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So, I've been listening to you loud and clear for, well, six or seven months now. A lot of you have blessed me with this new opportunity to pursue politics and history, and I'm not going to stop doing that. But many of you -- perhaps most of you, or even all of you -- want me to talk about games  again.

Funny thing is, I want to talk about games again, too. I'm just trying to figure out how to make that happen, and how to fold a hypothetical gaming product under the CLS umbrella. For a while, gaming had this sort of pain attached to it for me. But I'm realizing that I'm letting something really negative that happened to me affect something I've loved my entire life. I have more to say, I think. I want to find a way to say it.

Here's the thing: If I do more -- if I do, say, a gaming podcast once a week for one or two hours -- something has to give, because I need to play more, pay more attention to games, and all the rest. As with anything, there's an opportunity cost involved.

So I want to go directly to you guys and gals, the people who pay CLS' bills. If I did a weekly gaming podcast, one that I'd envision would have a permanent co-host and that would run 60-90 minutes a week, would you be okay with me dropping one CLS episode per week in order to make that podcast a reality?

Under that hypothetical scenario, the release schedule may look something like this:

Monday: CLS episode on YouTube (video for all, audio-only for $5+/month Patrons)
Tuesday: Fireside Chats (audio-only for $5+/month Patrons)
Wednesday: Gaming Podcast (audio-only for $5+/month Patrons)
Thursday: Fireside Chats (audio-only available wide)
Friday: Gaming Podcast (audio-only available wide)

When you're answering this poll -- which again is purely exploratory and hypothetical -- you're simply answering the questions: Does the above look good, and would you like some gaming while sacrificing some core CLS content? Does an episode of CLS a week, along with an episode of Fireside Chats and an episode of Hypothetical Gaming Podcast, sound good to you?

Answer the poll, and post away in the comments if you'd like.

Oh, and if you can, please keep this on the DL. I know there are literally thousands of you seeing this, but I don't want this going wide yet, because I don't know if or when anything will happen. I'm simply trying to explore things, and instead of assuming what you want, I want to instead see what you want, kind of like I did when I dropped News Bursts.

I expect this will generate some interest. So, vote and post away. And be brutally honest. Please. Oh, and if you're one of those people who sees this shit but never votes or sounds-off... now is the time to let your voice be heard.

Shall I turn the ship in a different direction, or stay on course? I eagerly await your feedback...


Steven Camilo

Happy gaming Colin > All the gold in the universe.

Anthony Wright

I’m a fan of the change. Listening to the latest FSC really made me realize how much I miss not only your gaming talk, but Your live personality. I’ll continue to donate high monthly, I’m eager for the change. ✌🏻


I love your political stuff, but all your other opinions are great too. We’re finally getting to see your random side again with Fireside Chats and I’d love to see your gaming side again too. Make the jump!


10/27 has been one hell of a day

Adam carruth

It won't let me vote for some dumb reason, but just know that I have experienced wonderful games based on your opinions. I say do it.


I would love this!! I miss your insight on gaming so much, Colin. The episode with Steimer, scratched a major itch in my podcast listening.


I'd love this. I also keep wishing you and Rubin could do more things and if thats you getting him back into video games in some way that'd be fun. Extra life stream? But honestly just happy to have your content out there.


Up to you in the end my guy I’ll support you either way but lord knows Colin Moriarty is the person gaming need but doesn’t deserve and boy do we need you right now

Mario Miranda

That schedule that you showed us as an example is perfect. That would be a great set of weekly podcasts in my weekly rotation. Especially if the fireside chat you had with Steimer is a good indication of what we could expect because that was a fantastic episode and would love to see more of that. If this happens, I would also love to see a monthly/bi-monthly episode featuring Steimer.

Bobby Rigo

Potentially a video version of the gaming podcast down the line? You have my support whatever direction you go. I enjoy seeing you passionately speak on games, politics, and history. I'd love to see it all!


You're the reason I fell in love with the kinda funny product. Do this and never look back. It's what you want. And you sure as hell know it's what we want. DO IT!!! <3

Anthony Wright

Also and I mean this... I miss the vibe of your old show. That’s become a totally different animal, and your fingerprints and personality is gone from that area. You’ll dominate. There is nothing like your live show was at all going on, and I’m excited just to hear you considering it. Just take all the money out of my wallet. Lol


It was so great to hear you talk gaming again. So a mix of both gaming and political/historical would be sweet.


Hey man I love this idea. I know the dollar I sub with isn’t huge, but I’d gladly bump my sub to the 5 dollar level to get some gaming content in the mix.


Please, yes. Your thoughts on games is something I sorely miss on a weekly basis.

13 Snakes

Colin, find what makes you happy and run with that. I think it is obvious based on your exit from KF that you have a loyal following that loves you as a person, and we want you happy and healthy. I would love the change, but in the end I want what is best for you as a person.


I'm so glad that you have found joy in gaming again Colin!


Would you ever think of doing a weekly podcast with Greg over Skype or something like that?


Yes, but the name of the podcast has to remain Hypothetical Gaming Podcast lol


My vote is no. Not that I don't want you to talk about games, I really enjoy your opinion on the matter, but if it's gonna cost a CLS episode, I vote no. I think having gaming topics come up naturally with your interest in them in fireside chats is best. That way you don't feel obligated to talk about them if your interest wanes again. Just my opinion.


This would be cool. But I also don’t want you to bite off more than you can chew, and burn out, just seems like a lot when it’s just you. They didn’t call you “he only does everything” for nothing


I'd love both for sure! I miss hearing your thoughts on games


I’d up my patreon to get that podcast day of. Also, a video version would be nice as well if that would be possible.


Do it!


This is the best news I’ve heard all week. I miss your thoughtful opinions, honesty and passion. Games are something I’ve loved deeply for 34 years and it’s amazing to share that with someone who is the same age and same passion that ebs and flows throughout the years with me

Chad Lewis

I'm here because I support YOU. Whatever you feel like you WANT to do is what I'm gonna support. That's why I showed up on day 1 and while I'll be here till last call.


I'm worried, by adding a games podcast, CLS might change too much and not deliver what Colin set out to do. I may be in the extreme minority, but I say leave it as is. CLS:FC is the right place to have gaming discussions.


Thank god! This schedule is EXACTLY what I would love to see. I really do enjoy the core CLS and the deep dives into history/politics/unusual topics and with Fireside chats going very well I’m eager to see that continue. However, I have missed your commentary, insight, and game talk for very much. This would be fantastic man!!!! With this breadth of content I would look to upping my pledge as well as other have said. Keep up the great work Colin!


Buy another switch!


This is the first, and possibly only time I am even going to make a comment here. This is that important to me lol, I would LOVE to have you get back in on the gaming scene, even if only for an hour or two (of content) a week. I truly, truly miss tuning in to hear your thoughts on the industry, what you're playing, your reviews, anything gaming. Please strongly consider this. I'll be supporting you no matter what you decide to produce however.

Nicholas Swanson

I wonder who that hypothetical co-host would be! (; I think this new schedule would work well. It’s a bit of everything. The standard CLS videos also require a decent amount of research. Going down to one would help free some time. The only apprehension I have is how much time you’d be dedicating to the channel/Patreon. But if it won’t wear you down, then I see only positives.


I would up my support if you got back into gaming. It’s your lot in life!!


Im also upping to 5 a month if this goes through . Need to help support my boy Colin M


You were the voice in the games industry I trusted the most. Of course I'd love to hear your thoughts on them once again!


I feel as if this was bound to happen eventually in some capacity once the pain of the gaming exit had waned enough for Colin. The reality, in my opinion at least, is that most of like hearing Colin talk about just about anything. We do like the political and historical content too. It all comes back to balance. This way you can follow lots of your passions instead of just one. It will keep everything that you do fresher and you can explore historical and political content you really want to as opposed to getting into a churn feeling you have to push out more and more content in one area. We love you Colin and want you to be happy. Your happiness brings us great content. We all win. Okay, I'm done rambling. 😀

The Rose Experience

My dude, you have to do this. With so much fluff and fodder, video games miss Moriarty's dose of truth knowledge. Give the people what they want and what makes you happy. You know you want to do this, it's time, make it happen.

Scott Rabideau

Absolutely yes. Our gaming tastes have always aligned and I miss your voice analyzing the industry. Your old show, Colin Was Right, was some of your finest work (particularly the episode with Jason Schreier), so I'm looking forward to this! Hit me up if you ever need a co-host ;)

Dan Cadogan

This is a tough one. Everyone found you through gaming channels but this does sway the identity of cls. The fireside chat with Stimer was nostalgic to have you back in the gaming seat. Even though I understand this move due to the lack of leveling patrons I feel like us the core will back you no matter what, but it will be interesting to see how you market the idea. I'd really just love to see you drop gloves and bury the hatchet with kf so I don't have to back two channels lmao go for it kid we got you.


Ok, yes, of course a vast portion of your audience wants this, as do I. However, I'm not sure you need to commit to another dedicated weekly product, that is 60-90 minutes of content with a co-host; that might be overkill. I'm thinking 30 minutes, bi-weekly of your thoughts on what's going, or what you're playing, or whatever you feel like, a la the Firesides, might be a lot more palatable for you right now. Don't get me wrong, I would love the full gaming podcast, I just don't want you to overload yourself, or lose too much of the history and politics. Whatever you deliver, I'm sure it will be quality.

John Quinn

I voted yes, because I love your gaming analysis and don’t think there is anyone doing what you used to do at the quality you did it in that sphere. That being said, I would absolutely continue to support you either way. Do what makes you happy dude! We all do our best when we are happy.


I voted make the change but just wanted to be clear that if the change is not made that is fine with me as well as I really enjoy the current format.


