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Nearly a year ago, CLS changed directions: It became a brand, and not just a show, and that all began with Fireside Chats. Originally designed to be a short, weekly spoken op-ed about something random, Fireside Chats quickly morphed into the eclectic interview series it is today, and has since exposed dozens of interesting, unique, intelligent, and diverse voices to the world. To celebrate its 50th episode, though, it's time to turn the formula on its head, because today, Colin is the guest. Better yet, he's interviewed by his girlfriend, Erin. Episode 50 holds laughter, crying, and just about everything in between. But above all else, it's an honest look at what was, what is, and what's still to come.



Beaver diva

Colin, you are such a beautiful person man. It's so heartwarming seeing where you've got to today. Truly truly inspiring my friend

Abe Moukhtar

I can’t wait to listen to this. Keep up the awesome work!!

Michael Ferrari

Time is flying by. Excited to listen.


Can't wait for this one!


I imagined you sitting in a room full of mirrors interviewing yourself before I read the end. Talk about eclectic! This should be a great one!

Craig Carter

Crying? Oh man, I don’t know if I’m ready to tear up this morning... love it when you have Erin on the podcast and I hope you the two of you are doing well


Erin’s accent is almost non-existent. Kudos! The Boston accent is one of the most grating sounds anywhere in the world


"Here lies Colin Moriarty: you're dismissed"

Jason Bolla

Beautiful. I'm sure the name of it had some folks wishing for one thing, but the reality of it is even better. Really excited to be a part of the journey this past year, and to see the CLS brand evolve. It's become a part of my routine to work as I listen to you discuss games, politics, or bathroom habits. Truly some of the best listening material I've had in years, and I hope you are given the opportunity to continue doing what you do so well, and ideally everything you want to achieve. All the best to you and your family/friends from ours. It'll be a dark day on the internet when you decide to hang your hat up.

Michael Ferrari

Man, being among a select group of people who have a clear memory of life pre-internet and life after is so weird. I think about it from time to time, how bizarre that is. I think that time of pre-internet is what helped us, or many of us, deal with the internet in a less serious way, and people weren't getting offended by everything, we knew it wasn't "real." People who have only know an internet filled life don't have that perspective. Sometimes it's like I've lived in two completely different time periods, separated by hundreds of years.

Mario Miranda

Awesome, can't wait to listen to this one


I read the 1 year anniversary in your email. I thought... there's no way time has flown by so fast... Yet it is true! Amazing.


Erin - "Walt Disney...isn't he frozen"? Colin - "Rumor..he's not actually frozen" Erin - "HE'S NOT?!?!"

Michael Rodriguez

Not even finished listening, but gotta say how much I love you man. Proud of everything you create and share with us. Keep being great!

Michal Dudic

put this on at 1.5x immediately. inspiring.


The crying got me right in the feels man... Been a patron since day 1 of CLS... and I'm happy and proud to be here. We don't always agree on everything. But the content is always great. Thanks for doing what you do brotha. Also thanks to Erin. I know you wouldn't be where you are today without her. -- Watch that big ball of stress man. We need to keep you around for years to come. Stay mentally healthy!

Michael Ferrari

Wow, that took a serious turn I didn't expect. Much love and respect to you, Colin. I know I'll personally always have your back, and I'm sure tons of others, especially those here, will always have your back too. We appreciate what you do, bro. You're far from an imposter, dude. If you were an imposter you wouldn't have accomplished what you have. Thank you for putting out this incredibly personal and revealing episode.

Roddie Maine

Should have read the description, I'm now crying like a baby at my desk 😆


Oh man that hit me in the feels. Amazing stuff Colin. Just know your fans always have your back. :).


Was not ready for this. Thanks for being so open about your trials and tribulations. We all love you bud. Love the work, as always.

David Passman

37:50-- I don't always agree with your opinions, but I am rooting for you, Colin!


Thank you so much for opening up to us and showing us your true feelings. I'm not emotional, but you really made me cry and I feel compassion for you. Seeing how horribly people treat you is hard to see. You are bullied online by adults who are supposed to be "professionals" and it is disturbing. I've enjoyed the years of listening to your content. And look forward to every new episode. You're very open minded and articulate person thirsting for knowledge and understanding and I believe you bring that to your audience. Keep up the great work!

Will Hahn

Dang, this episode made me have tears in my eyes. I did not expect this at all, but it was incredibly heart-warming and personal. Don’t put yourself down, as you are an honest, generous, and awesome dude with an incredible work ethic. I have mad respect for everything you do! I’ll support you forever, Colin. P.S. Erin was such a great host, so hats off to her for being awesome as well!

Jason Stafford

Erin is a treasure. Please tell her thank you for being the surrogate everyman and asking the questions we would ask if we could. Thank you Colin for this fireside chat. For a few minutes, a blue collar dude in GA gets to feel like he's in the room. <3


Great episode. Content is in a great place right now! keep it up and thanks!

Korey Burns

I just became a backer yesterday. This episode alone made it worth every penny. Thank you for being so open and honest with us. Your fans know your true character. The fact you have so many haters means you're doing the right thing!


❤️ been watching since beyond days !!! And always will always support my boy Colin

Petre Cismigiu

What an amazing episode this was. Colin, you are such an inspiration for me, and I'm sure for many more out there. Luck has nothing to do with your success, my friend. You constantly work your ass off, you put in the hours, and that's why you're so successful at what you do. You would've made it in any career, because you are a winner. I know it sounds cliche as fuck but you are the proof that you can achieve whatever you put your mind to. And of course you have a lot of haters out there, Colin. Because you win. Who the hell hates the guy in last place? Keep doing you, buddy.


"If you seek his monument, look around the Colin's Last Stand Community". Love you Colin!

Andy Reno

Your journey with pain and betrayal from close friends has helped me cope with my own hard, similar times. That’s why I support you, Colin. That’s what actual “best friends” are all about


This was an incredible episode. I’ve wanted to say this for a long time, but I’ve never really found it appropriate without it just being sprung out of no where, but you are absolutely my favorite content creator and an inspiration. You’ve helped me significantly throughout my life and felt like every time I got to hear or read something you made, I could just have a moment of peace. My fiancé and have listened to your podcasts pretty much since we started dating, and we had your back 110% when everything hit the fan last year. We both love the hell out of you man, and I pull-to-refresh every Monday - Thursday in anticipation for the next episode of your shows. You’ve made me wanna create content of my own, and have raised my expectations and quality bar that I expect from both other media outlets and myself. We will always have your back and support you!

James Galos

Great to hear that you still have plans to grow the company and expand your reach! As a fan of history and politics I was very excited when CLS launched. With your move back to games I actually started playing more and enjoying the coverage again. The community here in the comments has been awesome the whole way as well. To create not only quality content, but a quality community is no easy task and is something all of CLS should take pride in. As always keep up the great work and don’t forget to take a moment and enjoy life.

Zack E

Find it interesting you talked about editing podcasts. I actually notice this a lot with the said podcasts you spoke of, but I think it’s just due to my own obsessive alertness qualities. I was actually going to comment one time to ask if you edit it, but didn’t because you obviously edit it to make a better product and it really doesn’t matter if it’s edited. Less dead air is always better.


I don't type many comments now days just because it's in my nature to just enjoy things that way. Just wanted to remind you Colin that I really love and appreciate the work that you do and feel like your voice in gaming is extremely important. I also love your input in politics and history and am glad that you were able to go through all that crap all that time ago and come out the other side way stronger. Really looking forward to that future for CLS you were talking about! Also love when you have Erin on!


I’ve always appreciated your openness and honesty. Thank you for being you and for all the content throughout the years!


