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Today's episode of Fireside Chats stars my old friend Brian Albert, current Twitch employee and dedicated Destiny nerd. Brian is an interesting guy with an equally interesting story to tell. Today, we delve into his struggle with his weight, how he shed the pounds just to gain them back and then shed them again, and why he (and I) are both challenged by eating too much. (Then, of course, we end up talking about video games.)




I want to look good, I wanna feel good... but dammit do I love a good drink. Dark beer, old fashioneds, wine. Don't drink to get drunk (usually) but just really enjoy a good drink with dinner. Also my wife and I don't have kids so we like going out every weekend. This is the bane of existence. Been working on losing weight since August of last year. i'm down 15 pounds... not much... but I guess it's progress. But to do that we work out like 5 days a week, and watch we eat during the week so we can go fuckin ham during the weekend... Weight loss is hard man lol.


Eating out (or ordering in) is my vice, too. I love good food and good drink, and obviously, that does a number on the body. I know it sounds strange to people, as I'm 185 pounds and a bit chubby in the stomach and butt, but not obese by any stretch of the imagination... but I have a real struggle with food. I don't care about sweets or sugar. Give me meat, potatoes, pasta, pizza, heroes, sandwiches, etc. all day. The best I've been able to do is to pretty much completely cut out Coke and OJ and other sugary drinks I'd occasionally drink, and I've (unfortunately) cut beer down to almost nothing. Bourbon and old-fashioneds I'll never give up, though. Or cheeseburgers. Can't give those up, either.

Will Hahn

This episode was awesome. I’m usually pretty healthy for the most part and try to swim for exercise regularly (I hate running because it hurts my joints lol), but every once in awhile I’ll give in to fast food. The fact that there is a 7/11 across the street from my campus and a Chic-fil-A that’s only like 3 miles away.... dangerous stuff.


Glad you liked the episode! All that saves me is that none of my favorite stuff (Five Guys, Chick Fil-A, etc.) are within a stone's throw, or I'd be fucked.

Brian Dewire

Really great episode. About 3 weeks ago I started tracking what I eat and have gone from 215 to 205 (my goal is to get to 175-180). I love the hell out of sweets and burgers/pizza/seafood, so it's been a struggle for me. Simply counting calories has made me way more aware of what I eat and what it's doing to me. As Brian mentioned, 90% of it is diet.

John Nelson

I love the episode! I hope you go back to making political and historical videos soon. Knockback and Sidequest are not the most unique shows in CLS. Please keep up the good work!


Glad you liked the episode! CLS (Prime) isn't coming back anytime soon; that said, Fireside Chats will have political guests, so fear not. =)

Michael Cline Jr.

This episode was convicting for me. Last summer, I lost 46 pounds on the keto diet. I gained 15 of those pounds back over the holidays. Time to get back in the saddle.


The talk of the Division's perpetual Christmas reminded me of a place in Austin called Lala's Little Nugget. All year long they have Christmas decorations up. I think there is kind of a tragic backstory as to why, but I am not 100% sure the story is authentic or just a rumor. Anyway, it is one of the weirdest dive bars I have ever been too, and I feel like I made up for a lifetime of not smoking when I came out of there. It's like a biathlon event for professional smokers and drinkers. The photos on their website look quite warm and inviting, the reality is a little different. I'm not sure they have cleaned anything in there for some time - lots of dusty ornaments. hehe anyway...


It’s that Italian drive to eat pasta and bread that I need to stay away from. Hitting my bike hard in this warming east coast weather.

Christopher Hopkins

Great convo; hopefully you find an excuse to visit Iowa someday, I found myself there few weeks ago and I've been to between 37-43 of the 50 states, the people in Iowa are head and shoulders the nicest people I have ever met anywhere in the US, so nice that it changed my perspective on the people in my home town to a Harrington degree, like I didn't know what nice really was before going to iowa. In my brief stay it left such an impression that I would totally consider living there someday... It's no wonder one of the nicest guys in Hollywood, Jason Mamoa, is from there.

Christopher Hopkins

Listening to this again and I don't remember if I shared this but in October my brother was diagnosed with diabetes; my dad has it and my grandfather too so I said ok I'm done eating garbage; I lost 30 lbs in 3 months even with very little excercise. All I did was cut bread down to once a week, no soda or sugary drinks (that includes no juices) I limit frozen foods and potatoes and rice and pasta to once or less per week but because I eat bacon and pork loin ribs and steak along with grilled chicken it doesn't even feel like a diet I try to eat fresh foods not frozen or processed foods and treat myself to a fast food burger or tacos at least once a week mostly I've been following stuff I hear from joe Rogan and nutritionists on his podcast it worked well for me!

Kyle Cline

Great Podcast. I’m a native Iowan, and have to say Iowa is an interesting place to visit if you know where to look. Unfortunately, there is nothing in Iowa that you “HAVE” to see when you are talking about tourism, other than the State Fair (I know it’s kind of weird, but we are really good at frying food), But if you take your time you get to see the juxtaposition of the small town that were crippled by the 80s Farm Crisis and NAFTA, and the the major cities that have diversified economically in the 90s and 2000s. I also feel that Iowa is an interesting microcosm of US politics for its medium size and relatively low population (Total 3.1 Mil). The major cities, especially the college town are extremely liberal, but if you go five miles out of these cites it becomes conservative very fast. Half of my friends during the election were Bernie supporters (my college friends) and they half were Trump/libertarian supporters (my small hometown friends). But I you ever get the chance to visit Iowa, stay awhile catch an Iowa Hawks game, check out someones family farm, and then head over to someone's place for a bonfire with a 30 box of Busch Light (We know it taste awful, but it’s kinda our thing) Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain - Iowa State Motto


Congratulations on your weight loss! That's awesome. I've lost about five pounds in the last year just by being a bit smarter about portions and sugary drinks. I lead an almost completely sedentary life at this point, which I need to fix. Doing so will probably allow me to shed a bit more. 'Cause the reality is, I eat like shit, but I really don't eat that much.