Make the Switch Colin, absolutely make the switch. I'm of the mind that you should do what makes you happy and what benefits you the most. I'm supporting you through this platform so you can make that a reality and I will assume most of us here supporting you are as well. Colin Moriarty to me is the games dude I listened to for 10+ years talking all things PlayStation. It'd we be awesome to get that side again, not to take away from your political/historical work which has also been sublime. I'd love an episode with Jared Petty.

Anthony Wright

I’ve held at $10 a month since the beginning. You guys should try it out. You get everything early and there’s no wondering if you’re missing content!


Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with money or Patreon, and everything to do with me trying to find a balance in my life again.

Ryan Taylor

I would absolutely be fine with this change. I miss your voice in the gaming world Colin!


I've missed your opinion every day since you left Kinda Funny. I still watch them, but it's not the same. If I'm being honest, one of the main reasons I gave you the $5 every month was for the News Burst you did, and since you've stopped doing that I've been thinking of dropping it and just watching you for free. But, with this new gaming podcast in mind, I think I'd be perfectly willing to keep going with it. I know you'd need the extra cash for all the new work that you'd be doing. So yes, please, I'm eager and waiting to see what comes up. I like the idea of a permanent co-host, but it would be nice to have different people come on once and a while, since you still have some friends in the industry. Especially if you can do some "Conversations With Colin Was Right" kind of stuff. Also, I know you hate all the Kinda Funny guys now, but it would be nice to bring Greg on at least one time at some point in the show's life span. If only to see how your opinions on games have evolved over time. Anyway, good luck with your new endeavors. Overall, this is your channel, so I just think you should do what makes you happy.


I vote yes, absolutely! But I’ve said this before on here and allow me to revisit the thought. I feel like your “branding” is off. I say that with the utmost respect. I’ve tried to turn people on to your content, but the names of your “shows” aren’t indicative of what your getting. “Colin’s last stand” is your channel, your company. Your political/history videos should have a name. Your fireside chats should have a name. And lastly your game podcast should have a name. I think it would help people know what they’re getting. Idk, maybe I’m wrong, but I think it could help. Anyways I’m stoked to see you dive back in gaming! I’m also excited to see that you’ve got an awesome ride or die community, that honestly would probably listen to you just read the newspaper!! Enjoy your weekend dude!

Matthew Clem

I personally think this a great idea. I liked the idea of CLS being sans-gaming, but your voice was unrivaled in the gaming industry. Personally, you were always someone I looked to, and creatively, you were an inspiration. You got me into games media, caring about what you had to say, getting me into listening to podcasts, and finding a whole corner of the internet I didn't know I wanted. I don't want you to stretch yourself too thin, so I'm okay If it doesn't work out, but I would love to again listen to your insight in gaming again. Doesn't even need to be news, just updates on things you play would be super cool; if its anything like the Steimer CLS:FS episode, that's awesome. I found you through games and IGN, but it was everything else you (literally) brought to the table that hooked me. In short, fuck yes, but don't break your schedule or run out of time to make it happen.


As a patron, I miss your expertise and taste in games, but I want you to stick with what works best by you. You said it yourself in your first FSC that you got back to enjoying games by spending time with your family (especially with your nephew's runs with the Blue Bomber) and just playing whatever you feel like playing, but it seems like you've got the 'itch' again to make your enjoyment public based on this post. I'm ready to hear your voice in gaming again (as well as continue listening to your takes on history, politics and what have you) but only if you want to put it out there on a consistent basis. Good luck with whichever way you go. You'll have my support either way 🙂.

Tony Palylyk

Your voice is needed back in the gaming world. I’m insanely excited for a weekly gaming podcast from you!

Chris Nelson

I support your decision either way, but holy fucking fuck, I would be happy about this change. It would make each weekly CLS a bit more special and I LOVE hearing your thoughts about games. And the Fireside Chats have been incredible. Really firing on all cylinders. Like I said, I love your content either way and I'll continue supporting whatever you truly believe in and enjoy making. But also THERE'S A NEW WOLFENSTEIN OUT COLIN. Best wishes man, keep in the incredible, inspiring work and make whatever decision you believe in. ❤️


I never comment because of my social issues and anxieties. However I had to let you know that I would absolutely love this. We will still be able to get your history and political content and your insight on games and the gaming industry is missed dearly. At least it is missed by me. Anyways, just always go with what makes you happy. No one wants to see you overwork yourself and become unhappy. Have a great night. Stay awesome Colin!


I thought you doing two videos per week was going to kill you anyway... Quality of content, not quantity will lead to success. I will be happy to hear your perspective on games again.


To be fair, if you had all the gold in the universe, you'd flood the market, making that gold worthless. =D

Jerome Weiswasser

I really like the content your doing now... but as an avid gamer, and A fan of yours from previous years, i would love to see you cover games again on youtube


This would be awesome, Colin. I would love if there could even be a hybrid product of sorts, wherein at least some of the episodes, or time in some episodes, you outlined the backstory or history of a game, developer, genre, etc, in addition to any current gaming topics. Regardless, I’ll support whatever you continue doing, but I’m excited you’re thinking about this!


I really liked the Colin was Right format and feel like it's missing in the industry. You brought a unique perspective to that so I say go for it! Do what's right for CLS.

Joey Finelli

I enjoy your history and politics talks. I dont want you to burn yourself out with games.


The crazy thing is that I was thinking today about letting you know that I was quitting the patreon but that I would be back if you ever returned to gaming. This news make me much more likely to go back to the $10 or $5 tier. Please come back gaming.

Mike Smith

I don’t think there should be a change. I greatly enjoy two political and historical videos per week. I have plenty of other sources to go to for games coverage. I thought Fireside Chats is the right venue for games discussion when appropriate. I’d be more likely to support a gaming show if it was video as well as audio.


I would be fine with once a week gaming podcast. You don't need to do to your best content is when you have a bit of time to prepare what you want the topic to be about. You should definitely make it video as well as audio. It's the future.


Would happily support you at a higher level if you returned to discussion games.


Not much of a game guy, but go ahead.

Brett Medlock

I literally just created a Patreon and subscribed to you because I had a hunch this post was about games. There’s nothing I want more in the games media than to hear your opinions again. COME BACK WE MISS YOU! <3


Get the REV Jared Petty to be a semi regular co host.

John Burleson

Although I love the history and politics knowledge bombs, I do miss your voice in the games industry. Do it!!


I love what you do now, but goddamn do I want to see you talking Games weekly again. I vote Yes.


I think having more balance in the content of CLS would be great. Personally I was loving your Colin Was Right series on Kinda Funny and I'd love to see you continue your analytical videos and research with gaming content.


Yes please, Colin. I'm sad to see the political content cut down but I'm happy to see you back in the gaming space doing your own thing.


Fuckin do it Colin, get weird.


Love to hear your opinion on games again, but you do what makes you feel good.

Derek Kelsheimer

Absolutely down with this change. I've really been missing your opinions and thoughts on gaming. I completely respect your current structure, but a mixture of history/politics and gaming is exactly what I want as a patron.

Koray Savas

I agree with the others who said the Colin Was Right format would be a welcome return. I’ve been following and supporting your content all the way back to the IGN days, so whichever you choose, I’m game.


I’m down for whatever you’re passionate about. Your history content has been excellent. The political content has been good as well, but my interest has been heavily dependent on the topic.but I’m going to be honest.....


i got so excited reading this....


I’m super torn here - I would love to hear you talk about gaming again but more importantly, I’m keen for you to do what makes you happy. I will continue to follow you through hell and high water, whatever you decide...


I love politics and history, but ever since my boy Mitt Romney lossed the election. (Yes, that was the actual turning point) I got to a point where I could not focus or listen to news/politics on the regular. I would love your insight and opinions to be mixed into a more tolerable package. Thinking about national politics is too depressing.

Cameron Paterson

Hmmm this is a hard one. On one hand it was so awesome to here you talk about video games recently and I loved it. On the other hand you seem like you love not playing as much now and just playing when you want. Which is good and I love that you can just not give a fuck about rushing through everything. I just don't want you to feel like you have to grind through a game like you use too. I'm going to vote for you talking about video games again because I love it so much but I would totally get it if you didn't want too and some part of me would probably prefer it.


Colin was right was some of the best content ever, brief as it was.


I voted Yes, but honestly, if you bring a co-host, i would be more worried about that. Altough i am sure you would be very selective about who it might be, I am not sure i would want to hear that other person.


The triumphant return of Colin “Gamer” Moriarty!


I started to follow kinda funny because i enjoyed your insight, CLS is my favorite YouTube channel because i love cool history and learning about it. I could go to 1,000 places to find gaming content bit i absolutely understand its your choice and ill probably enjoyed any content you put out, i just don't want to lose what i enjoy, Yano?

Jeshua Anderson

I'm all for it Colin, I would LOVE this. I would love it even more if one of the podcasts was actually a video. Nut in regards to what you propose I'm all for it. However to be %100 honest with you, I have a big concern. Can you ACTUALLY do this? The reason is since starting CLS, you have gradually been cutting back due to the work load on you. Between the News Bursts, and now what seems to be once a week CLS videos, Granted you have picked up the fireside chats, so there is that. Which I definitely like. But looking at the schedule you propose, can you actually do this schedule? Especially since you would prefer to handle things alone. So I support this fully, I'm just concerned about your ability to do it. Hopefully that didn't come off rude as totally not my intent. Keep up the great work!


Love the idea - quality history and political discussions to start the week off right - and a Thursday podcast to unwind with gaming heading into the weekend. It’s a great blend of both.


Can’t wait to hear both politics and gaming from you in the same week.

Cesar Solis

Praise Odin!!!!

Ray Briggs

I think the Colin that loved video games and politics is the Colin we all love to follow for the past 8yrs. I'd love to hear your thoughts on games again.


