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Right before Christmas, I went back east to visit my family, and I brought my recording equipment with me. One podcast I knew I had to record was with my mom, and I wanted to ask her something specific: How does it feel to watch and listen to your son online? More than that, though, how does it feel to read, watch, and see all the negative stuff? Does it hurt, or do you let it slide off of your shoulders? Today, we discuss that, although the conversation winds from there. Indeed, in the end, it ends up being about all of you guys and gals that listen to CLS shows and support the company... and how awesome you all are.



Tim J Weckwerth

Been looking forward to this one!

Jason Stafford

So excited about this. Miss BettyAnn has been so kind to all of us, and obviously had a hand in raising two brothers we all love.

Forrest Hunter

You often mention how your family listens to your shows and I've wondered how they feel about it, especially when you and Dagan reveal some of the more interesting aspects of your childhood.

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

Really excited to listen to this one! I think it may hit me in the feels. It must be tough to see lots of people say mean things about your own son that simply is not true. Betty Ann seems really great, and I love that she is in the CLS online community.

Kenneth Oms

I'm excited for this one, I started listening and your mom's voice was very calm and familiar to me, i kept thinking cool old school professor and then she said she was in academia! haha. The way she talks reminded me a lot of my mom especially when she says Awesome and that northern accent comes through. My mom was born in Manhattan and only lived there for a few years before moving to Puerto Rico, but to this day, despite not having been to Manhattan in about fifty years, she still says awesome, coffee, and "i sawr it" with an accent haha.

BettyAnn Moriarty

Thank you, Jason. Proud of my boys... and my girls too - lest someone assumes I have ‘a favorite ‘ . 💞 Hope you enjoy the episode.

BettyAnn Moriarty

It’s really awesome to have a way to interact- even briefly- with you (all). Thanks for your note, Marius! 💞

BettyAnn Moriarty

Another New Yorker! I understand about your mom’s ‘innate’ accent. I haven’t lived in NY for a very long time and well, it’s just always gonna be a part of me, I guess - it’s part of who I am! 😬

Hugo's Desk

What a wonderful episode. Thanks so much for bringing positivity to the internet. You are an inspiration. Love from London. Hugo

Ryan Taylor

Great episode Colin & BettyAnn! I’ve often thought what it must be like for Colin’s family to see the hate that comes his way even though he’s 100% not any of the things people purport him to be! Im glad they see straight through all the bullshit and see that Colin is indeed the man.

BettyAnn Moriarty

As we spoke about, it’s not always easy but it’s SO important to rise above it. It’s really the only way... 💞

Cesar Solis

I can’t tell you how excited I was when I saw this episode with Betty Ann being the guest! I love when she’s on and I love the vibe. Idk if it’s possible but please try to have your mom on more often! I know Betty Ann you read all the comments I want to say you are awesome and your voice is beyond calming. Made my government job so much easier to deal with today! I second Kenneth comments from above, and thank you for speaking so well about this community. Colin deserves so much more then he has! Day 1 here Colin, I’ll keep supporting you till the wheels drop off hermano! Salute!


Great episode and awesome to hear from your mom! While I've really enjoyed your gaming content and that's how I found you, your multiple topics from GoG Show or FS chats have really opened my mind and taught me a lot. The history I've learned from you and Professor Jackson (listen to his podcast now), the importance of a survival disaster plan, and so much else have been so informational and stuck with me. So your whole "I want to teach my audience"/legacy thing is not lost.

Matthew Perry

Another amazing episode :-) Colin you have been knocking them out of the park lately ;-) you have an amazing mum and was a pleasure to listen to this episode as gave an insight to your lives and what it's like to be an online celebrity !! I once told your mum she she should be proud of you but I also think now that you should be proud of her also :-)

Daniel Gonzalez

So glad to hear your mom drop some knowledge about you Colin. Happy new year by the way, thank you for all you do.

Will Hahn

This was such an amazing episode! Your mom has such a great heart! Wishing you both (and the rest of your family) a fantastic 2019 :)

Christopher Moore

This was the best way to start a new year! Great episode. You (and your entire family, evidently) are awesome! Thanks for all the quality content in 2018 and can't wait to see what you do with 2019. Happy New Year to you and your own!

Trent Miller

Very good episode. I really liked hearing BettyAnn’s perspective. I really love all the positivity that you, Colin, try to bring out and dwell on even when you say you are inherently pessimistic. You have challenged me and inspired me to do the same and to also keep an open mind about things and listen to what people with different opinions have before immediately writing it off.


Such a nice episode. You’ve certainly had a positive impact on me. Thank you for that.


Lol, thats quite the photogenic angle Colin


So glad you guys were able to do this together. It made me miss speaking with my mom and she's only 2 hrs away, lol. Thank you for the candid and honest discussion that you allowed us to be a part of. It so encouraging to see the positive impact a nurturing family and in particularly a mother can have on their son. I hope I can do the same for my 4 year old daughter and be that (hopefully one of many) positive influence in her life. It's ok if she turns out to be a daddy's girl, I won't mind too much =P. Thanks Mrs. Moriarty!


