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Max Baril is a film buff with a movie podcast called Classic Movie Musts, but instead of having him on Fireside Chats to talk about the silver screen, we wanted to talk about... well... podcasting! How do you get into the world of podcasting? What kind of equipment is necessary? How do you publish your work, find an audience, and sustain interest? How do you make a living doing it? This episode of Fireside Chats is dedicated to the so-called art of podcasting, how we found our way to a craft we love, and how you might find success, too, whether you measure that in listeners, money, or simply knowing you're connecting with an audience that cares about the same things that you do. So throw on your headphones, step in front of the mic, and let's chat about chatting.



Ryan Harvey

Great podcast! I just watched Fritz Lang's "M" yesterday. Was a real treat to see how ahead of it's time it was. Would be awesome to hear your thoughts on it sometime Max! Great podcast Colin, am always pleasantly surprised about how these episodes grab me.


Thank you for listening! I'm stoked to hear that these episodes are sneaking up on you (as it were).

Marcus Brown

This was very fun. I'm a film fanatic as well and now I have another thing to discover thanks to this show! Can't wait till next week!

Russell Garrett

Great episode. I doubt I'll check his podcast out because I'm not into movies enough, but I've told a couple of friends who are (and fill me in on everything anyway) and they've said they'll check it out. Max seems like a good dude, I wish him the best of luck!


I was actually thinking about proposing this topic. You're a mind reader!

Jonathan Broussard

Great job guys! This was very insightful since recently starting a weekly podcast just for fun. Looking forward to the next episode.


sorry to ask this here (didn't know where to ask), but how do i listen to the exclusive podcasts on the iphone podcast app? i subscribed to the RSS feed using the emailed link, but I can't find them in my podcast list? they're not in the other CLS show lists?


Hey! You should be able to go to the front page of CLS' Patreon on a browser, grab the RSS link, and then put it into your module of choice. It seems like you may have already tried that, though, so I'm not sure how else to explain it. Anyone out there that can help Rob?


Actually all good mate, found it - new show title just called Colin’s Last Stand: Audio Format Feed.

Mitch Krassin

This is why I dig this show. Personal preference to the super eclectic topics really dictates how much you enjoy them. For every one I don't vibe with, there's always about 5 more that are really great.


Hey Colin - would be interested in talking to you about a show in the future. I’ve been on a few sales podcasts in the past and I think I have a unique view on being a successful millennial in a world that shits on our generation. Would love to explain more via email or something.

Joseph Ady

I'll be paying close attention to this episode. Now I won't have to ask you annoying questions about podcasting, haha.