I say yes if it is something you want to do. I love CLS even if I don't agree with everything. As long as your happy doing it then it comes through in what you make!!

Noah Friscopp

That would be incredible! I love the current content but a sprinkle of games would be great too.


I would prefer it to be a video too. I guess it’s just a personal thing, I enjoy watching podcasts as weird as that sounds.


Do it! But I want to hear about games your playing or interested in playing. I personally don’t need to hear everything about games and games culture.

James Hall

As a silent member of your patron I have been with you since you ditched IGN and I enjoy your content as well as your former group Kindafunnys content. I think the video game space needs your view on games as it is unique to all other content creators out their in the gaming space and is the main reason I started following you but not the only reason. So I for one really miss your view on the gaming Industry but will continue to view your content even if you desire not to go that direction

Leonard Jacobson

I was actually just playing Until Dawn when the email for this came through on my phone. I had to stop that immediately, boot up the laptop, vote and comment! I'm a Patreon supporter not just because of the content itself, but because of your unique voice and concise commentary. As someone who watches/listens to several weekly/daily podcasts and shows, including your former channel, I totally miss your particular voice in a gaming context. If the fireside chat ep. with Steimer was anything to go by there's an awesome potential for this format. If the cost is one episode a week then I'm more than happy to pay that, even if I don't speak for the rest of the community. My only other comment would be to make sure that you're making these gaming podcasts because you're enjoying it and not just because we've all voted for it!


To be clear, what your doing is great. But Colin on games is great too, so YES! Mix it up.


Love hearing you talk politics, history and games alike. Your passion, personality and knowledge are evident and that's what I believe most people show up for. That being said, having spent all of your career in gaming until this year, most of the people familiar with you are probably no stranger to a controller and probably miss you talking about games. Personally would love to hear a gaming podcast. In the end you gotta do what's best for you and I think there's quite a few people who'll have your back either way.


I am interested in gaming content. I would be fine even if it wasn't a full podcast format. Just quick videos almost like a "Jimpressions" from Jim Sterling about what you are playing and some thoughts on the industry/big news. I have liked almost everything you have done so far since podcast beyond so I imagine I will like whatever comes next!

Dominic Dilullo

Yes. And ideally substitute a weekly political podcast for the one Monday video. #LongLiveWashingtonsBeard

Blake M Allen

For the love of god, please do the thing.


Colin’s last stand on video games sounds good to me, but I do like hearing your thoughts on history and politics as well


I love CLS, but I have sorely missed your opinions on games, Colin. I think you're one of the brightest minds (formerly, potentially once again) in the games industry. This idea greatly excites me. Now that you have your own platform, you can cover games the way you want to, without worrying that it will change into something you don't like.

Britton Dowers

You do you man. If this is something you want to pursue I think you should. I'll gladly listen, whatever content you throw out.

Toren R. (KESA)

You and Steimer have a great dynamic! You're both authentic and knowledgeable. There's no schtick with you two, like most gaming podcasts. If you decide to start a game podcast up and need a co-host, please go that route


I personally want to hear you talk about whatever it is you're most passionate about at the time. If one week it's all history and the next week it's all games then that's what I want. I realize that might seem erratic, but I'm worried that forcing yourself to do one of each per week could lead to content you're less than proud of.


As a longtime follower of yours, I want your opinion on games, but I can get all I need in that arena through your Twitter account. I'd prefer you go all in on politics/history and add more staff to help you with that stuff.


I love the historical and political content you make, but I really miss your opinions on gaming. Make the change man, if that’s what your heart leads you to do. I think it would be worth the sacrifice.


I suppose I'm in the minority here, but I follow you because of your history/politics. Haven't been a gamer since high school so no interest there, but your POV is extremely aligned with my own and is ultimately difficult to come by. I'd probably drop from support just because I'd not want to consumer half the content.


How about a once a month round table where you sit around with 3 or 4 other people in the industry and discuss? That way you never feel rushed on a bi-weekly basis. And we still get that sweet colin-knowledge we all love.


CLS should have 3 pillars, History Polictics and Gaming. What has always drawn me to your content is the passion you bring to it. It’s obvious that gaming is also a passion. I am sure you were burnt out from just covering games for over 10 years, I hope you can find the balance to cover all 3 of your passions. Plus I miss Colin was right and going off to play games that you recommended that we’re under the radar. Please bring some gaming content!!


I miss hearing you voice and opinions on gaming, but love your historical and political content. A bit of both sounds perfect.


You have a unique and interesting voice regarding games and the gaming industry. I’d love to hear your take on some of the current goings on. Even if it was a bi-weekly podcast it would be fine. I love the history content and would hate to see less of it, but we can’t always have it all. However you ultimately decided to proceed I’ll be here supporting it and consuming it.

Mike Sweet

I'm absolutely in favor of the change. Hearing your chat with Kristine reminded me I need a steady dose of ya boi Colin M's thoughts about games. You were the one voice in the industry I cared about and when that voice was gone I felt like I lost a part of me.


Yes please! Your last major gaming endeavor, CWR, was fantastic.


Really glad you can move on from the episode and re-embrace gaming. I know it's not easy... Remember bro, we're all here with you redpilling people. I'm good with just one gaming content per week. Modern day industry is straight up upsetting anyway. Even I am falling out pretty hard, to be honest. No need to stress yourself out. If you still decided to do two, I would not mind if you want to dedicate one to retro stuff.


I personally would prefer you to do of the political content, but I want you to do what makes you happy Colin!


My opinion/suggestion would be to allow gaming to be apart of the current mold and adapt rather than change. Meaning, Fireside chats is a great mold (its similar to a Joe Rogan of sorts.) why not make fireside chats bigger, having anytype of guest you want to interview about anything (similar to now, where you are talking games with Stiemer.) If you want a permanent co-Host that could work great. but then it gives more flexibility, allows a flow and develops an already great podcast (fireside chats) into a bigger podcast mold (IE: Rogan.) I love your way of thinking and opinion on things and think a Rogan esk podcast from you could be huge. Just my opinion. Maybe you'll read and like the idea. hopefully it makes sense.


Well, only a third of the content wouldn't be for you under this new hypothetical formula, but I respect your decision. Not that any decision has yet been rendered. I wanted to put this out there in hopes of receiving just this level of feedback.

Jonny K.

Wow, I'm really happy you're entertaining the idea. I never thought we'd see you return to games. I'll be honest with you, I still follow KF, but it's really not the same. I find myself shaking my head at the radio nearly every episode asking myself "why do I still care about these opinions, they're not mine." Anyway, I hope you do decide to take the plunge man. We miss you talking about games.


Colin, I voted Yes, but not because I don't like the current CLS videos, but because I love you talking about games, something you've always loved, as well as the History and Politics. Like my question for the Fireside Chat when you were coming up with the idea... Will the gaming podcast be in video form on YouTube? Or audio only?

Jason Kelley

I think this is a great idea as long as it’s something you feel good about doing. I’d prefer a regular cohost over random industry people, though. Not a big interview guy. Ooh, you could get Bob Mackey to cohost! Lean out your bedroom window and ask if he’s interested.

Christopher Smith

Colin this makes me think of the story of Cat Stevens now Yusuf Islam. When he was arrested during the height of his career he found Islam and started to feel burned by his singing career. When he left prison and put all of his efforts into Islam many of his teachers still encouraged him to sing. It wasn’t until way later in life that he realized that just because the world he has let himself fall into was bad didn’t mean his talent was bad. In the same way you have a very distinct gaming voice. One that challenges and informs. It would be a true shame to let that analytical talent go wasted because of the toxic environment you were in. What made you special in KF was your ability to be passionate in bite areas. I’ve missed that and would be thrilled to have you talking about games again.

Brian Fuller

Like you said this decision is a trade off for your time and the community. I love getting two traditional CLS episodes per week, but I also loved your stuff on IGN and KF. If the same CLS content were to come out over time I would be more than happy to trade off one episode for a games focused show. My concern would be you would need to focus so much of your traditional CLS content on current politics to keep up with the cycle, and history may fall by the wayside or we miss your thoughts on current political issues. I think you have made an effort to divide your content across politics and history evenly to this point. Hopefully, the political cycle calms a bit so you can find a good balance if adding the new show.

Dylan Manuszak

Hey Colin, I've been a fan since KF in 2015. I love video games, and love politics. Though I've found you on the web because of our love of video games, I do not think you should have it take away from core CLS content. I would suggest including more gaming discussion to your fireside chats. It would be awesome of you magically had an extra 3 days to each week so we can all have more content. I just believe that your political and historical videos should take priority because of what benefit they are to your fans and society at large. Video games are awesome, but obviously, and ultimately, a waste of time.


Would totally love to hear you talk gaming again. It was your passion and knowledge for games that initially turned me into a fan of yours. If you can keep doing everything you love, talking politics, history and gaming, then that sounds pretty awesome for you and for us as well.


Vita Island baby - I'm 100% in for a gaming podcast!


Colin, your voice has been sorely missed in the games discussion realm. It would be a shame to waste all of your experience in the industry by not interjecting your wisdom once a week in a podcast. I am so happy that you have found a new joy for games and I would LOVE it if you would share your opinion with us!


Colin you were the person that got me more invested in politics and gaming. I would love to hear your voice in gaming again especially with all the bs that's in it right now. I say this as someone who became libertarian and started playing more JRPG's because of you.


I would be absolutely thrilled with this. While I certainly enjoy hearing your take on politics and I really like your history lessons, games are my true passion and there is no voice out there in the games industry remotely like yours. There has definitely been a void since you left KF and I would be ecstatic if you were able to return to this field while still doing CLS videos as well.


Would be really interested to see if game theory can be applied to real problems , like war games but for society to educate, examine in non biased way. Separation of game from emotional, think last starfighter.


