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Allow me to present Tiana Lowe. Tiana is the co-host of the podcast The Political Pregame, a writer at The National Review, and the Founding Editor of both the USC Economics Review and The Tab at USC, with work appearing in the New York Times and the Washington Post, and on Fox News and Reason. Oh, and she does all of that while studying economics and mathematics (she's only 22!). On today's episode, we discuss Donald Trump, conservatism versus liberalism in America, the degradation of education in the US, gun control, and much more. Buckle in!




I hope the gun control is talking about hope to keep your groups sub moa.

Luke Johnson

The "Australia was a penal colony" argument ... I spent some time in Australia and they would strongly disagree with using that element of their history against any of their current people, protocols or culture.

Jon Barnett

Listening to podcasts on Patreon using the mobile app is awful. The audio randomly pauses, and won't turn back on. And for some reason, I can no longer download the podcast from the app anymore. I know this isn't your fault Colin, but it does make it harder for patrons to listen to your content on the go. Anyway you could talk to people at Patreon about this?


Sure, I can escalate this. Is anyone else having a similar issue? This is the first I'm hearing about this problem. I'm not saying it's you, but it's likely that it is. Did you try uninstalling and reinstalling the app? Updating it? Logging in and out? I know I sound like a technician on a phone call with you, but I want to be able to give 'em answers, and trust me, they will ask.

BettyAnn Moriarty

Wow! Bravo! (to you both). Tatiana is incredibly intelligent and articulate. I agree completely that she’s on her way to bigger things. She can speak about so many varied issues -so easily - and puts things simply and succinctly. Listening to the two of you was a real treat. Loved this episode! (And, I learned so much!!!) Thank you! 👏🏻😉❤️

BettyAnn Moriarty

Thanks for the correction. I apologize to Tiana. I know first hand about people calling you by the wrong name. My apologies.

Christopher Hopkins

Great episode! ive lost friends and had friends maimed when I was younger from gun violence none of them were legal guns; I too don't see the point in most of the reforms buzzing about because of your "now what" comment; it won't stop anything or solve the core issue of which a violent attack with a gun is just a symptom


That's my whole take. When a litany of legislation is passed and it does nothing, then what? It's a valid question!


Doing my taxes with my wife is my continuing reminder of why I can never be a full blown Democrat, and I live in Texas. I don't even have to deal with state taxes and I still sit here and think I'm getting fuckin robbed every year. I digress - I could listen to this woman and this conversation all day man. Great episode as usual. Continue to love the depth/variety of guests on this podcast.


I registered as an independent at the end of high school with the thought that I would always look at both sides to make the best decision. Going through college I didn't even realize I wasn't getting quality views from the conservative side. Colin, you've been my gateway drug into some quality minds and I really appreciate it. As someone with a degree in Econ with a math minor you did the unthinkable of introducing me to a new voice that is incredibly relatable. I look forward to following her future work. Thank you.


P.S. I'm glad she gave you a lesson in free trade at the end.


And thank God the republicans are calling out Trump for the tariffs he's proposing (just got to the end of the podcast).

Will Hahn

What interesting conversation! Nice to hear your perspectives again from the political realm. Hats off to Tiana as well, she is super intelligent!

Ryan Berry

What a fabulous discussion. Best to date imo. Tiana has a new fan too! These are the discussions I was so excited for when CLS kicked off


I've voted quite liberal for over a decade but if the Republican party had more people like her (and Colin, etc) as their thought leaders then I would likely start voting conservative. Liberalism is a mess, and it's ironic how self righteous the often anti-religious party has become (I'm not religious). I used to fear a country led by the christian coalition but at this point I would fear a far left coalition in charge far more. So strange for me to think this. I'm constantly amazed to find myself where I am these days with regards to politics and culture...


I've been wondering about the first state to cut back on colleges too. I doubt it will just be colleges as much as specific college programs. I mean if you look at the humanities alone you basically get a picture of extreme lefties and 10-20 percent self identifying as marxists (extreme!). Imagine if 20% of a university discipline considered themselves alt-right? How much outrage would their be? I figure one red state is going to say enough is enough and essentially say to the Universities that any state funds can only be used for some specific programs (science, engineering, health for example). No Gender Studies, etc. Further, if legal, they would have to ensure that by taking the money that the universities couldn't just take their donations to fund the other programs but would have to use them towards the funded programs too.

Chad Lewis

What a show! She definitely needs to come back, that was an amazing educated conversation.


I am about 40 min in and I gotta say, if I ever need an example of why conservatives don't win I'll point them to this young lady. People call us Nazis and murders and call for our jobs and threaten violence and you're worried about tone. I am so glad trump turned the gop on it's head so we aren't held back by leaders who seem to want nothing more than leftist media approval. The millions who lost their jobs to Chinese outsourcing aren't going to want to hear classroom platitudes about how awesome free trade is. They want someone who is going to tell them that the race to the bottom stops now. Old guard GOP wasn't doing that. Trump is an imperfect vessel, but the window of the establisment needed smashed and he is one hell of a brick.


My tax situation for 2017 is about 10x more complicated than any previous year. I was overwhelmed and lost. Finally paid a dude to take care of both my personal shit and CLS (he simply filed extensions) so that I can figure everything out.


The good news is that folks like her are slowly coming up. The old people will die off, and Republicanism will hopefully change. Who knows, maybe I'll even return to the fold one day.


She brought that up, and it's super interesting, because I'd never really spent time considering it.


