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Hey Team,

I hope you’re all doing great, and that this message finds you well.

I want to let you know that for the first time since CLS began, I’m going to miss a scheduled video (tomorrow’s episode of CLS). With 86 cumulative episodes of CLS, Fireside Chats, and Side Quest all released on time, I suppose it’s not the end of the world (even South Park once missed an airing deadline!). But, you are my most ardent supporters, and so I wanted to let you know that this is happening, and why.

As you may have seen or heard, whether directly or through your respective grapevines, I’ve had a rough go of it the last couple of days after I released the most recent episode of Side Quest, which chronicles the harassment of two gaming industry professionals, as well as my own systematic harassment and abuse from an individual who has openly and brazenly dedicated a significant portion of his life to diminishing mine. I’m not going to tell you that you should (or have to) side with me, or that I got it completely right, or whatever else. You can feel exactly and precisely how you want about the video, and the response to it. You can even agree that I deserve any backlash and abuse I’ve received. I’m not going to police your opinions. You’ve your own mind. But I’ve dedicated myself to being totally open with all of you. I want you to know me -- or to at least have that option -- and to know that you’re getting me. Colin. Not some facsimile or character. That reality comes with ups, and it comes with tons of blemishes, too.

Truth is -- as Erin can attest -- I agonized over that episode of Side Quest, more than I’ve agonized over any show I’ve done, possibly ever. Edited, re-edited, and re-edited again. Clipped things out, recorded pick-ups, moved things around (the episode was originally closer to 25 minutes long). Scoured through the abuse I had received and that was directed at me, and tried my absolute hardest to tell my story, while trying to also elevate to other people who experience their own abuse. I wanted to nail it. I needed to. I felt like it was such an important episode, an honest episode, a vulnerable episode, and that it would rally our better selves to not be what all of us have the unfortunate potential to become: Something or someone we hate. We've all crossed that line in our own lives. I definitely have.

I asked those around me if it was a good idea to be this open and honest about my own experience, to tell my truth, to show significant weakness and vulnerability to advance what I felt was (and still feel is) a vital conversation surrounding the way we treat each other, not as abstract ideas or people with ideologies or members of amorphous groups or whatever else, but as individuals. As human beings. They felt like it was a good idea, and I agreed (and still agree) that it was, because the truth is, the video was largely received positively. A 9+:1  like-to-dislike ratio and thousands of positive messages let me know that it got through to folks. And I think that’s great. I think that it has, actually, caused positive change simply by existing. In exposing my own abuse, and in admitting that I’ve not always gotten it right, I feel like I did something good for this world. At least, that's my hope.

But the over-the-top backlash, centered pretty much entirely in the games media orbit, has beaten me into a pulp, frankly, primarily because of how ruthless it is, how contextless it is, and how openly hostile it is to someone who sits on the outside of their clique. In truth, I don’t understand how this level of focused fury can be conducted in broad daylight with such a celebratory and mean-spirited tone. In making a video about the abuse I’ve suffered in hopes that being open and honest and showing a moment of vulnerability will help heighten the cause for all of us, I’ve received a ruthless doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down on my abuse and harassment, with what I feel is flimsy justification (if you ever could justify harassment and abuse, which I certainly couldn’t). Frankly, it feels from my perspective that people enjoy being awful to me, and it’s wounded me, because it reminds me a lot of those times when I was young when I was bullied and pushed around and not treated great. I’d have the good sense and common decency to let up if someone was screaming for mercy, but that’s not a sentiment shared by everyone else.

It’s one thing to be against safe spaces (I am), to tell a comedian he can’t tell a joke (that’s ridiculous), to walk into a college classroom thinking you won’t see challenging materials (I sure saw those materials when I went to school), or to think the world should cater to your every whim and feeling (that’s absurd and selfish). It’s another thing to partake in, endorse, or accept abuse and harassment of a continuous, systematic, and sinister nature, behavior completely unfathomable to me, and far outside of my wheelhouse. I spoke out about the latter. Some people have conflated that with the former, and they do so dishonestly, to cause harm, and to advance an agenda. I can’t control any of that, but I can control my participation in a destructive system. I can control my participation in a system that chooses to rail against me for positions I don't hold, things I've never said, and feelings I don't, well, feel.

I’m a human being, not a robot, and I can only take so much. I’ve barely slept, eaten, or accomplished much of anything useful since the video went live, and the reason no episode of CLS is going up tomorrow is because I think that if I did a video just to do one, it’d be terrible. I’m not sitting here claiming my work usually deserves Emmys and Oscars, or that I’m YouTube’s Ken Burns. Far from it. But I take pride in what I do and I try my very best to put out the best product I’m capable of turning around in a few days. I’d rather not put anything out than put something out that isn’t going to properly entertain, inform, and/or engage, just because I need to put something out. I hope you understand, and that it doesn’t make some of you flee or become upset with me. I don’t want to be a content machine. I want to put things out I believe in and stand behind.

When I talk to those close to me about my mental trials and tribulations, I often refer to a sort of status quo relationship I’ve developed with my anxiety and depression. For me, it’s normal to be anxious (I wake up with a knot in my stomach every day and always expect the worse), and it’s normal to be depressed (I sometimes wish that I could get out of life the great vibes so many others seem to absorb simply from living and walk around with a positive outlook), but I’ve done my best to go through life dealing with it, and not letting it keep me too down. That equilibrium has been totally shattered for the first time since I was in college, and it’s something I’m having a hard time dealing with at the present. I’m paralyzed, frankly. My creativity often comes from a tortured place, and I think that makes me who I am. But this situation, for me, represents a true hurdle. I'm at a loss.

I guess what I’m saying is I just need a few days to get my mind right, to hopefully sleep and eat something and grapple with what’s going on. I’m saddened by what I perceive to be terrible behavior being conducted in broad daylight with the complicity of many people that I thought were my friends, acquaintances, or ex-peers and ex-colleagues. Maybe I should have known better, I dunno. This isn’t my first rodeo, although I feel like this is worse, in many ways, because of how transparent it is, and how celebratory the mood seems to be around making me feeling terrible. I feel like I’m floating through space, and rather than sit in front of a camera and feign enthusiasm -- which I never do -- I figured I’d open up to you, tell you that I’m going to miss an episode, and that I need to find my balance again. It shouldn’t take long. But I rarely worry about myself these days, and I sure as hell don’t take good care of myself. This is one of those moments where I have to interject on my own behalf, as it were, to do what’s right for me.

I’ll be back on Monday for Side Quest. Tuesday is Fireside Chats. Thursday will be CLS. The cadence will be back in order before very long. In the meantime, I appreciate your kindness, your patience, and your willingness to take this unusual journey with me, wherever it may bring us. Without all of you, I’d have very little. I appreciate each and every one of you, and hope that you have a fantastic rest of your day and week.

In the words of whoever the hell sang the Golden Girls song, thank you for being a friend. Yours, -Colin


Tom (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 16:16:26 I made a pledge in 2018 to spend less time in online social spaces, my sincerest apologies for not voicing my support sooner in this discussion. Thank you for all your hard work, Colin. Your openness and transparency over the years has been inspiring. You have brought a lot of enjoyment & support to my life through the years, in the content you’ve published. I’m glad that so many other Patrons on here echo the same sentiment. Don’t stop being awesome. Cheers.
2018-03-05 16:59:05 I made a pledge in 2018 to spend less time in online social spaces, my sincerest apologies for not voicing my support sooner in this discussion. Thank you for all your hard work, Colin. Your openness and transparency over the years has been inspiring. You have brought a lot of enjoyment & support to my life through the years, in the content you’ve published. I’m glad that so many other Patrons on here echo the same sentiment. Don’t stop being awesome. Cheers.

I made a pledge in 2018 to spend less time in online social spaces, my sincerest apologies for not voicing my support sooner in this discussion. Thank you for all your hard work, Colin. Your openness and transparency over the years has been inspiring. You have brought a lot of enjoyment & support to my life through the years, in the content you’ve published. I’m glad that so many other Patrons on here echo the same sentiment. Don’t stop being awesome. Cheers.

Andy Reno

Thank you, brother. We have your back


Seconded. I greatly appreciate your work, Colin. You have my support in perpetuity.


Much love man.

Zackery Parkerson

We appreciate everything you do. Much love.

Nathan Guergis

We're with you dude! Hoping for nothing but the best!!!

Michael Trees

You deserve to unplug and relax.


Had no idea there could be such a loud backlash against an earnest video. This makes me sad. Get well, Colin


Unwind, and relax. We are here because we enjoy the content you make and find it fascinating and insightful. Take it easy man!


Take all the time you need Colin. Keep your stick on the ice <3


Take your time! Much love <3


People enjoy your content for you. Taking time for yourself when needed is what all of your fans want.

Alex Ball

Colin, take care of you. I, and a lot of us, care more about you more than the entertainment you bring us. I believe Kallie, and people like her are way over the line on Twitter. I’m sorry that it seems that not a lot industry professionals have your back on social media, but I know a lot of us here on Patreon do. Take care of yourself. Smoke some herb, listen to music, walk on the beach, eat some Boar’s Head Peppered Turkey with extra mayo or whatever you gotta do to unwind. You’re loved, understood and appreciated here.


We ll be here waiting for your return. Get some outdoors time, stare at the stars, smoke a bowl, and gain a new perspective. Take the time you need Colin!