Your fellow Long Islander needs to hear you talking about games again man. Just know haters are going to come out the wood work and you're going to have to ignore them because you're not doing it for them, you're doing it for us and hopefully you're doing it for yourself as well.

Bryan Finck

Colin if you can keep improving your quality of life, and maintain your passion for gaming while putting out gaming content along with the CLS mainstays, then absolutely i'd love to see (hear) it. Enthusiastic yes from me.


It's clear to see that you have this mostly figured out and that you're excited to get back to talking games. That's why I voted Yes. I know regardless of the content that you put out, you've done a wonderful job of making it entertaining, but also thought provoking, something that only you've been able to accomplish for all these uears. Also, gaming has admittingly been less fun without Colin Moriarty to bring interesting thoughts and conversations to the podcasting world. Filling that Colin-shaped hole would do wonders.

R Bamb

What if one of those gaming podcast days was Twitch based? You could be playing a game for an hour or two while discussing it and/or taking live questions from your audience on a variety of game topics? Could take a lot of the prep work out of making a new podcast, and free you up for CLS content, or just give you more free time in general. I have free Amazon Prime Twitch sub with your name on it. Good luck, man.


I’ll support you in all your endeavors, but video gaming needs its most valuable voice back!!!

Brogan Wassell

So Colin just wanted say the talk with Steimer was great but also a small suggestion. I kinda know what you were going through when you said you stopped enjoying playing games because I went through that cycle myself. It happen after playing a lot of dota competitively and it stopped being enjoyable to play games etc. I’d get frustrated with games when I couldn’t beat them faster or go through the achievements quicker. So I quit playing games for several months. When I came back I started with Transistor (fantastic game) and after that I’d focus on primarily playing indie titles (specifically through steam) and because of that put me on track to enjoying games again. Love the indie scene so much because more often that’s where a lot of really good story and unique games are made that you won’t see with money grabbing triple a titles.


I voted yet but have a question. Would the video game podcast have video or just audio??? Thanks Colin and I'll be happy no matter yr choice!

Alex Castellanos

I agree with this opinion. "Gaming with Colin" is a dream! But a "burned out on gaming news Colin" will be detrimental in the long run. Start slow, Colin! Once or twice a month, and see how that feels within your schedule. Then grow naturally if it feels right.


Love your historical and political content, as well as the current event stuff, but I definitly miss the voice of reason from the gaming industry too. I would leave it more informal, just do the topics you want, when you want. We are all here because we respect your opinion. Maybe you do a gaming episode a couple times a month, maybe once a week. Do it when there are topics that you really want to discuss, don't just do one because you committed to it and feel obligated, I think that leads to less interesting content. Do the topics that strike you as important and the things you are passionate aboht, regardless of topic.


Yes. That is all. ❤️


Would love it if you did a gaming podcast with Steimer or Altano. Whatever direction you choose, will still keep watching and supporting ya <3


In the minority here, but would be bummed. Comparatively, there's so much games content out there, & so little historical/political. Take it with a grain of salt, started following you at IGN but have become disinterested in games coverage for a while now.


I asked the same question. I prefer having video. I like reactions, laughter etc. His reply was "audio-only" which is still awesome. =)

Mike Smith

Don’t do it Colin! Gaming culture is toxic. You made the right move.

Gavin Todd

I've answered yes, but I agree with some other comments I've seen. Don't let this effect your quality of life, or your enjoyment of gaming. I suspect I speak for many when I say I wouldn't need you to be completing loads more games, or putting in a huge amount of research into games if that took too much time. I'd just love to hear you as my friend who talks about games with me again (I don't talk back to the podcast, not that crazy. Yet.), I don't necessarily need a full blown expert, but I totally understand that that's the standard you expect of yourself and damn do we respect that. That's a long drawn out way of saying, don't do anything that makes you not enjoy gaming again, but I'd love to hear you talk about games again. In particular, I'd enjoy conference reactions from you. I know you think those are boring but I liked your reaction streams cause I think they were close to mine. And if you ever feel the need for a Scottish co-host, I have a mic and recording software raring to go... :p

Jon Coulter

I don't think you'd have to play a ton of stuff like in the old days. It is your perspective and interpretation of the gaming industry that I appreciated so much over the years. You always had a good and different thought process when it came to video games. I totally stopped watching those other dudes once you exited. I couldn't stand the echo chamber of all other gaming "media."

Jonathan Rice

PlayStation and video games need u back. They need the critical voice again


The answer is eastbound here because it’s clearly what YOU want to do. Gaming it is.


I want you to make a change, not because what you doing is bad. Not at all!!! Its just to know more of the mind of Colin.


I want you to expand more specifically, not change.


Change! And you can come on my podcast, A Vodcast About Nothing, and talk politics. Then I can come on yours and talk games! Also, if you would like to make the gaming podcast a video, I would love to chat about helping produce and edit it. Stay classy, Colin.

Lucas Gremista

Tbh, this sounds cliche but I want you to do whatever makes you happy which will also reflect on us supporters. I just enjoy your takes on anything and I'm in for the long run if it's gaming, politics, or make-up tutorials.


I was debating this in my head and wasn't sure how to reply, when I went back and read the post: "I want to talk about games again, too" If you want to do it, then fuck it. Go for it. I was never huge into politics or history until I heard you talk about them. I don't always agree with your take on things, but I love the passion. In your last days at KF (even before the infamous tweet) you didn't seem happy and since then you have mentioned a few things about working with KF that you weren't happy about and essentially being outvoted on some things. If you want it, now's your chance to do gaming content and discussion the way that you want. If the chat with Kristine is any indication, I think we're all in for some good content.


I Love your historical content And have learned a lot more since you've started LCS, so please make that the priority. But I would be lying if I said I didn't miss Your gaming opinions. Your knowledge And opinions are what made me a big fan of beyond And KF. I think they can coexist. Ultimately do what makes you happy because I like watching when Your passionate and real.


Idk why I can't vote but let's bring some games back. But maybe not twice a week.


I've virtually stopped all consumption of video game podcasts over the last year. Ever since the election I've found most everyone I used to listen to become borderline unbearable. You're at your best when doing what you want, so don't feel the need to force it once a week if you don't have anything to talk about, but yours would be a voice I'd gladly listen to again in the gaming-sphere.


First time long time fan. A friend gave me a tip that you were considering to podcast about games again but you needed some feedback and fan drive to push you in that direction. I have been a fan since beyond and through your kinda funny days and the moment I heard you were considering coming back to talk about games I knew I needed a say in that. I knew I had to cast a vote to hear your opinions and oppositions again. It’s something that this zeitgeist of games news and games media has been missing.


Personally, I'd prefer a video gaming feature if you're going to do it rather than a podcast. but either way I'm down for whatever.


Colin, I love all your content, but I do think History and Politics should remain top priority. However, I would absolutely love to hear the opinions you have about games more often than just the occasional tweet. I think your merit among journalists has earned you a position where you could find other developers/insiders of the industry, sit them down and have a lengthy chat about anything games-related that you want. If you do start pursuing games content though, make sure to keep it relevant to YOU, and try not chase after coverage of every aspect of the industry (I know you're smart enough not to). How about starting off with your 100 favourite games of all time (perhaps it's changed since you wrote the IGN list in 2014)? P.S. I love Fireside Chats! Make sure you don't give that up to make room for this!


If you truly want to talk about games again, then absolutely make the change. What is there to lose? There's already an audience for this too! Most of your fans are those who've followed you from Kinda Funny.

Kenneth Koepnick

Brother, I’ll support any project you feel motivated to do. I found you on IGN Podcasts but your mind has always appealed beyond that. I’ve got love for you as a person, but I have missed your perspective & balance on the topic.

David McKinstry

I'd love to see both. Hopefully doing both would help to keep some variety in your life as well as your content. And make it easier to plan ahead for history/politics videos since you'd only need one topic a week. But ultimately I want whatever makes you happy. Your are most fun to watch/listen to when you are genuinely enjoying yourself. Do what you want to do and the audience will be there.

John Schulz

If you think you can make it happen, this schedule looks great! Keep up the awesome work!


I only started following you after Rogan podcast. I have enjoyed the political and history videos immensely. Funny thing though. You have rekindled my love of games and so I say do what you want and I will watch and listen. I’m sure you will provide excellent content either way.

Domanick Leicht

This schedule looks very good to me. I would think this is a Alternate universe version of what you wanted at kf. I love that you get your politics show that you always wanted. You have your wildcard topic show, your gog if you will and also still get to deliver the gaming prowess that you developed over so many years but for the first time on your terms. I know you say it’s just a thought right now but I for one am stoked! And the vote at the moment being 92% makes me think this just might happen :D again I totally back the schedule you have suggested.

Ivan Greenspan

I have not been interested in the interviews, except with your dad, but I trust you so much just go with your gut on the schedule and path of your show. I am more of a gaming and history nerd but you need to build your brand on who you are if you plan to last. You are awesome Colin, thanks for all the thoughtful content. I am a content patreon supporter.

Mason M

Yes and a million yeses


Personally I miss you talking games and I prefer it to politics however I think you do your best work when its something you are passionate about so I say talk games when you want and talk other stuff when you want I will support you either way.


I don't care what you do as long as you're enjoying yourself. If you're passionate about your projects, then I'm sure I will enjoy whatever content you put out.

Josh Squires

I've looked forward to your commentary on video games since the IGN days and the Conversations with Colin Was Right were some of my favorite KF content. I'm glad you're rediscovering that love of games, but I'm actually going to abstain from voting as I'll happily watch either way. I love the historical focus, and adding a show about a completely different topic (not to mention playtime) would be more work than you'd give up by going down to one CLS episode imo. In short, if it's something YOU really want to do, I'm all for it, but am happy with the content CLS is providing right now.


