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Today's episode of KnockBack is dedicated to Nintendo, the great video game company that has brought all of us so much joy over the decades. Question is, which of their products is best? To figure that out, we take the time to discuss every console and handheld released by Nintendo, from NES through Wii U, and then put them in our preferred orders. We hope you enjoy!




So excited to listen to this!

Ray Briggs

I really want to enjoy these but the length is kind of turn off. But I'm glad everyone else is enjoying it. Maybe one day I will be able to make the time. Too much great content on CLS and elsewhere, not enough time.

Michael Miller

Ah yessss. My 8 hour work day just got a little better.


Understood! Remember: The beauty of the show is (for me) its evergreen nature. For all you know, you'll find yourself on a 10 hour roadtrip a year from now, and you'll have plenty of stuff to listen to from KnockBack's back catalog. =)

BettyAnn Moriarty

Hi bud! Great episode. So nostalgic - for me. We're on our way to the Jersey shore and then to Dagan's in the AM for Lilya's thespian debut! This was a great way to spend some time with both my boys while on the road. And as crazy as this sounds - when I listen to these, I sort of feel closer to you guys and often I just want to say... yeah, I remember that! ❤️❤️ oh!!! And, remember I don't have a favorite.... 😉 Ah, the banter. 🙄😂

Bryan Finck

Listening now, future topic suggestion, worst games of the 8-bit/16-bit generations.

Will Hahn

I absolutely loved this episode! Such a treat to hear you guys talk about Nintendo. I’m only 20 years-old, so I wasn’t around for the earlier generation of consoles, until my brother and I split our money to buy a GameCube. Windwaker was one of the first games I had ever beaten. Such a phenomenal game and I felt the art style was ahead of its time. Also a huge shout out to Mario 3 because that was the first retro game I ever played. I really wish I didn’t get rid of my GameCube. I would do anything to go back to playing Zelda or Mario Sunshine with that awesome controller. I love the PlayStation brand and bought a PS3 because I realized the Wii sucked, but Nintendo will forever hold a special place in my heart. They need to bring virtual console to the switch or I’m gonna lose my mind!! So surprised they haven’t done that yet. Anyways, another fantastic episode from you both. Keep up the A+ quality content, Colin! :)


Nice idea! Be sure to submit it next time we vote on topics. I bet you'll find a lot of takers. =)

Carson Smith

Great discussion! I love hearing the praise for Mario Galaxy games. I really had fun with Odyssey, but both Mario Galaxy games are far superior in terms of gameplay. The gravity mechanics and worlds were so creative and fun to explore. Don't get me started on that soundtrack lol.


I agree. I only played Odyssey for maybe 10 or 15 hours, but I don't think it's nearly as amazing as people are saying it is. Galaxy, Galaxy 2, and Sunshine all trump it, from my perspective.


Another great podcast!!! This new series of podcast have been great Colin. Keep up the great work and I totally agree Galaxy and Galaxy 2 are far superior than Odyssey :)

Hose A Contra Razz

This is a great episode, taking my time listening to it a rewinding it, didn’t want it to end. To bad it had to end.

Ryan Martinson

After two episodes in I feel like you and your brother have something special with this podcast. I love how long and in depth they are. If in the future you decided to film and put this up on YouTube I am sure it would be huge. People are willing to watch long content on YouTube as evidenced by your past work. However, I understand if that is not the direction you would like to take this podcast.

Michael Miller

I noticed that neither of you listed the N64 during the rankings. Was this intentional? I remember Dagon mentioning that he didn’t have a lot of experience with the console. Was that why it was excluded? You guys may have talked about this during the podcast and I just didn’t hear it. Anyways, fantastic episode.

Josh in Tampa

Great 2nd ep guys! Topics so far have been perfect. Can’t wait to get to the rest. I love the length personally. A nice deep dive into a topic. It’s already become something to look forward to and enjoy. Thanks Colin and Dagan.

Cameron Paterson

It was awesome to hear you guys talk about systems that I don't really dive into or know all that much about since I'm in the PlayStation world. Great stuff.

Jeremy Cochran

Another great show! Love the dynamic between you two...so glad Baseball Stars got a shout out haha. I'd argue that taking place and time into account it's still the most "ahead of its time" game ever. Can we get a whole show dedicated to NHL '94 now Lol?

