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In the United States -- and around the world -- millions of animals go unloved, uncared for, and discarded. Bryan Finck works on behalf of The Pixel Fund, a Florida-based non-profit that tends to dogs, cats, and other animals that have been abused, abandoned, and put in otherwise awful situations. Through his care, and the care of his colleagues, animals that would have otherwise never found a loving home (or would have outright died or been put down) are living vibrant, happy lives, all thanks to the time and money of volunteers who care for the animals that, in turn, care so much for us. If this Fireside Chat reminds us of anything, it's that there's real pain and suffering in this world that goes well beyond the realm of humanity. Good news, though: We can all do something about it.



Marcus Brown

Can't wait to listen after work!

Britton Dowers

Feel like I need to listen to In the Arms of an Angel to get in the proper mood for this one. Always look forward to Wednesday and a new episode.

Bryan Finck

Thanks for making me sound good Colin, really appreciate the opportunity you provided to shine a light on the problem and our little part of the solution!

Tony Rivera

Colin.. just reading that description nearly moved me to man-tears (which there is nothing wrong with btw). Bryan, God bless the work you and your team does. I now have found a new family to donate to in our annual giving campaigns at work and beyond. Thank you both for this podcast.


Looking forward to this one Colin, I volunteer for our local rescue and foster dogs for them so a subject close to my heart :)


I adopted a good boy two months ago and named him Pixel ironically. I’ll be making my own donation out of love for these amazing creatures that have saved my sanity so many times.


Due to this subject, my finance, of whom I've touted so much about you to, now, seriously loves you; as I've grown to love you to. I just found out I'm gonna be a Dad about 4 weeks ago and I think it's making me extra mushy. I unequivocally love what you, and your compatriots, and counterpart present in the premium content you all create. I'm not one to join in communal things but your endeavour is inpsiring my own positive life changes, and I'm proud to be a small, albeit integral, part of the community you grew from your own heart, and super-interesting mind. Staying positive and loving life, dude! ✌

Richard Duflo

One of my dogs was abandoned at my girlfriend’s groom shop. Dude dropped her off and never came back. She was severely malnourished, it was awful. She had to stay at the shop for a couple days as we went through the proper channels, but we ended up taking her home and keeping her. It was actually the day PS4 was released that she came home with us. Great episode, Colin, and thank you for your work, Bryan.

Bryan Finck

Thank you all for kind thoughts and words, I'm glad you like the episode! For those who are so inclined, here's the direct link to donate to The Pixel Fund. <a href="http://www.thepixelfund.org/donate.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.thepixelfund.org/donate.html</a>

Bryan Finck

Reminds me of a dog I met the other day, his owner was evicted from the apartment he lived in, left the dog locked in a cage in the apartment with no water or food. When they found him the vet said he wouldn't have made it even one more day. He had been in a foster home for 3 weeks when I met him and he was still the skinniest dog I had ever seen, but he was so happy to be alive, you would never know what he had been through.

Bryan Finck

Thank you for what you do! The need is so great, there can never be enough fosters and volunteers, so each and every person can have a tremendous impact. There aren't many parts of life where you can literally save a life on a daily basis.


Thanks Bryan, doesn't feel like much in the grand scheme of things but we enjoy doing our tiny part :). We have one of our own and he loves all the different company. I'm sure I'll have about 14 in a couple of years time mind you, can be bloody hard saying bye and sending them off to a new home!


Collin listening to this had me tearing up.. I am a dog and cat lover... I have both and cat imagine anything happening to them. I am so glad there are people out there like Bryan, and thank you for having him on and allowing him to tell his story.


Makes me so angry, is it really that hard to just take your dog somewhere like a shelter if you really can't take care of it?

Bryan Finck

You would be surprised how many are just abandoned. I am often surprised when people take them to the shelter as it seems to be the minority these days. A lot of people just post on Facebook or Craigslist groups looking for new homes for them, which might be better or worse, depending on how lucky the animal is that day. I shudder to think of how some of those situations end up.

BettyAnn Moriarty

Wow! I was/am so moved by this. A wonderful, informative and down to earth look at what can happens to abused and neglected animals and of the angels who save and care for them. It sure makes me want a pet again. I miss my three kittens but having a grandson who is deadly allergic and who visits very often... sadly there isn’t that chance right now. Someday. Thanks for what you do, Bryan - it’s so very admirable- and thanks, Col, for bringing up the topic on the show . ❤️❤️


This is great! 2 years ago we adopted a stray that got hit by a car. Her spinal cord was severed, so she's permanently paralyzed in the rear end. She wears diapers and needs her bladder expressed by us a few times a day, so she's extra work and money, but I've never loved a dog more.

Bryan Finck

That is awesome man, thank you for doing that for her! So many people overlook the seniors and the medical cases because they are hard, and they are often the ones who are put down first (or immediately) in shelters because they don't have the people or funds to care for them.


I think if people knew how rewarding it was, they wouldn't be as hesitant to adopt. We were scared to death at first, so I get it. Once you get used to it, it's no big deal at all, and she couldn't possibly be more loved.

Petre Cismigiu

Dogs are basically angels on Earth


Dogs are totally part of the family. I remember when my dog, Jake, passed away back in 2016. I was devastated. I had him since I was 12 (now 29). He was with me through most of school, was with me when I got married, and was with me for my first child. He was my buddy, followed me everywhere. How people can treat dogs with such disrespect and abuse I’ll never understand. No soul perhaps?

Bryan Finck

I see it every day and still don't understand it. Some people just see them as property, I assume like most things it is how you were raised, but even at that level, how do you not respect them as living beings?


That's really good of you to do. I wish I could find the time to give back like that, but I'm barely staying afloat with work, truth be told.


Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm happy to have such an awesome, supportive community around me. We're doing something special on our little corner of the Internet, I feel.


I have no idea how people could just abandon their animals. Or abuse them or hurt them. Lola is like the most innocent, silly, loving creature I've ever been around. I'd never let anything happen to her. She has better health insurance than I do!


It was my pleasure to expose his story, and the story of those like him doing the good work of helping these helpless creatures.


I don't even understand the reference, which goes to show you how 100mph I'm going, I guess.


I think people have effectively othered them, and think they don't matter. But they do. I fear for the time when Lola passes, because I know I won't handle it well, and I know Erin will handle it about ten times worse.


Just lucky enough to have the time, giving people like Bryan the opportunity to promote their causes to a good sized audience is probably a far greater help in reality :)

Bryan Finck

Right there with you, my dogs are 4 and 7 and I already worry about that day. Its not going to be pretty. I have had to surrender dogs before and I was inconsolable, losing them will of course be much worse. That's why we spoil them while we've got them :-)

Lucas Gremista

Man, at the same time this podcast broke my heart, it also filled it with joy for good people that volunteer their precious time for these awesome dogs. I wish I could volunteer to walk and play with them but I know that with time, the shit I would see would get to me. Thanks everyone that supports animal shelters in any way, shape, or form. You are true heroes on Earth.

Jose Garcia

I’m going to start regularly dropping off bags of food at my local shelter. Loved the episode and the awareness it brings.