Do what you want to do Colin. I’m supporting you because I enjoy hearing you speak about what is important to you. If you still have a passion for games, I would love to hear your take on them again. I voted yes because it sounds like you still do. Either way just keep doing what you are passionate about and I will continue to support you doing that.


I love your voice in gaming so hella yes I would love this change, maybe also you could tie in gaming and history when the option is there. Do what you love is really the answer, wouldn’t want you locked into something that isn’t something you love. Thanks for all you do!

Ty Dame

I would love a gaming podcast, i would really like the fireside chats and gaming podcast to be video as well.

Gabriel Prégent Terborch

I voted yes, but to me this depends on who the permanent cohost his. I trust you to find a good fit for that and I am happy to see you leave the negativity you associated with gaming behind. I would like for Colin's Last Stand to remain a mainly political venture but I also came here because of you, and you're not just politics, or gaming, or music or bourbon. You're a mix of all that, and everything in between, and the more you can spread your wings and be happy, the more I'll be happy.


You have a very unique perspective on games that is not available by anyone else in the industry. It was sorely missed and I'm glad that we will (hopefully) hear it again 👍🏻.


Just as I think yours is a voice needed in politics and history, it is also needed and sorely missed in gaming as well. What ever you choose to do will be for the best but I do miss hearing your opinions on games as well.


Only do it if you’re gonna be passionate about it. If there’s a week you’re not feeling it maybe do a CLS instead that week or something. That’s my brutal honest feedback :) just want you to do it when you care, not just cus we’re begging for it.


I like the proposal. I like the political content when it has a lot to it like a history lesson or maybe dissecting a modern issue, the higher production value ones. I’m not as big on the lighter production episodes. I think you’re much more interesting in conversation rather than talking to the camera on that end. Oddly enough, I always went to your episodes on KF for your political views as our gaming tastes don’t align or run perpendicular. But I like hearing about games. For me it’ll just depend what you play. But if it’s just going to be another podcast telling me the same news story for the 3rd or 4th time that week I’m probably out unless you really bring something unique to the table.


I would love having your insight into games again but I honestly, want you to do what makes you happy. Keep up the great work!


God damn this is sounds so good. I know you’ll pick a great co-host. Since I started following you like 4/5 years ago, listening to you talking about games (my biggest passion) has always been my favourite. Thank you dude. <3


Gaming needs your voice dude and while I like your political content I feel you do much better in face to face discussions with other people. Fire side chat has been a great addition.


You asked for for brutal honesty. And I would love nothing more than to hear your opinion on games. But I voted no. Why? Because you left kinda funny and the gaming industry behind. You outgrew that culture and wanted to start something new fresh and exciting about the stuff you really care about. And honestly if you start this gaming podcast I will probably be the first to watch/listen every week but I will never know why you went to all the trouble of leaving what you had behind to then go back. Are you going to start doing live streams of E3? Are you going to eventually do let’s plays? You left gaming and people followed you for a reason. There are plenty of weekly and as you all know DAILY gaming podcasts out there and I don’t think you need to devote any of your work to making one yourself. Talk about games more regularly on fireside chats. No doubt you will be playing wolfenstein now so you want to tell us what you think of it? Great episode of fireside chats. Nothing to say about games for a few weeks that’s great too. But in January ni no kuni 2 comes out. Well there’s an episode of fireside chats about that waiting for you. The last Jedi is out in December, fireside chats about what you think of the movie? Basically I think you should turn fireside chats into a sort of journal about your life. Don’t make a dedicated gaming podcast which you already done for 10+ years of your life. I’ll probably get a lot of shit in comments for this opinion but I just think going back to a dedicated gaming podcast completely defeats the point of starting CLS.


I voted no cause I don't want to sacrifice the two-episode per week formula. Hard to find good historical/political commentary that's not overly sensational.


Part me of me wants to troll with a rewording of 'Greg can't you just have a dinner' - 'Can't you just play a game?' But seriously, echoing most others on here, this is your decision and I believe that like me your audience appreciates your perspective and humour on any given topic, I am in the games industry and always played since a young age so you doing games content is - slightly selfishly - very important to me. That said if you decided to start some content on the works of Shakespeare who knows I would probably develop an interest in that too via your coverage. Real talk though I figure you wouldn't be asking if you didn't want it to some extent, but regardless - You do you, we aren't going anywhere.


Just don't completely neglect the political side of you, I've been learning a lot from you. But yes, do you broh


I am 100% on board with this. But, as many others in the comments have said, I'll support you no matter what you decide. Very happy to see that your passion for gaming is re-igniting.


PLEASE DO THIS. Really been missing your voice in games and the episode with Kristine was fantastic! You two bounced off eachother really well.

George Newton

I voted no , this was a new beginning and this historical content is available no where else . Your call Colin , I’ll support you always


Colin, I would be SO HAPPY to hear you talk about games again. I'm not even super interested in the politics stuff, but I support you on here because I respected you so much as a games reporter/journalist/presenter. I would LOVE to hear you share your thoughts and experience about video games again.


Only do it if you enjoy it. Make it clear that it's not a permanent change. That you can go back or at least dial the gaming content back if you do want to. If your fanbase that enjoys everything you make leaves because they're outnumbered by the fanbase that enjoys gaming content, then something is going wrong. Because you know from experience which one of the two you can rely on. That said, you would probably make gaming content that doesn't attract those kinds of people. I'll support you no matter what.


To be honest this is getting my hyped about a literatur podcast? Forget the historical/political/gaming content all along. This is the way to go!


Please do it. I love e current content but listening to u talk gaming would be a great return


I’m gonna piggyback on Tobias Callister and say the same...only do it if YOU enjoy it. Having said that, fucking yes, I’d be thrilled to hear you talk about video games again (not to advertise but one of the reasons I started my own series on YouTube is because you left the video game scene and I missed the hell out of it.) Don’t let gaming overshadow what you really want to do though...and that’s talk politics.

Stephen Short

I voted no. I loved watching you talk about games but I fear you won't want it to be your job again. Plus, you can always talk about games on fireside chats whenever you feel like it without saying you'll deliver 1-2 hours of gaming content every week.


Clearly in the minority while I would love to hear you talk about gaming again do enjoy that the 2 videos allow you to tackle history and politics most weeks this is a nice mix, plus the fact the podcast would be audio only puts me off tend to watch my podcasts and get distracted if audio only. Plus it's such a crowded space in gaming podcasts these days, think you have something unique with CLS and have fireside chats to talk about gaming as an when you want which works well


At the risk of complicating things more for you Colin, if your concerned about a drop in CLS, why don't you do this Hypothetical Gaming Podcast schedule every second week? So one week as your current schedule, and the next with some gaming content. Just a suggestion though.

James Schubert

Whatever keeps you sane brother.

Peter Campbell

I voted yes because I think it will be good for the channel's health, in what people want. I personally am supporting this patreon because of the history videos. I really like the new fireside chat. Video games coverage I'll watch but its not as interesting to me as history. I'm for whatever keeps the channel fresh but would like, if you're cutting down to one history/politics video a week, that history is kept as important, because it already gets knocked back a little by current events.

Eric S

I have really enjoyed the history stuff but having some other content as well would be great especially since it’s games.


I voted no. Once a week would be too often personally and I would not be interested. Especially if it was one or two hours. Why not do a 20 minute episode every second week?

John Kamoulakos

I enjoy all the content you make, so I voted yes because its what I would like to see. You do you Colin that's why I support you. I do think it should be a once month or biweekly podcast, don't burn yourself out.

Shawn Horan

Colin, thank you for all you do. I voted yes, but even if it was a biweekly thing I’d support it. You’re a great content creator and want you to make what you want as well.

Kyle Anderson

Voted yes, because yours is a much missed voice in that industry, but unless you plan to keep up with news and frequent releases, I'd say a bi-weekly cadence would likely work better? Ultimately, I save CLS videos up and watch several in one sitting, so the reduced output likely wouldn't be a huge change for me anyway.


Voted yes, I’d love to see you present a show similar to ‘A conversation with Colin was right’ rather than a podcast, also please do something with Pat Contri, as always happy Patreon supporter here!


For the first episode i would love to hear you talk about the new Wolfenstein.

Hugo's Desk

I do miss your game related podcasts but I would not want to lose the amazing topics you currently have. There are thousands of gaming YouTube channels but only a hand few history and political channels. As long as you can keep a balance between both topics. I really loved “colin was right” weekly videos. They where amazing, and I felt like they had a completely independent voice without sponsoring or developers pressure. Either way I would always support you regardless. Keep up the great work.


My man, I’m glad as hell you’re considering getting back into games. You’ve had a lot of life changes in the last six months so it’s great to see that you’re not shying away from change. Be safe out there.


Having you talk about the video game industry again would be awesome! Once a week might be too much though. I don't want you to play games for the sake of having something to discuss on the show.


Life’s all about finding a happy balance. I think having your voice back in games would be a welcomed refreshing view. Do what makes you happy and you’ll always have people that’ll follow and support that choice. Thanks for all the great work you do!


Just try it and see if it’s something you want to continue. I would love to hear you talk video games again. Personally, you were the only voice out there that I respected and now video game news is a void to me. Whatever you do, I know I’ll love it so just follow your heart man.


If YOU want to do it then it sounds great to me! It makes CLS seem a lot like A Conversation With Colin, a mix of gaming, politics and other topics, which I personally loved. Definitely miss your critical/analytical take on gaming. Dude, if you could get J Petty to find the time to be a cohost, it would be amazing, that dude has such a wealth of knowledge. Plus his voice is sweet like molasses.


