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16 years ago today.

(I was going to split this episode into two, but decided against it. Didn't seem like the right thing to do. It'll be the only episode of the show this week, to give it room to breathe. Please consider sharing it with family and friends.)


Remembering 9/11 With Ret. FDNY Lt. Moriarty (Colin's Dad) -- Colin's Last Stand (Episode 43)

September 11th, 2001 changed America forever, but for those unlucky enough to experience it firsthand, it left an inescapable -- and often haunting -- impact. To commemorate the 16th anniversary of 9/11, Retired FDNY Lieutenant Gerard Moriarty (Colin's father) flew from Long Island to California to discuss his memories of that day (and the days that followed), the friends he lost, and how he dedicated his life to making a real impact for those that lived through 9/11, even after years had passed. Colin's Last Stand is free of baked-in ads, product placement, and other obnoxious forms of advertising because of your support. Please consider subscribing to CLS' Patreon to show your support for independent historical and political content: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Reddit: /r/ColinsLastStand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC PO Box 1233 | Santa Monica, CA 90406



I'm shaking watching this. It takes me back to the day exactly. Being from California I have no connection to NYC but I was a kid and it was a terrifying event to watch our world change in an instant. Thank your dad for sharing and for all he's done. I am in awe.


I was at school when my dad came to got me and my sisters up he was shocked. All the way home he was explaining what the world trade center was and what happened. The news made me, a 13 year old, feel that, even for us in Brazil, that would change the world. (Sorry for any english mistakes).

That black guy

Thanks to your father for telling story, coming by and for this amazing episode. Thanks Colin for all your hard work


Thanks so much for making such cool new and fascinating content for us. I can see how much love and work you put into your channel. PS. The podcast was A+

Jonathan Rice

About to watch this. I just wanted to say Thank you to your father and all of the first responders on that day, in NYC and in DC. True heros, it shows what humans can do when we come together and help people in need

Peter Campbell

Terrific video. I love long-form interviews like this where you hear an experience, and all the details of life that tells you a lot about a larger world that you don't know about. Great interview.

Alex Ball

Just watched the whole thing. Amazing. The way he can describe it as simply doing his job like he's taking out the trash is astounding. I am a veteran myself. I've been deployed. I've buried more friends than my 60 year old father, but I could still never imagine what it was like on that day. God bless him and your family. #neverforget

BettyAnn Moriarty

It will always fill me with deep emotion. Thank you Colin and Gerry - for all you both do...

Josh in Tampa

Just watched. Fantastic. God Bless your father and all the brave men and women of Fire, Police and EMS that day and in all the days to follow. I was a freshman in college and woke up to turn on the news as they were discussing the first plane hitting the tower and I watched the 2nd hit live on CNN. I get chills and start to mist up thinking about it to this day. Due mostly to that, I joined the Army out of college so it affected my life a great deal. it is so hard on anniversary's to think back on all the innocents that lost their lives.

Adam Niksch

This was fantastic. Thank you for sharing your story Gerry. Your dad is a hero Colin. I honestly don't think anything else needs to be said.

Christopher Winslow

Seriously awesome Colin. I'm only a little over halfway through right now, but man. I'm enthralled. Thank you to your father for everything he did and has done, and thank you to you for giving him the means to tell his story. Very, very well done.

Brian Fagan

Fascinating story, thank your father for his service and thank you for letting his story be heard.


I appreciate the time and effort that shows in all of your content, but this was on a completely different level secondary to being a time in history that I remember like yesterday, and the severity of the situation. Thank you for taking the time to share a point of view that I have not heard as much as I would like, and thank you to your father.


I'm not even American, but your Dad alongside many other driven and passionate people stood up as true heroes that day. Thank you for sharing that with us, thank you to your Dad for being so willing to share it with us. It was both engrossing and horrifying to hear, and to try and imagine what it was like on the ground for people doing thier best to help. I can imagine you are incredibly proud of your Dad, and now we are too. Nothing but love and respect for all the Moriarty clan. Thanks again Colin ✌Peace

Nicole Webb

Please thank your dad for sharing his story. He is indeed humble about the part he has played in so many lives. He deserves all the praise and respect he gets for his generosity, strength, and courage. And thank you, Colin, for bringing his story to us. This is one I'll never forget. 💙


I would hope if something ever happened close to me, I would be half as brave as your old man. Wasn't in the job anymore, could have stayed home with the rest of us... and dude just goes in without skipping a beat. Wow.


