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My friend Candace Looft is an accomplished and respected western astrologer and psychic medium. Today's episode of CLS:FC is dedicated to Candace's world, and all of the strange and mysterious things that come along with it.

You can find more about Candace at her website: http://www.beyondtheveiltarot.com/



Josh Sheppard

I’m super late to this but have been interested to hear this perspective for a while now. A family member of mine struggles with relatively severe mental illness and has found astrology as a way to obtain hope and purpose in their life. I find much of Candance’s commentary to be very similar to this to my family member (i’m not saying Candace is mentally ill, just that she has had struggles in the past and has found this religion to help). The risk of succumbing to confirmation bias does not seem to matter much to those with this belief system imo. As a fellow non religious person, it’s fascinating to see people try to find these new ways to feel important, as if they are a part of something meaningful and unique. It’s probably helpful to a depressed person to feel as if they are special and worth being abducted by aliens. It’s probably comforting to think that there is some cosmic order that determines everything and that this is orchestrated through planetary movements. I often times cringed when listening to the logic behind these religious beliefs but uncomfortable/bizarre conversations are important for self reflection so thanks Colin for bringing this perspective in. If you have her back, I’d be curious to hear what she thinks the predictions made in this show about the JFK assassination or aliens contact being revealed to the public.


Oh Colin. Really? What's next? Phrenology? Aromatherapy? This one's a disappointment (still gonna listen to it though - love your stuff).


How do you know it's a disappointment if you haven't listened to the episode? I think it's by far the strangest episode of CLS:FC yet, and I think most listeners are going to like it.


While I have a hard time believing she can "see" anything. It is still pretty interesting when you hear someone who is educated on the topic. I like that she doesn't just use one system and uses like planetary alignment to explain things. It makes you at least respect what she has to say even if you have a hard time grasping it. Her explaining your last year of relationships made me laugh out loud, wish I could have seen your face while she was talking about that.


It was uncanny, really. That's only the second time she and I had ever met. She doesn't know me, and she doesn't know anything about what happened. Pretty cool.

Jeff Pollard

Colin, I have a feeling this would have been an entirely different conversation if Candice wasn't dating your friend.

BettyAnn Moriarty

I totally loved this. Having experience with my personal Tarot card reading coupled with my own personal experiences that 'somehow' align with much of what Candace spoke about (death of her grandfather, etc) made me want to have a long conversation with her. I really think there's something to it. Fascinating... 👍🏻😉


This was super interesting. I’m a huge skeptic myself but I didn’t even roll my eyes once! It’s definitely enlightening and a future reading would be fascinating as well.


I'm 100% skeptical, too. But I wanted to learn and hear what she had to say, and I thought it was very interesting.


Hey Colin, love the Fire Side Chat Podcasts. Love the range of guests. Also, please look at the Red Pill Black and Blair White debate that Dave Rubin did today. Off topic but gnarly. I am sure you have already seen it.


Thank you! Glad you're enjoying. I watched the debate live. Honestly, I only had (and still have) very little knowledge on what they were even talking about (though I'm better informed on it after having watched). I like Blaire, and I don't really know anything about the other girl, but ultimately, I felt bad for Dave. More power to 'em -- have it out, that's fine -- but I think they could have shown Dave a bit more respect, in my opinion.


Yeah, I’m with you on that. Probably the last time he brings a Twitter feud into his house and streams it.


As someone who is studying Astronomy & Astrophysics in college, what bothers me the most about astrology is that people put so much time and thought into a purely unsubstantiated claim that the way that objects millions of light-years away from us appear to be oriented to us influence our lives instead of the beauty and brilliance that stems from the scale of the universe and its indifference to us. I agree with you, Colin, in that astrology stems from a self-centered idea of the universe that humans seem to inertly have. I just can't help but argue against the point that planetary transits influence our lives because, other than negligible gravitational differences, transits in no way apply any kind of force on us. I'm going to stop ranting now and listen to the rest of the podcast. Keep up the great work, Colin!

Brent Lindquist

I dug this episode. I can see how people would gravitate toward this sort of thing. I remain very a total skeptic on the subject, but it's really cool to have a new insight into something that a lot of people swear by. And I really respect her for only needing to know those few bits of information before doing a reading. I'm guessing that, in the end, most of her returning clients would have more positive things to say about her as a person and the experience of talking things out with her than they would about, say, her ability to read the cards.


Saturn is going to make America great again? Cheers!


Yeah, it certainly makes little sense to me, either. I'm not a spiritual person, though. I really just wanted to hear what she had to say, and I found it interesting. I don't think she's lying, FWIW. But who's to say what's real and what isn't?


I'm glad you enjoyed. I think it's gonna be fun to get my own reading, see what it says.


Man, I tried so hard to follow the conversation with Candace but at the end she just went completely off the rails for me. I respect that she clearly puts so much passion and effort into this but damn. Props to Colin for creating such a safe environment for her and for being so good at fostering conversation.

Chris Holtzer

Agreed, when she started talking about Colin specifically she went into commonalities that clearly have nothing to do with the planets. I found myself constantly thinking, why does she think correlation and causation are the same thing. For example, relationships and financial situation. This is true of nearly every early thirty something year old, over the last 30 years, regardless what the planets were doing at the time of their birth. This is just when people settle down and start seeing a shift in their disposable income. Another problem area was when she was talking about family situations. I don't have the exact quote but is was something like: kids who come from broken homes, and those that don't....so everyone?


I finally finished listening to this episode last night. While I appreciate the wide variety of guests and topics on Fireside Chats so far, this one was tough for me to get through. I understand that as a conservative Christian I believe many things that many people find ridiculous or even dumb, but I hope that you invite a very knowledgeable Christian on the show sometime to spotlight a more... mainstream belief system. Just my $.02, of course!


Loved this! I love the idea of Colin tackling obscure beliefs on this podcast. Great cast, Colin! I would personally love to hear you get a reading!

Luke Spencer

Finally got around to listening to this one, and it was probably my favorite of all the Fireside Chats. I enjoyed how these topics (and guest) were such a zany departure from the usual topics and guests. I also love listening to anything that someone is well researched and passionate about. It'd be great to hear more sit-downs from guests all across the topic spectrum like this one. Good stuff, Colin!

Donald Eckels

Not my cup of tea for this episode, but still interesting. Most of it, I feel, is some people are more intuitive and put together a lot of details and know how to put it into words, even if they dont realize they're doing it. And sometimes it takes another person you don't know telling you things about yourself or things that might help for you to know for you to listen. The surprise of the situation making you more open perhaps. I'm definitely looking forward to hearing your reading. As a scientist, because if I recall she said she can read auras and such, I'd be interested in seeing how she would handle a completely cold reading, as in somebody she doesn't know anything about. Or if she has to have some information, would the reading be changed by false information. This latter one would be tricky because if she is good at reading people she'd probably pick up on the deceit. I don't believe in stuff like this, but part of me wants to believe and I'd be interested in trying to figure out what is actually going on.