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Today's an exciting day, because it's the day that the very first Patreon-exclusive podcast goes live! For those of you who are unaware, simply being a member of CLS' Patreon, anywhere from the $1/month level all the way up to the tippy-top, now get an exclusive episode of Fireside Chats or KnockBack each and every month. So let's roll.

Today, I bring to you what may be the most-requested Fireside Chat guest: My lovely girlfriend, Erin. Erin and I have known each other for 15 years, and started dating just over two years ago. She is the most loyal, most patient, and most loving woman I've ever known, and I'm incredibly lucky to have her in my life.

In our 1+ hour chat, we talk about...

...How we met and what our experiences were like at Northeastern...

...Our deep love (and borderline obsession) of our dog, Lola...

...How my workaholism and dedication to my job adversely affects our relationship...

...Why I love having a deep and intimate relationship with the audience...

...Why we're so tired of talking about "The Tweet"...

...And much more!

We hope you enjoy the show! Thanks for listening, and for your support. <3




Looking forward to it!


Great show. Erin completely does not sound like the typical "internet girly podcast chic", which is super refreshing. You are a lucky man, Colin.

Jeremy Cochran

Colin you are a lucky man!! :-)

Cameron Paterson

It was awesome to hear from Erin and it would be awesome if she was to comeback. I really enjoyed listening to this.


Thank you! I think she did a great job. Maybe we'll record an episode of Five Questions in the future. =)

Mario Miranda

Fantastic way to end the week and I very much look forward to listening to this on my commute home. You released this with perfect timing.


I'm glad my timing could be so impeccable. =) Moving forward, each exclusive will be released on the last Friday of the month (as was the case here), so it'll make it nice and predictable for you!

Marc Boggio

Erin, you were great - no need to be nervous about our reaction (and you two have definitely made me interested in Boston Terriers now 😂)

Cesar Solis

I was a rough day today and this podcast was exactly what I needed. Erin you did great! Colin, I can’t thank you enough for doing what you are doing. You got me through a lot.

Tony Colton

Thanks for what was a really honest and open chat with a lot of it really resonating with me. Erin started of sounding frosty and cagey but hats off to her she done a great job. Well done to the lovely host too 😉 Please listen to both your own thoughts of focussing on what matters in life. "Work to live, don't live to work!" I for one would continue supporting CLS if you were just putting out one price of content a wk. Thanks again to you both and have a great weekend 😊


Always nice to get some more tidbits about your personal lives and what brought you together. Erin you were great! You are both open about your anxiety, which I also suffer from. I'm kinda jealous that you've got a platform like this to be open with people but do it on your own terms and from the safety of being behind the mic. Seems like it would be very therapeutic.


It can be therapeutic for me, but really, I like that it allows me to let others that they aren't alone. That's way more important to me.

Will Hahn

This has for sure been one of my favorite episodes of CLS content. It was very warm and heartfelt (Erin was a fantastic guest). Colin, I can’t thank you enough for the content. Listening to what you have to say has inspired me to be more open-minded, a better critical thinker, less stressed, and a better person overall. You and Erin deserve all the success in the world! Have a great weekend, and I won’t ever stop supporting you or what you do!


Thank you. That's incredibly high praise, and I really do appreciate your dedication and support. It means a lot. Have a great weekend!

Edwin Garcia

Good episode, keep up the great content =)

BettyAnn Moriarty

Oh! Such a terrific episode. Honest and loving. We've been waiting for this one. 😉 Well done, little girl - and Col too, of course. Keep 'em coming, bud. These always brighten my day. (And yes - we (the fam) all love you and are really proud of what you're accomplishing. ❤️😘❤️😘


Great episode, we love you Erin (and Colin)!!❤

Jeff Pollard

This was a great episode! Erin, you're awesome! Colin, you're awesome too! I think what you both need to do is make one day a week a "Colin and Erin (and Lola) day". No work. If that means you have to adjust the schedule for Side Quest, Fireside Chat or KnockBack, so be it. Keeping yourselves and your relationship healthy is the most important thing. &lt;3


Such a great episode, and I apologize if my comment runs long. First don't be nervous Erin. You did great and the CLS patrons are awesome supporters. -- Second I am not nearly as a hard a working person as Colin is... not by a damn mile, but I recognized this last year how much I need to spend more time with loved ones. I've mentioned this before but I lost my dad this last year, but when I think about him, I can't remember the last conversation we had before he was gone, and that upsets me cus I know I could have done better. Or I can go weeks without even saying 'hey' to my friends, or my family. Or my wife comes home and we just stare at our phones all night. - So I've been trying to fix that. Glad to hear Erin voice that concern about spending time together. You do a great job here Colin, that's why we're here, but spend time with that lady man she's special. Spend time with your friends, your family, you never know when you won't get to anymore. - sorry for the novel, but it's just been a big eye opening thing for me the last year.