David W Hilton

Colin, take the time that you need. I couldn’t believe what I saw the other night from certain games media, it was wrong and it’s a shame that the companies they represent won’t step in because it is online bullying.

Christopher Hopkins

I don’t know what to say, other than sorry this is happening and I love what you do regardless of any hate you get, A Thousand blessings to you and your house man.


I love you, man. Take a month off if you have to!


So sorry you are dealing with this colin. I deleted my Twitter because I couldn't handle the extreme unreasonable-ness of the discourse. I will be here when you get back on track!! GL!


Sorry you're dealing with this nonsense. These same people condemn harassment when it happens to one of their own, but don't hesitate to be the actual harassers when it's someone they disagree with. It's disgusting. You don't deserve this. This post is admirable. And the video. Both take a huge deal of courage to be vulnerable like that. Very commendable. Just know that you have supporters and people who aren't going to take what you say out of context on your side. Don't worry about missing a video. Take the time you need to get well.


Colin, I love you and your work and always have. Take the time to reset, we will be here for you when you return.


I thanked you on Twitter a while back for speaking publicly about your anxiety back on GoG and your simple "<3" response meant so much because I felt like you actually cared that it meant something to your audience. I appreciate you letting us know, that's all I really ask for. Take care of yourself. I'd rather get your content with you at 100% anyways.


Hey man, take all the time you need. I'm baffled by the endless grief you seem to get from some folks; I can't imagine taking that amount of time out of my day to hate someone so vociferously. I can only imagine how much it's weighing on you. Good luck, and stay safe.


Take your time man. We will be here when your ready. It sucks that there are people out there who can see that video and decided to double down on the harassment. I am glad ya helped to shine a light on the matter but sorry to see these trolls go at you even harder.


That post was as good as content you’ve made in the past - not trying to give a back-handed compliment. Take it easy. Beers on me if you’re ever in London 👍🏻


I will never understand how people can be so nasty and mean for the sake of being nasty and mean. Hope you are able to enjoy your little break, eat some cookies, play some video games, and enjoy some dank yarhnam nugs.

Ryan Berry

Colin, you being you is all we can ask for. Take all the time you need. Looking forward to the next iteration, and you have my support in the interim.

Drew Packard

Gonna boost my pledge. Fuck all these other people, Colin. You’re better than them.


Take as long as you need brother. I'll be waiting for when you come back. You have my support 100%. <3

Dennis Parker

I had no idea games media is filled with such hateful assholes.


The internet seems to bring out the worst kinds of people, but it also shows the good ones too. You are one of the good ones Colin. Get rested, refocus, and we will see you next week. Thanks for all you do.


Hold your head up high Colin. What you have done as a one man show is something people at IGN and KF (as well as other areas in the game industry) have admitted they can't do. I love KF but look how long it took them to finish their animated show and fulfill numerous other promises (I watch them daily still and love them but this is fact). You belong in the games industry, whether they accept you or not. Your voice matters there. Please take care of yourself. This harassment needs to stop. Most importantly, that video. Wow, that video was perfect. You nailed it. The backlash is further proof that the video needed to be made. I truly hope that people wake up and start understanding that the harassment needs to stop. So thank you Colin. Thank you for everything you do and keep at it. It matters.




More love here from the UK - totally understand where you’re coming from and I think nearly everyone here will be super supportive of you. That video came from a good place, acknowledged past mistakes and aimed to promote a better relationship between those that disagree with each other. The response has been vile - take some time for yourself, we’ll be waiting to cheer you on when you’re ready to get back. Sending love and positivity your way - big hugs to you guys (and a belly rub for Lola)

Ty Dame

Take all the time you need brother. Get well, and come back stronger than ever.

Khalil Sadi

Don't worry about it, take the time you need. Keep your chin up, man.

Petre Cismigiu

Thank you for your honesty, Colin. You can take how much time off you want to, take 3 months off if you need to. We support you because you resonate with us, you entertain us, and we just like you, dude. We don't see you as a content machine, but more as a friend, even though we never spoke a word to each other. Keep being yourself, and don't forget that being successful always draws more hate from other people. Love ya, Col, get well!


Take whatever time you need to take care of yourself, Colin. I'm glad you have this outlet, where you can speak freely with those of us who support you, without fear of being a target. You're a good person, and to echo what Mark Ryan said on Twitter last night (you might not have seen it since he tweeted it after you logged out), "You are what you do, not what they say."


Anything we can do bud just ask. If it helps the aforementioned pettiness from your ‘peers’ is on show for all to see and the majority of people seem to see it for what it is


love ya Col!

Kevin Diaz

Love you Colin. Truly man.


Take a week off if you want to. We don't won't you to be drained from all the things we ask of you.


Don't let them win Colin, don't let them take you down. There is nothing that I can say that will make you feel whole or take the knot out of the pit of your stomach. What I can say is what I've said before. Folks will continue to hurl insults and try to take you down each and every day. Know that on the other side of the fence you have folks that back you up 100%. Keep your head up high, and let rip a Morifarty!!!


Love you, Colin! Come back when you're ready <3


I have depression have my entire life since I was a kid so I know how crushing those moments can be, but you are strong, you have proven it time and time again. You had all the backlash from kinda funny, instead of giving up what did you do, you started your own company, so take your rest, we will be here :)

Toren R. (KESA)

Hey man, not a problem. Take a week if you need it. what you did was important. Keep grinding and feel better!


I haven't yet watched the video yet, and so clearly have missed all this. I'm inclined to think the hate you have received probably proves your thesis but I will see. The important thing is you made it, and that you weren't just cowed down. It sucks putting yourself out there but we need people doing it (shutting you up is exactly what the online bully types are trying to accomplish). Obviously people are supporting you so take heart. The game media and even tech media in general seems to have been taken over by these types of people (self righteous, and ironically close minded because they view themselves as the opposite).


Please don't worry about missing a video. I know I'm here and follow you because I enjoy who you are, not because you put out x number of videos a week. Take some time off you need to, rest up, whatever. I, and many others here, have your back and we'll still be here. Love ya Colin, take care!


Take as long as you need, man.


This is the first time I'm hearing about all this. I watched the video and didn't stick around to listen to the commentary. It really unfortunate that this kind of thing continues to happen. I'm glad you're taking the time you need and being open about it. Your mental health is important. Stay strong. We're looking forward to your return.

Steven Oslund

We all want the best for you. Take as much time as you need ❤️

Fred Bence

Take all the time you need. I deleted my Twitter this morning because I couldn't believe all the games media personalities that I had been following through the years were attacking you the way they did. Twitter has become a major problem with society in my opinion. Everyone just attacking others. It's a shame. They don't even watch you speak to know your views, just what others say about you. Like the comment where one guy attacked you and you said "please show me proof of what I said like that" and he was "too busy to read through your tweets" Hahaha pathetic. Know that you have fans that really relate to you and look up to you, Colin. Keep it up


Thanks for the transparency Colin. Sending good vibes your way. Have you ever considered dropping Twitter? I know you would hate to feel silenced, but it seems like the negativity outweighs the positivity by a wide margin. Enjoy a good long weekend brother!

Ryan Forden

Echo the precious responses man. Take the time you need. The video was great by the way and apparently I don't follow the people who are doing this. Didn't know it was happening. Glad to be apart of your circle and not theirs.


Colin, As someone who identifies as a liberal and disagrees with you on many things, I'm disgusted by the way the games media (and much of the liberal end of the internet) chooses to engage in what is essentially a socially acceptable form of cyber bullying simply because someone says or thinks something that challenges them. Take your time. Take a day off, a week, a month. Whatever you need. I'm boosting my pledge because I support the notion of civil discourse and challenging ones own ideas. And as always, thank you for your transparency. It means a lot that you keep us in the loop rather than going radio silent.


The last 36 hours on twitter have been toxic and every time I go on it gets worse particularly on 2 counts: He (the main source of the online harassment) has taken glee, delight and is publicly revelling in your feelings of fear, worry and intimidation. And he's beating his chest about how it's going to continue, despite your video! 2. She (the female from IGN), a victim of sexual harassment herself, is actually openly mocking your position, your feelings and what you are going through. I find this behaviour even worse. I'm dumbfounded, truly dumbfounded by some people. Somebody publicly calls out your behaviour and what effect it has on somebody else and you, in effect, say "is that video supposed to stop me from doing this?". It's sad, the behaviour of a high school bully.


Take your time Colin. I for one really appreciated the video and thought that it was an important perspective to have out there. Forget about things and try to do something fun!


All the best Colin. Thanks for doing what you do and for opening up to us. Even though you are no longer with Kinda Funny, I like to think that the “best friends” still live on. Chin up. You got this.

Brent Lindquist

We're all with you, Colin. Take as much time as you need.


Colin, I've been following you for the better part of 10 years, and your character has always shown through. Whether or not I've agreed with what you've said, it's always very clear to me what's in your heart. How anyone can see otherwise is beyond me. I found this most recent episode to be an incredibly personal and vulnerable look into harassment in the games industry. I guess people see what they want to see because they've already made up their minds. I don't think anyone should ever be shamed for sharing their experience, it so vitally important to advancing our culture and understanding each other. It saddens me that the people calling you out think they're doing a good thing. It tells me we all still have a long way to go. I'll tell you one thing though. I'll be right here by your side as we do, as I'm sure the rest above are. You've earned our trust and our respect. You're a good person Colin, don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.


