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It's a new year, and it's time to get down to brass tacks. 2019 will almost certainly bring with it the first concrete details -- official or otherwise -- concerning Sony's PlayStation 5, and it's high time we start speculating. But while much of today's episode of Sacred Symbols is indeed dedicated to PS5, not all of it is. Rather, today's show is totally structured around your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas, not only about what's next in the World of PlayStation, but about what has been, and what is right now. We'll get back to normal order next week. For now, let's gather 'round the digital fire and chat, shall we?


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:03:47 - What features and upgrades does PlayStation 5 need to focus on?
0:09:03 - Does Black Mirror's Bandersnatch render dev teams like Quantic Dream moot?
0:12:34 - Is Death Stranding coming out in 2019?
0:15:44 - Will Sony ever created a wireless PSVR unit?
0:18:28 - What are some games you didn't like that seemingly everyone else loved?
0:22:07 - When it comes to the Metro series, should newcomers begin with 2033 or just go to Last Light?
0:23:58 - PlayStation Classic has officially bombed. Why?
0:27:55 - Is PlayStation 5 in any danger of losing to the Next Xbox?
0:32:30 - Would Bethesda Game Studios be in existential peril if Starfield is a dud?
0:35:47 - What story-driven games are the best to return to after beating?
0:37:48 - Will Infamous, LBP, Resistance, or Ratchet & Clank ever make a proper return?
0:40:57 - Is there any concern about the future viability of the PlayStation brand?
0:44:37 - Are there any games so powerful and resonant that they should only be played once?
0:45:52 - When did Colin stop loving Nintendo?
0:47:49 - What are the best things about having Chris as co-host?
0:49:44 - Should we be worried about the relative successes and failures of big publishers?
0:54:47 - What does the future hold for PlayStation VR, particularly when it comes to control?
0:58:22 - Are console exclusives waning in importance?
1:01:13 - What happened to Alundra? How about Shatter?
1:03:08 - Will Nintendo outshine Sony with its exclusives in 2019?
1:03:58 - Why do enemy bodies disappear after you kill them in video games?
1:06:19 - What are the plans for Sacred Symbols merch?
1:07:18 - Is it wise for Sony to remain radio silent on the future throughout 2019?
1:09:50 - When will AAA game prices go up, and what will the new pricepoint be?
1:14:25 - What PS4 game of 2018 deserved more love and attention?
1:16:05 - When will PlayStation 5 be officially revealed?
1:18:14 - Is it silly to judge games based on their ESRB rating?
1:20:03 - What are some 2019 games that deserve more press attention and player anticipation?
1:22:19 - What games would come on a hypothetical Vita Classic?
1:23:41 - Outro.



Forrest Hunter

Hope you gents are having a great day!



Forrest Hunter

I would have spent my New Years Eve talking playstation with you. You didn't even ask me! Haha


So hyped to listen to this! :D

Brandon Soto

Thanks for reading my comment Colin!! Hope Sony just keeps the ball rolling and better come out swinging with the PS5 / new game reveals. People aren’t loyal and jump ship all the time. Microsoft seemingly has addressed all of its problems as well. *prays*


The "Gamers Rise Up" thing is just a meme, and TBH its a stale one now

Ryan Harvey

I honestly have a hard time seeing any way to produce a ps5 without selling it at a loss or a higher price point. I feel like any console with meaningful upgrades may very well be impossible to do without a pricetag of $500+. I mean it will have to in theory be stronger than the xbox one x. We'll see, it's very exciting!


Ps5 has to be backwards compatible. It's one of the main reasons people wouldn't jump ship and go back to Xbox.


Yeah. I mean, maybe I'm totally off base, but I think the likelihood that PS5 is backwards compatible with PS4 is 100%.


"0:35:47 - What story-driven games are the best to return to after beating?" as a little kid I replayed MGS over and over again. same with Goldeneye, Super Mario World, MGS2..... that's changed as Ive gotten older. Don't really replay games anymore because I don't have the time.


Another great episode. Keep up the good work. Happy holidays.

Ryan Taylor

Great episode Colin! Happy New Year to you and yours! Here’s to a successful 2019 for CLS.