Brother, I look forward to your content every week. I really enjoy where your project is at. What you’ve created is impressive, and more importantly, genuine. You’ve done well. You have a good woman in Erin. You’re a good Colin. 👍🏻 (It always makes my wife feel better when I tell her she’s a good Kellye. If you ever feel like interviewing a vendor from OKC, feel free to hit me up lol) Best

Petre Cismigiu

This was such an emotional episode, man, I have to write another comment, I'm sorry. You opened up so much here, you cried and I cried with you. Don't believe even for a second you're a terrible person. You're the exact opposite of a terrible person. Thank you so much for sharing this episode. Love you, buddy.


Colin- not sure if my name rings a bell but you've read comments about my son on shows (Colin & Greg live, on Knockback, and in DMs) and wondered aloud if he's named after you. You should know that the answer is yes, and given some of your comments in the podcast, I want you to know why. I get it- it's weird to comment on the character, or to have a level of admiration for, someone I've never met; but the high level of Emotional Intelligence you carry yourself with, approach topics with, and even just speak with, are admirable and indicative of someone of good character. You mention you battle impostor syndrome. I would challenge you to look at it through a different lens. If your goal is to project a message of positivity, of open-mindedness, and ultimately to be a good person, you are certainly no impostor. That's the type of man my wife and I hope our son will grow up to be.


Colin, I was going to post a picture of tissues and stuff like that (it doesn’t let you I found out) and going to say, you aren’t the only person who needed them during this fireside chat. I’ve never met you in person and like you and Erin said, there are things people will agree with you and disagree with you, but I do respect you and what you have done. In short, you weren’t the only one who cried during this and I guarantee a lot of us listening have as well. I respect that you not only get more popular people on your shows but will also even have Patreon supporters on if they have an interesting idea. One reason why I follow you is because you back up what you say. You want to have conversations with people across the spectrum whether specific sides show you respect or not. And on the idea that you have a victim complex, don’t give into that feeling or believe people who say it. Having a victim complex is complaining and expecting things to be given to you for feeling bad. You take your situation and work to make it better. That isn’t a victim complex. I could go on because I relate to things you said or things you say about yourself on a smaller level in some of the ways, but it’s already getting long. Thanks for the time you give. On a more humorous side: your tombstone would probably say: “Greetings and Salutations, Here lies Colin: Welcome to coffin side chats”


That was a beautiful, vulnerable, and compelling piece of podcasting that I won't soon forget. Keep up the great work Colin!

Gabriel Garcia

When Colin left Beyond and sort of got teary I got teary, too. It really kind of is like watching your dad cry because listening to Colin over the years you get this idea that he has thick skin and is a very strong individual and he is. But in emotional times like this it reminds us that we are human and as Colin has said time and time again, we really should try to be better to each other. We are all human at the end of the day and I fail to believe anyone is bulletproof. Not even Superman. I won't be the first to admit that I cried too listening to Colin cry in this episode. While I have been reading your podcasts for years, I think of myself to be a silent observer. A real passive fan but a fan nonetheless. And I cried because even though I wouldn't say I'm in the trenches there with you, and that I don't interact on twitter or YouTube comments or anything anywhere, I do see it, and I really do feel for you man. I really do. I see it all and even from the outside looking in, I'm there with you. So yeah I cried there too because despite being in the outer reaches, one of the particles of the Oort Cloud of the solar system if you will where Colin and everything he does is the Sun, I do think of you as a friend, albeit a very distant and a bad one. I support you and I believe I always will (short of you devouring earth in thousands of years) ... But anyway I am proud of you and though many like me aren't there for you in ways other fans are, I'd like for you to know that I'm there in spirit at the very least. Great job, man, and here's to Colin's Last Stand becoming a "last stand" against the force of the internet, to becoming its own force to be reckoned of positivity, intellect, and reason.

Jason Stafford

I think you hit on something absolutely correct. I just turned 42, so I had just graduated high school when I laid hands on a computer that wasn't an Apple IIe. I remember so very well when if you were going to say something derogatory to someone you had better be able to take a punch. THAT was the real world. Yep, great point man.

Jason Stafford

Dude. So much of what you feel echoes my feelings. I understand so well that profound loneliness. When you got emotional, I got emotional as well. Not just for you, but with you. I'm so glad that you have us. When I listen to your content it really helps me to not feel so alone. I hope that we provide at least some small measure of support for you. I love you, brother. Keep fucking that chicken.


Damn dude. Thanks for letting us in. One of these day I’ll cough up the hundreds for a phone call. Your drive is inspiring.


Respect Colin. I'd like to think that most people who listen to you know the truth: that you're an upstanding, kind, and decent guy. Keep doing you.


Colin you need to learn to love yourself a little bit mate. God knows i don’t agree with lots of what you say, and i wouldn’t handle certain situations the way you do but I’m only Patreon to one creator because you’re interesting, challenging, entertaining and informative. in a world where so many in public eye are seemingly constantly jockeying for a position that never questions the status quo, or risks offending someone because they disagree with the vocal majority, that is unique and worth celebrating. Therefore you are worth celebrating and need to accept that. It kills me that you and greg are no longer friends and cant get in a room and argue and fight and hug it out because i used to look at you two and wish i had that kind of friendship in my life, but its your life not mine and i hope you can let go of that hurt and self doubt because you are awesome. 💪❤️

Jeremy Cochran

Whew its dusty in here...... :-)


35 year old man crying checking in. I’m glad to hear you do see the positive people and fans of yours. I’m definitely one of them. Respect and appreciate all of your content. Your podcasts this last year have been important to me. Thank you.

Ryan Harvey

This was a great episode Colin! Really glad to have been along for the ride. Looking back its crazy how much your journey has evolved as well as mine since I started following your work in high school. Hope you have many more successful years to come!

Tony Colton

Thanks so much Erin for hosting such a great episode. I cried when you guys got upset and the last time I remember crying listening to Colin was on the final episode of Beyond!! On behalf of this amazing community thank you Erin for being a bright light in Colin's dark times. We are endlessly grateful that you are around and that you are an amazing part of CLS. I for one look forward to you being back on a future show 😊. To Colin.... The Pride of Long Island, THE Coolest Dude in video games.... We are your legacy... This community.... some of us that have been around since your Beyond days (or earlier) and others who are more recent members. Always remember that our positive community way outweights any of the negative bullshit. Your content not only makes people laugh, think and sometimes cry 😭 but also helps so many just get through their day, or wk... Or sad, dark or lonely times... Inspires and encourages some, while just entertains others. You are a true shining light in the crazy internet world and your gaming knowledge is insane. To your co-hosts Dagan & Chris.... thanks for coming along for the ride and being such excellent additions to CLS and the community. We truly appreciate all your input, insight, knowledge and the help support & friendship you bring to Colin. ❤️ #colinwasright

Matthew Ward

I just got done listening to this episode and it was a good one for sure. I got emotional myself when you opened up and let us in just a little bit of the pain that you are still in sir. I'm not going to attempt to tell you how you should feel because as you stated I don't know how I would react if my business was put out for the world to see (while simultaneously people rooting for your demise) but as someone on the outside I just wanted to say that you will always have my support sir. As a Patreon supporter I don't always take advantage of the perks (early access to things) but I just wanted to support you in a small way financially as best as I could. I normally don't make long posts like this but I felt that it was warranted. Keep you head up and we got your back. Much love my guy and hoping I run into you somewhere in the real world!


Damn col, you got me tearing up at my work lol. Loved the content you’ve put out recently. Keep it up dude, much love.

Luke Farinella

Great episode. Got me right in the feels.


Colin, I've been critical of some of your choices in the past regarding this Pateron, but I hope you know I respect you and you're a huge reason I've found so many great voices to listen to. So seriously, thank you for all the work you do.

Jason Stafford

I know right? I was listening in the truck at lunch and got all tore up. I had to collect myself before I could go in so my boss didn't give me shit. LOL


Colins headstone "Colin was right."