I think CLS will actually grow more if you offer the gaming angle. However, I think the history and politics angle is even more important, in a time where we need a voice like yours. If possible, maybe lengthen the videos by 5-10 minutes so we get a little more out of you in that sphere every week


I'd also like to say that if this came off, I'd instantly up my pledge from what I currently give you per month. I always hoped this would happen and I'm happy to put my money where my mouth is!

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

I would love this. I really miss hearing your thoughts on games. Hearing you talk about games with Steimer was just awesome, and I'd love to get more of that side of you again.

Dustin Henry

I miss your take on games so I would welcome the change. If this is something you really feel like doing go for it!


Dude so many of us are just waiting for you to go full time on gaming again, I would repledge if you focused on gaming again (paid $1 to be able to vote on this)


Bro please do it


Obviously you should listen to the fanbase from a business perspective, but I just want to say be cautious of losing focus; CLS as a history/politics platform is something unique. I personally have grown out of my active obsession with video games but history and politics seem to hold perpetual importance.

Brent Lindquist

I would love to see you jump back into games here, especially if you continue with the history/politics right along with it. Best of both worlds!

Kevin Sullivan

I guess I'm in the overwhelming majority voting no. Not because I don't want it. I just want to see you do what you want to do. Happy to see you stick to two traditional CLS per week if that's what you want most. As you've said plenty of times, your channel and patreon have been way more successful than you originally thought possible. So do it if you want to, not because you think you must to grow the audience.


Hi Colin I been a patreon since the start and I don't comment much but even though I voted yes don't kill yourself covering games, just discuss the news and what games you are playing that you are enjoying. Don't kill yourself playing everything, just play what you like.


I vote yes. I would prefer bi-weekly episodes of the gaming podcast like some others here. I do miss your thoughts on gaming, but as you might imagine lots of ppl who follow you get their gaming fixes elsewhere and often. CLS has become one of those things that I excited for when I get the notification, and if hate to lose too much of it. I envision a 2 episode CLS week, followed by a 1/1 week with CLS and gaming podcast. Fireside chats mixed in there when you can and I'm sure your supporters would be ecstatic. All that said, you're in a unique place in that your main support here wants you to do what you're passionate about at the moment. If that means we don't know what we get until we get it then we'd be happy with that. Also, don't wear yourself out trying to pack the weekly calender. Salutations my man.


Let me preface this by saying I always think a creator should make the content that makes them happy and that they can be proud of. I would agree with everyone else in saying that Colin's voice is one I've missed in gaming as well because it was so unique. But this can be said for any of the content that he makes because he has such a different perspective and is able to articulate his arguments well. That being said I would prefer if Colin stayed away from games because that was not the original vision of CLS. As I understood it, CLS was created as an outlet for the other passions that Colin has, since he had already done 10 years of games. So my plea would be do what you want to do, if you want to jump back into games then by all means go ahead. Please don't hate me in the comments.


This would be great, I would love a weekly show from you!

Tom Koch

That would be cool! However only do it if you want!


Colin, I voted yes because I really do miss hearing you talk about games, but I agree with everyone who says that you should only do it if you really want to. Pursue your true passions first and foremost. If you go back to gaming and you really don't want to, it will reflect in the quality of the content.

Tom Koch

Oh I also forgot to add that you should only also do it as long as I get to be the cohost.......


No offense, but I'm sad to see the overwhelming majority has voted to change it. You're one of the few people on YouTube who does what you do and you do it very well. I know a lot of people can over here from your previous gig which centered around gaming, but I found you because of all of your political views that you expressed on 'a conversation with colin'. I want more of that type of content with a little gaming sprinkled in. If anything I'd rather you did gaming instead of fireside chat once every other week.


Most people are creatures of habit and change bothers them in ways and for reasons that they don’t entirely understand. People who first knew you as a game podcaster see you as a game podcaster and it fits their interest in games and that’s what you are to them. People who know you as an historian and political educator will probably grow to see you in that way and resist if you want to change into something else. But there is that conceit again. People wanting to have a say in what you do. Inside everyone is a little dictator screaming to get out. Lol. The question is: How important is it to you as a person growing a business? Sure, people can vote with their wallets and so perhaps you “follow the money” by choosing to simply find a big market and serve it. If most of your customers came over from a games podcast and you don’t want to lose them, and you think you can beat the other gaming podcasts out there and you want to do that, then you better start spending a serious amount of time playing and researching games because you’re selling knowledge and you have to be in the market to speak with authority. Or you can continue to build your history and commentary show and continue to educate yourself on that - speak with professors - go out and find people making history today and help write history as it happens. Neither of those paths is wrong. Only failing to choose a path and doing both poorly as a result is. But you wanted an answer. So, what’s the right answer? Do what you want to do. Do what you love and carve out the market and attract the customers that you want. The old saying of: “Life is short” is as true as it is trite. You have one very brief life in which to do the things and make the impact that you want to see. What it gets down to is this: Don’t pay any attention to anything anyone says on this board. We don’t matter. At all. We are an audience and we are replaceable because there are hundreds of millions of people in any demographic you choose and you only need a few thousand. If you’re good at what you’re doing - you will succeed. The only important thing is that you love what it is that you’re talking about enough to spend a significant portion of your life focused on it because knowledge and authenticity sell, and because a lifetime of doing something you don’t love will chip away at your happiness, your health, and your relationships. OK. Want to find out which path is right? Clear your kitchen table - get two absurdly big pieces of paper, put one down and brainstorm what you could do in the next five years if you built a history channel. Then do the same for games. Whichever turns you on more, scares you more, makes you think more… that’s the right path. If neither does, then keep putting pieces of paper down and brainstorming ideas till you find one that does. But don’t determine the course of the work of your life on the basis of people who want to have a say in what you do. Be you. The money will follow.

Damian Castillo

Colin, the gaming world needs your voice bro. You are the most knowledgeable person I have ever listened too regarding gaming. I don't see why there can't be room for gaming on the CLS roster. I am really sick and tired of listening to the Snowflakes about gaming issues and their constant agenda and viewpoints being expressed without the other side, the side you bring to the table.


I think it's unfair to say he can't rely on his gaming supportive audience. I don't see it as there fault for what happened.


If you are feeling the desire to talk about games, we would all obviously love to hear your unique voice. I just don't want you to do something that you aren't 100% on just because we would love it. We support you either way! But I guess I am 51% in favor of the change...

Ricardo Uribe

I really like this idea. I have been enjoying CLS content, specially the spades regarding history; however, I do miss the gaming aspect. My only suggestion is to avoid the "what games are coming this week" nonsense and do not let this transform a hobby into a "I must play all these games" chore.


I worry about a diluted brand. Is someone that is looking for a channel like CLS has been really going to take you as seriously if half the content is gaming? I also worry that trying to serve two masters will lead to an inferior product on one side or the other, or more likely BOTH. These are not synergistic enterprises.


A biweekly gaming podcast would be outstanding don't work yourself to hard.

Jorge Pal

I enjoy ALL of your content, but I too wouldn't want you to be stretched too thin. You deliver a quality product and your voice in the gaming industry has and will always be an important one. And maybe just maybe we can finally answer the question we all want answered... where's Shatter 2?! Keep up the great work!


Honestly, part of what you're saying is a massive driving force behind this possibility, something I've not been able to articulate. I'm still not able to.


No. I don't even do Fireside Chats over Skype, and I think people have to let go of Greg and I reuniting.


Thank you for your feedback. What if I told you that this would be, in some fashion, a different sort of gaming podcast? And what would you say if I told you 2/3 of CLS' content would have nothing to do with gaming?


I appreciate this, but don't see it happening. I'm literally swapping one thing out for another thing. Nothing's being added.


Fireside Chats has been such a nice addition. I've liked having someone to talk with about random things. That show remains. One episode of CLS would remain, too. This would simply be another 60-90 minutes a week with a co-host to talk about gaming. I wonder if we can't have our cake and eat it too?


Thank you. It will only be an hour or two of content a week, max. Daily/streaming/LP content can be found elsewhere. Truth be told, I wouldn't even bother doing a gaming podcast at all if I didn't think I could do it much better than others.


Funny, because sitting down with Kristine to do that podcast also reignited something in me.


Fair enough! Surely, nothing is set in stone yet, though I thought there would be far more people who didn't want a change, which is a relevant piece of data for me.


If I do a gaming podcast, it will be unorthodox in the sense that I'm not going to bother playing what doesn't speak to me just to play it, or anything like that.


I think you nailed it about the itch. Doing that podcast with Kristine felt natural, and I hadn't done that in a while.


Honestly, it kind of is killing me at this point. I don't think a lot of people realize how difficult it is to sustain that schedule. I also think that the quality of the one episode a week will therefore improve mightily.


What if I told you that I feel like I'm burning myself out with history and politics by producing two videos a week? Indeed, I'd say my problem is the exact opposite right now.


Video is too complicated, and truth be told, I don't have the setup to make that a reality. Audio-only it is, though it's not beyond belief that I'd post it to YouTube or something. Though I may not. We'll see. Not even sure I'm going down this road yet.


Your perspective here is quite useful to me: Do you feel that with one episode of CLS, plus Fireside Chats, that you're getting bang for your buck, even if you don't consume the gaming content?


I just wanna be clear that that's NOT what I'm going for, should I do this. Just don't want people thinking CWR is coming back.


If it makes you feel any better, I'm torn, too, especially because I didn't expect this poll to be so... decisive.


Thing is, nothing will change on my end. I'm still not gonna play as much, and I'm still gonna play what I want. I think the perspective of anything I do in gaming will be from the perspective of someone on the outside, as it were.


You're not gonna lose CLS. I like doing it. I just dunno that I can keep the pace I'm keeping. It's becoming harder to put the videos out on the schedule while still keeping quality high. Podcasting is natural for me, and I think it could make for a nice supplement.