John Nelson

Great episode! I think this series is really exciting and unique. However, I'm still skulking over having traditional CLS videos put on the wayside. Don't you think you could make at least one every two weeks or something? I know you have more imminent knowledge of videogames and nerd culture, but that wasn't originally what CLS conveyed. Please keep up the good work!

Chris B

Another great ep. The tangents are what make the conversations truly flow. Maybe it’s my Stockholm syndrome talking, but I can’t understand the hate for wiiu. It’s pretty much exactly like the n64, bad design choices with a handful of great games.


Thank you so much! So far, I've released them in the order they were recorded. Dagan gets so much more comfortable as time goes on. I can't wait to show you guys the episodes where he really, really dives in, and dominates the shows, because they're awesome listens. The anime one is exceptional. I may roll with that next.


That was a total oversight, and I'm surprised you're the first person to notice! Dagan only missed it because I missed it. Ah well. Sorry!


I could do a show dedicated to NHL '94 with Ramon, perhaps! And, yeah... as far as Baseball Stars go, that game blew me away with how deep it was.


The N64 had way more good games than Wii U! But, as we said, it's all subjective. No rights or wrongs!


I'm sorry! My intention is to bring CLS back in the future when it makes sense, but there are no plans to do anything right now. Doing three shows is keeping me busy enough!

Anthony Stewart

Another great episode!! I have to say my favorite system was snes it had so many amazing games and it has a special place because my mom and I did co op through Secret of Mana.

Brian Dewire

Solid show gents. SNES reigns, but it's okay.

Bryan Finck

Finished listening and loved every second of it. Great stuff, the rapport between you two makes for perfect podcasting. Someone else said it was too long, but as I have a 90 minute commute each way, I love the longer episodes and appreciate all the work that must go into them. Keep it up, Knockback is amazing and a great addition to the CLS family!


Thank you so much for the kind words. I'm so glad that you're enjoying the show. I appreciate your support!

Anthony Stewart

Na the remake looked bad to me so I didn't get it. I would have if it was just the original put on modern systems

Robert Graham

O_O....I haven’t thought of Endless Ocean in like 10 years. That game was inadvertently spooky as hell. Finding that giant squid was nuts. Great episode 🙃


LOL. All I remember about it at this point was that I bought it at the now-defunct Circuit City. And thank you!

Koray Savas

Another great episode! All I can think of when listening to you guys talk is how much Dagan sounds like Troy Baker in Uncharted 4 lol


Any chance to make Knockback in video format? I still get the Virtua Boy headaches. Those $50 Virtua Boys flew off the shelves where I lived.


Excellent episode, cheers fellas

Justin Matkowski

Great Episode! I think Super Mario Bros. 3 vs. Super Mario World is an apt parallel for NES vs. SNES - both sides are completely understandable with a lot of strong points. Would love to hear a Castlevania episode from you guys, especially thoughts on where both of you would take the franchise.

Lou & Rei Loper

What an excellent episode! I personally lean towards the SNES (capitalized because it's royalty haha) of all of the Nintendo consoles, but I've been playing now since the Atari 2600 so I've played/owned them all anyway. The NES is really really really really good as well....after that, I really started to fall away from Nintendo (I'm a big fan of SEGA and Dreamcast (#1, free) and Saturn (#5) are two of my favorite consoles of all time) once I got past the early days of the Ultra...I mean Nintendo 64 lol. It definitely had it's games, but overall it was the last one that I cared about for any length of time. From then on...I was much more SEGA/Xbox/Playstation console oriented. I haven't bought a Switch yet, but my brother has one and is in LOVE with it...I have the itch I must say, but I'd have to take off my VR headset in order to see it, and frankly.........good luck trying haha. It is very cool though, and I will likely own one in the nearish future. It's definitely nothing on Nintendo that I don't own one, I have just fallen back to my roots for the most part with are baby games, aka PC Masterrace lol. That is spawned again almost solely due to technology finally catching up to what I want from VR. My Xbox one and especially PS4 are rarely ever used save a few special games (looking at you Cuphead, and The Last of Us....again). I look forward to the next episode for sure :)

Adam Niksch

Hey Colin, just got around to listening to this. Been a crazy couple of days at work. Great episode again! And thanks again for reading my comment. I grew up in Houston (in the city) and Target was the closest store to us that had the SNES. I actually don’t remember ever having a Walmart near us, which is very odd. My dad loves telling that story because he was very proud that his kids saved for something so expensive (I’m only a month younger than you and my brother is 2 years younger than me). But we definitely annoyed those behind us when we were counting the quarters and nickels lol.