Wow, this interview got way more candid than I expected. I've always respected Colin massively, but major kudos for his willingness to put himself out there. For not being afraid to express his opinions, emotions, and even the pain he's been through. I can't say I'd be brave enough to share that side of myself if I was in his shoes. It's a testament to the man's character and why so may of us are loyal fans of his.


This was amazing man. Thanks so much for this.

Phil Crone

Absolutely loved this episode. Keep doing what you're doing and we'll be here voting with our wallets on the great content you give us. Congrats on 50!

Craig Carter

Fuck... I cried. I’m one of those guys that’s been around for those 10 years. I see a lot of myself in you (were practically twins when it comes to personality.. brash but a bit introverted, anxiety ridden, loyal, workaholics, potheads, could be a better song and friend, always thinking and wanting to try new things etc etc) As funny as it sounds, I feel like you’re my best friend that I’ve never met. Ive been following you so long that I know more about you than I do about some of my friends and family. We all love you man, and I’ll be here to support you and your endeavors no matter what they may be. Take care of yourself Col ❤️


I'm not too vocal on here but I'm here BECAUSE of you and FOR you. You do good work and you bust your butt to do it. Some of that pain comes from a lot of that stuff out there making no sense at all. Ehhh.... trying to keep myself together at the moment. I appreciate you and plenty more do as well. Hard to remember that sometimes. Cheers, yo! A toast to you! A toast to Erin! A (piece of) toast to Lola! A toast to everyone else involved and everyone else on here too!


Man, what a baby. Haha. Joking of course. Personally I actually know nothing about you from your gaming world, which makes me strange and different than so many people that seem so tuned in to that world. I listen to Joe Rogan sometimes and happened to hear you. I actually may have been one of the few that liked that non partisan politics slant because I'm a liberal that has no home in in this modern world. However, I have liked the throw back stuff, and still just generally a person who won't be framed as right or left (as I feel about me at this point). It's been fun to watch the progression.

Craig Carter

I was listening to that episode of Knockback just the other day and wondered a little myself. If I ever have a son I’d probably do just the same


Finally, and maybe you answered this before. Why aren't you married? It's clearly none of my business, and feel free to say as much, you are just a public person and I'm curious. Not suggesting you have to be married to be committed, and more, but generally when people are committed, and in love as you two seem to be, then marriage is still a valued choice in our culture (but on the decline obviously). Full disclosure, I got married pretty young and I love it, but totally respect people who go a different path.


Whoa ... Crazy good episode Colin. Erin did great and fuck the people who shit on you! Hard to focus on the positives with so much hate!


Colin, I was there day one on here. I hope that one day I get to look you in the eye, shake your hand, and thank you for doing what you do. The work you've done has been nothing short of inspirational, and is part of the reason why I vow to bust my ass in everything I do. I'll continue to support you dude, and keep hoping to share a bourbon with you some day. Cheers!


Loved this episode Colin. As a fan of yours from the beginning, just know that you've been a great inspiration to me in everything I do and no matter what anybody says about you, myself and this community of awesome people will always have your back!


Such a great episode! Thank you Erin for stepping into the drivers seat on this interview. Thank you for what you do Colin. I've been part of CLS since day one and appreciate the honestly you bring to every conversation.

Nicholas Swanson

Thank you Colin for doing what you're doing. It took guts to put out an episode like this which goes to show how much you love and trust your audience. You have a very honest character and many of us patrons really appreciate it and stick by you. Hopefully the current state of affairs in the politicized games media is just an era that will pass and those people will realize that you're actually not a bad guy. Your fan base is made up of really down to earth moderate people, and I don't think we'd be here if you really were a bad person. It'd be a much different fan base for sure if that were the case (Richard Spencer's fans for instance). Anyways, keep up the good work. Your shows have been pretty great lately. And I approve of the baby offerings.

Mario Miranda

Wow what a personal episode. Thanks so much for sharing this with us Colin (and Erin! She's awesome and I hope she knows it!), it's not easy to be this vulnerable in front of so many people. Keep it going man, you've been doing an amazing job, I can't believe how much you produce on a weekly basis.

Cesar Solis

Colin! You just responded on Twitter to me and I had to share again to you man, you are amazing. I can’t thank you enough for continuing to fight through all the nonsense. I have never met you but like so many people here have an amazing connection with you. Loved this episode and your vulnerability with your girl. Keep this going please! Also was wondering if you are ever gonna have Stimer on again or Clements?? Much love from Los Angeles hermano!

Marty Blois

I wonder if twitch user walkin talkin stephen hawkin still follows Colin, I miss hearing that name read :P


You have people behind you colin. No matter how hard it gets man just know we support you. Keep it going bro. You're an inspiration. To be able to start an internet business by yourself today and be successful is quite the accomplishment.

Lucas Gremista

It's easy to tell you to simple ignore the hacks and trolls and not give them a platform and all of that. But once we apply a little empathy, we understand how impossible it must be to be constantly attacked and simply ignore without striking back. Nothing in this life comes as a gift, and the solid fanbase and career YOU built is the fruit of many years of hard work and dedication, but many other people are also good workers and dedicated. So I'd say the main reason we support you and are with you for the long run, is that in addition to a great professional, you are simply a genuine, good person with nothing but good intent in your heart and it is crystal clear in all you say and do. Keep fighting the good fight, Colin!


Hey Colin, long time listener, patron since day 1. You won't probably see this, like you said, but hey if do by any chance, I just want you to know this. Even if the games media make you ever doubt this, and I'm sure that they will, I have only thing to say to you... Mad Max was really underrated. What A game! Thank you. Greetings from Brazil.


Wow...I just finished listening to this while out running. So impactful to hear a guy who rarely shows his scars or deep vulnerabilities kinda bare it all to his audience and his girlfriend. When things came to a head, I was passing another person on my run and I had to stop myself and leaned down because it was such a gut punch. Hearing this level of love and gratitude towards the fans is so rare. Colin, you’re one of a kind and there definitely is a reason why people have stayed with you for so long. Think things will only get better for you and your channels. Don’t ever change who you are!


There are already so many comments in this thread Colin, and I just want to be one more to add that I really appreciate you. We all do man. Even if you're misunderstood or maligned by people who don't know you, or are unkind out of cruelty, we will always have your back. Please keep being you and continue to do what you do. It means the world to us that we are important to you, but I hope you know that you also mean a lot to us. You've gotten me personally through a lot of tough days with your humor, thoughtfulness, and kindness. Much love Colin! Also as a post script Erin does a fantastic job whenever she jumps in. I love hearing you two together.

Sebastian velez

Really enjoy this episode! Keep doing what you doing here’s to 50 more Colin !


Can fully relate to the feeling of believing you are something you think you aren’t but everyone keep telling you are. It really sucks, everything you do to move forward inspires people like myself to keep going. Hopefully one day you realise the good you have done and continue to do for all of us who follow you. Just wish I could do more to return that kindness.


Colin, after hearing how emotional you got in this episode, I felt like there must be more people attacking you online than I was aware of. Obviously, I'm not seeing everything you are. Searching your name in twitter just brings up an insane amount of rage and anger from people that clearly don't really give a fuck about what your actual opinions are. It's crazy. And there's people who have clearly said nasty things in the past, and are now complaining that you've blocked them. I just don't understand. That truly, royally, fucking sucks. I don't agree with half the stuff you say, but I respect that you say it even with these fucking people willing to chomp at the bit at any perceived opportunity. I don't know why these people are so opposed to you, but I just wanted to say thanks for the many hours of entertainment, both goofy and thoughtful. I look forward to what you have coming out in the future.


"I felt like there must be more people attacking you online than I was aware of" My thoughts exactly. I guess I'm not surprised but man - sounds awful. Glad you didn't let it stop you!


Yup that made me choke up.