I’d like to point out you’d have more than very little without us as you have your girlfriend, supportive family and Lola. I’m not belittling us here on Patreon - we all root for you and what you do. It’s great stuff on here! But my world of what I believe defines me could crash and my wife, dog, and family would all be here to put the pieces back together with me. Give them and yourself the love and attention they and yourself deserve, and the rest will fall into place when it comes to your audience and what comes next.



Eric Gee

The gleeful circle jerk that occurred genuinely hurt me, just watching as a fan, I cannot imagine the effect it had on you or your loved ones. As terrible as it was, that it brought quite a few things to light: 1) Garbage people are garbage and you genuinely cannot reason with them. 2) Many people I thought were reasonable and decent; outted themselves as truly loathsome and toxic. And while I hate you had be to the “sacrificial lamb” to expose them, I (and I’m sure everyone else) have taken notice and I am actively going out of my way to not give them the clicks, mentions or any revenue by supporting them or those associated with them. 3) You have hell of a lot people who love you, genuinely, and I hope that was shown. 4) The people who hate you are in a tiny echo chamber and if you look at their “lives”, or what they at least put out there online to reflect their lives, they all seem to fit the stereotype of basement dwelling, hateful, underachievers who hate any and every one outside of their collective hive mind. I have doubled my contribution. I am a gainfully employed “flag boy” and as an adult, I make statements with my bank account and not on the cancer that is twitter. I genuinely love and appreciate all that you do for the free-thinking and reasonable community that is your fan base. Take all the time you need.


Take your time Colin. Go have a holiday or spend time with your family. Your fans are not going anywhere whether you miss one video or ten, and your haters are not worth your energy or anguish. Hold your head up and be proud of you.

Ryan Harvey

It really hurts to see all this go on, I know we don't know each other personally, but I really can't stomach it. Just do what you need to be in a good place Colin M. You really put yourself out there and I appreciate you. Make a dank chicken parm, and get some rest! <3


Take the time you need man! We'll be here waiting for you! Get some rest man. ^_^

Michael Miller

Take all the time you need, bud. I know you’re going through some shit right now, but please never forget that you’ve got fans that will always have your back no matter what.

Nicole Webb

Thank you for your openness. Even though most of us who are your patrons don't personally know you, we are all here for you...in support of you financially and well, just in who you are. I am personally troubled by the situation. I've never understand the bully mentality, the dog-piling. Stay strong and take as much time as you need. We'll be here when you're ready to return.


All good brudda.

Jorge Pal

Colin, I watched the video when it went up. I followed/read everything that followed. It made me sick to my stomach. It made me depressed to see the kind of behavior that has taken place. My gf thought someone close to me had died or something. But for every person saying something negative I could also see more speaking positives. I hope you take as much time as you need. As long as I can contribute, I will. There's not much that can be said that hasn't been said already here. Just know we're all here for you and love the work you do. "The night is darkest before dawn and I promise you the dawn is coming."


Hey Colin, take your time. You are doing a great job, we will be here when you are feeling better.

Lucas Gremista

And you're getting a shower of positivity here from us always Colin! Take whatever time you need to keep on giving us that awesome content that I truly enjoy. The thing is, I haven't seen the latest wave of harrassment, what happened? I'm kinda surprise with the negative backlash, people can be so senseless.


So sorry this is happening to you Colin. You don't deserve this. I've never met you and the chances of me ever meeting you are small but still I'll always support you in whatever you do.


Take your time Colin. My advice to you is, just don't bother interacting or responding to the guys and girl(s) you are talking about. Even if that goes against every bone in you body. They will never admit or accept that a thing you say may even make sense or is an interesting perspective. You will always be called a racist or a bigot because you ask question or your critical of something. You can't "win". And i don't mean that you stop tweeting or something. Just put your thought out there and if someone has a respectful comment/opinion that differs from yours, interact if you want. Keep making great video, keep having great interviews (which i enjoy the most) and keep giving your opinions about videogames!! Your friend and fan from the Netherlands

Karlos Rey

Hey Colin, Take a well deserved break. Do not feel obligated to post anything in the time you take off, as all of the true friends are here for you and will sick by you regardless. Peace 🤙🏻✌🏻


I have 2 small children and sometimes what this world is becoming scares me. The behaviour of people on the internet is becoming increasingly “toxic” and I am not sure where it is all going. I like many of your thoughts and ideas (not all) and do believe you to be a genuine and good person. I wish there was some new philosophy or outlook you could adopt that would make things better, but there probably isn’t. Please take solice in the fact that you have more fans than “haters”. I run a fairly successful small business and need to remind myself frequently that you don’t get to the top without making some enemies. People will notice your success and (probably out of jealously or their own issues) want to see you fail. The video was a good idea and you’ll be stronger for it. Take some time and return refreshed. Looking forward to more content soon!

Josh in Tampa

Take all the time you need brother. Be well. Never forget the loud, obnoxious haters are a small minority. We love and appreciate all you do. Take care and feel better.


The most depressing responses to your videos where those that claimed that your experiences aren't worth telling because you're a straight white male. Seriously people? You're video didn't attempt to rank the awfulness of your experience against others. The Oppression Olympics are exhausting. Keep up the good work and don't be afraid to take a break whenever you need one. We don't wanna support someone on Patreon if they can't allow for a balanced lifestyle.

Nicholas Swanson

I hope you get well soon. It was a good idea to leave social media for a while. Twitter isn't reality. It's like its own echo chamber and not really a representative of the real world. The people that cheer for your downfall are miserable people. Like you said in your video and this letter, the majority are cheering you on. We know your true views about many important topics that have to do with our society now and in the past. The people who throw out ridiculous claims and insults will never have their mind changed until they have their own sort of experience that opens them up to be an honest person. The ones who agree with their words about you had already had their mind made up. The people who are just now discovering you are more likely than not to be curious about what you ACTUALLY believe rather than listen to some blue check marked personality on Twitter. The CLS community is great because it's full of people who are just real. Real as in they are honest and don't have the mind that one side has it right and the other gets nothing right. Countless times there have been people who say they don't agree with everything you say, but respect you and enjoy your content. I guess what I'm trying to say is that your fan base and the ones who respectfully disagree with you really have your back. Those that are just vehemently against you and celebrate some kind of downfall are not the type of people who you want associate with anyways. And hopefully they have their own realization that things don't need to be so polarized and they can actually have a conversation that can give ground to ideas that have legitimate merit. Those of us who want to have an honest conversation have your back. We are completely fine with a break in schedule. We all need one every now and then.

Anton Kaye

Fuck the games industry. You’re a writer, write about what you love and the crowd will follow. Do more in-depths with studios like Naughty Dog and Insomniac. You can do this without the games media. You can make big enough waves with your stories and your writing skills that they will have to pay attention. Your “History of”s have some of the most hits IGN has ever had. You know who your ride or dies are; keep them close and fuck the rest. You still have pull, you still have insider connections. You don’t need this, toxic ass, games media community or social media to accept you(not saying you are asking it to). Use what god given talents(and lots of hard work) have been given to you and write about what you love and you will be followed.


Take it easy Colin, rest, recharge and clear your head. I can relate to how you describe the status quo relationship with anxiety and depression, and considering how relentless and outright unfair the abuse has been towards you since that video, I’m not surprised you need a break. You’re the man Colin 👊 we will always have your back.


The vitriol directed at you over the past few days is unacceptable. Most of the gaming content I consume happens to come from media groups in San Francisco, and without fail their names appear in the list of retweets and likes on hurtful comments directed toward yourself. You did the right thing in choosing to leave the city and its various cliques behind. These people are evidently not interested in the civil discussion of ideas - when you respond offering (sincerely in my estimation) to host a conversation they either fall silent or come up with a flimsy excuse. You may as well give up on these people. Take time for yourself and consider that the world is bigger than the vocal minority you encounter online. The vast majority of people whose daily life doesn't revolve around social media would laugh at their behaviour. I'm a happy patreon supporter and always look forward to your new content. Take care, focus on your family, and never forget that tomorrow's a new day.


It sucks that people think they are justified in making serious and baseless allegations about your character, and that so few public figures are willing to speak up on your behalf. Hopefully you are able relax and recenter, your best content is when you are happiest!


I watched the video. You called him out (you should have), and then basically asked for civility in all respects. It could have come from Oprah :). Funny times...


Hey Colin,


Also i have to ask, as a huge fan of Colin and KF. where is greg and rest the of KF? Their friend is bleeding out on the floor and they are nowhere to be seen. Never any positivity towards Colin. Didn’t Colin help look after Greg when he had cancer?? We may not know all the details of the split but come on guys. Help pick your boy up off the floor.

Dan Cadogan

Sounds like it's time for burbon with friends, and some good music. Dedicate some time to you Colin.

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

Take some time, Colin. The hate you’re getting now is just so unwarranted. But I don’t think these people even watched the video. I can’t believe that these people are acting like this, they are being the very thing they claim to despise. They are acting like kindergarden bullies. I keep hoping more people will speak out in your defense, and I’m super disappointed that so few do. I get that they don’t want to get the same hate you’re getting, but you gotta stand up for people. And, I have no idea who the good people in the industry even are anymore. Seeing people I used to t ally respect like those Kallie tweets, I will stop supporting several people that I used to think were great. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be you in this situation, Colin. But know we that love and support you 100%.

