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Today, we're conducting an experiment. Instead of jamming Spider-Man into a regular episode of Sacred Symbols, thus inevitably making a three hour-plus show, we decided to spin-out an episode exclusively dedicated to our favorite Web Slinger, and his PS4-exclusive adventure in particular. We structured the entire show around audience questions and comments, and we'd love your feedback on if this format works for you or not. Either way, though, we hope you enjoy an extra episode of Sacred Symbols this week. And rest assured, we'll be back to do another next time a big, meaty experience comes out that we have a ton to say about (especially if it's exclusive to PlayStation).




We truly appreciate all the content, Colin. But holy hell, do you even sleep at the pace you're going with the constant drip feed of quality content? 😅😅😅. Take a bow. And a nice long nap too. 😁


Nice! Listening now, I really dug the game and was the first to platinum it in the US!

Tony Colton

Prob won't get to thinks game until PS5 is out haha but gonna give this a listen

James Galos

I haven’t played Spider-Man yet, but I like the idea behind this episode. Just too much to cover in the big games to jam them into a 10min talk.


Any KnockBack topic spoilers?


You should call special episodes “Sacred Symbols - : - Hidden Chest”


Iv learned that the more sacred symbols you get the better

Joey Finelli

next spiderman game needs venom and carnage!


Having finished, one thing I would’ve liked is a bit more talk about the story. It didn’t seem like there was much reason to call it a spoilercast because I don’t think many spoilers were actually discussed but that aside I really enjoyed listening.


No, I don't sleep much. =) Glad you're appreciating/liking the content, though. Thank you!


It's a good weekend game. You could bang it out over a Saturday and Sunday, and get it out of the way...


That's our thought process, too. Even with Shadow of the Tomb Raider, we went on for 20 minutes on Episode 11. If it gets any longer than that, it's probably best to relegate chatter to its own episode.


Great! Thank you for your feedback. It was important to me for the episode to remain around an hour, and not be dominated by us, but rather by the discussion generated from audience inquiries. We'll try to strike a better balance next time.


Hey Colin and Chris! Enjoyed the spoilercast but it's kinda weird that there's no discussion about the symbiote showed in the last scene and Aunt May's scene. I'll be expecting more on the next spoilercast. Thanks!

Kenny Gutzler

Big fan of this! Supplemental talks diving into the blockbuster games is a great idea, IF you guys have the time. BTW - take a day off lol.


Thank you for your feedback! Again, we were eager to structure the show entirely around your guys' questions. So it's not meant to be "all-inclusive," as it were. That said, we will certainly improve in the future.


Thanks for the extra content! I’m sure someone else has said this, but some more story discussion would have been great. Keep up the good work, CLS as a whole is the content I keep up with the most at this point.


Yes, a few others made note! We'll try to be more structured next time, but that will come at the sake of using so many questions from the audience. We'll find a better balance.


Thanks for answering my question. I would like to add that I would like to see the Assassin's Guild for the sequel, mainly because the uniforms look fucking cool as hell

Alex Gates

I love the idea of episodes devoted to specific games and I definitely wasn't disappointed by this one. Chris echoed my thoughts on the game almost exactly. Great conversation, Guys! Please keep doing them!


Colin, re the bomb missions, you can be super precise be swinging to the general area of the bomb (as long as you can see it) and instead of hitting both triggers to point zip, just press the left trigger to slow down time. You then have several seconds to aim and 'shoot' with the right trigger. You'll zip to that exact spot. I'd been point launching everywhere instead of swinging until I learnt that, so I'm not sure if you knew it either. Those drone missions can go fuck right off though. I golded everything (and got the plat), but the amount of times I got 39900 made me want to headbutt my tv screen... Also agreed on crime missions. Might have been better if they only required three of each, at least when the last two pop. Having to unlock ten in each zone by then felt a bit much. A bit disappointed you guys didn't go into the incredibly emotional, tear jerking ending of the game. I am, of course, referring to Yuri finally accepting Spider-Cop into her life :p Loved the show! See (hear?) you next week.

Zackery Parkerson

I think these special episodes for marquee Playstation releases is a definite no-brainer. I liked how focused you were on listener question, but I do echo the sentiments of hoping for more story discussion.

John Lynch

Great video guys. Can’t wait to see more like this. Loving spider-man. My only issue with it is the forced miles and Mary Jane stealth missions


It'll be a while till I listen to this because I have to focus on school. Extremely jealous of everyone playing Spider-Man, but I guess I should be a responsible adult for once. Still, really glad you're doing spoilercasts and I hope you continue to do them for big PlayStation releases!