Colin you're an amazing creater, you're not alone man. I subscribed today for the first time. You inspire me to work just as hard as you do. This was an amazing episode of Fireside Chats!!!

Nate McKinney

Thanks for making me cry at work, Colin! You could've warned a guy. I first found you at the tail end of your tenure at IGN, followed you to Kinda Funny and beyond (Beyond!). Just wanted to say that I'm happy that you've been able to build something new, that you're happy with. About 3 years ago, you and Greg inspired me to leave my miserable job at the steel mill and go back to trying to find a job with my journalism degree. (Which I did!) I will forever be thankful for that. Thank you for all the great content.

Travis Johnson

I'm immensely thankful that patreon allows me to participate directly in the resurrection of people and projects that mean something to me, and I'm super proud to support you along with Easy Allies, who went through admittedly a very different yet similarly dramatic fall. You're making the best content of your life so far, and its incredibly poetic that its all with the direct support of people who care about you and your voice.

Ryan Taylor

It definitely wasn’t a tear in my eye listening to this, I promise. Colin your content has brought me so much joy and engaging conversations that have led to me even challenging some of my own notions and beliefs. Every time my iPhone comes up with a notification that there’s a new fireside chat, a new sacred symbols and throwback I am immediately thinking ok when will I next have time to listen to this? I think the way you are treated by the games ‘media’ and I use that term very very loosely is disgusting and they should be ashamed of themselves. Here’s to continued success of your channel, keep up the amazing work and you’ll always have a fan here.

Will Ellis

Thanks a lot Colin now I have something in both of my eyes. Brilliant. Just know you have a lot of support and love from everyone. The vitriol from some is such a minority compared to those that love and dig you material. War Eagle.

Anton Kaye

Day one supporter. This is the type of genuine love we get from you that, ultimately, keeps us here. It is real, not some forced, “best friend”, bs. Just know that, whatever your future endeavors are, I, and many loyal listeners, will follow. I think society will come to a tipping point on this whole, not wanting to listen to other ideas/opinions. Keep being the best Patreon creator on this planet ❤️


Rarely do I comment or use the Patreon app because it's not very good but what I want to say is just for Patreon. I've been listening to you Colin since I was 18-19 years old. Since your first appearance on Beyond. I'm 29 now and you've been in my ears for a long long time. I just want you to know that we love you Colin. You're a good guy and we on here all know that. Whatever burden, whatever feeling it is your carrying inside since this whole thing went down with KF, you have to let it go. I know you're not a religious person and I'd never push my beliefs on you but you were chosen to carry this burden because only you alone could. I'll always support you, and my patronage isn't much, but for as long as I can I will always support CLS and whatever it evolves into. It sucks that this is eating away at you. Don't let it ruin what you have with the new people in your life or ones you've reconnected with, or the ones you've yet to reconnect with. This KF event doesn't define you. It never will. You were always more than KF, or Beyond or even CLS and you certainly were never the Robin to that other dude's Batman. You're Colin Moriarty bro. As an 18 year old I thought you were fucking "cool" having so much PlayStation knowledge. Dropping developer names, immediately knowing which studio developed what game, in what year and which publisher. I still think you're "cool' Colin. Never stop being you. Much love brother.


So I’m going to ramble a bit. I wasn’t a fan of yours Colin or even know you existed until I came across Kinda Funny I think a year/year and a half before you left. I don’t remember how I even found Kinda Funny. I was never the type of guy to read game reviews so I wasn’t aware of your work or Gregs on IGN. I just played games that seemed “cool” to me, or relied on word of mouth from my closest friends. I remember watching a few shows and immediately being drawn to you Colin out of the 4 guys. You seemed to actually think about what you were going to say and always tried to speak about whatever subject was on the table from a place of knowledge (research that you did) or experience. You also weren’t afraid to put yourself out there and talk about your anxiety battles, or the issues you had with your stomach. You didn’t try to force a “happy” persona 24/7 (it’s cringe-y af when people do that). You seemed and still do come across as a real person. I feel like I know what I’m getting when I tune into a podcast of yours. The same way I feel when I tune in to watch my favourite streamers on twitch. Getting into KF late put me in a position of having a lot of content to watch. I went back and watched all of the conversations with Colin and it just reinforced my feelings. While politically I don’t always agree with you (I’m not a conservative, hell I’m not even American) I definitely feel more well rounded now after listening to you talk about “controversial” issues and listening to people like Dave Rubin/Joe Rogan/Jordan Peterson/Bret Weinstein and his brother, Sam Harris, Jake Tapper, etc. You and the people mentioned above have definitely helped me actually determine my own positions on a lot of subjects. You played a huge part in reigniting my love of history and politics after abandoning both for years because like you I can be a workaholic that doesn’t leave time for himself. The whole joke thing to me to this day is absurd. It doesn’t make any sense to me the way you were treated. There wasn’t any doubt in my mind that I was going to support you in whatever you decided to do post KF. I haven’t regretted supporting Colin’s Last Stand or any of the other shows you’ve done since then at all. It’s never even crossed my mind as being a “negative.” I hope one day you’ll accept that you are a good guy, and that the people tearing you down everyday online, don’t actually know you. I get that it’s hard and you struggle with that, but F them Colin. Don’t let them win. Don’t let them tear you down. It’s what they want. Anyways, I’ve rambled enough. Cya around!

Lester Figueroa

Wow. I appreciate your openness on this episode Colin. As someone who holds things up inside sometimes the emotional discharge of tears is inevitable and just something that happens without your control, but can also be very therapeutic (especially if its been long overdue). That being said I really appreciated the love you gave to us, your supporters, in saying how much it means to you when you read encouraging and positive messages. We reciprocate because you’re OUR voice in a medium where if you don’t think a certain way you’re chastised and excluded, keep doing what you’re doing! Know that you have a loyal fan base and that we will support and follow wherever you go!

Koray Savas

I chime in from time to time with words of appreciation, but I think now is as good a time as any to do it again. Thank you Colin, for the immense amount of work and dedication you put into your content. It pays off in spades, and I gladly support on Patreon on a level I never felt worthwhile with Kinda Funny. On a side note, I find the topic you briefly mentioned here about us nearing immortality to be really interesting. If you haven’t already, I recommend diving into some videos on YouTube of Dr. Michio Kaku, where he discusses this very topic and other fascinating scientific questions. Essentially, he predicts that we will make the jump from a Type 0 to Type 1 civilization within the next 100 years.

Michael Miller

You’re a good dude, Colin.


Man, made me choke up a little bit on my run haha. Dude I've listened and followed your work since late 2012 IGN/Beyond days. Back then I was a single dude, in my mid 20s, who just played games all the time. Now I'm married and have a 4 year old. Time flies. I say all of that because your work has been a part of my life for a while now. And even though we don't know each other and have never met, it feels like I've been on a journey with you (you complete me.. wait what?). My interest in other topics outside of video games has often been fueled by something you wrote, or a topic you brought up on GOG, and especially your work now. Your work matters. You're a unique voice in an industry that I've really grown bored with. You should be proud of everything you've accomplished. Literally no one else in the world could start a new Playstation podcast and it be as popular as Sacred Symbols is. I'm sorry I've rambled. But, I feel like you need to hear more positive things from people who have followed you for years. Keep up the great work. And thanks for making Tuesdays great again! Also, you lucked out with Erin. You should definitely keep her =)

Ian (616Entertainment)

Colin, you're one of the biggest inspirations I've ever had in my life. Not just creatively, but personally as well. I've become a better person through listening to you over the years. I've become stronger in certain stances, I've relaxed on others that I realized over time I might be wrong on, etc. I've told you before, but when my dad died and I needed something to listen to while cleaning out his house, I put on your one on one interviews you did right near the end at KF, the ones with Adam Boyes and Jason Schreier specifically. I've been there for you when you were at your low points (day one Patreon supporter), and I can say you were there for mine, whether you knew it or not. When those shitty voices in your head start whispering that maybe you are the bad man the people online say you are, just remember what you've done for me, dog. You're honest, raw, respectful and fucking courageous in what you do/have done, and your hard work definitely adds flame to my creative fire. Here's to 50 more, Colin. PS - Erin, what the fuck, you did an excellent job here. The questions were great, your insight was great, and its always a treat as a listener when you come on. Thank you!