Matthew Clem

Take your time, Colin. Its insane seeing how the hypocrisy of games media never let's up. I applaud you for making a great and respectful video to bring more awareness to an ongoing problem in our online society. You're doing a great job.

Steven Camilo

Sir, in all seriousness, take all the time you need.

Joey Finelli

Colin.. I wouldnt mind riding around America with you and knee capping some of these jerks. whadda say?

Michal Dudic

don't sweat it, take all the time you need


I saw that Alexa was taking a break from social media as well.. and man... i'm just sad. Sad that people think it's ok to talk to other human beings the way they do. Sad that we're ok with it until it happens to us. Sad that it breaks down good people (because it would sure as hell break me). It's just sad... All that being said. You do you brotha. As someone who has been getting help from a counselor for my own demons, you gotta do what's best for you. I appreciate you taking the time to say something to us about it. I know myself and many others will still be here next week. I'd say ignore the haters, I'd say fuck em, I'd say don't let it get to you... I know it's not that easy, not even close... but know this... You're doing a good job. Keep doin it.

Carson Smith

The harassment directed toward you is truly shameful. I have been on the youtube front for about a year now and I can say that a scheduled video isn't always necessary. Honestly, I think you may need to hire someone to help run your business in some way. Someone you can trust obviously. This will unload so much stress and work off yourself and let you focus more on the content. You can't do it all yourself. I know you don't believe in God, but I will pray for you brother.

13 Snakes

Colin take as much time as you need. If you need to go away for a month to get right, you do that. The last thing I personally want is to se you suffer due to thinking you have to be present with me, as I come here and consume your content as much because I like it-I really do, have been consuming it since you joined Greg on Beyond-but more-so due to my desire to follow your career and to support you in any and all of your endeavors. I look forward to see what you release next be it next week or a year from now. You will always have a following, because you have always been open and honest to your followers.

Juan Pacho

Take all the time you need and remember you're not alone.


Do what you have to do man.

Brock Thomas Walsh

So terribly sorry that you are going through this. Take all the time you need. You have all of our support. Thank you for your honesty and for just being you

Shawn Price

Take all the time you need. My hope is that humanity can someday get past this mob mentality about everything. It happens on all sides, and it frankly sucks. It would be awesome to see you speak to your loyal fan base and ask them to not be part of the problem and attack those who disagree with you, because I've seen people on the other side of your stances get significant abuse from some (likely a minority) of your fans. We all need to work to be good to each other.


I echo like many of your other fans, take your time. If you miss next week too - we'll still be here for you. Taking care of yourself is something we often preach to each other and then see others judged for actually doing so. Know that the people that support you are here in the good times and the hard ones. I hope you're able to find some balance in the next few days and maybe even enjoy a few hours of football this weekend. Here's to finding a balance and taking care of yourself. <3


Hey Colin, you most certainly did not deserve the backlash you got for that video. I was pretty disappointed in the way the way people from games media went after you. I personally am done with most of them and their toxic clique. You are one of the good guys and don't deserve to be shit on for having the wrong politics. Keep being the genuine, thoughtful person you are. Most definitely take some self care days. I pray your anxiety and depression will return to a better state.


Fair play my friend, you are a rock solid example of a good human being. You ever visit the UK, there is a magnum of champagne for you, on me.

Evan Bederman

Take your time, Colin. We're here when you're ready, and we're not so easily swayed by those jerks. Don't forget you have friends and support here!

Hose A Contra Razz

You know what you are right when your attacked, keep your head up. You got my support proud that you don't cave in to peer pressure to feel like you fit in. Being yourself is better than being a Sheep. Prayers Colin that you become stronger every time you are attacked.

Eric Wilson

Its all love, man.


Colin, it takes a tremendous amount of humility, honesty, but more than anything, strength to be as open and transparent as you’ve shown us. We’ve all had different levels of depression at one point or another, and I can only imagine how anxiety makes it that much more difficult to control. What I get from this letter is quite simple: Take some time for you to be right, feel right, and make sure that your core is right (Erin, Lola, family, but mostly yourself). Sole advice I can give you is to look at where you’re at objectively and not to be afraid to reach out for help. I find that sometimes I can get more help and solace in the people I would’ve expected it the least, than some long time friends who might’ve taken my friendship for granted. As for CLS, i think I’m far from the only thinking this, but my contributions and what keeps me coming back is first and foremost, you. Huge fan of your content and watching you create for us is what I’m the biggest fan of: the man before the content. So, take the time needed my friend. Get well, as my support (and of most of us) is to you Colin.

Dominic Dilullo

Perhaps meditation could help? The book I recommend is Waking Up by Sam Harris. Joe Rogan would surely introduce you to Sam as well if you’re interested. <3


Much love colin M. Ckme back stronger.

Dustin Henry

Colin, your well being is much more important than any episode could ever be. Take your time, and return when you are ready. As you have said, your content will be better for it. Thank you as always for being so honest and transparent with us. Take care.


It sounds cliché as all hell, but it really is true that some people just want to hurt others. Some people just thrive on that type of shit. Keep that head up. You have plenty of support that will stay behind you as long as you remain to be you. Take a break and keep up the good work.

Chris B

I’ve been following this for a long time and still do not understand why it’s happening. Instead of echoing everything everyone has been saying, just know there’s another fan that has been around since day 1 that understands taking a mental break. Side note: now I have that song stuck in my head

Adam Niksch

We all love you bud. Keep your chin up and take your time. Get better. Rest up. Do whatever you need to. We’ll still be here when you get back.


I sincerely hope these people just go away and find someone else to feel superior to. Love ya man.

Matthew Cooper

I'm sorry you have to deal with this, Colin. I still can't believe how negative people are on the internet, it's why I have no social media presence at all. I don't understand it. I know feelings of anxiety and depression well, my recommendation is to spend some time with people who love you. I hope you get back to a better place soon..


To echo everyone else, take your time. Love all that you do, and your content. Hope you get the break you need


Get well soon!


Another echo. Take your time man. We all look forward to your return.

Tony Colton

My advice... Cut the abuse off at the source, Delete twitter... Set your your social media to private, cull Ur friends lists and use only for contact with real friends & family... Head off to Vita island and love, laugh, have adventures be happy and sing. Surround yourself with positivity and we will all be here anxiously awaiting the very next "Greetings & Salutations"


Along with all those who commented, and the many more who didn't, we all love you Colin. The spew of abuse directed at you is absolutely flabbergasting, and you have every right to be affected by it. That being said, know all the love we have for you, take whatever time you need to settle yourself, and keep on kicking ass.


We love you, Colin! Take the time you need.

Jim B

Thank you for everything you do. I know that sometimes you have a controversial opinion, however your comments are always well thought out and articulated. If people want to send just abuse and ill-formed arguments it just means that they cannot keep up with you. Take some pride in the fact that they cannot refute your argument on it's merits and instead have to resort to name calling. My grandfather always taught me that in a debate of ideas as soon as one person start calling you names it means that you have won the debate. Please stay strong and try to keep the abuse in perspective.

John Quinn

Take as much time as you need man. Thanks for everything that you do. You’re video really spoke to me, and like you said too many people conflate harassment with safe spaces and other things. It’s sad to see, but I think the way many members handled themselves the past couple of days says a lot about them (not in a good way) Rest up man


Thanks for everything you do Colin. Stay strong!


I’ve read a lot of tweets from people that aren’t patrons, fans or even agree with you that have had their eyes opened by the last couple days on twitter. The amount of venom spewed and glee expressed while doing it has been disgusting. Someone mentioned below they’re doubling their pledge. Colin didn’t ask for this, nor is it out of pity for what’s happened but I’m going to do the same. I love the content and look forward to new things on the horizon. Take as much time as you need. We aren’t going anywhere.


Just keep doing you, keep making great content for people who know your worth. People enjoy taking their pitchforks out every now and again and forming a mob, but remember that they’re only words on a screen. Take a look at Lola and your woman and remember that life could be much, much worse. If things get really bad, just light up one of them dank yarnham nugs. Peace and love.


No worries here, it's great that you've been willing to be vulnerable, open, and honest. If that doesn't jive with the hive mind, it's merely a reflection of our culturally reinforced inability to show compassion and decency to each other, which in and of itself shows an inability for openness and vulnerability. It only further validates and reinforces the intent of the video to begin with. Let the Professionally Offended have their day, and do what you need to do to find your center again, but know that we've got your back. We need, and some demand, open and honest voices amongst all of the outrage and noise, and your voice shines strongly to those open to hearing it.


I'm assuming the abuse is coming from twitter... which is why don't use twitter... TAKE ALL THE TIME YOU NEED. Take care of yourself bud first... I can't imagine dealing with the BS you're dealing with...


Take all the time you need, mental and physical health comes first.

Calvin Osterloo

Take all the time you need. And remember, admitting that you have flaws takes strength and courage, it's not a weakness! Stay strong!

David Kramme

I couldn’t believe the backlash I saw today, wanted to come after these people but realized that would kind of make me part of the problem, but I’m glad these peeps outed themselves, some of their content I enjoy but pulled my support however I could, take all the time you need man, you are so above these people, take care.