No, no video component for KnockBack. That said, Dagan and I would love to do a different show on YouTube when the time is right. =)


We'll definitely jump into Castlevania, though we could probably get multiple episodes out of such a vast (and awesome) topic!


Thank you for your kind words! Always nice to meet a SEGA fan. It's like Bizarro World for me. =) The Switch is really great. I love it. But I also haven't played it in two months, so. Aren't really any games beyond Mario and Zelda that speak to me, and sadly, I think that may hobble it a bit for others moving forward, too.


We were happy to include your comment. That's a funny story. My mom used to bring me to the toy store and let me buy a GI Joe each week with my $1 allowance I'd get for cleaning the baseboards, and then let me "pay for it," and secretly pay the difference when I wasn't looking.

Jason Pettet

I have people that I’ve been working with for 7 years that still don’t pronounce my last name right, and you crushed it. I never thought it was hard but people where I live have such a hard time with it. Thank you!

John Quinn

These have been great so far! Really appreciate the “evergreen” nature so I can take my time with them and listen to them at my leisure.


Thank you! The "evergreen" nature of these is what I'm most stoked about. Glad that's what makes you happy about 'em, too.

Joey Finelli

everytime i hear your brother say Mario i smile. good episode guys!

Ryan Berry

Wait did you forget N64 in your rankings??? How did no one in the comments catch this?

Christopher Hopkins

Memory: playing Dr. Mario 64 and WWF no mercy with my brothers and my buddy Jon until we all passed out; Jon's sister was losing her fight with cancer and he came to stay with us to take a break from it all, we played games all weekend and skated and explored around town, got kicked out of places for skateboarding where we shouldn't have been... His sister was his life and it was very rough on everyone losing her so young but this moment of repose amid that sinking time of life is still one of my favorite memories from childhood...


Shockingly, only a few people caught it in the audience (at least from what I saw), so stay sharp! =D

Christian Doolan

You guys are really touching on a positive nerve with these podcasts. I love the SNES but now as a retro collector myself I cannot ignore the precursor to that system which I’m still being surprised by to this day. Somehow I opted for a MasterSystem as my 1st console in the UK back then. I just love hearing your stories about your childhood memories because it reminds me of how much fun I had as a kid.


Thank you for listening! I'm glad you're getting something positive out of this. I have so little experience with Master System comparable to other consoles that I really wanna go back and play a bit...


My new favorite podcast! Love the Star Wars and Nintendo talk. I can't wait for the inevitable episode dedicated to you dumping on the SW prequels. I actually like the prequels (even though the original trilogy is still better) but I still find it highly entertaining when you dump on them. "How many lightsabers can we give this f---ing jackass!"

Craig Gunter

So where would you slot the N64 in??? I slot it under GameCube. Its very middle of the road to me. Mario 64, Goldeneye, and WWF No Mercy keep it above Wii and WiiU and maybe Gameboy to me but it doesn't have the amount of quality games to crack the top group.

Tony Colton

Great episode and so so good to hear you having some back and forth with someone on gaming topics. I do love side quest but have really missed your gaming input, knowledge and banter with a co-host since you finished on psiloveyouxoxo. Already looking forward to the next gaming coverage on knockback


For me personally it is SNES but I enjoyed the conversation you guys have great chemistry on the podcast I really feel like I am part of your family.

Caera Bradshaw

Catching up on my back log here! When Dagan starting singing that Sound of Music song I snorted into my coffee...

Ib Saint

The N64 was such a special console to me. I felt as a kid that the PS1 had terrible graphics in comparison. Though I did love the cinematics of Tekken and FF7

Andrew Tamagni

SNES for me too, I didn't jump on the Nintendo bandwagon until that console...I'd been playing around with Master Systems and Megadrives. Getting to play the NES games now though has really opened my eyes up to how great that system must have been and still is and I see why Colin speaks so highly about that as his favorite, but I'm with Dagan on this one still...just. Great stuff from you both!


Thank you so much! That's a high compliment. We want everyone to feel like it's their show, too, and you're along on the ride with us.