Love ya brother. CLS always. Regardless of what some say on Twitter, know that there are scores of individuals like me who love the content you put out. Keep on keeping on, we’ll be listening. (P.S., been a patreon since day one, but this is my first comment on anything, just thought you should read what I think).


Colin love you man. Have always been and will continue to be a giant supporter of you. Thank you for having the courage to open up to us like this I know it couldn't have been easy. Here's to bigger and better things! Ps can't wait for your thoughts on Dragon Quest XI... Also Erin did a killer job with the interview.

Dan Cadogan

Woof. That was a fucking episode man. Proud of you sir. Very proud. Just remember to keep your head up we got your back. P.S. We pay you all this money and you still haven't bought this woman a ring? :P get to it #powercouple

Philip Andersen

I’m inverted because first 3D games I played was flight games with a joystick on PC/DOS compare to a lot of my friends play normal because that was the default on Halo 1.


Aloha! gonna pile on the love, but as a forward: I'm a 32 year old who has NEVER used social media (yes, I'm a unicorn). I drive a big brown truck for a living, and reside in Hilo, Hawaii - literally 10 minutes from an active volcano that looks like the end times in Chrono Trigger - and habitually listen to your podcasts to pass the time while working. Aside from e-mails, I've rarely typed anything so bear with me... Just want to say that you are a genuinely awesome person and you should never doubt yourself. I wish I could give you my confidence (I have wayy too much) - but I know that it would definitely handicap someone as driven as you. You should also definitely just get married already! I love all your new shows but this one made me cry. Keep on doing what you do and just know that you really have a ton of anonymous people like me from all over the world cheering you on. The level or discourse in your comments section is frankly staggering. Lol. U DA MAN COL!

Alex Ball

You made me cry at work ASSHOLE! 😢😅😂. I know that a lot of people don’t understand the Bob Mackey’s and Danny O’Dwyers that shit on you for no reason. I’ve been here since day one. Since Beyond really. Just know you had more friends behind you when you started this than you knew. Love you man.

Phillip Guglielmo

Your unwavering commitment to both honesty and transparency never ceases to impress me Colin. You are the definition of integrity. Thank you for everything you do, and I'm so proud to call myself a CLS patron!


Dude your work is absolutely perfect, since you went on your own with CLS, I have never been so attached to a person and their content before in my life. I have been listening to you since Beyond! all the way up until now, and I have never been inspired or thankful for content in my entire life. I am an aspiring creative and find the lonely road of trying to master the craft so much easier when I can listen to someone as honest, hard working and incredible as you. You don't need to be grateful for our support, its the absolute least you deserve. All of your hard work and determination to create amazing content means you deserve everything. Don't be upset about the past because trust me; the content you are putting out now IS the best thing on the internet and your work has never been so amazing. Also, just look at all of these people who feel the same! All these people YOU have personally helped! This is YOUR legacy that you will leave behind, and it is amazing. Love you dude! Thank YOU for everything!

Caleb Greer

You gave me $500 for books for college and you don’t even know me. You’re a good person, don’t let people take that from you :)

Leonard Jacobson

Phew! That was an emotional listen, but such an amazing insight into what you go through on the daily. You have always had my utmost respect and I've loved following you on your journey over the last several years. I'm sorry there have been heartbreaking moments, but I think you'll reflect on those times knowing that they strengthened you. Cheers for all that you do!

Prince Borutski

That one really got to me, too. Thank you for all that you give us online Colin. Your work has been a highlight of a countless number of my days for the past 8 years. I found you because of your encyclopaedic knowledge of video games, but stuck around for the intelligent, unique, and relatable person that I met behind the microphone/keyboard. Much love.

Joey Finelli

Great video sir. Your girlfriend is a delight.

Corey Adams

So incredibly excited to see where CLS goes from here. Just to see the progression of your content in one year, can’t imagine what changes are to come in the future. Keep it up, Colin!

Kevin Sullivan

Wow, what a powerful conversation. Colin, always keep in mind the silent majority. I think a lot of people are like myself in that we don’t want to leave a comment on a post/podcast/video just saying “good job.” I tend to only leave a comment if I have something specific of substance to say about the topic. All of this is to say I don’t think there is any reason for you to feel any sort of imposter syndrome. On a separate note, I am glad to hear Fireside Chats will continue after that sounded less than certain in the previous Q&A. I think you hit the nail on the head in that having multiple other highly successful products can allow one other to continue on, whether a passion project or not, even if it doesn’t find the same consistent or growing success. Keep on keeping on, and try to let Erin convince you in to taking some time off.


Wow dude. You’re the man Colin. Always have been. Always will be. Plus you got a great gal. Keep your head up and keep on trucking. Life sends you roadblocks and you keep on plowing through.

William Harding

Much love to you punkhead. I upped my patreon tier and it'll remain for awhile. Thanks to you and Erin for doing this!

Justin Matkowski

Original comment pulled a disappearing act (due to edits), let's try it again! One of my favorite episodes of Fireside Chats - Erin (who is a great co-host, by the way) was 100% right; we are all here because we believe in you and stand firmly in your corner, both personally and professionally. I can only imagine the pain you felt (and still feel) about the betrayal of close friends and the bullshit internet outrage you had to deal with. One thing that I realized when I went through a particularly hard time a couple years ago is: life is the fire, it is our choice whether that fire is a kiln or a forge. A Kiln hardens you, makes you brittle, and it you can't take the heat, you'll literally explode. But a forge sharpens you, refines you, and shapes you to your greater purposes. I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say the fact that you chose the latter path is well worth celebrating. Here's to 50 more!

Tony Bertucci

I am right handed and cut with my left hand as well. I attribute it to the fact that my father is left handed and I most likely learned from watching him. People always call me weird for doing it that way.


Colin! Thank you! You and Erin did a fantastic job on this episode! I appreciate you opening up to us! You caused me to stop and feel my own emotions that I've been pushing down for so long. I've just recently found CLS and am so glad I did! Your content is genuine and what I have been missing! Glad to support you and here's to the next 50 episodes!


Hey Colin. I'm so glad that I had the chance to meet you at the Coppersmith in Boston a few years ago. I understand that you aren't much of a social person in that way, so I appreciate you coming out even if it was just for the meet-n-greet. I'm basically just writing this after to listening to episode 50 to say, thank you. Thank you for being as transparent as possible. It's not necessarily important to us as fans that you deep dive your personal feelings, but I absolutely respect you for it. Sacred Symbols podcast is getting me interested in picking up a Playstation. I have adamantly hated Sony since the PS3. For reasons both rational, and not. I feel that they lean very anti-consumer this gen, as an example. The controller is awful for me, as well. KnockBack with Dagen is a fantastic series. He is such an interesting person, as well as a great co-host (I suppose that's an accurate title). I still need to catch up on the other shows when I get time. You deserve far more nice words than shitty criticisms. I appreciate you. You're killing it.


We love you Colin! You’re doing an amazing job! Hope you’re out enjoying the new Dragon Quest!

Fred Bence

We're all so proud of you Colin! You've worked your ass off and it's truly inspiring. You've built an amazing community and we're all here for you. Congrats on 50 episodes, and I can't wait for all the content in the future!

Tanner Brant

Really emotional and beautiful podcast. Thank you for this.