Marc Boggio

The magnitude of the gaming industry backlash against the video was disgusting to watch. I actually pulled my Patreon support from one of the contributors to it (as talented as he is and as much as I enjoy his work, his conduct against you really made me lose respect for him). If you needed any more proof that we need someone like you (re: anyone at all who can think outside the San Francisco progressive group think bubble) covering games... this was it.

Peter Campbell

Don't worry about it. You put over an hour and a half of content out by mid-week. A lot of the crazy reaction was horrific and unwarranted, and no way for supposed professionals to behave. The sad thing that many people who backlashed and talk about harassment is that they can't take a good hard look at themselves and their predatory reactions. Its tribalism at its worst. If it was a right-winger doing the initial harassing they wouldn't have done any of the crazy tweets. But no, it's one of their tribe and so they double downed. It's gross.


We all have your back Colin. Games media is going down the drain just like the news media before it. Let them all devour and consume each other.


Sorry to hear you going thru so much at the moment, I understand sometimes the world is crushing down on you and you just need that break. So take a break, relax, and will be glad to see what is coming next week.

Michael Morris

You are loved Colin. First and foremost I wanted to say that to you after what I saw on Twitter this week. This was kind of my concern with you stepping back into the gaming sphere and was part of the reason I voted no on your pole. These people are small and completely jealous of your success. You don’t fit into their mold or their box and on top of that, you are better then them at what they do, gather more positive attention then they do and are more financially successful than all of them. They’re jealous plain and simple. I’m not an avid social media user so your story over the past year is the first time I’ve ever witnessed this mob attack someone like this and it hurts me, I can’t even imagine what you are thinking on a day to day basis. But I’ll say it again, you are loved. We celebrate you here. Take all the time you need. Keep on learning my dude!


I am sorry for the snowball that this has been. While I do believe all sides on this have some wrongs and rights, I cannot believe the part about the games media friends. This was a huge surprise to say their names in some way attached to laghing and pointing to you. Fisrt I want to say I have deleted all my gaming pledges for now but Cloth Map by Drew. I want to name names that are on the fringe of absurd and others were well known for the hatred. Justin Davis, since the election times last year. Danny O'Dwyer for pointng his finger at Colin's face on twitter when he does the same to other people. Kallie Plage for not wanting to send a positive message and shoot Colin to the face and escalate the topic to a hate forum between lunatics on twitter. Mitch D (this is a surprise) and Andrea Rene (ANOTHER HUGE SUPRISE) liking a tweet from Steve Kim that called Colin a racist where he shows that he is blocked from Colin. I want to see more names on this list, this is insane. I want to say the names of people that have somehow stood up to some of the absurds being said: Alexa r Corriea, great person. Jared Petty, AMAZING guy. Brian Altano, has his different opinios, but is a friend and went face to face to try any middle ground (terrific idea, no?). Kistine Steimer, a great conversation, being the ex for many years of Greg and never ever sided with the bullshit. Kevin Coello (and in part Nick) as being the only guys that APPEAR to miss somehow Colin, even though Nick is dodgy af on the Morning Show. Man, I am just sad about all this enourmous giat shit that is presented in this fucking twitter and made me now go away from all this medium as well as patreon as I can't suffer for you guys being so far away. This is insane to me. I still am great fan of everybody's work (not all the names of course, Justin writing is terrible imho). Stay safe. I will be back someday.


Hey buddy. I completely understand. We all wish you the best. Take as much time as you need.


Hi Colin, I'm sorry you are being persecuted like this. I’ve always enjoyed your commentary and I appreciate your sense of fairness and openness. One of the reasons I supported you when you left ‘Kind of Funny’ was because I felt the treatment you received from a simple joke was incredibly undeserved. I really respected the fact that you were so articulate in defending yourself and that your response was even-handed (as opposed to being vitriolic).You are able to communicate your opinions without being exclusionary. That is why I respect your editorials. It is ironic that the people that are attacking you are just the opposite. In psychology that is called “projection.” Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. – Wikipedia Your fans know the real you and really appreciate what you do. Please feel better soon (I want to see the next episode)!

Cesar Solis

My boy Colin M! Know that you are loved and respected by many. As you can see by the various posts here, many people feel the same way I do. I don’t need to blast my credentials but I have been following you a long time and take all the necessary time you need. I work for the government and I get the bullshit you must receive on the daily(as a social worker, I get it). Respect and love my friend.

Travis farmer

Take as much time as you need man we aren't going anywhere. I can't believe the shit the keeps piling up on u I was honestly hoping it would stop but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm sorry this keeps happening time after time but keep your head up and try to stay positive.


Colin, take a break, man. Let the assholes be assholes, and just walk away for a bit. Or longer if you need it. I wish you could take a stroll down Jones Beach right now, because I always found that cleansing. But I suggest you do whatever you want to do to let you decompress. Go watch a fun, cool movie - I suggest Baby Driver. Or just go do something physical: the gym, tennis, raquetball, whatever. Eventually, you'll get your mojo back. And like old friends, we'll greet you warmly when you get back. You just let us know if you need anything, and we'll have your back. I appreciate the content, but I value the content creator more.


I’m disappointed with a lot of people I have(had) respect for. Yesterday was definitely weird to witness. I was upset for you and hope these extra days of rest truly revitalize you my fellow East Coaster


I just wanted to add, and echo much of what others have been saying. We know you Colin. At least most of us here on Patreon who have followed and watched your career for many years. We know that you have a heart of gold. The saddest thing to see in all honesty isn't the hate you've received, from quite frankly the saddest people ever anyway, but how much it has affected you. You're a strong man, Colin. We all believe in you, and value your self worth far more than any videos. So please, think of yourself. Look after yourself. Not just today, but always. I can't imagine dealing with the abuse you get, but I've had my share of bullying and harassment like many have. These people who talk this way don't matter. I know you know this, and I also know the temptation to see what others are saying, just because you know they are saying something. I attribute it to almost looking at an ex-girlfriends facebook page. You know what you're gonna see will hurt, but you wanna do it anyway. Honestly, all I want to say is that I hope you can one day value yourself the way people like myself and others on here do. Because you're a kind hearted and generous man. I'm certainly not the best guy ever, but I know a good person when I see them. You're one of the best I've ever come across. Keep inspiring Colin. We all have your back. Always. - Tyler


I am so sorry that you are going through this. It's completely unacceptable, and messed up, especially given the actual point you are making in the video. I've stood by you since I started listening to you (probably 8 years or so?), and I will continue to. In fact, I'm upping my monthly contribution, just to show my support with my wallet. Keep your head high, and I hope you get to feeling like your normal self again soon!


Hang in there man, this shit is making ME anxious, I can't imagine what you are feeling, don't worry, you cultivated a loyal following for a a reason, being true to yourself at all times, we've got your back don't worry. This whole thing is only gonna make you stronger. Common sense, goodwill and honesty will always prevail is this little corner of the games industry thanks to you.


Thank you. Good luck my dude. Always sending the positive vibes and prayers and that sort of stuff your way. You’re one of my favorite content creators out there and I love your stuff. Take the weekend. Enjoy yourself a fat one. Look forward to next week.

Eric S

Thanks for the update Colin. I’m truly disappointed that you have had to go through all that crap and abuse. The faceless posts of people spewing hate online really show the darkest parts of humanity. I am on your side my friend and as the comments on here show many more than just me feel that way. I appreciate all your honesty and wish you the best through this tough time.

Phil Crone

Twitter is a hellscape sometimes. Take all the time you need and we'll be hear when you're ready!


Thank you for the honesty and transparency Colin. Take as much time as you need. We all love you and your work here, so keep up the great work when you're ready and don't let the haters out there bring you down.


Do whatever you need to my friend. Keep on killing it. We’ll be here when you’re back!

John Schulz

I appreciate the update Colin! Do what you need to do. Thanks for releasing the video. People from different (less popular) viewpoints really need more videos like the bullying one from people like you to know we are not alone when we don't feel brave enough to speak up for ourselves.

BettyAnn Moriarty

Hi, bud. You already know how I feel about all this - but as I've read all of these comments- it brings tears to my eyes- knowing that you are surrounded by an army of people who appreciate you/your 'voice' and will stand by you because they believe in you and what you do. It's very moving and tremendously emotional. I have always loved and appreciated your intelligence and your obvious integrity in all things. And of course, I adore you. Until I can get there... I will continue to keep you tucked away safely in my heart. For now, rest your mind and your soul. We will all be here - with open arms- when you get back ❤️😘


Thanks for the openness, Colin. I look up to you, man. And I have since your Kinda Funny and even IGN days. You have brought a lot of enjoyment to my life through the years, and that’s why I became a Patron. I look up to you not only because of your content but because you’re very relatable to me. I, too, struggle with anxiety and depression on a daily basis, and you talking about it has really helped me with that in some ways. The situation with the guy who talks about the Simpsons, is just unbelievable. I’ve never seen such cowardly trolling. I can’t even pretend to give you advice on this, but I really hope you respond with the Long Island spirit you possess. He doesn’t deserve your attention. And I totally get standing up for yourself, but all this has shown that it may not be worth it anymore. He probably has gained some exposure from this, and it appears it’s just getting worse. My only suggestion (not like you’re asking for it) is to ignore and let silence kill the hate. Or maybe, as hard as this is to say, offer some sort of truce. Idk what that would entail, but maybe a cease fire of some sorts. Hell, what about a restraining order of some sort? Do they have those for Internet trolling? If not, they should. Anyway, appreciate your transparency as always. I will definitely miss the episode but I want you better bro. You’re an inspiration to many.