Tone is relevant, homie. I respect that a more moderate brand of conservatism might not be for you, but if Trump was doing what he was doing while being a little more human, a little more reasonable, a little more metered... he'd have approvals in the 50s or 60s, not the 30s. That stuff is relevant, and it's why I strongly believe Trump simply cannot win in 2020. His pool of voters is too small from the get-go. That said, we'll see what happens! The midterms are gonna be rough for the GOP, and they have to get through that first.


I guess I was just tired of losing on every front why does my part of the country have to wither and die so that China and the stockholding class get rich? And still on our heels in the culture war. And where are you getting 30? He's at mid to high 40s. And will probably pick up 6 Senate seats.

Jimmy Valentine

It's interesting how people view the loss of jobs differently. I don't agree with everything you said, but I'm curious to know what your solution would be to stop jobs from coming and going? Do you protect certain industries forever and never let them change or progress? If that was the case, in my industry, we'd have hundreds in my office who just carry paper around because we couldn't make things digital. I'm not trying to argue or downplay what you see. I don't live where you live. But I'm interested in what you do to stop this? I think jobs coming and going is a part of the economy progressing and times changing. I wouldn't be surprised if my job was gone in the capacity I'm doing it now in 10ish years. Thank for the discussion.


I don't have all the answers, but I'd say a good start would be getting trade on a level playing field. We all the Chinese to walk all over us. They steal our ip, their communist government dumps material into our market and we just look the other way.

Nathan R

Y’all are spot on with education. I spent 5 months unemployed after I was laid off from an accounting firm. I have a finance degree with a background in accounting, with 3 years of experience. I figured it would not be an issue for me to find another job because every company has accounting and most successful companies have finance departments. Man was I wrong. Every job I applied for had 300plus applicants ranging from bachelors to MBA candidates. I was so desperate I had to start applying for entry level positions and jobs that I was way overqualified for. The market is so flooded with bachelor degrees even entry level positions require MBAs (WTF). Fortunately, I started doing freelance accounting and landed a business valuation position months later, only because my friend helped me get the position. A degree is the new GED unfortunately.


It's fascinating; I had never thought of Tiana's point about the economics of degrees before (from a supply and demand perspective, that is). Food for thought, for sure. I hope you're doing better now!

Nathan R

Life is great right now. I just have to work on getting some certifications/ my MBA to stay competitive.... That also means more debt BTW lol.

Joey Finelli

America needs to figure out how to get more kids into trades. Trades our the life blood of our country!

Donald Evanoff

Colin, it's episodes like this that made me pledge in the first place. Even though I've dropped my pledges to you after the change to the Knockback and gaming focus, I still had this episode on my backlog. Finally got to listen to it last night and it was, by far, one of the best political discussions you posted since starting CLS. THIS episode is a great example of the kind of work I was hoping would continue on CLS, in addition to your other offerings. Please, please, please reconsider pursuing these kinds of discussions again. This episode is an example of what I had hoped CLS could provide to a younger listening demographic that doesn't get to hear reasoned political discussions, or even a level headed point of view. I really hope you keep up this kind of work. And, hey, it wasn't just all you. Tiana was one of the best political commentators I've listened to in a while, and that's even comparing her to the talking heads on Meet the Press or other Sunday news shows. Thumb's up. Please bring these discussions back... or also make your gaming coverage longer than 10 -15 minutes. That stuff is good, too.

Alex Kloeden

Hey Colin, bit late to this but just wanted to make a point. I really enjoyed this discussion on economics and the dynamics of the conservative and liberal movements in the US and I found many of Tiana's economic points to be spot on (especially her trade issues with trump and usefulness of college degrees). However, I feel both your stances on gun control are a bit narrow minded. I am an Australian/American so this topic is one that really hits home for me. I go hunting in rural Australia with my family every time I am back there; so I can confirm that there is still a large gun culture there even if left leaning Americans make it out to be some gun-free paradise. I also grew up in Virginia so I can understand the American perspective of it. However, guns are not common in urban areas and are really primarily used for hunting or by farmers in Australia. Hand guns are basically non-existent and the black market values are ridiculous. No kid in Australia even considers that they might face gunman in schools. This was a reality for me in VA as we had 2 sniper threats threats over the 10 years I went to school in the US. Just to compare I lived in Saudi during 9/11 and had no gun threats, even though it was the al-queda days. Although I get your perspective in questioning why would you give up a right that you or your decedents might need someday, it is pretty unrealistic that in such a hypothetical future any individual's arsenal would match the force of the US military. So from the trigger happiness that many unexperienced cops have, to the gangland violence in many regions face, to the issue of school and mass shootings; all these have a common denominator. I believe in peoples right to own a gun, but it should come with responsibilities and with that a social check, just the same way we police our environment and our markets. When there is a negative externality it is up to the government to correct for it if it is in the welfare of its citizens. You are right though that nothing will change and if it did the country would implode. It just makes me depressed that people who don't need to die will continue to because of the limit created in the stubbornness to revaluate the extent of the second amendment. Again... not trying to offend anyone, just giving a perspective.


Sorry, I'm very, very late in responding to this. I have a lot of hang-ups around the gun control debate, but major one is: How would you get the guns back from the people without starting a revolution or civil war? It's just the reality, from my perspective, that the genie is out of the bottle. Now, if the argument is to let all of those remain in circulation and do something moving forward, that's a conversation we can have. But then it begs the question: What's the point? 400 million+ guns already in circulation. I think it's a Catch-22, and a political trap, personally. There is no solving this problem.