Micheal Boudreaux

Colin, I cannot convey my love and respect for you and what you do enough. This was a beautiful, broken, honest look into your life and what happened, what is happening, and I applaud your courage in being transparent and leaving it in. It is wonderful that you have such a solid partner to support you, Erin is the real MVP. Thank you for this heartfelt episode!

Mike Collins

Colin, I am reminded of some advice I came across recently related to helping kids with stress, and one thing that stuck with me was not to dismiss their concerns as insignificant since to them, they are as stressed in their own world view as any adult would be over something "more important." We should all strive to apply that with everyone and have more compassion. I hope you can continue to feel the support of your fans as you deal with the more difficult aspects of putting yourself out there. I also can't wait to hear about DQXI!

David Kramme

This was such a treat, you deserve to be proud of what you've built, and I was always pulling for you.


Really great episode Colin. Erin was a great interviewer-- I think she helped really bring out the good topics and thoughts for this one. Keep up the great work, I look forward to listening to your shows every week, and I hope you never stop.


Man...this hit the feels for sure. Definitely going home and giving my wife a hug. Good episode, Colin!

Will Caldwell

Episode had me in tears. Been a fan since the great PlayStation 3 outage and listened to you weekly since. You'll always have my support!


Driving down the road as I deliver for work and tears start to well up. ❤️

Edwin Garcia

We love you and support you, keep it up

John Lynch

Colin this is an amazing episode. I’ve been following you since right before you left IGN, into kinda funny and now. I wasn’t always able to do it monetarily but I will always support you to the best of my ability. Keep doing you, keep making the content you want and I will keep supporting you as will the rest of your fans. Let the nay sayers do what they do and you have plenty of people who will always support what you do. Thank you for the content you put out and the journey you’ve took your followers through

Peter Campbell

Terrific podcast. I don't have much to say but I hope you're doing okay.

Michael Gonzales

Man I love this episode, thank you so much. This is possibly the most honest, vulnerable work I’ve heard in a while. Thank you for putting out such amazing work.

Jayce Tamulevich

Colin, When things went down at Kinda Funny I was heartbroken and upset, I couldn’t believe that my favorite group of guys would leave one of their own out to dry. You had said you wished them all the best and that fans should continue to support them, but I just didn’t have it in me. Even seeing the blue “Kinda Funny” on my (former) T-shirt bugged me. I was so happy when you announced CLS, and it immediately captured me, a guy who claimed to have no interest in history and politics. I’ve loved watching CLS grow over the past year or so and it’s all because it’s headed by a genuine, hard working, gentleman. You’re work has done so much to help me grow as a critical thinker and I’m grateful for that. I support your work proudly and have never gotten shit for it, and if I were to, this is a hill worth dying on to me, and I don’t think I’m the only one. It sucks hearing someone I respect beat himself up, so just remember, if things ever seem to dark and you need some support I’m one of the many rooting for you and would be glad to help in any way possible. You are one of the few content creators I’ve seen engage personally with the audience and it makes a difference. Dagan too, I’ve been so honored to have him like a couple of my silly doodles on Instagram or even just see a simple reply here on Patreon. This got long winded, but it’s worth saying, thanks for everything you do! (That’s one exclamation point I can write with all sincerity.) ;)


Hey Colin, you are appreciated. I'm just some nobody from Canada but I listen (at work) to everything you produce. Thanks for it all. It makes my 12 hrs shifts go by that much faster. Usually with a smile. But today it was with a tear. Seriously a co-worker was looking at me funny and asked me what I was listening to. I didn't even know where to start. Thanks again for your late night editing sessions. They don't go unnoticed.


Always remember you have people who love you colin. We're all here because you're a great and, above all else, interesting person, anyone who says otherwise clearly has a closed mind or hasn't even bothered to listen to a single piece of your content in the last 10 years. Keep doing what you're doing, remember we may be a silent majority but any good comment will always outshine the bad ones. Glad to support you


That was my favorite episode. I was crying my eyes out with you while listening (I'm super emotional so when I hear other people crying, I cry). Only really appreciate how vulnerable and honest you were, and how you give a voice to people who don't really have one.

Quinn Zielonko

Amazing podcast, Colin. It’s a joy listening to your content during my work commute. I’ve learned so much from you on various topics over the years and I think all of us deeply appreciate your dedication to your craft. Your podcasts and videos are a cut above most everything out there. I’m proud to be a patron, and you do a wonderful job of making us feel like your personal friends, even though most of us have never actually met you. Looking forward to listening for years to come!

Matthew Perry

Hey Colin , Have listened to you now for around 8 years but only been I patreon for a few months ( sorry I listened to you for free for so many years ) ;-) ever since I joined CLS you have pretty much replied to everyone of my comments and thoughts that I posted and that's amazing because I honestly didn't expect you to replie to one !! Not because I didn't think you cared or anything like that , but because you had so many patreon supporters that I just assumed you wouldn't have the time. So I just want to say a massive thankyou for making me feel heard in your community :-) it was particular hard to listen to this podcast as it sucks that you have been through the shit you had to go through but like everyone else is saying on here you have a massive fan base and I hope you continue to draw strength from of us as it's the least we can do considering all the awesome content you provide us with day in and day out :-) much love your lobsterback ...you called me that once LOL

Craig Gunter

Colin, thank you so much for this episode. Letting your audience into your life like this is great if you. We will always support you! Thanks man!


This was probably my favorite episode of Fireside chats. Colin you're an incredibly inspirational person. Thank you for everything you do and all the content you make.


What’s good Colin, I discovered your work a few years back when you were doing “Beyond” at IGN with Greg and was really into the show. Now years later you’re making Tuesday’s great again with “Sacred Symbols” and for all your PlayStation insight...thank you. Your vernacular, personality, and little patience for bullshit is why you can’t be stopped bro. Love, from back home in New York...PS off topic “Legends of the Dragoon’s” is the shit man idk how you didn’t like it wtf lol.


Mate, this was awesome. I appreciate how honest you are. Happy to be a patron.

Jason Pettet

Colin this is my favorite episode. I’m at work now with tears in my eyes like a loser. I am proud to be and say that I’m a CLS fan. You are a real inspiration. I have tried to adopt some of the “I’m going to do me and be true to myself, work hard, and let the work speak for itself” you have. It has helped me move forward in my professional life so much, and helped me move forward as an adult as well. You have helped me so much man and you don’t even know it. Thanks man.


Show idea: After going through The Drop, it would be cool to see what game you guys would pick as the most intriguing or interesting. A "blind pick of the week", if you will.

Marc Elfering

Doesn't matter what someone has gone through, it takes balls to open up on a public forum and be vulnerable. Admire the hell out of you for everything you've accomplished. Keep doing you man. We'll all be here

Marc Boggio

Fantastic, moving episode. I’m honoured to have been one of the first 50 guests and here’s hoping you have as much or more fun with your next 50 and beyond! (I meant “beyond” as it should be used in that sentence, that wasn’t an intentional podcast beyond reference 😕) Also, Erin did a fantastic job!


Just finished episode 50! Thought it was great of you to show a vulnerable side. I certainly wasn't expecting that when I started the episode. In any case, it's great to witness the continued journey of CLS. I'm happy that it's been an outlet for you to make content you're excited about as well as a way that you can make a living! Hats off you to you, my friend! I wish you and yours well.

Jean-Francois Forsey

I was incredibly moved by this episode, great job by Erin by the way.


Colin, This episode really touched me. I've been a fan of you ever since you were at IGN and when you left Kinda Funny I was truly devastated. You are an inspiration to me and someone I truly look up to. I'm a couple years younger then you and don't know you personally, but I feel like I do which is something I can't really say about any other people I support on Patreon. The funny thing is that I don't really agree with most of your religious and political leanings, but I deeply respect your opinions and am always open to hear diverse opinions rather then echo chambers. You truly do provide the best bang for your buck, and you have taught me the important lesson that you can't give up and to always be true to yourself. I am also I huge sports fan, so I see how you use some of what makes great sports talk shows great in your show. I just want to emphasis and say again thank you for being the person that you are.