10 dollar sub backer here, didn't think I'd ever post on Patreon again (the last time was to beg you to return to games coverage), but this warrants a second post. Much respect and admiration for you, don't know why you're letting the toxic folks beat you down when you have so much success in life, love and career, but I hope you move past this and come back swinging. Fuck the haters, keep on doing you. I'll be here.


Thank you for all of your hard work, Colin. Your transparency in all this is very much appreciated. Please take the time you need to recuperate, and remember that you have many people who care deeply about you.

Koray Savas

I pretty much consume your content in a vacuum. I don’t participate actively with the community and I never did with IGN or Kinda Funny, but I always love and appreciate the personality and dedication you inject into everything you do. I’m sorry to hear the climate is tearing you down. I did skim through some Twitter threads and was very surprised at some of the responses and arguments being made in response to your video. All I will say is thank you for the continuously great content you put out each week. You will always have my support.


I feel sad for you. These people forgot about the golden rule, treat others how you want to be treated or they didn’t have good parents who taught them human decency. People can be so hateful and cruel sometimes. What I’ve determined in my many years of adult life is these sort of people usually have low self esteem and/or are jealous. Hang in there Colin! You have many that appreciate you and the content you create.


I'm so sorry for the backlash you received, Colin. You stepped out on a limb to tell a very personal story. I thought it was very respectable and well done. Things have got to change with the way we treat each other.


Take whatever break you need. The fans here support you and know that you’re not whatever these trolls on Twitter claim you to be. Sending love and good vibes your way.

Jeff Freeman

Try not to let the haters get you down Colin, none of them know who you really are. You are a great person and your work over the years has brought happiness to many people, myself included. I know you better than all of those toxic assholes on twitter and you don’t deserve the harassment they’ve been giving you. I lost a lot of respect for Danny, Kallie, and others recently, but my respect for you has only grown over the years. Chin up buddy, and keep up the good work, CLS is getting better and better. Especially love Fireside chats and Side Quest!

Stephen Hunter Strong

Colin this boy in Fort Worth TX has loved you since 2015 and always will. Take care brother.


I have already posted my support to you on this episode over on Twitter. Just know that there are people who do have your back! Stay strong. We got you! Keep up the good work. The episode was very well done. You can’t control the reactions of people, positive or negative. Just “keep on keepin’ on” as they say.


No one deserves to be bullied. The sad thing about all this is the gaming media has repeatedly shouted about bullying . And it seems they are biggest one in the school. Be well sir .


I saw the outpouring of hatred towards you after posting your video, and hadn't watched it yet. I find it disgusting and disturbing to that someone could be treated that way under any circumstances, but thought that there was maybe something controversial that you said in Monday's video. Now after having watched it, I am even more disturbed and absolutely disgusted by your treatment by your former peers. Yes you can be brash at times, but through the countless hours of your content that I have consumed, I know that you are a passionate, caring, and giving person and you truly care for the people around you. I know I am absolutely not the only one saying this, but do your best to keep your head held high. It took some serious cohones to open yourself up the way you did in that video and those who continue to put you down should feel ashamed (although I'm sure they will still go on feeling high and mighty for taking you down a peg). I am usually one of the quiet majority within your communities over the years, but in this situation I have to call people on their bullshit. I've got your back, Colin. This community that you created has your back! Take all the time you need to recoup and reinvigorate yourself. We will stand strong with you.


“I’m saddened by what I perceive to be terrible behavior being conducted in broad daylight with the complicity of many people that I thought were my friends, acquaintances, or ex-peers and ex-colleagues.“ gee I wonder why that is? Do you still not get it?


How is you complaining about people on Twitter who don't tag you not you demanding a safe space? Half of the tweets you screencap that aren't from Bob are people critiquing your opinions, and somehow that equates to abuse? Not to mention that in your apparent slaving away on this episode you didn't bother to edit out anyone's names so your fans can easily track them down and dogpile on their mentions. You've mocked people and dismissed people with different opinions for years, but now that the tables are turned the other way it's suddenly abuse. Your hypocrisy is incredible.

first last

I missed the video that caused the controversy. Looks like this one: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHYiCuoRHR4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHYiCuoRHR4</a> <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/cls-side-quest-7-16416451">https://www.patreon.com/posts/cls-side-quest-7-16416451</a> Thanks for the hard work.

James Griffin

Dude, you are an amazing voice for games that is both unique and essential. I never have supported anything on Patreon until you started this. Been with you since IGN days. Keep being one of the adults in your industry and paving the way. Rest, self care comes first. Can't wait to see you kick ass again soon!

David Wilson II

Colin, even though we've never met in person, the years I've followed you and been able to interact with you online have been nothing short of a blessing. You're a rare breed in these current times of genuineness and honesty backed by an informed opinion about many things, a consideration for others, and a kind heart. I know you don't profess to necessarily believe in Christianity per say, but I've always appreciated how you're not a bigot toward those who do. Your father is a good man, and I pray for you and your family often. I consider you a brother even though we've never interacted more than passing internet comments and the like. I'd still support you on Patreon if all you wanted to do was study and write and never actually make any content. Your best years of life are still ahead. You, Erin, Lola and your family and friends have my unwavering support and brotherly love.

Brian the Witcher

This whole thing sucks Colin, and I’m so sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with people. Take the time you need, but don’t let it keep you down too long. We need you. We count on you. And while we’ll be fine without you for a few days, our lives are better with you in it. Come home soon.


Hope you learn from this and take peoples advice

Eric Cibak

I'm very sorry you feel this way man, you have had a very positive impact on me and listening to podcast beyond helped me through a rough patch... Seeing what Kallie, Bob, Danny and others have saying has been very frustrating and has turned me off to their respective outlets... I think we all have in our lives right now at least a few people that are so set in this very stubborn and really hateful way of thinking... My wife and I have a few in our lives right now... Hang in there man, we are pulling for you!

Cameron Paterson

I'm so sorry to hear about the tough time you're having Colin it really sucks to hear that you're Hero is down in the dumps. I can relate on the depression and anxiety aspect of what you are going through I struggle with that too and it's awful. Don't worry about not uploading a video. I hope you feel better soon.


New to the Patreon, signed up to show my love and support. Don't trip Colin, us brown folk love you and what you do. HMU if need a SoCal chicano to head up North and knock around some dumb big mouth nerds ;)


I understand that you are in a low place right now, and I will continue to support you. Just remember that Twitter, Facebook, and the comments section on YouTube are not real life. The anonymity and distance that technology has afforded us has come at the cost of our humanity. My guess is that none of the people who say these negative comments towards you on social media would say them to you in person. I appreciate your openness and willingness to debate those who think differently. In this week of MLK Jr., I thought your message of intellectual diversity rang true with his quote of being judged not by the color of your skin but by the content of your character. Just start muting and blocking all of them, because your voice needs to be heard by the other intellectually honest and curious people.


I have consumed a lot of Colin's content over the years, and I do not recall him mocking individuals or generally being negative or derogatory to anyone in particular. I have not been glued to his twitter feed, but on the hundreds of hours of podcasts I have consumed- he seems to be pretty positive in his interactions; even with people whom he disagrees.


Please elaborate on the advice you would like him to take...


I'll be honest I've been a loud supporter since THE DAY you left Kinda Funny, but I'm not entirely caught up on this situation, if possible I will be upping my anty this month though. Colin, you take the time you need. You are unlike any other ""online personality"" I've ever seen. You are real, honest, and you respond to fans over and over again. I use fans loosely, because I don't believe you see us as such. You are a good man, who has gained a good following. You have earned that following and believe it or not you serve as a condiut for many of us. I cannot tell you how many times you've injected "my" views into the world.... The difference is, you have a YT channel that gets double digit thousands of views, and I run a FB pag that has a hit and miss retention. Colin, I don't want to treat you as a celebrity, because that's not how I view you. I see you as someone who has semi-willingly let us into your life, you've let us all see a piece of you and those of us in here are happy for it. Thank you for being you, keep on keeping on, and keep learning.


Take all the time you need, CoMo. Against my better judgment, I took to Twitter this morning to better educate myself on the "feud" - to try to understand how things got to this point. And honestly, I had to close my laptop after only a few minutes and just walk away. I just couldn't digest that level of cruelty and hatred anymore. I felt sick. So, sadly, I wasn't able to obtain the clarity I sought. But what I do know is that no one deserves to be treated the way you're being treated - regardless of how things got here, and especially after the vulnerability you displayed in the latest Side Quest. Any decent person, after hearing/seeing you in that piece would think, "OK, maybe it's time to lay off, put this whole thing to bed." But like you said, some people have just doubled-down or tripled-down on the vitriol. And a lot of what's being said is wholly untrue - as someone who's followed your content for years, I know, categorically, you're not a racist or a misogynist. I would be devastated to hear people say those things about me, unwarranted, so I can't imagine what you're going through right now. Just get well, and I hope to see you back on the horse soon. Your voice is a unique, insightful one, and the digital discourse is lacking without more people like you in it.