Hose A Contra Razz

Great episode Colin, maybe next time we can have Erin tell use stories about her experience as a nurse. My nurse friends always have great stories so maybe we can have podcast on that.


Another great episode, keep up the great work!


Erin really warmed up as the show went on. I’d love to see her as a regular guest.


I like that Erin will only appear once in a while. It makes it all the more powerful when she does! =D


Yeah, Erin (and you) are totally right here. I need to be better about disconnecting from work... but it's hard when you run a business by yourself, and there's always and forever something to worry about.


I'd like to have her back soon (maybe via a publicly-available version of Fireside Chats) to ask her Five Questions. =)


Yeah, she definitely got more comfortable. I will certainly see what she's willing to do moving forward. =)

Mario Miranda

Great episode! I know Erin was worried about people being nice to her but I don't see why the CLS patrons would have any reason not to be nice. Erin was great and I thank both her and you, Colin, for sharing about your personal lives. I would definitely love to hear from Erin again on another episode in the future.


She was just nervous, and I'd be, too. The Internet can be hostile! But I assured her that CLS fans would be nothing but kind.

Dan Cadogan

Erin is the shit! I really dug this podcast. Keep doin you power couple


Once again great episode Colin. I understand Erin being afraid of the “internet” but here in CLS all the patreon share love :) Erin you should be more often in CLS podcast, it so amazing to hear and be able to see the love and understanding you have for each other. Thanks guys for sharing with us!!

Tony Colton

Don't know if you have ever heard the Sun Screen song but listen to it such great advice in it. "Worrying is about as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum!" 😂


Brilliant episode. Erin comes across as a really nice person and clearly cares a great deal about you and your relationship. I hope you have her on again. You have said previously, that you have gotten her into gaming, maybe you could have her give her opinion on games as someone who isn’t as much of a hardcore gamer as you are. That discussion between you guys might be interesting.

John Nelson

I'm glad you brought up the tweet again. I think a lot of people, including me, had a lot of unfounded premonitions about what happened. It was too abrupt to not perceive wild going ons about it. Erin is awesome! Loved the episode. Keep up the great work!

Ian (616Entertainment)

This episode was excellent, thanks for coming on, Erin! No need to be nervous, and I don't think any of us are kissing your ass or just trying to be nice, I was genuinely loving this episode. A highlight was taking the question about Colin's quirks. Erin goes, "I don't know if they're FUNNY, but.." and Colin responds, "Go ahead, yea, go ahead and tell the world what I do." Hahahahaha. Loved it. Colin, it was very honest and open of you to talk about reaching out to Greg at the end. You are dead on when you said you don't think people are so upset about you leaving KF as much as they are bothered to have seen that friendship implode. I had a falling out with my best friend years back, we had plans to go to a concert together. Long story short we didn't speak for over a year, but after some time had passed, we moved on and put it behind us. It wasn't worth losing a best friend over. In closing, Colin, great episode. Erin, thanks for coming on and I'd love to hear you on the show again! PS: The ashing-on-Lola story is excellent. I imagine Colin being so sorry, meanwhile Lola is looking around like "what are you so upset about, will you relax?" Hahaha. Have a good day, guys.

Jorge Pal

I thought this episode was excellent. Thank you both!

Brock Thomas Walsh

Another amazing episode. Really nice to hear you guys talk so candidly and honestly. I hope the best for both of you and!

Kenny Gutzler

The only thing I would add is, as children to our parents, we get the unique ability to learn tough lessons from them - for better or worse. I would (respectfully) recommend not allowing your work ethic to affect your relationship with Erin, so history does not repeat in the way it did with your parents - knowing the Moriarty men have a unique work ethic. I know this is easy to say from my point of view, with significantly less responsibility, but wanted to add this. Great listen as always!

Adam Niksch

Great episode Colin &amp; Erin! Erin you did great! I had a pretty big smile while you were telling the how you met and got together story because it’s basically my wife and I’s story too, albeit much more condensed. We met in grad school and became exceptionally close friends really fast, and neither of us wanted to admit we liked the other for fear of losing the friendship. I moved from Houston to San Diego about a year after grad school and we stayed in touch but the distance made it hard. Fast forward 2.5 years and we take a trip to Vegas together which changed it all. Got married last May. Like Erin (and my wife) said, as hard as those first few years were, without it neither of us would be where we are. Cheers to you both and I hope we get to hear from her again!

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

Great episode! Very cool hearing the two of you talking, some really cool and sweet stories. Also, Erin has a great podcasting voice!

