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Hey All,

Today, I went to the beach. As I lay on the sand shoving a pepper turkey sandwich into my mouth (seriously), I suddenly recalled that tonight marks the end of August. And that means that a final verdict needs to be rendered not only in this month's Topic Election (have you voted yet, $2+/month subscribers?), but also in the question of a possible podcast. Will it or won't it happen?

The goal was to reach 5,000 subscribers here on Patreon by the end of the month. During the month of August, the number went above and below that goal several times. That's good enough, as far as I'm concerned, for a slate of episodes in September. And we can see where it goes from there (I'm feeling optimistic). When hordes of people came out in such great numbers early on, it represented a resounding show of force that not many people are lucky enough to ever experience. Having anywhere near the level of support I still have nearly six months and 41 episodes out is the very definition of an honor. I want to do this show as a thank you to all of the people that have made -- and continue to make -- CLS a reality, and to explore some new ideas and topics along the way.

I've settled on a name for the show, which will officially be called Colin's Last Stand: Fireside Chats. This recommendation was delivered in some respect by multiple people, and I think it's a great name. It throws back not only to my dude FDR -- one of American history's most fascinating figures -- but to a beloved sequence of episodes of my old podcast, Podcast Beyond. The name solidifies my intention with the podcast: To explore completely random topics that fall outside of the realm of history and politics, which CLS itself is dedicated to.

I've also read your feedback, and agree with you that this show will eventually be a nice way to bring in some other voices every so often. Today, I purchased some basic equipment to help make that a reality. I don't know if it'll happen, I don't know if it'll work, but I want to make episodes of Fireside Chats that allow for a guest. I think that would be a blast, especially when coupled with the "random" approach to topics. I'm going to pilot the guest format with my father when he's here to record the 9/11 episode of CLS by asking him a set of questions, and seeing where the conversation takes us (such as "what happens when you die?"). Maybe I'll post it as an episode, if we like the results.

Much like the interviews I'd conduct in the gaming industry, I want to see where the interviewee takes things, and I actually think this would be a funny way to introduce some of the characters in my life, who are all very interesting people (Erin, Ramon, Mike Pope, and the like). In some way, this is fulfilling one of the things I was excited about doing at Kinda Funny: Those random, one-off interviews with people we'd put up for Patrons. I did one with my mom that people loved, one with Ramon about music, one with Erin's cousin's boyfriend (the roboticist) about the future of technology, and, before I quit, I had one lined up with an astronomer to talk about space travel. As such, I'm also going to seek out people in the CLS community every so often that have cool jobs, expertises, and stories to tell, and bring them on the show to chat.

The first episode of Colin's Last Stand: Fireside Chats will go live on September 5th for $5+/month Patrons, and on September 8th for everyone else. I want to talk to you about my lifelong love of video games, and how my feelings about them have evolved over the years. I think Episode 1 of Fireside Chats is a good venue for that.

This is gonna be a fun project for me, and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for helping make it a reality. -Colin


Chad Lewis

BEYOND! excited.... get it?


Looking forward to this! Still listen to KF but I really miss you being there. This should be a good way to fill the void and add a new podcast to my small library. Thanks, Colin!


Yes! Can't wait for this! Also love the choice for the name :D


I'm very excited for this podcast Colin and it's good news to read that you've decided to include guest as well. Nothing against you making videos which I think are great, but I endorse you playing to your strengths when it comes to this anticipated podcast. Good look as always.

Jon Barnett

You had a one on one podcast planned to talk about space travel? Can you plan one for Fireside Chats?

Khalil Sadi

Fireside chats! That's perfect. Love the name and very fitting.


Hell yes, Colin! This sounds perfect.

Dan Cadogan

Wooo!!! It's happening!!! For the love of Christ let loose with a fireside chat with some burbon and go at it. Maybe a voting ballot for fireside chats as a stretch goal? Proud of all of the progress you are making Colin. It looks like it's time to set the bar even higher bud

Matthew Clem

Love the ideas Colin, and I'm so glad to see you taking CLS in different directions. Can't wait for the new show!


Tears of joy!

Christopher Lee

YEEEEEES!!! You're great at facilitating excellent conversations, this is such great news man! Can't wait for September 5th!!

Bryan Finck

Sounds so awesome, can't f***ing wait!

Drew Packard

Super excited for this. I've noticed over time you've settled on a more "scripted" style, which I enjoy, but I really miss your style when you're forced to improvise or speak off the cuff. I'm guessing you think that isn't the best style for the type of content you're producing, but I really think that's when you're at your best. What drew me to your content in the first place was your honesty as a conservative voice; it was so obvious in the way you spoke with the guys at KF. I love the videos you're making, but I think scripting your words kind of neuters the power of your voice. I think this podcast will allow the genuine side of you to shine through more and might even end up attracting more people than the videos themselves. Nonetheless, you're doing a great job and I'm super proud to support your content. Keep it up!