Wow. This episode was very emotional.. but also, I felt like it was needed. You're such an inspiration. I have no shame whatsoever in supporting you and coming along with you on this journey to see what Colins Last Stand becomes. Thankyou for your time and all you do. We see you, and we are here with you.

Michael Morris

Love you bro. I feel like I don’t need to retread what I’m sure everyone in this thread has said. Just know Colin, you’ve unintentionally changed my life for the better, and I am eternally grateful for you. This product is really the best on the internet, there may be bigger shows or more interesting topics (occasionally 😉) but what you do is special, unique, intimate, thoughtful and I’m proud to call myself a day one supporter. You’ll always have our love, -Mike P.S. put a ring on it dude. Or not, just want you both to be healthy and happy.

Toren R. (KESA)

CM....Fam...You have a lot to be proud of. You've dragged yourself out of a darkness that you did nothing to put yourself into and have cultivated a fan base that is positive and thoughtful because they follow YOUR example. You are not at all who your detractors claim you are. You're a great man, who is doing great things with an I N C R E D I B L E partner in Erin. Keep leaving it all on the field, I'm right there with you brother.

Eric Wilson

Thank you, Colin


This was such an amazing episode and an insight into the person I've personally been following for over 10 years. I can relate to a lot of it and love what you do and who you are. You should be proud of what you have achieved. To many more years of success ahead Colin.

Hugo's Desk

You literally made me cry during this episode man. I have been following you since IGN. Thank you for all the amazing content you make every single day. You are an inspiration to us all. Thank you. Hugs from London

Brian Fagan

This right here is what makes supporting you worth every penny. Erin did a great job with the interview, I always look forward to the shows she is in. The effort and hard work you put into your shows is evident by how great they are. Thanks for letting us in on your struggles, I think it helps to know that the people we look up to have hard times also and that helps us to deal with our own issues. I've been a proud supporter from the beginning and I can't wait to see what the future holds. Your hard work is greatly appreciated thank you for everything you do.

Saulius Vekteris

What an awesome episode! Right into feels ;) This made me happy. CLS forever. Thank You Colin and your girlfriend and all your friends who makes this awesome thing happen. Cheers!


Hi Colin, great to here there is more to come from you. Looking forward to the future. I’ll always be a supporter of your content. Your friend from the Netherlands, Pieter

Kenny Gutzler

Just some context for you - I enjoyed your time with KF, however, I never felt the need to be a Patreon and when everything went down, I simply could not understand a lot of things happening. All I knew was I had a strong desire to help you along the way in doing something you were passionate about (not enough people do something they care about and/or are passionate about). I joined this site here to be in your corner (which undoubtedly could be echoed by thousands of others) and it is great to see the polish from all the blood, sweat, and tears. Congratulations, Colin! A tip of the cap from Atlanta, GA ...now go take a 1-day vacation!


Hey All. I was going to go through and respond to each person individually, but I felt like there are only so many ways I can say "Thank You," and I didn't want to come off as C&Ping or being disingenuous. So, instead, let me just say this: I read every comment, and I really do appreciate what you've said, what you've done and continue to do for me, and of course, for your continued -- and seemingly unconditional -- love. We're building something special, here. I truly believe that. And it simply wouldn't be at all possible without all of you. Thank you for believing in me.


Admittedly, I don't always support altruistic business like any fully contributing member of society should. However, it's been my (and I'm sure many other's) pleasure to contribute to the genuine and quality platform you've created, Colin. You have great skill, you have worth, and you represent both the ideals and a position that I wish more of our society would aspire to foster and maintain. Thank you for your diligent efforts toward growing and evolving CLS. Looking forward to many more years of your product and community's success; here's hoping that in time our nation's culture can come together, thanks in part, to voices such as your's.


God damn it now I'm crying. It's been amazing to watch your journey so far buddy - I'm excited for everything you have planned for CLS

Michael Schofield (making Audio Dramas)

Swinging-in to add to these 173 other comments about catching feelings for this episode and just reiterate with the rest of the gang how much you're appreciated. I spent a huge chunk of my twenties with you in my headphones, and as it would be for anyone you've spent that much time "with" it's hard to hear you're in pain. Hang in there.

Anthony Lencioni

Listening to this episode was hard for me as listening to Colin get emotional is almost as bad as watching a parent cry. I’ve loved Colin ever since the first time I heard him on Beyond all those years ago. He has gotten me through the most troubling times in my life over the past 5 years. Just as Colin said that he wouldn’t know what to do without the community and his audience I feel the exact way about him. Colin you are my greatest role model and I adore you. Keep doing your thing out here because people love your work and the positive will always outweigh the negative. Bless up to the greatest man I have ever had the pleasure of listening to.


I have been listening to you (and supporting you), at IGN, Kinda Funny and now on CLS for a number of years now; and this episode really affected me. I was going through a tough time around the same time as you, and I can identify with much of what you describe about yourself - in a way we've been going through our respective journeys together; without you knowing it - and without me knowing quite how closely our journeys have mirrored each other recently until this podcast. Thank you for sharing. I really needed a good cry.

Michael Trees

This level of support absolutely says something about you! #TeamColin

Theis Jensen

This might be the most honest and emotionel podcast that I know of. Words cannot convey the feeling that both you and Erin evoke during this podcast. Honestly I believe there are a huge following of people that just want you to be happy Colin. What bravery you show again, and again. “ If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present” -Lao Tzu. Be at peace Colin, you deserve it :)


Such a brutally honest podcast and I'm glad you were able to share and are on a brighter path now than in the past. Your content is amazing and highlights my week to be able to listen / watch! Thanks for everything you do and I'm glad to be able to support it :)

Austin Powell

I think this was my favorite CLS podcast. It brought a few tears to my eyes while I was at my desk at work. Had to hide for a minute to let them clear. I love you Colin. You are a good man. I pray for you often. I know you aren’t a believer, but know I do pray for you and wish nothing but the best for you. Thanks for helping me with my own hard times. Your tweet coincided with my own divorce. Looks like we both made it out on the other side though. I’m happily married and you are more successful than you’ve ever been. Thank you.


What a bitter-sweet episode, we're all here for you Colin!


Just wanted to add to the positivity and say I've been listening to you since the beyond days and that this was a great episode and your fans will always have your back!


Huge shout out to Colin, major respect for the high quality and impressive quantity of the CLS brand. Just doubled my patreon to support you even more brother. Keep up the good fight, we're all rooting for you! <3


Hey Colin. New patreon and long time fan, here. I just want to say after listening to this episode - thank you. I got your back, as much as a fan can. I love your content and digest it everyday, my man! Man, you and Erin got me emotional and crying over here. I even felt compelled to write you a comment and engage for the first time. Thank you once again and keep it up!!

Kenneth thomas

Hey Colin, I know you’ve gotten a million comments here already, but I just wanted to leave my thoughts as well. I’ve supported you on patreon since you started, and you’ve responded to each and every comment I’ve ever left you. I know you know how much your audience appreciates things like that and I really wanted to thank you for being so engaged with us. That being said, I support you regardless of how much content you’re putting out per week. I maybe log in to patreon once a month and comb through the exclusive stuff you’ve released, otherwise I just see what pops up on YouTube. But I’d be happy to hear you able to have some more time to yourself bro, I think I’m probably your average fan who isn’t monitoring exactly what I’m getting for my money, it’s not like that you know. Maybe for some but I expect not for most. We just want you to be around, makin stuff. At whatever pace works for you. Don’t kill your self over it, enjoy yourself sometime. We’re not goin anywhere. Much love

Nathan R

Keep it up Dawg!!