Did people say the same thing when we were doing ACWC, GOGS, Oreo Oration, Follow the Liter, plus a ton of games shit at KF? I see your point, but... the umbrella is simply the containment unit. =)


Selfishly, I don't want Fireside Chats to have a gaming component. I'm enjoying doing it with random people about random things, and I wanna keep that up!


By (hypothetically) removing a CLS episode a week, I could (hypothetically) do a podcast a week, no problem.


I didn't scroll through the 300 comments already posted, so I apologize if this was already asked. What would the one CLS episode look like? Would it still switch between history and politics, keep the same format, and roughly stay the same length?


I would love this new format and I think most of your audience would too. I'd probably bump up my pledge too 😉 I'm sure if you're doing 1 episode of cls a week it'll be a damn good episode.

Evan Pilnick

It seems fairly overwhelming that people want you to do more gaming podcast. But for you personally, as you stated with Steiner, you don’t like the feeling of needing to stay current to be able to talk about games. I’d rather you do this naturally for you and follow what’s fun, instead of requiring yourself to play for content instead of your personal enjoyment.

Christian Doolan

Wow, tbh I'm not surprised as your voice on gaming has been greatly missed. I bet even some developers have missed your input! And the no ads thing is a breath of fresh air by the way!


Wow, pretty definitive vote!


Yes please. Love your history and political talks but been waiting for you to talk about gaming again. Miss beyond and ps I love you and not for the other hosts on them :)

Michael Morris

I think you were the most important voice in the gaming industry due to your well researched, objective opinions and vast knowledge of games. To be honest, we all lost in a big way when you stopped speaking about games. I just have to ask this though, is this in anyway going to feel like a step backward for you? I just want to see you moving forward and growing the channel you want to. Is having one foot in two pools going to allow you to do that? Ultimately this is your choice, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to hear you speak about the games industry regularly again. I just want you to be true to who you are. Keep on learning Colin.


I'd say continue fully on the path of history/politics, and sprinkle in some gaming stuff you're interested in on occasion--be it in the form of Fireside Chats or another show that isn't regular.


Yes, Colin! YES. Make the change.


I voted no, simply because I believe that the content you produce around History and Politics educates people and adds meaningful dialogue to the conversations we're having today, and I'd like to see that continue. I enjoyed your work at both IGN and KF, but I was more interested in your political, and historical commentary than games. Just my two (Canadian) cents.

Alec Shaner

Yes! I can't find any gaming podcasts i like other than Gamescoop and i miss your PlayStation coverage. Even if you don't focus on PS I know the content will be amazing.


Colin I always enjoyed hearing you talk about games. I enjoy watching your new content as well but i've never been much into politics. While I would be happy if you did more gaming content I would hate for you to overburden yourself. Whatever you decide I will continue to support you.

Travis farmer

Hey man longtime fan here just started supporting because of your FSC content is on point. A gaming podcast would be great but do what makes you happy and don't burn yourself out either.

Travis farmer

Love your politics coverage too btw even if I don't listen to all of it.

Carrie Andrews

I voted yes, but honestly I have such mixed thoughts on this hypothetical. On the one hand you're half the reason I got into listening to video game podcasts, and I found the Colin Was Right videos you did particularly enjoyable, so I don't really want to say no outright to the idea of that voice returning. At the same time watching what you've done with CLS's history/politics content the last few months is what convinced me to become a patron, so it would be sad (for lack of a better word) to see that cut back...but not necessarily bad.


This would be an ideal thing for me. I miss your video game talk, but also love what you're doing now. Sounds like the best of both worlds.


I am all for this, your thoughts on gaming are a breath of fresh air...but only if you truly want to. Don’t do this for us, do this for you.


I want you to do whatever you feel like. You are at your best when you're free to make your own decisions 👍👍. EDIT: that being said, I would absolutely support this (as long as you keep doing some form of history/politics show in any fashion)


You're the only guy knowledgeable and level-headed enough to cover games in a way that is palatable and informative. I'm not normally a patron, but bought in for this month to hear the Steimer podcast early. I will certainly be tempted to remain a patron at $5 if you go ahead with the this.

Ethan Voce

Please, please bring Colin back to gaming. You’re one of the only logical, sound voices. I miss you.


I think this is a good natural progression for CLS. I've come to see your passion for gaming over the years and something told me you couldn't stay away from it for too long. I'm glad you've come to a place where you can leave the pain behind and move forward in something that means so much to you. Your voice on games has been sorely missing and I'm really excited to see what you have to say now not only after all that's happened, but completely on your own terms. I can't help but think there were words unsaid or topics untouched at IGN and KF because you weren't at liberty to jump into them without bringing your employers/co workers into it. Now that you call the shots I've very much enjoyed you going "Full Colin" on politics and history, and the thought of getting that back in gaming just excites me to no end. Love and Respect - Seth


Dear God, Colin. Make the change! FILL THE HOLE IN MY HEART.


I am going to abstain because i don't feel strongly enough about the subject in one direction or the other. I would however say this, many of times in my personal life i have done something out of spite , to prove i could, or to prove someone or something wrong. This is fine if i do it once and move on to what i actually want to do, but if someone dares me to make a sustained change in my life and i don't do it for my reasons, i end up miserable and quit watever it was i was doing. For a long time you have had an audience that has liked you no matter what you talk about, and I don't see that changing any time soon. Follow your passions and i believe your work will stay fresh and your audience will stick with you. You don't have to feel trapped by anyone's expectations of you. Play games, and talk about them whenever YOU feel like it, whether it be once a year or twice a week. That is my recommendation.


I would say alternating between a politics and a history episode a week would be perfect. It would allow you to really fine tune what you have to say and would free up some extra gaming time. My introduction to you was through games and I always valued your unique view on them. This sounds like a fantastic idea.

Brian the Witcher

I voted yes, but only because I love your gaming perspective - not because I think you need to change what you’re doing. If you didn’t change anything, I’d still be happy. It’s sad that you’d have to give up one CLS episode, but I think I’d call this best of both (or all three I guess) worlds. Love you man, and all you do. Hell, you could start a “Best Gas Station Hotdogs” podcast and I’d listen. Best of luck to you!

Ian (616Entertainment)

Make the change, Colin. I love CLS, and I will always proudly support, but you just said it yourself: you WANT to cover games again. And you know what? We all love when you cover games. So whether its a podcast or a revival of sorts for 'Colin Was Right,' I'm on board. And I hope it comes together!


If you’re planning on a co host, get someone who can do the edit

Chris Davies

This is the best of both worlds. Love the idea but ultimately do what makes you happy.

Cameron Scott

Colin, as much as I like CLS episodes I think your (and in fact, everyone’s) content works better as a conversation. That is what made your gaming podcasts so good and that is what I’m really enjoying about fireside chats. Replacing a solo episode with a co hosted episode is a great idea, no matter what the topic.


I always enjoyed your perspective and commentary on games/gaming and would love to see you bring that into CLS. That being said I would hate to see the history/political content be sacrificed because that was the founding ideology of CLS. Maybe alternate weeks with Fireside Chats and a games podcast and continue with (2) CLS episodes every week? I know everything takes time, especially with research and editing, so I don't know if this would be a feasible option, but just floating it out there. Thanks!

Stephen Hunter Strong

Colin you have always been my favorite voice in podcasting and the most relatable please do this. There is nobody even close to filling the hole you have left since March. I need someone that actually appreciates JRPGs who also happens to know what their actually talking about. I miss your take on so much and will gladly support you in any way i can!


I've went and voted, however whilst I'm massively excited for a new gaming podcast from you Colin, I personally think that it should be formed within the context of CLS. At the same time I think it will also help create a really nice narrative of content that you provide each week. In my opinion, I think you are a master interviewer. So whilst providing well formed opinions and punditry is brilliant, I know that you can open up interesting dialogue from developers, or perhaps with those people who fell out of games and want to fall back in. Regardless I am excited, but then again I am with your history and politics vidss as well. However this works out I'm sure you'll be keeping the plates spinning.


Colin, For years I have enjoyed your views on gaming and I feel like the gaming community has suffered ever since you left. Since I was 17 I have gone to you for my gaming news and entertainment as a way to unwind and deal with whatever I was going through. I Listened to Beyond! everyday when driving to one of the worst jobs I had ever had, and thinking about what you and Greg were talking about helped me make it though my shifts. I am know in college double majoring in Computer Science and History (thanks to you) and I still will turn to your videos in order to get though all of my studies without loosing my mind. I consistently watch your Megaman lets plays form your Kinda Funny days to help me decompress while studying for exams. They help me calm myself so I can keep going strong. Since leaving KF I have enjoyed your CLS content and it makes me this about my views in a more critical way. I believe that I am a more thoughtful person because of what you do. I just wanted to let you know that and I am so excited to here you talk about games again.


This is the first any only Patreon I’ve ever paid for. I did this to exclusively vote yes for this.

Jono Pech

Excited for the new content!


Name idea for the podcast: "CLS: Credit to Continue" it's a play off of 'insert credit to continue' combined with a nod to your gaming knowledge/credentials and that you'll be continuing your games coverage. And nobody has used the name yet!


Hi Colin. This sounds great. Curiously, your absence from the gaming world has coincided with my own waning interest in gaming - a causal effect perhaps? I would imagine many gamers miss your intellectual perspective on games, particularly the focus on mechanics and gameplay - I can't be the only one out there that thinks games are supposed to be fun to play rather than just a front to sell you crappy toys and merchandise! Whatever you decide, best of luck.


It's funny, I took notice a little while ago that you've recently been tweeting about games a lot more, and it made me realize how much I've missed your voice in the industry. So yes, even if it requires losing a CLS episode per week, I am 100% in favor of a gaming podcast. Plus, I find you are at your best in a conversational setting rather than the talk to the camera format of CLS (although you're perfectly fine at that too, it's just a matter of preference for me).