All right now!!


Super happy this is happening. I basically only listen to podcasts during work so I have more than enough room for one more. Frankly I'd be fine with something longer than 20-30 minutes like you were initially suggesting, but I also get that putting something longer together on top of your already busy schedule might be too much. Either way I can't wait, thanks for all the great content!

Jeff Pollard

Infinite 👍 for this!!!

Scott Rabideau

This sounds absolutely perfect. Those Fireside Chat Beyond episodes you did with Clements were always wonderful. Also, I'm available for your first CLS Community chat whenever you need ;)


Great to hear that the Fireside Chat is a go! Never knew about the astronomer guest you were going to have on at KF. Sounds like it would have made for some really interesting content. Maybe you can have him on a future Fireside Chat! Also very much looking forward to the 9/11 episode. Hope this all goes well for you!


Some of the best news I have heard in a long time! Thanks Colin, keep up the good work :) BEYOND!


Sounds great, Colin! Looking forward to it :-)


Git gud, n00b Edit: Wait. I think I was also supposed to mention something about being a console gaming peasant. In all seriousness though, I think some of the best content is when you get two people (or more) to just have an off the cuff discussion.

Jeremy Echols

So glad to see this. Can't wait to listen, Colin!

John Quinn

This is awesome! I can’t wait

Karlos Rey

Fantastic. Looking forward to it. Thanks Colin.


Episode 1 sounds awesome. I'm happy to hear the love for video games hasn't been forgotten.

Alex Ball

Awesome, you may wanna change the name in your bio as it still says CLS: Random Thoughts. Just a friendly heads up

BettyAnn Moriarty

Oh, Col, this is going to be awesome! I love that you're now making more 'academic/researched' content (since I love this type of learning) but adding a conversational segment is nothing short of a perfect marriage of what you love to do. Yay! I can't wait, bud!!! 👏🏻😘

Will Caldwell

Really looking forward to it. Bout ready to set up multiple Patreon accounts to pledge each month if that would put it over the 5000 mark monthly. Keep up the awesome work Colin. Moving and traveling a lot the last couple weeks and ready to settle in and catch up on everything I'd missed.


OMG Erin episode would make me so happy please do this soon!

Brian the Witcher

Really excited for this Colin, can't wait!


A major motivator was to simply not have to write more and more every week. I like talking to people. I think I'm a good interviewer. So... it all should work out (I hope).


That could probably be arranged. But let's get the podcast off the ground first, and see where we end up.


My suspicion is that the written episodes will be shorter and the episodes with a guest will be far longer. We'll see!


When I go live with a plea for users, you should make sure to post and lemme know what you're all about!


The reality is, I've loved games longer than I've loved politics and history. I don't love them as much, but it's been a lifelong love affair.


Could not work out how to reply but I think an interesting subject might be your falling interest in games vs Erin's rising interesting could be an interesting chat

Marc Boggio

The last time you did a one-off interview podcast (where you were running the interview), I listened to the night I lost my leg, and you were talking to a guy from MIT whose colleague has made significant advancements in robot leg tech. It's very possible, that was the most important episode of a podcast I have ever listened to in my life. The effect it had on my psyche- and my level of optimism for my situation- was profound. I look forward to hearing you back in this format 👍

Josh in Tampa

Awesome news Colin. I can't wait. I think you're right too and that this will be another gateway to bring new folks into CLS. Thanks for all you do man. Enjoy your holiday weekend.


Great news Colin, am not able to become a Patreon right now, but you are next in line when I have some extra funds. This is a great incentive to keep people going :-)


Possibly, but I'd temper your expectations on a.) Game content, and b.) How much Erin really likes or plays games.


That's really awesome to hear. I doubt I could ever replicate that for you, but I hope to find meat and meaning within what I do moving forward, too. I hope you enjoy.


Was just a thought as it might make an interesting subject, want to hear you talk about what you are passionate about so not fussed if there is a lot of game content, and was implying that her interest in games has increased (based on tweets) not that she was hardcore

Richard Boot

I've been waiting for something like this since you started CLS. Fantastic to see it become reality dude. All the best

Chase Wriston Matteo

As a college student with a train ride commute this will be absolutely fantastic. Right now I can't afford more than the 1$ tier but as time progresses I will make sure to fund you for all the awesome content you have and continue to supply me.