worth a try)

Ricardo Uribe

You can so much better content than keep reading those insane new game releases. However it is easy for me to skip them with the timestamps. Glad to report that you have indeed audience in Canada 🇨🇦

Ricardo Uribe

Great, give people what they want: game announcements for most, and timestamps for me!

Adam Matthew Ink

Shoot! I joined Patreon too late. I was going to vote to remove the drop :) Oh well... still a great show!