This is a great document of a powerful perspective on this challenging time. Thanks for this, and I hope the story gets some rounds outside of the usual CLS audience. It deserves it.

Kevin Sullivan

Thank you for posting this, Colin. I have heard you speak of your respect for your father for years. I can see quite clearly why you respect him so, and I now feel a great sense of respect for him even though we have never met.


Great interview! I was born in Staten Island (raised in NJ) and my father was there that day, having worked for the Housing Authority in Manhattan at the time. So many families in NJ alone were impacted, let alone natibe New Yorkers like my parents who grew up there and my entire extended family. Nothing but respect for your father, a fellow Airman. I wonder what his job was - he wasn't a fire fighter in the USAF, was he?

Karlos Rey

What a fantastic insight into the lives of the lesser sung heroes of 9/11. Intrigued and privileged to see and understand first hand, how your father has utilised such a horrific and tragic incident as a way to empower himself and instil that power in others. Props to you both. Love the work you do.

Phil Crone

That was incredible. And I'll admit I was a little choked up for quite a bit of it. Well done


I'm glad this story was told. Amazing interview.

Kevin R Lord

Thanks for doing a video that's offers such an honest and heartfelt perspective. Great folks deserve great things, but are often met with adversity instead. I hope that some consolation can be taken in knowing that there are people who recognize and appreciate their immense character. Thanks again!


I like all of your content, but this was on a different level. This was inspiring. Best Colin's Last Stand to date. The fact that your dad thinks that anyone would do what he does because it's the right thing to do is part of what makes his work heroic. Average people don't do what he does, or what he did that day.


This was awesome, very touching and inspiring. As you said around the end of the video, there are incredible stories we need to know about, I really hope as much people as possible see this to get even just a glimpse of those stories. I have immense respect for your dad now, even just from these 60 minutes I'm comfortable saying he is one of the most kind and caring people I've heard of, the best role model I can imagine growing up with him as a father. Yeah, this was great. I hope to see more of these in the future at CLS. Great work!

Joey Finelli

This was beautiful. thank you for sharing.


This was an amazing episode. Truly humbled by people like your father.


Colin, that was incredibly moving. Your Dad is a hero whether he assumes the label or not. Let it never be said the Moriartys are without character. Cheers to you both.


Wonderful episode. That man is a true hero.

Steven Camilo

Extremely well done. Much respect to you and your family Colin


I've been telling him of all of the great comments, and I think he's a bit overwhelmed.


Thank you for your kind words. I'm really glad the episode has resonated with so many people.


While there were things we didn't talk about (due to his request), I'm glad he opened up so much, to let the world know just one perspective from that horrific day. Thank you for watching.


I hope so too. Doesn't seem to be going viral in any way, but I'm glad that my audience is enjoying it, for what it's worth.


Thank you for your support! It's due to your support that these kinds of episodes can become a reality.


I agree. He's the most humble man I've ever met, and has virtually no reason to be. Speaks volumes. If I can be half the man he is, I'll be in good shape. Thank you for watching.


Thank you. That's really amazing of you to say. It's awesome that he's touched so many lives through his interview.


Well now everyone knows why you are so great, like father like son.

Alec Shaner

Colin, thank you! In life there are significant moments that change you. That day was one for your dad, and today watching this interview was one for me. I hope that your dad will inspire me to do more for my fellow Americans.

Austin Tex Perez

I was only 8 when the horrific events took place on 9/11 so I couldn't even fathom what people were going through. It's great to get some perspective from you & your father. He definitely is a Hero, thanks for doing this Colin! 🇺🇸


That's awesome to hear. We all must try to do some good for this world, I think. I'm glad that you're inspired.

Bryan Finck

Your Dad is an amazing man and a hero to me and many others. Thank you for bringing his story to all of us!


Great to finally hear this story. Many thanks to you Colin for doing this and your Dad for agreeing to talk about it and for just being him.

Jonathan Rice

Your father is a true hero. The comment to me that shows what a hero he is, was when he said "i was just doing the right thing" The bravery and selflessness that it took and he just thought he was doing what was right., amazing man

George Newton

Colin I’ve been moved to write these last two videos with your dad are absolutely captivating what an interesting man and what a well rounded view on life . His and your passion for the subjects and your obvious love and respect for each other is beautiful. Loved the 5 question style and would love to hear others answers to such deep philosophical questions . Much love

John Burleson

Colin, this was very touching.