Will Caldwell

Positive vibes sent your way. Fuck the haters and the jelly bitches whos lives are so miserable the only enjoyment they get is tearing others down. You are killing it with your content and your common sense messages are needed more than ever in this ass backwards world today.


I’ve been a long time supporter of your’s, but I’ve also been a silent one. In fact this is the first time I’ve ever wrote you a comment, but I want you to know that you’ve been an inspiration and positive force in my life for many years. You’re openness about things like depression and anxiety have helped me realize that I’m not alone in my struggles, and that I can overcome them. You’re a great person Colin and you’ve been there for me on my darkest of days. For that reason you’ll always have my support on the darkest of yours.


Love your work Colin. Long time listener, first time pledger. Wish you and yours all the best

Jacek Debowski

colin, remember we love you! focus on all the positive feedback, rest and cme back next week stronger than ever!


Hi Colin, it saddens me greatly to read about you going through such nonsense. Hard to believe how some people act towards others. You have been there for me for about 7 years now, and you definitely deserve any time off you want to take &lt;3 BEYOND!!!!!!!!!!

Kelly Machande

Sorry to hear you're having a rough time right now. I can totally sympathize, I've been there too. You want to feel better and be productive, but no matter what you do you can't shake it. It just seems like you have to wait it out like a bad storm. Even at 40, I'm still surprised I can't just get over something in a day or two, it always takes much longer than anticipated. Often, what you feel is the heart of the issue isn't and it takes much feeling, thought, and time to work through the maze. Thank you for letting us know how you feel, we'll be here! ((hugs))


Had to show my support this month. Keep fighting the good fight bud. Love from Ireland


Take the time you need and get that equilibrium back. I've been looking in on some of this stuff and some of those involved and it's mind boggling. Disingenuous and immature. Mob mentality taking hold and then they're just saying stuff TO themselves FOR themselves. I know it doesn't mean jack right now, but in the end this is the kind of stuff you'd HOPE people look back on as the years go by and wonder what they heck they were doing. I said it already, but the immaturity of it all is really the root. In the heat of the moment it's easy to get lost and wrapped up in yourself at the expense of everything that should be right. That's what's happening here. It's absurd.

Alex Kloeden

Dude take the time off. Just from your impressions of the gaming community, it seems like the old tropes super conservatives used to make in the 90’s and the 2000’s about lonely shits in their basements with nothing else to do but spit venom seems to actually be true. I’m sorry that for standing up for people you get shat on like this. I know this stuff seems to hit you harder than some think and it’s tough for randomers to relate when you are in the spotlight but your audience appreciates your stand. I know it’s rough but we all support what you did and I hope that can help ease some of the anxiety.


I know it's just your nature but I think you're being too hard on yourself about missing an episode. I'm a first time Patron because of your vision for this on a high level, the content itself is secondary. I'm a first time Patron because I think what you're doing is important, has value, and is far too scarce these days. I want my children to live in a place where we can have open and honest conversations. So progress can be made, and divisions can be bridged. I hated history, but as I get older, I see more and more how vital it is for a flourishing society. So again, don't beat yourself up (easy for me to say), take a step back, look at the 30,000 ft view, and remember you're doing good work. I think I speak for many of us when I say that I view my contribution more like a donation to as cause I support, as the cause supports our society.. Take care on your hiatus, we'll be here when you get back.

Brett Medlock

Reading this breaks my heart. Hang in there and take all the time you need.


Hang in there man, you are appreciated. I said it elsewhere here, but I honestly think just stopping, or drastically reducing your Twitter usage would help greatly. I think the benefits are far outweighed by the cost for a person in your position. Too much hate on that platform.

Matthew Major

Thank you for your honesty Colin we are all here for you. Take all the time in the world. We will never let you down.


Hang in there Colin. Games "journos" are a bunch of shitheads.

Bryan Finck

Hate that you are going through this Colin, people have all kinds of shitty opinions and social media gives them license (so they think) to put that on everyone. No one stops to think how that would affect people because they can't see the emotions their words cause. I hope you can find some peace knowing that you are doing the right thing and that the people who matter, along with your family, support you and have your back (even if they can't have your back directly on social media). You can only control your actions, you can't control what other people do or think.


Much love! I appreciate your work Colin, and it was a great video. We disagree on multiple political positions (you're TOO moderate for me ;) ) but you still have all my respect. It's sad that so many people have no respect for anyone they might differ with. We appreciate you!


Hey Colin. I just want you to know that I have tons of respect for you and appreciate all you do. I've been listening to you for years. I too am disappointed with the backlash you've received for your video. You don't deserve any of it. Over the past few days I've lost tons of respect for certain names in the gaming industry that I thought were better people. Keep your head up. Nobody in the gaming sphere has what you have or does what you do. Keep being you. The people like myself who actually understand you will always be here for you, consuming your awesome content.


Colin, love you and your work, obviously love you more. Take as much time as you need to get right and mentally healthy. Reading through some of the bullshit twitter threads ( are there any reasonable people left on this plane????) it’s hard for me not to comment. I once got into with bob I tried to be very civil about it, I provided videos and tweets to support my case he could provide nothing. Eventually he basically said he will always believe you are evil. I don’t know how to fight this battle for you. If that’s where we are at in this world, that you actively ignore reason and evidence to support your narrative and agenda, are we too far gone as a society to come back from this place.


Just dropping by to offer and reiterate my love. You do you.


Colin, you have had my ear since the days of "Beyond". You focus on you and take care of yourself. We will still be here supporting you when your ready to come back. Your an amazing dude, so don't let people get you down! Praying for you!


You truly are a tremendous guy, Colin. Like many other I have loved you since the Beyond days. Love hearing your voice and your thoughts dude, don't let these people get you man, we love you !

Adam McVeigh

Quite frankly, it's astounding that those carrying on about being against bullying and harrassment are those perpetratoring it the most. They need to take a good long look at themselves, it's not even indirect, it's upfront and unadulterated bullying going on towards you. Fuck those pricks, when was the last time they tried to confront the issue head on by any forms of media, most sit in their ivory chair thinking their in a 'safe space'. As games journalism has shown time and time again, they're all expendable. When the times comes, they won't have you, a trusted and proven friend in their corner. Keep being awesome mate, Your friend, Adam

Zack E

Tough times never last, but tough people do. May not seem like it now, but you’ll be a stronger person when this all passes. Spend time with your family and friends. That is what is most important in the end anyway. Your work speaks for itself and will have an audience when it comes. One suggestion...I think you should get back to writing more. Let’s be honest, 140 or so characters don’t do justice on rarely anything. That’s half of our problem nowadays in discussion and discourse-we fill the need to have to fit all of our thoughts on more or less individual note cards. Perhaps even 15-20 minute videos don’t do justice on certain topics either. What separates you from many of those in journalism and media-particularly some of those targeting you-is that you are a superior long form writer. There’s plenty of evidence one google search away that can demonstrate this. Use that to your advantage. Don’t think there is not an audience out there that would love to be able to read REAL editorials of substantial length and quality, whether it be games (especially games), history, politics, etc., because there certainly is. Many of the accusations towards you simply do not hold up at all. Truth will always win, sooner or later.


As someone who is trying to build a portfolio of game reviews and trying to learn video editing in the hope of one day getting into games media, this whole situation makes me want to stop. Colleagues and peers pouncing on a man who has admitted fault and is learning from it is gross. Colin, I can't imagine what you're going through or Alexa, but you have my respect, admiration, and support. I don't always agree with you on things, but I always listen and absorb what you say. Fuck man, you got me to play Megaman 2 and Symphony of the Night. You don't deserve this man. No one does. I'm rooting for dude, you're a needed voice in games and a wise voice in the world. Keep your head up my dude.


Upping my Patreon pledge to a higher level because you’re doing great things for many different people. You’ve definitely had a big hand in my life speaking my mind when others try to force it down. Thanks Bruv.

Kevin R Lord

I’m part of the lurking silent majority who only finds out about these things after the fact. I watch CLS videos because they are excellent, and then I go about my day, because I know that the more time I spend in online social spaces (besides this one and a few others) the worse I feel. Now, since the bleed between reality and the online space is ever growing, I see that it is important to support people kindly in both spaces. It’s a good idea to be engaged in other’s wellbeing. So, well done, and I hope you continue what you’re doing.


Thank you for the honesty, Colin. It saddens me to see such vitriol thrown at you. Whenever you need to take time to yourself, do it. Get some good rest. Love you.


To add on to my last comment. It seems that the games media industry as a whole is becoming as toxic as those they accuse. I think the saying “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” fit's appropriately. For most of my life I've been heavily invested in games and games culture but a few years ago it feels like a corrupted seed was planted in the industry and that it has spread out of control. I sense that much of your hurt comes from the lack of validation and respect of old peers and friends. Maybe it's time to let go of the idea that those relationships are salvageable. To use their words against them they are on the wrong side of history. I'm not saying you should do it but there has to be a market for games content that openly supports and encourages diversity of opinion.

