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This week's Fireside Chat comes packing a different format I want to pilot.

What if I occasionally grabbed the people in my life and asked them five totally random questions, and then saw where that conversation took us?

That's exactly what I decided to do with my dad the day after we recorded our 9/11 episode of CLS. Enjoy!

Please Note: This podcast is quieter than it should be. My dad is fairly soft-spoken, and since he's never podcasted before, he didn't "stay on the mic" very well. I had originally edited the podcast to make him louder, but it caused some serious fuzz and distortion, even at moderate (+6db higher) levels. Instead, I went through and lowered myself, so that he and I are both netting in the -18db to -30db range, which is far lower than the -8db to -15db range you'd want to be in.

Anyway, you'll need to raise your audio levels higher than usual. I apologize! As always, every piece of production is a learning experience.



Steven Camilo

Mmm, technical production notes. Yes.


Pascal's Wager I believe was the philosophical thing you were talking about in terms, of believe, because you might as well because if you're wrong, you've lost nothing.


The universe is too big for us to be alone!


So I like the idea of asking X number of questions, but the premise of the fireside chats was to be outside of politics/history - But a World War 3 question was asked, and then talked about WW2, nukes, Hitler.. etc. Not complaining btw, but if you're going to say that politics and history are for Colin's Last Stand proper, then you have to write questions that don't take you in that direction, otherwise I would change the premise, and just say these chats with guests are open discussion. - I realize though that this is a connection you have with your father so it's natural to go this direction. Just a thought I had while listening. -- Your dad's a very interesting man, I find it especially interesting that he's not very animated. You're a pretty outwardly passionate guy, but it doesn't seem like you got it from him. That just a result of the life he's lived. Just this chill dude? He always been this way? Just wondering. Would love to have him on the show again. this and the 9/11 CLS were great!

Matthew Clem

Sounds great. I find that you're an incredible interviewer, and would love to see that kind of podcast more often from you. Great ideas, Colin!

Scott Rabideau

I definitely like this idea as your voice is sorely missing from the current GOG show (I no longer listen to it). I'm glad you're utilizing another of your strengths (interviewing/conversations) to further develop this channel!

Nick O

A great format, and very enjoyable to listen to. I particularly liked the WWIII question, as that's a topic I've been wanting to hear your thoughts on for a while, so this will scratch that itch for now until we get a bigger discussion one day perhaps.

Drew Packard

Colin, is your high school teacher that administered your regents exam retired? In case it was a mistake, I'd suggest you censor his name so he doesn't get fired or anything haha

Kevin Sullivan

Thank you for doing this, Colin.


He passed away over a decade ago, sadly. He was a good man. And I'm not saying that because I thought he was an easy teacher. He was just a nice guy.

BettyAnn Moriarty

😉❤️❤️ Great interview with dad, bud. I knew you had this (now apparent yearning) and interest in Anthropology & Archaeology when we visited the Jamestown dig! You actually told me that day that I too must have an affinity to history since I have a love for Anthro/arch and how they so seemlessly 'connect'. Do you remembered that? From the mouths of babes come gems. 😉 And I'm now also really glad that I'm neither vegan or atheist... 🤓 love u...


Fireside Chats are already evolving. =) I guess what I'm more or less settling on is I'm just going to cover and talk about whatever I want. Solo historical and political content will always be on CLS Prime; anything that touches those topics that has nothing to do with my solo content will likely find its way here instead.

Kam Wallis

Great interview, really enjoyed hearing your father's aspect of things. Very smart man. Keep up the great work!


I really enjoyed this format, and like you said, it seems like a great way to include other voices from time to time. It'd be great to hear you chat with Jared Petty or Jeff Cannata sometime.

John Quinn

Really enjoyed hearing this, and the 9/11 episode. Your Father is a great man, and it's great hearing his stories.

Bryan Finck

Great stuff Colin, you are an excellent interviewer and your dad is a fascinating man. His take on the plight of men in the court system is excellent, and as a man who has gone through a divorce and DCF investigation, I concur that men are at a significant disadvantage. Men must protect themselves and be proactive in protecting their rights, and a dedicated advocate would be a huge deal. Keep up the great work Colin!

Leonard Jacobson

Absolutely loving this 5 question/conversational style of podcast for Fireside Chats, Colin. Keep it up!


I'll definitely do something with Jared. Jeff is also someone I want to have on. Just need to find the time and the format.


Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm glad that everyone is getting a taste of the greatness that is Gerard Moriarty!


Thank you so much! I'm recording one with Erin this week or next, and one with Ramon later this week, too.

Brogan Wassell

Pascals Wager ... great wager.

Brogan Wassell

Dude Red Pill ... great documentary.

Nathan Guergis

Thanks Colin! Just wondering if in future episodes you can turn the volume up a bit?


I'm working on fine-tuning. Conventionally, you're not supposed to have the volume much higher than -18 to -12db, which this recording largely falls into (though slightly below, because of my dad). Ramon (my best friend, a musician) and I were actually talking about that when he was here this weekend. I argue that most podcasts are actually too loud and blown-out. In anycase, I think you'll find Episode 4 a little more to your audio liking. Keep the feedback coming, of course.