Brett Carlson

Colin wanted to give you a little technical inside on what the next gen will be power wise. Your looking and new Zen hardware proprietary built for Sony from AMD. Your looking at 8 core processor with 16 threads. You will see a graphics jump. 4k 60fps will be a standard instead of the exception. But where the new tech truly shines in power is with Environments and Artifical Intelligence of NPCs. We are talking fully realized and intractable worlds that you can as the player touch and have impact on. We are talking enemy AI being wildly more sophisticated in terms of how they approach you. Environments that are seamlessly destructible and loading times. This next gen tech is going to be very powerful. Just wanted to give you some of my tech knowledge for frame of reference. Thanks

Kam Wallis

Hey Colin, fantastic episode!

Tanner Brant

Hey just wanted to say that the reason The Last of Us Part 2 isn't in the Most anticipated games list vote thing on Playstation Blog because it won last year and previous winners aren't put back in the running

Tyson Williams

The only switch exclusives I can think of right now that haven’t come out are Bayonetta 3 and Yoshi’s Crafted World. Which I kinda excited for both, the newer Yoshi games aren’t really anything impressive or unique but they’ve still got solid level design and art direction as one would expect from a Nintendo platformer and they’re certainly better than the New Super Mario Bros. Series in my opinion but not as good as the newer Donkey Kong Country games


Happy New Year everyone!


The meat of what I really want is in your description: More believable worlds and characters. I could give a fuck about the framerate and resolution, personally, but that's all great, too. =)


I'm sure they'll all be great games, but none of those are gonna push units. Pokémon sure will, though.

Ryan Gorris

Happy New Years guys. Keep up the amazing work!

There’s No I in LLC

How come shovel knights is the only title that's replicated Megaman properly.

Brandon Hardman

Disappointed in the lack of really hard hitting questions like “What will PS5 games taste like?”

Kenneth Oms

Going off of the Bandersnatch/Quantic Dream question, I agree that QD has nothing to worry about. While i enjoyed the attempt that Bandersnatch made, I overall was disappointed with it. I genuinely felt like I wasted my time. The story it was building up, the lore of the crazy author, and the Colin character's self-awareness and mystique are just not explore enough. It feels like a half cooked story. I wanted to know more about the crazy author, about Pax and the symbol, I wanted Stefan to do more. One of the endings i got fast forwarded time and brings in a character we see as an infant, i thought the story would continue through her in modern times, but it doesnt. I think QD make such satisfying experiences and stories that they are going to look like the King of the Hill after this! Just my two cents. Edit: i also appreciated the subtext and meaning behind bandersnatch i.e what is free will etc. But Detroit become human explored that in a way better way haha!


Thanks for reading my question again; I also loved Detroit. You always mention an increase for game prices is inevitable but I wonder how do you think that’ll affect used copies or how fast games go on sale? As someone who almost never buys games at launch, pricing going up doesn’t worry me. Although, I am curious to see how it’ll affect PSN and see if it ever manages to become more similar to Steam in pricing structure.

Sekani Adebimpe

Great episode! Personally, Nier: Automata is one of my favorite games of all time, and certainly a large part of its appeal is playing further into the narrative because of how it structures itself. However, I can definitely understand and appreciate your sentiment on the game.

Petre Cismigiu

I absolutely love these episodes where it's just you and reader questions. I'm sure you are, but a kind reminder that you should be proud of yourself as a podcaster. You really are at that point where you could teach a masterclass in podcasting and I think that shouldn't go underappreciated. We tend to just see the final product and take it at face value without thinking of what it takes to deliver that product. So hats off to you, my friend.


Loved this! Finally found the time to watch anything lol!

Jason Stafford

Odyssey is definitely a time sink, but in the best way. I may be a psycho, but the gameplay and loop really sucked me in. 150 hours never went by so fast for me. I'm such a lunatic that I even went back to the previous game and 80 hours later, I've finished it (aside from DLC). The armchair therapist in me thinks I'm avoiding RDR2 because it's kicking in my "game anxiety".

James O'Donnell

So cool to hear my question answered on the show, Colin. Thanks so much for that and for the great answer! Big love as always from Ireland.


Dude - that's where I was 150-160 hours to "finish" Odyssey. The difference being that I think it burned me out for open world games. I jumped into Just Cause 4 right after and I just ran through that doing the minimum I needed to level up rather than clearing the whole map as I've previously always done........ and right now.... IDK... I feel like I need a break from video games. I might ride the bench until Anthem drops.