Colin, Just wanted to let you know (again) how big a part you play in my week. Your content literally gets me through the week and It would suck so much without it. Keep up the good work man and much love.

Chris Barnes

Fantastic episode! Erin seems like an amazing person to have by your side. However, why you wouldn't have your gravestone say "Ah, peace and quiet" is beyond me :-)

Juan Pacho

Great episode Colin, thank you.


What a great interview Erin, this was a great episode and tons of thanks to you Colin, you are amazing at what you do and I’m glad I’ve been on this journey with you for so long. When you were crying I just wanted to come and give you a hug and let you know you are amazing.


Colin, this episode floored me in the best way. I can’t express to you enough how profound your vulnerability in the episode was. I have been a supporter for only a short time but this episode smacked me in the face and reinforced why you deserve support! Please know that all of your hard work has an impact in my life and your content is top notch. I’m so glad I have the opportunity to know you even if it is just through the internet. Best wishes, Your fan (Jaret)


Great episode Colin and kudos to Erin on a job well done. At first, I was like this so cute. Then, things got serious. I had to pull my car over for a bit. I’m happy that you are doing well with CLS, and I’m glad to be able to contribute. Keep up the great work ethic and keep bringing those real-life experiences to our ears.


You rock man!

Brandon Kirzeder

Colin got me teary eyed on this one when he got emotional. He talked about how he really cares and he reads the comments and it's so true. After coming back as a Patreon supporter of his, I left a random comment in one random thread, and mentioned how I was glad to be back as a patron of his. Less than a day later he commented back how happy he was to have me back. He really cares about his community, clearly, and I upped my pledge this morning because of it. Thanks Colin for caring and all the work you do!

Omar Rosa

Keep doing what you are doing! Thank you for your hard work! It is much appreciated.


Much love, Mr. Moriarity. Take good care, we've got your back.

Hose A Contra Razz

Colin, Aibileen Clark (to Mae Mobley)in the movie The Help: "You is kind. You is smart. You is important." I know its cheesy but its true never stop being you.


Ahh we love you man. Keep with it. Please try and take breaks (and a vacation!)


Thanks for being open. Great episode!

Blake Wall

Frieside Chats & KnockBack is the reason I became a patron of CLS

Megan Gierlach

This one is one of the bests, and the other episode featuring Erin is up there, too!


Holy crap man! I’ve been listening to you for years now and I didnt realize the toll some of the shit really took on you. Thanks for being open! Proud to support CLS. ;) Keep up the great work. You’re doing some awesome things here!

Blake Wall

I can tell you from experience only good people feel hurt when their character is brought into question. The fact the it bothers you is proof that your actually a good person.

Ryan B.

What can I say Colin? I’m 36 and have been listening to you for years and years. Your intellect and heart have never disappointed and I’m tremendously grateful for your courage under fire and your unwavering commitment to excellent content. I’m a seminary student in Richmond coincidentally and working on my second Master’s degree and would love to grab a drink some time if you’re ever up for it. I’m sure we’d have plenty to talk about as my undergrad was philosophy, my first graduate degree literature and I’m a life long gamer. Praying for you because I do care, and yes, I’m well aware of your religious views. Still, man, you’ve clearly been hurting at times and I’ve felt lead on more than one occasion to lift you up. I hope you don’t mind. You are cared for Colin.


Goddamn, this is the reason I like your work. This was my first podcast I listened to after subscribing to your Patreon. After watching you on youtube I finally did it. You are one of the most honest persons I follow on the web. I have never even come close to imagining how hard the last few years have been for you. Keep it going man and thank you very much!


Hey Colin just want to send my appreciation out to you, i just finished listening to episode 50. I've been following everything youve done since beyond 420 (literally 😉). And I'll continue to follow and support you forever, because ur podcasts and content have helped me through many incredibly hard times for years now!!! You are easily my favorite person to follow on the internet and you mean alot to me ♥️ I just hope one day I get to shake your hand and say thank you for everything.

Felipe Delfin

Colin, I’ve been following you since your IGN days and I just want to thank you for everything you’ve done. Your insight and opinion on all aspects of life, be it video games or politics is something I highly value. A couple years ago when you spoke about your struggles with anxiety you helped out many people, including my brother, and I can’t thank you enough for opening up like you did. And now I hope these messages you’ve been reading can show you just how loved you are. We’ve never met, we problably never will, but know that I’ll always count you as a friend. Keep it up man!


Hey Colin just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you and that you really touched my heart this episode. Thank you for sharing.

Travis farmer

Wow amazing work Colin. It got real deep and the crying got to me but I loved every minute of it. Thanks for letting it get personal it was good to see that side of you. Congrats on your 50th episode as well as all the success CLS as brought you because you have definitely earned it man. I’ll be a supporter for as long your doing work thanks for all the hard work!


Congrats on your 50th episode! I finally had to chance to listen to this, and wanted to say thanks for all the hard work and care you put into your work. It is truly appreciated. Going back years, your podcasts have brought such joy to me, my friends, and others. As a fellow anxiety sufferer, and someone who gets down on himself, I wanted to let you know that your voice and words on these shows have been an escape/distraction through some of my toughest times, have accompanied me on long drives, simple walks with the dog, or relaxing in my home. Always, they have brought me joy, and most importantly left me informed, educated, and added a level of perspective that maybe always didn't align with mine but who wants to agree all the time. Truly thank you for everything.

Lou & Rei Loper

Colin, I just wanted to say that I love you. I mean that from the very deepest part of my heart.

Riley Smith

I love you Colin, it's weird to think that you've been so influential on me and we've never even met. You've made me a better person, I hope you know that.

Jordan Gagliano

I passed over this episode for awhile, because I wasn't sure I wanted to hear it, but I finished it today and decided it was time to start supporting you on patreon (rather than free loading on soundcloud :-p). A fan since KindaFunny, I started with your KnockBack podcast, but Fireside chats really has kept me here. KnockBack is my guilty pleasure, but Fireside is the most genuine content I've ever listened to. Keep up the good work!


Man! I'm sorry I missed this when it launched. It was hard to hear of how deep the hurt goes. Take stock that you've responded in the best way possible. To many more years of independent thinking and speaking.

Stephane Leduc

Great episode once again Colin. Hearing you breakdown midway through the interview got to me more than I expected. My eyes got a little teary at some point. Greg and yourself have my two favorite people in gaming for more than 10 years now and I always enjoyed your content. You are an highly intelligent individual and it really shows in all the content you create. Whenever you talk about a subject, you really look at it from every possible angle and cover a topic in a way that I just don't see in other people's work. Sometimes you may come as harsh to certain people, but that's just the way you are. I guess what I am saying is I really appreciate your content and I really appreciate you. I wish you all the success you deserve for many more years. Keep up the good work :)


I don't ever comment on things like this but I just listened to this Colin and really felt the need to say how grateful I am for your honesty and vulnerability in the recording of this podcast. I was incredibly moved. Thank you.


This will always be one of the best CLS episodes. Heartbreaking and human. Still relevant in 2020.

Robbie Sorrentino

I have been following you since you left IGN and started Kinda Funny. I just want you to know how much I appreciate you, your perseverance, and commitment to delivering quality, creative content. I have just become a Patron of CLS, but in only a few weeks I realize how glad I am to have joined this community supporting you. Please never forget that you are truly a kind and inspiring person. Keep doing you Colin, love you man.

Michael Buffill

Hey Colin fairly new fan for only a couple of months now but after seeing what you went through to come where you are now I have so much respect for you. Keep being you because what makes your content the best is you keep it 100% real and as someone who listens to many podcasts you come across the most genuine. Your thoughts are always articulated and your depth of knowledge in games is apparent in all your work. Keep being the best out there!