Yeah, those were a bit of a letdown. I was uncomfortable bringing them up in my own review, though, because I didn't want to spoil anything.


Enjoyed the Podcast, thanks for answering my question.

Marcus Brown

I love this game so much. Like Chris this did a lot for me as a fan of Spider-Man and Marvel in general. With the tremendous amount of bad superhero video games this was a breath of fresh air. I didn't have any doubts to begin with. Man did I go through so many emotions from a fan and nostalgic standpoint. It meant a lot to me. The story was so great and truly respected it's source material with a twist of its own. It was a full package to me. This is definitely something I will play again and it's DLC. I obviously platinumed it for it was fun and rewarding to do so. I'm happy it peaked your interest in the lore I hope you discover more and have a live for it like Batman. I also mainly stuck to the original suit as well though I did like the white spider one especially the Doc Ock suit. Great Show and game!


just want to say thanks for the spoiler warning at the start, after your over arching opinions on the game. Was good to not have anything to ruined story wise. I'll come back and listen when I finnish it.


You're very welcome. Didn't want to ruin it for anyone without them knowing what they were getting into.


I just upped my Patreo tier to listen to this! So worth it. Thank you both very much. I'm trying to get into nursing school and I really need a break sometimes you guys keep up the great work.

John Lynch

Love the episode guys. I agree with Chris that this is the best Spider-Man game. I enjoyed the game throughout and this MIGHT be my favorite PS4 exclusive of the year. I really enjoyed Detroit as God of War, but to be honest I took points off GoW in my own opinion because I felt that it lasted too long. Towards the end of the game I just wanted it to be over, I didn’t get that feeling with Spider-Man at all

John Lynch

Forget to mention, I’d absolutely love additional episodes in this manner Colin. You have an awesome product all around the board under the CLS umbrella


I am stupid or arent they setting up Harry to be Venom in the end credits?


God of War's post-game/endgame stuff was a chore, for sure. Combined with the game's poor AI and shitty fast travel system, getting the Platinum ended up being super obnoxious.

Sekani Adebimpe

Awesome podcast! Watching this after I got the Platinum Trophy earlier today, and I am glad that you all felt the same way I did about the side content. I actually tried to complete all the side content available to me prior to proceeding with the main story (so unfortunately I did about 80+ new crimes after the raft breakout) and I felt that the benefits were great from a gameplay and narrative perspective, improving Spider-Man’s abilities and fleshing out the world. Keep up the great work!


Yeah Harry was definitely being kept alive in the tube by the symbiote.


I really like this format of dedicating a full episode to getting into a bigger game like this. Great episode and keep up the awesome work guys :)

That black guy

Yes! just yes! On infamous 2 being awesome, I feel especially the evil ending is super underrated on how your choices can affect the story

Federico Saravia

Thanks for the reply to a pointless comment (which was made by mistake as i'm sure you must have figured out). Keep up the great work and the awesome content.

Tyson Williams

I did really love two sequences where you play as MJ which was the Grand Central Station one and the Osborne Penthouse one especially, and I thought the Miles sequence with Rhino was alright

Tyson Williams

I don’t want a video game marvel universe with different series in the same world but I would like to see certain heroes from Marvel or wherever get a triple A game like this. Also I would enjoy some sort of side missions where maybe you team up with like Daredevil for a little bit and when you finish you get a Daredevil Spidey suit and some tokens plus just fun interactions with these unique characters


As Chris said, perhaps we'll get some b-and-c-tier tie-ins in the sequel. I wouldn't be surprised, what with Marvel's obsession with its universe.


I'm never going to play this game but still loved the content.


I am just listening to this now, but I feel the need to tell you I love this breakout show. Definitely would like a bunch of them through future releases.


I know I am late to this but I just finished the game. Overall, it was fun. However, those Mary Jane and Miles stealth sections were so boring. It completely slows down the momentum the game had. I hope that ending was a nod to Venom though. He is definitely my favorite villain.


I loved the game. The stealth sections annoyed me because it felt unclear what I could do at times but they didn’t last long. Other sections, like boss fights, felt really gamey at times but they had cool cinematics to kinda make up for it. My favorite suit was the Vintage Comic suit. I wouldn’t be surprised if the sequel has Green Goblin, Mysterio, Sand Man, Hydro Man, Venom, and brings back Kingpin and Tombstone. What I would love to see a Spider-Man game do is a Spider-War or something similar to Spider-Verse where all these Spidey’s show up to team up.