Jason Stafford

Yeah, I think I'm a little weird compared to most folks. I love being able to zone out and just clear stuff. It's like a release for me being the only person in my damn family that seems to have a brain to be able to just zone out and not have to think about all the bullshit. LOL. I need help.


I like it too, but I don't have as much time as when I was younger... my wife and kid want a bunch of my time and attention for some reason lol. So, I do like clearing stuff but I also like to finish games in a couple weekends. Odyssey took me 2.5 months (and my OCD won't let me play other games simultaneously).

Jason Stafford

Yeah, thankfully my kid is grown and has a kid of his own and I have a really nice game room. I don't get to play during the week, but everyone knows the weekend is mine. Haha


To add to your response Colin about 2019 Nintendo exclusives: they actually have a lot more big games coming out this year. Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, and Yoshi in addition to the Pokemon mainline game you mentioned. Also in development (but maybe not 2019) are Metroid Prime 4 and Bayonetta 3. Bigger year for Nintendo exclusives than I think you gave them credit for.


Yeah, there's no doubt that Bandersnatch was half-baked. A lot of people (including me) are also disappointed with it. When I read that Charlie Brooker said doing Bandersnatch was like doing four episodes of the regular show and that's why they're late, I was like... C'MON MAN.


Well, there's a weird perk for retail stores (and resellers) in that, presumably, higher new sales will increase used sales. At least, that's what normal market forces would do.


I dunno that that's a big year of exclusives, but we shall see! I don't wish any ill towards Nintendo. I hope they do great.

Jason Stafford

It's so so worth it. I wonder if you can play like "one zone" at a time then play something else for a little bit to keep from being overwhelmed? I'm not sure if there's ever been a game aside from Witcher 3 that had quests that were so worth it from a writing standpoint.


I know you don't, I was just under the impression that Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing we're huge deals for Nintendo fans. I don't know if they can sell systems though. I got my first PS4 in 2018 because of God of War and Spiderman, so exclusives can definitely sell systems if the games are stellar.


Hey Colin, you mentioned "some vote going on with PlayStation Blog or playstation.com or something", regarding the release dates of The Last of Us Part II and Death Stranding. You said that people were hinting you towards that. Could you hint me towards that source too? I googled something like "playstation|sony poll|survey most anticipated games 2019", but it didn't bring up anything. I'd be really interested in the original source, because I'm currently writing an article about TLoUP2 and would like to incorporate this "news about the (lack of a) release date".

Michael Raymond

I was pleased to hear the love for Shadow Fall in this episode! I truly love that series. Killzone 1 was my first PS2 game, Killzone 2 was my first PS3 game, and Shadow fall was my first PS4 game. Death to the ISA dogs!


I've not actually sought it out; it was something said to me a few times on Twitter. Sorry. =\


Oh no, how sad. Thanks for the answer though. After all, the article also works without that info.


Great episode Colin! I will disagree with one thing, when you said playstation won every generation, the ps3 was outsold by the Wii. I just can't help this negative feeling the ps3 gave me. Ps2 was my favorite console of all time. My best memories of the ps3 are mostly playing ps1 classics, Uncharted 2, and God of War 3.

Brett Carlson

Hey brutha, any quick thoughts on this fake gamer girl Overwatch situation. You should in some ways feel validated about what you have been saying about games journalism for years. Cause boy did they jump on this story immediately and strat revving the outrage machine. #ColinWasRight2019

Kaz Redclaw

I grabbed a PS1 Classic for $60. It works well enough, but I'm planning on putting Retroarch on it instead since that's now available for the system. That will let me take all my Genesis roms that I've purchased on Steam and put them on there, and take a handful of my remaining PS1 games and put them on there as well.


Thank you for listening! Yeah, that's in my corrections for next week. I dunno why I was so flippant about that point, 'cause I know that already. LOL.


I'm thinking about dedicating an episode of Side Quest to it, work on it this week and publish it in a week. We shall see!


It's wild how people are figuring out how to emulate on these machines. Definitely not what Sony wants or intended!

John Lynch

Completely agree with Days gone being overlooked. I don’t get it. It looks phenomenal and to be honest I don’t get the Last of us Comparisons. The games look nothing alike other than zombies. It’s mt most anticipated game of 2019


I certainly get the thematic comparison from an eagle's eye view, but the gameplay is radically different (though the perspective is the same).