Scott Rabideau

I've listened to you speak for years, and I know where you stand. However, your detractors don't and never will because they latch onto snippets and clips of things you've said or posted and willfully ignore the whole picture. I think a major issue for you has been Twitter. The platform simply doesn't allow for complex thinking. I know you're not a single one of those awful things people continue to claim you are, but trying to make a point about hot-button issues such as diversity for diversity's sake, safe space PC culture, extremism, etc. in a concise yet meaningful way is impossible (that's what the videos and podcasts are for). But the people who want to shit on you willfully ignore that content too. What I'm trying to say is, why beat yourself up over what a bunch of people who don't know you think? Yes, I'm even talking about your peers and colleagues. If these people want to celebrate your misery, they were never your friends in the first place so who fucking cares what they say? When you try to reach out to open a dialogue with them after a ridiculous subtweet, you're immediately accused of "sic'ing" your fanbase onto that person (again, thanks Twitter). I know social media helps you try to grow your audience, but I just don't see it benefiting your mental health enough. Let the content speak for itself. Let new fans get to know the actual person you are instead of the monster they make you out to be on Twitter. You're an extremely bright, level-headed guy with a wonderful girl, a great family, and tons of supportive fans. Don't let this nonsense get you down.


I don't think Mackey understands the difference between jokes and relentless mean-spirited character attacks. To him it's all the same. Clearly as long as people keep liking/retweeting his aspersions he will continue. There is something Trumpish about the way he compares his success to yours - and how he comes across as aggressive, uncompromising, unfazed by appeals to decency, and non-empathetic. Not sure if that indicates a certain sociopathic mindset since I don't know him. Nevertheless, the relentless repetition could warrant a case for harassment and possible defamation, but I suspect nothing will abate his own resentment.

R Bamb

You let those a-holes win when you do this, man. I'm not you. I don't take the flak you do. I don't deal with the relentless vitriol. I know you have anxiety problems, and mixed with your big heart and compassion, it's gotta feel like he'll. But you can't let em win like this in the future. They don't support you, they dont pay your bills, they dont even offer remotely constructive feedback. Don't let what they say break you down. I appreciate all your work, and am a huge fan. It kills me to see creators I love get torn apart by people that don't matter on social media. Stay strong, buddy. I look forward to what's next 👍🤘


Take all the time in the world Colin. We'll be here, standing with you. We got your back, don't forget it. Looking forward to you getting your stick back out on the ice kid ❤️


Got your back Colin 👊


Take all the time you need man, we’ve all had days where we had to put a hold on things we love and like to do just to gather ourselves. As for those who continue to cast bad vibes and demonic intentions your way, know this. They cannot touch you as the man you are. I feel like I know you and I’ve never met you. From our time together at Kinda Funny, till the newest additions of your own channel, it’s like your not across the country, but the neighbor that lives next door and it’s all because of what you did in this post right here. You was honest, transparent, and more importantly yourself. When your life gets crazy and off the rails you step away, that’s how it is for anyone, but you inform us. Keep us in the loop and that is something I respect dearly. That’s what makes me consider you, a complete stranger a close friend and family. Things will get better Colin, and I hope you gain back your inner peace soon. Take all the time you need, and we’ll still be here when you get back. With open arms and warm smiles.


I love you man, I appreciate you and you take all the time you need.


Colin like always we are here to support you. This is the kind of stuff that makes you stronger. Take the time you need and we are all here for you ;)

Marty Blois

A bear hug from Jared Petty ought to cheer you up.

Chris Davies

Take whatever time you need. Those that care and ultimately those that matter will wait for you.


As someone who also suffers from some form of anxiety, over-thinking situations, dwelling on unhealthy thoughts - I think you'd be doing yourself a world of good by stepping back from social media somewhat. Your opinions are valued by thousands of people who follow your content, so maybe just try to focus on that rather than the few who (for whatever reason) have some sort of grudge. Take care, man - hope you feel better soon.


I've always been a little mind blown how a lot of the games industry treated you because you hold a few conservative opinions ( despite popular and your own opinion, you actually come off way more liberal in execution even if you differ on ideals). The reaction to the video, the rampant bullying and horrific insults and celebration of an individuals pain whom the games industry at large would agree with if it could be more than a partisan team player, was revolting. People who I've in the past held in high esteem in the industry tweeting horrible things was mind blowing. People are so hostile, so partisan, they can't even seem to come together to build an obviously needed bridge.,

Luke Farinella

No worries man. The inward facing anxiety is killer. After listening to ‘the other side’ a bit on the issue of who you are and what you are all about, I can honestly say there is no reason, justification, or excuse for the way they target you. It’s just stated as ‘Colin’s ideas are bad’ without ever actually talking about how their ideas are actually better. It’s just ‘let’s all high five eachother’ For ‘dunking’ on some ‘trumpy’ without ever actually making a salient point about any issue whatsoever. It’s all about ‘I made a joke’ instead of obsessive, shitty, cowardly subtweeting. ...... I guess I am just saying that it’s really clear to anyone paying attention that there is no substance to the nonsense. You just can’t reason with fools, and the more you try the more you will become one yourself.


I listened to the Bob Mackey Vs Colin Moriarty Laser Time podcast and I think its safe to say this entire conflict has been caused by the Twitter format. Bob and his buddies think Colin is an asshole because of a couple of tweets, and have painted a negative character portrait without knowing the nuance of Colin's character. Because of this they treat Colin like shit. Rightfully, Colin thinks they are being mean spirited because he doesn't realize that they actually think he's evil. It takes a face to face conversation to remove the black and white stuff and allow for nuance.

Michael Ferrari

That makes sense for a couple of interactions, but at this point, hundreds of tweets later, and countless amounts of what I consider harassment, there's no justifying what Bob Mackey does. Apart from purposely leaving stuff out, there is more than enough content featuring Colin, whether it's on IGN, Kinda Funny, Dave Rubin, Joe Rogan, or Colin's Last Stand, literally thousands of hours, to give people the right idea of who Colin really is. You may disagree with him, but to call or think him a racist, sexist, etc.? That's somebody choosing what to believe, and what not to believe, so they have somebody to beat on.


Yeah, I completely agree Mackey isn't justified in what he does, and I think a lot of people on the left don't realize how harmful it is to loosely throw around serious accusations by labeling someone as a racist or bigot. My thoughts are that twitter is the only thing that opens Colin up to this sort of criticism, because it allows people such as Mackey to form this narrative while ignoring the rest of the context. It wouldn't be a problem, except that I would argue a majority of people who make character judgments aren't interested in the details. Unfortunately, once people make that judgment it is extremely difficult to change their mind.


Colin, dude, I've looked up to you from day 1. From when I first read your reviews on IGN, to Beyond, to KF, to now. You are stronger, better, and more in-tuned than ever before. I applaud you for stepping outside your comfort zone, taking the hard road and bringing light to these idiots who take pleasure in harassing people online. Just now that as hard as it might seem at the time to stand up in the face in all of this bullshit, your fans still care, still want you to succeed, and still root for you.


We are 100% here for you and will always have your back. Thank you for being you.

Stefan Catinella

Hang in there, social media is by its nature a toxic cloud.


You still have, and I suspect always will have, my support. And please don't feel the need to reply, I just hope you read this and understand we're here for you :)


Connected with you on Twitter already, but wanted to reiterate my appreciation for what you are doing. I am sick to my stomach seeing people in the games media (some of whom I have followed for nearly ten years) behave in the exact small petty way they have spent years screaming about. The tone deaf nature of the discourse is staggering. I am truly saddened. I come to the video game industry for ENTERTAINMENT, not for some liberal SF kid's blatantly limited and exclusive politics. I suppose it's time to grudgingly outgrow them. And yes, that mega bums me out...


Also, forgive my poorly constructed mental ramblings...it has been a long day in the 'ole office.

Nathanael Haller

I’ve always come to relate with you more than anybody else because you view the world the same way I do, for better or worse. I wake up with anxiety every day. I always expect myself to fail, but it’s the ones I love that get me through the day. I’m also very outspoken like you because I believe the objective truth matters more than how some subjectively perceive it, but that comes with a cost. I’ve been with the same amazing woman for more than 6 years, but everything else in my life has changed. I’ve gone through groups of friends so easily, but they all stay together. People didn’t like my outspoken manner and the people I’d call my “best friends” would say atrocious things about me behind my back. I know I can be difficult to deal with sometimes, but so have all of my friends. People are addicted to gossip and bullying now. People would rather bury a friend for that instant gratification they get when they talk shit, than push through the bad times of relationships. I was completely taken aback by some of the things other big names in the industry were saying and they couldn’t even hold a conversation when I tried to argue that judging one persons harassment over another is not right, and publicly disowning them for that is literally harassment. They’re so close-minded, and know they’ll flock to attack anyone they see fit if they don’t fix their agenda. They aren’t hating you, they’re attacking you for your beliefs. Fuck them. Seriously. We all love you, man. I found relief when I found out you’re a lot like me, so I hope you find that same relief in knowing that you seriously are not alone.

Ryan Grzesiak

Colin, I feel for you immensely. You're trying your best and doing a great job at it. Your videos are excellent and your content and delivery is thoughtful, professional and honest. Achieving pseudo celebrity status must be so hard to deal with when you just want to be a regular guy. The pack mentality of cowards must be so heavy to deal with and I wish you the best. Just an idea but have you thought of maybe just bailing on Twitter all together? Sending you much love; be strong dude.

The Rose Experience

Mackey needs to get slapped out like the little Napoleon Dynamite nerd he is. Such a tough guy with the Twitter fingers, I guarantee he sits there with nothing to say if confronted face to face.