Carson Smith

Colin... one question... where is that ring dude. She's a keeper. Talking about Lola of course lol. But seriously Erin sounds great.

Lou & Rei Loper

Fantastic episode, nice to finally really get to hear from Erin (not that she's obligated to talk to us of course). I didn't expect the conversation at the end at ALL, but man did that feel good. I've been a supporter since way WAY back now to the Beyond(!) days. You very specifically Colin are the reason that I went down the podcast road and they're almost exclusively what I listen to these days. Since I first heard your voice and the way you approach things, I've never really heard anyone else out there speak or think like I think...but this Colin guy, he gets it, somehow...this guy gets it. That made me tune in for every single episode (literally) just to listen to whatever you guys had going on, it was even better when it was off topic stuff because you get to delve into more of the mind of the two of you. Anyway, fast forward many years, and I'm still here, and for me the biggest thing that happened out of the whole BS that was that...I thought I'd lost my voice, Colin was gone. That was hard man, really hard...and then one day I saw that CLS was announced and immediately we added that into our budget to try to make sure that it never dies unless you're ready to hang up the mic. To hear even a small glimmer that some of the old relationships are still potentially okay, is just a feeling that warmed my heart so much. I am also very very much so in the camp (as is Rachel) that the sad thing of this was the two of you weren't 'together' any longer. I legitimately cried when I heard the very end of the final PS I Love You episode 'after the credits', I wasn't expecting it, I just sat there in silence and then eventually that clip played, and man it all just hit. Okay, enough about all of that. I'm so glad to hear that you're in a good place, and to finally 'meet' Erin, and that Lola is invincible lol. We love you guys, and we 100% mean that. Perhaps one day I'll get to shake your hand, doesn't matter if there's a conversation or not to me, I'd just love to shake your hand one day. :)

Michael Granger

This is Awesome, you have no reason to be nervous Erin. Fascinating chat as always Colin, I also secretly believe Lola can talk and works for the CIA 😂

John Kamoulakos

This episode was like a mirror into my own life, I work from home and my girlfriend works crazy hours as well. I loved it. &lt;3


It's hard not to worry... but I do try to remind myself as often as I can that it's not worth worrying about what I cannot control.


Thank you! Talking about games with her would actually be a lot of fun. She has some interesting insights. She's an ER nurse and works bizarre hours, so I often find her up in the middle of the night. The other week, she informed me when I got up to pee that she downloaded and 100%'d Edith Finch, and I was impressed!


Thank you! We're both tired of talking about "The Tweet," but felt like it would make sense to include nonetheless.


Yeah, I mean, I don't know what the future holds for Greg and I. I think he mishandled the situation, and I'm positive he knows that, whether or not he'd ever admit it. But I could have also done things differently. Like I said, I reached out, and I won't be doing so again, so the ball is in his court, whether a year down the road or a decade down the road.


You're right, and it's something I try to stay cognizant of. I don't know what it is about my dad, my brother, and myself, but it's something I think Dagan and I subconsciously took from my dad. When I text Dagan at literally 1:30a PT and he responds (meaning it's 4:30a where he is), I know that we both have that whatever-it-is in our bloodstream.


That's a really great story! I'm glad that it all worked out for you and your wife. Wishing you the best!


Thank you so much for your kindness and your longtime support. It really does mean a great deal to me. What the future holds for Greg and I as friends is uncertain. Ultimately, it'll be his call. I've done all I'm gonna do. Simply reaching out was a big bridge to gap.

Barrel Titor

I never get a chance to check early patron stuff because of my job and how much I am learning on my own I'm glad I got the chance to listen this evening. I've probably experienced a .1% of what Erin goes through every day when it comes to someone just dying and then going about your daily business. As I basically lost several people my own age in the last 5 years to cancer and essentially old age. It just hit me a bit hard. On the subject of Nick. I'm curious if he's done any standup in your area, or if you've heard any of it yet? Lastly I'm thinking you and someone at Funhaus team or ETC may get along pretty well on your podcast. Especially Lawrence since he kind of has a special understanding with AI and tech. As well as Elyse just for a fun catch up with her work at Game Trailers and love of muppets with James! Have a good one! Safe Journeys


That was a great hour guys! Erin was a fantastic guest. Really cool to hear your dynamic and you can hear the chemistry between you guys. Hopefully she’s back for some other topics. Thanks for sharing this Colin. My best 10$ a month :)


Thank you for your support! I'm glad you got to check this one out while it was still on the vine. Dunno about Nick's standup, or where he does it. As for Funhaus, I'll reach out to them sometime in the near future... sitting on a lot of Fireside Chats right now.

Nicole Webb

Colin, It was lovely to hear the story of you two and to hear more about Erin. Please thank her for her openness, and as always thank you for yours.