Colin, twice now you've mentioned that Kinda Funny didn't have gaming content for 2 years, but didn't KF have Gamescast from the very beginning? And only 8 months later, PS I love you started.

Kenny Gutzler

This was so wonderful. Well done, BettyAnn and Colin!

Korey Burns

LOL @ Colin having a distaste for black people! The internet has become a never-ending game of Telephone. Anyway, great episode as usual! You have a great support system in your mom and family.

Lucas Gremista

Momma Moriarty did an awesome job raising not just a stand up guy like Colin, but an entire family. Including Dagan, which should never be afraid we would prefer another co-host for Knockback, this podcast is perfect with the both of you!

Forrest Hunter

Just finished the podcast; Mama Moriarty is one of my favorite people!


What a cool ep. Very neat to hear from the Creator of Colin (well - one of the creators of Colin... it was cool when his dad was on too). I still contend that the parents probably don't get enough credit for how Colin turned out... the thoughtfulness and measured manner. Just a bunch of respect.

Marcus Brown

Awesome, awesome, awesome episode. Your mom is so great, hope to see her back soon.

Marc Boggio

This was such a nice episode to listen to - when BettyAnn said she reads everything, I can’t help but wonder if she’s seen me jokingly say “I’m telling Colin’s mom” when someone criticizes you in one of the Facebook groups 😂 (I would never actually snitch... but if she reads everything I suppose I wouldn’t have to)

BettyAnn Moriarty

Oh, Marc! 💞 Don’t EVER stop being you. You’re perfectly lovely just the way you are. That ‘statement’ just makes me giggle... like it’s doing right now as Larry looks over at me like I’m losing g my mind. I’ll need to share this with him. 😂

Jorge Pal

I listened to this the day it came out and it was really great. I hope to see more content in the future from you and your mom Colin! Also I totally agree that Dagan makes Knockback. I can’t see it exist without him lol. Thank you for the excellent content!

Petre Cismigiu

I just listened to this episode. I loved it so much. BettyAnn Moriarty seems like the nicest person in the world (and I'm sure she is). Her voice is so soothing I want to hear bedtime stories read by her and I'm 28 =)

Jacek Debowski

What an amazing podcast, I loved the energy between you two (and how you both laughed after final fantasy ghost train reference!)


Thank you. =) My mom's listened to enough of my content over the years that she's probably more familiar with Final Fantasy VI than half the people that played it. LOL.

Theis Jensen

Great episode. The personal Fireside Chats like episode 50 and this one are my favorite type.

Jacob Knopp

This was an absolute joy to listen to. Your mother is one hell of a amazing woman. I thank her for shaping you into a man I respect a great deal.

Luke Tucker

Phenomenal ep!! I can see where you get your love of learning now Colin, IMO that really separates your content from others in the space. CLS has substance and I love it. BettyAnn it was a treat to hear you chat with Colin! I legit smiled when a “hi guys” not being said was referenced. 😂 You did a wonderful job raising your children, we dig ‘em! 👍 Dagan has nothing to worry about, he does a tremendous job. Even the dad jokes that can cause painful groans. 😄 Thank you both for the chat!


Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I obviously (for selfish reasons) enjoy these types of episodes, too. LOL.

Riley Smith

There is no knockback without my boy Dagan M

Philip Keeney

Tremendous episode. Just want to say that when everything happened with kinda funny, I was so angry with how you were seemingly treated. Having said that I kept listening to their content but I became increasingly more uncomfortable with them. So when you started sacred symbols it was perfect for me. I dropped their content completely and listen to everything you put. Your genuine personality, kindness and intelligence is so evident. Your candor and views are extremely important to me every week. Long live CLS!

BettyAnn Moriarty

We sure are happy you enjoyed it. . Proud of my kids and blessed a million to be their mom. 😉💞

Philip Keeney

How perfect that I got an all emoji response! 🙂🙂 Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Lou & Rei Loper

lol, I was just thinking the same thing. It made me have a little giggle and it wasn't even to me :D

Tony Colton

Great episode... Your mom has such a calming voice. Just wanted to touch on your point about negativity and trying to put out positive vibes into the world.... Well something really got under my skin recently.... Someone posted an article on Twitter around Christmas "The 10 worst games of 2018" - like seriously what's the point, this is achieving nothing but being hurtful to the people who made these games. Regardless of how poor a game is, people's time, effort and passion have gone into making them. I think constructive criticism is better and more people need to do it. Encourage creators to push on to the next game and challenge them to be better at what they do. Don't put them on a list that is made simply for clicks and to be no addition whatsoever to the greater gaming community. Ok rant over... Wooooosahhhhhhhhh


From my perspective, it's totally fine to not like something, to talk about why you don't like something, and to have a higher caliber of taste, generally. But I'm with you. I don't understand only celebrating the negative, without obviously celebrating the positive. Balance, as always, is key.