Just when I was catching up to your trophy level...welcome back sir. We missed you. Can I be the co-host?


I love the new content you are making and as a big fan of history I have no problem with it as is. That being said your voice in games was the only one that I truly enjoyed listening too because it was so unique and frankly more in line with my way of thinking in a lot of ways (But not all of course). I would love to see a gaming podcast but at the same time have no problem with things going on hence the yes vote because I feel with a schedule like that we get the best of both worlds.


Wow, this post is great. Colin I have missed your voice in gaming since you left. With no Jared Petty and no Colin Moriarty, the voices within the gaming world have been seriously lacking something. I am so glad to hear that you are thinking about this. History is one of my loves (I even majored in it in college before my media degree), so the the thought of getting both games and political/history content from you sounds like the dream to me!


I voted Make the change. But too be honest, because of the amount people will want you to comment on games I'd rather you do an episode each month where you talk about the topics you think are important and any games you would like to review. I'm not sure how that would work with your timetable but I thought I would mention it.


Absolutely, Colin. One regular CLS video a week on Politics/History is great, but we'd all also love you to do gaming videos as well. Be careful about having guests though, I stopped watching TheGameOverGreggy show because I don't like random guests. I'd say either do it yourself, or make sure it's someone that most of us already know and like.


I would love the change. It's why I am a fan of yours in the first place. I love politics but I've grown tired of the incessant arguing that comes with politics and stopped watching your videos religiously a while back. Fireside chats brought me back and this would be great. It would be cool if Kristine is the co-host if she has the time.

Ian Andrews

I would drop the fireside podcasts except for special occasions. Basically 2 episodes of CLS, 1 episode of CLS gaming podcast a week. I totally understand if that’s too much.


I would like to second a comment made by someone earlier in the comments regarding the frequency of the Game content verses the History/Political content. I do not want to see the dramatic drop of focus from H/P but on the other hand I do miss your games coverage! So a gaming video every two weeks would seem to be a fair compromise and would still mean we would still see a large amount of History and Politics content every month. What ever you deside you have my support!

Lou & Rei Loper

I enjoy your video game coverage for sure! However, I don't want to see the balance sway more to the video game side from the Historical or Political side...which is a new feeling for me, as I was never huge into either of them, especially the latter. I like the comment above from Paul, gaming every other week or something would be cool, but I'm down for whatever the rest of the community is hungry for. I'm not going anywhere.

Keith A. Lewis

I'm voting yes, but with the caveat that I think it should be a more casual discussion of things in the gaming world, similar to your recent chat with Steimer. Don't feel compelled to go over a topic you don't care about. Talk about what you want to. And hell, there may be some weeks where there's just nothing that interests you, and maybe that week you do two "standard" CLS episodes instead. I think that would keep it fresh for you, and also help it stand out. I (and others) enjoyed the recent Fireside Chat so much, as it was just two friends BS-ing about games just like so many of us do with our friends.


Sounds like a perfect plan to me.


Best of both worlds :) And its all on your terms.


Ow yeah please do!! I always loved your more alternative look on all things related to the industry (plus your undying love for Guerilla games lol)


Im in support of this, but i do think that if you are gping to speak about games from a non political or historic mindset maybe launch another channel for it. Sorta like thooorin does with his two channels.

Michael Renner

Will you finally complete you review of Zelda or whatever? By the way, I loved how you didn’t show any fake enthusiasm for a game you had no interest in. I always took note of who was writing articles for IGN. When I noticed it was you who authored the article, I knew I was getting the real deal and you didn’t write what fanboys expected. I’ve been a gamer all my life and I know you have too so for me this is a no-brainer. Game on Mr. Moriarty.


You are/were my favorite voice to listen to on gaming! I'd love to see if make a come back if possible.

Adam Niksch

I voted yes, because ultimately I enjoy your voice of reason when it comes to games. That being said, I don’t want you to get burned out on this again. I’ll miss the second political episode each week, but do what feels right. Don’t feel like you have to play something anymore for us. Play and talk about what interests you. If that’s just PS4/Vita games, great! If it’s more, also great! If you decide everything one particular week warrants zero conversation whatsoever and want to do a second political/historical episode that week because of it, that’s great too! Just be happy and enjoy your work.


I abstain because I think the best product is the product you feel most passionate about. If you feel that this is the best direction - I fully support the decision :)

Zach Brown

What made Kinda Funny so special was the fact that it was the discussion of video games was typically so much more intelligent than what one could find on most other sites. There was narrative to your dialogue that went beyond the same trivial discussion of graphics or voice acting. Games can only be considered a mature pastime if they are discussed in a mature fashion, which you did better than anyone else. On top of this, you often (and, in my opinion, not enough) discussed politics on Kinda Funny. So now you're suggesting bringing your insightful, sophisticated, mature video game discussion to your show where you'll also be able to continue discussing history and politics? This is nothing but a win-win.


Definitely some gaming. I fell out of games media when you left, not completely, but for the most part. I've been itching to hear your opinion again. The fireside chat with Steimer was amazing, almost nostalgic.


This would be an amazing change! I think my Patreon contributions might just have to go up with the addition of a gaming podcast.


Sounds awesome colin! History and games under one channel? Sign me up


I think hearing your voice back in the gaming will be a great addition. I (slash I think any of the other rationally minded community members) don't expect reports on the entire world of gaming. Rather, it is an opportunity to hear your opinions and thoughts on the aspects which you think matter/are interesting--or questions that we, your community, might bring up. Go Colin!

Rick Rodriguez

Super torn. I wish you could do both. But a guess the slight edge would be to one and one of each.


I abstain as I am not a gamer and only discovered your YouTube channel in the last 6 months or so. I am interested in your non-gaming content.

Jim B

I say yes but do you have to do every week for the gaming podcast. Even once a month would be good.

Jeff Palmer

You were, in my book, the most intelligent and important voice in the games media. While I also have enjoyed your non-gaming content, I can't vote strongly enough for this idea!


Honestly Colin, I have enjoyed your content for a long time. I used to go to IGN for my gaming reviews because your opinion on games seemed mattered to me. I loved podcast beyond. When you left IGN I started watching kinda funny. There you showed me how interested in politics I actually was. I found myself listening to ps I love u xoxo, the morning show, and what seemed to be only topics you brought up on gog. Then everything went down at KF and I felt like my favorite band had just broken up.... I watched as a community of “best friends” abandoned you, as your cofounders abandoned you, as shit hit the wall over something so damn trivial it was unreal. I was appalled at the way Greg, Tim, and Nick left you in the trenches taking grenades. I didn’t want to be “best friends” with people who could just toss someone aside like that. I honestly don’t think they know how to be best friends. When I heard what you were doing I took my patreon funds and moved it to yours. It has been there since. It has felt as if something has been missing this whole time though. Don’t get me wrong I love the content but, Something was just missing. Then I heard your fireside chats with Kristine and knew I had missed you talking about games. I enjoy listening to all of the things you are passionate about history, games, and politics. That’s why if you do this I’ll double my patreon donation. I know from $5 to $10 isn’t a lot but, it’s the best I can do. If not I’ll continue to support you and continue listening cause I enjoy your content. If you read this, thank you for all great content so far and I am looking forward to more.


Would even love the games coverage(podcast) to have a video element. Steimer would be an awesome co-host even tho she already does WGW. Cant get enough of her sass & salty-ness. So funny!


don’t overwork yourself though!!


I think a lot of us miss your insight into the business, and your unapologetic views towards an otherwise standard of thought in the industry. I love the idea of keeping one CLS episode and adding one gaming episode. This feels like an absolute perfect balance IMO.


Absolutely. I'd be down for you to drop an extra CLS episode for a gaming episode. Oh how I wanted to hear you talk shit about Nintendo, SNES Classic, Gamestop's $400 "bundles" of SNES Classic and some piece of shit toy no one cares about. I immediately upped my pledge when I heard your Kristin Steimer fireside chat. Obviously, I'm just one dude, but what made me a fan of yours in the beginning was Podcast Beyond. Having History, Politics, and Gaming is a great variety (History and Politics a much added onus). But I agree with Ryan Lemieux, please don't overwork yourself and get burnt out.

Robert Byers

Just randomly thinking about this for some reason hoping to dodgers pull there heads out of their..... Why not stick with your two videos a week schedule but every other week have one about video games? I still love the guys at KF but there comes a point where I’ve felt like a gaming episode or podcast is just searching for news or experiences to talk about if there’s not something new, fun, or interesting going on at that time. We don’t need you to tell us about all of the filler news that you and probably some of us don’t care about, you’re more fun to listen to when you’re passionate about a game or news story. You could just promise us two gaming episodes a month with the possibility of one a week depending on what’s happening with games, what you’re playing, life, and political happenings. Just my couple of pennies. Carry one!


Yes please! The gaming community is sorely lacking representation of certain viewpoints. I always love to hear your perspective, ever since the early IGN days. Do it!!!!!


I'd love to hear your take on gaming current affairs again. super stoked to see you being fluid with content and transparent with us!


PLEASE GOD PLEASE! We need your honest voice in that arena as much as we need it in politics and history!


I desperately miss you input and views on video games Colin, please come back to games.


Colin just saw your letter and I want to support you! I always respect your opinions and point of views! Thank you for that amazing content Cls and wish you the best for the future!


I would love a gaming history podcast. I've always enjoyed your articles and talking about the history of gaming. But I think you should do whatever makes you happy. If it's a podcast all about the Tales series, I will definitely be tuning in. Don't stress it because we got your back :)

Thomas Doerr

Colin I've always admired and respected you're honest and rational input when it comes to the gaming industry. The gaming industry needs ur voice!