Great episode! I admire your ability to juggle the massive workload you impose on yourself and Erin's love and patience for you. You two should let Lola speak a bit next time :) Hope all is well


Really awesome episode - I particularly enjoyed hearing about how you both have a strong relationship with Lola. It’s the same thing with my wife and our dog - and how we spoil them in our own ways. Total hams.


Thank you! I'm gonna let her read all of these nice comments so she can see for herself. =)

Daniel Gonzalez

Great episode, I’m glad you could touch on your anxiety. I’ve had my own troubles admitting I have anxiety and often too harsh on myself. I’m learning to go easier on myself.

Matt Stinnett

Thanks to both of you for this great and very personal episode. Lola sounds awesome! I love dogs with a fun personality. Hope to hear from Erin more often. I hope Greg reaches back and you guys are able to get together and hang out. Thanks for all the hard work and try to relax when you can.

Daniel Rivas

So when is Erin returning?


This was a great show, Erin you did great. Thanks for letting us(me) into your lives. Colin I'm more than happy to support (not exclusively financially) you for as long as you are willing to keep going.


Become a Patron just to listen to this episode and it was a great one. Glad to be a Patron now :)

Kenneth thomas

I think you hit the nail on head saying people are more bummed that you and Greg aren’t partners more than anything, that is true, but at the same it’s a close second of a bummer that you aren’t with KF because you were such a strong voice that made that group a genuine ensemble. I would have loved to see you doing what you are doing now with KF, just as your own shows, and still been around for the occasional chat with the guys about games. It’s a shame that couldn’t happen but I still dig everything you do and will for sure stick around for anything that comes next.


Well, I tried to kinda propose my own things under that umbrella, and they weren't all that interested. Proposed a political show with Jared, proposed my own E3 coverage, proposed a new gaming show... all shot down. So, nothing I can really do about that. I'm glad to be doing CLS. Honored, really. And I appreciate your support.

Kenneth thomas

And we appreciate you really listening your fans and doing things like answering all these comments it shows us an inspiring amount of dedication. Thanks Colin


Like above i joined because of this at $5 (sorry all i can afford atm). Thankyou for bringing so much joy to my life through tough times.


Thank you so much for your kind support... I hope whatever's going on in your life improves for you!

Christopher Hopkins

You two are adorable, loved hearing about lola and how you met 😀


I finally got a chance to listen to this and just wanted to say it was great to hear from Erin (even considering that she was nervous)! Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us Erin. In a slightly selfish note, I wish Erin would chat a little more about her experiences within neuro and stroke but I will keep my eyes on the facebook group for the next time she is potentially on the show. Keep up the hard work and all the best to the both of you (PS. Go Patriots - sorry Colin)

Jason Stafford

Since I finally got to re-up my patronage in April, I at long last got to listen to this podcast. I just want to say thank you to you both for this, but especially Erin. I'm not sure why, but it's fun to get a behind the scenes look at you guys. I'm thankful for Erin being so cool and open, not just here, but elsewhere on the internet. She was one of the first people that I follow that liked one of my tweets! It's always great to see pictures of Lola doing fun things, so hearing more about her was great! Thank you both for addressing the tweet one final time. It really was bittersweet. I loved Kinda Funny while you were still there, but I can't relate to it anymore without your grounding influence, I think I'm too old! Haha. It does hurt my heart that you and Greg's relationship has suffered, but I completely understand, and there's always a possibility things could change. Listening to you, Erin, Dagan, and your whole family has made me feel less alone, almost as if I'm a member of the family. Again, thank you both for this podcast and I look forward to hearing more in the future!


I'm so pleased you're back in the fold, Jason. Thank you for listening, and for your kind words!


Cheers. Anything she is willing to discuss would be amazing. I definitely understand there are aspects of the job she cannot discuss for various reasons. Looking forward to hearing from both of you again. As always keep up the hard work!

Marvin Castro

Hey Colin. I hope this message finds you well. I'm just now getting around to listening to these exclusive podcasts (I do listen to the others throughout the week) and I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Erin was great and really came into her own as the episode progressed. I was really touched to hear about how you met and what your relationship is like. That can't be easy to open up like that so I do thank you for sharing. I know you're an atheist Colin but I'm not so with that said I just want to say that I will be praying for you and Erin (and Lola) as well as your relationship and what the future holds for the both of you. May God bless you and your home and bless your future together. Thank you for your hard work Colin. Have a good one! PS- It does me well to write to you. :)

Tyler Bello

Just got to listen to this! I am a patron but its just more convenient for me to listen on iTunes. This is an awesome episode! I don't think your patron continuing to fall is still the case right? Hopefully with sacred symbols your bigger than you've ever been! Keep up the great work man!