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A war of escalation conducted by society's dumbest members.


When Political Violence Goes Mainstream, We All Lose -- Colin’s Last Stand (Episode 40)

Violence is rarely justified. Yet, its political use is being normalized by increasingly erratic and dangerous groups of extremists. It’s time for the overwhelming majority of good and decent people in this world to break their silence and condemn violence, in whatever form it may take, unless it's absolutely necessary. And when it comes to what’s happening in the streets of America, it’s far from justified. CORRECTION: At 10:35, the video points to a story about a man attacked over his "Nazi" haircut. After the video went live, this story was declared false. You can read more about the story as it stands now by going to the link below: http://nypost.com/2017/08/28/this-guy-lied-about-being-stabbed-over-neo-nazi-haircut/ Colin's Last Stand is free of baked-in ads, product placement, and other obnoxious forms of advertising because of your support. Please consider subscribing to CLS' Patreon to show your support for independent historical and political content: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Reddit: /r/ColinsLastStand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC PO Box 1233 | Santa Monica, CA 90406 A majority of this episode’s still imagery comes via a licensed Shutterstock account from the following contributors: Alexander Kirch, Angela Waye, Anne Punch, Blvdone, Bumbledee, deepspace, Eugenio Marongiu, Evan El-Amin, Everett Collection, Everett Historical, Gino Santa Maria, Gorb Andrii, Jack R. Perry Photography, Marc Kluge, Michael Candelori, Michael Roeder, Oleg Golovnev, PopTika, Roman Mikhailiuk, StudioKilo, Triff, Uncle Leo, and Vic Hinterlang, Other imagery via: Kotaku, The Hyphen, and The Odyssey Online. Reading List/Bibilography: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/no-dont-punch-more-nazis/2017/08/24/e1364e96-8445-11e7-902a-2a9f2d808496_story.html http://www.newsweek.com/richard-spencer-punch-nazi-ethicists-547277 http://nypost.com/2017/08/19/man-stabbed-after-haircut-gets-him-mistaken-for-a-neo-nazi/ http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/the-administration/338015-opinion-we-must-reject-toxic-rhetoric-after-violent https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/09/the-rise-of-the-violent-left/534192/



Another great episode! You always find a way to calm the fire inside me when I see absolute lunacy happening around our beautiful country. I do have somewhat of a question or thought about historical violence from both the kkk and nazis. If you pledge allegiances with these types of groups aren't you in a way demonstrating the act of infringing on the civil rights of others in this country? I'm at work so it's hard to create the mind space right now to really articulate my point but although everyone has a right to freedom of speech I can't get past the kkk recruitment flyers that showed up in my neighborhood recently and how that may have effected those neighbors around me who may now feel unsafe or not welcomed and others who may terrifyingly feel empowered. Would anyone stand by and let a non violent isis march happen on our streets? That may be a fringe example but just wanted to share my thoughts


Awesome work 👍👍 this one felt special like the space episode


Great episode! Liked the part about pacifism a lot, reminded me of one of my favorite quotes from Robert Heinlein: "Anyone who clings to the historically untrue and thoroughly immoral doctrine that violence never settles anything I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk, and the Passenger Pigeon. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms." But of course civilization is based on controlling the urge to commit violence unnecessarily. The alternative is Hobbes' state of nature, a constant war of all against all.




OH... Nice shirt Colin. You look great in a collar. So dashing.


Man, Solid point. Good questions. There does seem like an almost Pre-Emptive Violence that folks like Antifa are doing. As in, the Alt-Right Rallies are inherently violent and that means violence as a response is fine. Or at least that is what they are saying it seems like. I can understand in situations where the Neo Nazi folks are fucking up shit in a town or local and the Antifa fight back. I think that would be consistent with what Colin is talking about but if no acts of violence have happened, it wouldn't be justified I guess. Where it goes all screwy is like "Neo Nazis by their mere existence, they are being violent and must be stopped". Yeah, I don't know man. I think if Isis were peacefully walking down the street, they would be gunned down in a heartbeat. Honestly, I would be fine with that but on an ideological basis, maybe the Neo Nazi people should be gunned down too because I too feel they are just as gross as Isis??? Or maybe everyone should just take the "high ground" and no deaths are just ever justified regardless of the crime against humanity. Just thinking out loud I don't know. Either way, I think the fringes are in fact normalizing violence and it is freaky. But by me saying I don't think we should be endorsing violence on either side, I am being racist, that is a bummer but if that is what people want to label it, I can't stop them.


Also, great episode. Sad to see those Antifa guys beating up their own people and the guy who gets beat up is all confused why he ever supported them in the first place is heartbreaking in a way. Maybe those situations will happen enough where no one will take that stuff seriously and support in their own bubble will even start to decrease. Hopefully the far right eats their own people alive too and falls apart. What a sad situation we find ourselves in. But what do I know? I am just a closet bigot for even suggesting that. LOL

Peter Campbell

Terrific video. I'm getting a little sick of those on the extremes taking potshots at the middle, simply for not buying into extremist nonsense and very faulty logic that cherry-picks information. Watching this violence at work I wish people would just grow up and be able to have an argument. They talk about fascism and police states but have no real idea of what these truly are.

BettyAnn Moriarty

Weary and wary- indeed. Things really need to change. It's exhausting. Thank you for beautifully articulating what many of us (also) feel. Great episode!


I'm glad you're confident that the extremism would not find a home here. Because we value our freedoms enough to not allow such a thing. 2 months ago, I was saying the same. I'm finding more and more that people don't think that way and for the first time am truly frightened by the divide and direction I see our culture going. I so hope you're right, I'm just not as optimistic as I once was.


My initial thought was interrupted when 10:55 came around and I had to comment. But you nailed it, a powerful 15+ minute message. Using violence in the wrong manner, time, or for the wrong reasons is counterproductive and devalues the message. It further divides our culture, community, and country. We need to find unity and get the majority to understand that they are the majority, the rational people, who don't like either side of this division that is being pushed. And as much as certain messages may not sit right in your heart, words are words, violation of individual rights are wrong, and once you've violated that, you have no moral authority. We need to understand that the smallest minority is the individual, and individuals deserve to be free thinking without threats of harm. I appreciate the philosophical level of the video. Because you can apply the principles to any day in history, any culture, and any potential situation in the future. The principal is sound. And right.


Travis thank you for your comment to my comment, I tried to comment onto that comment but can't so I will comment here. You are right that pledging allegiance does not directly make you guilty of violence that should be met by violence from others we all have our liberties and freedoms to do so. My only concern and honestly my heartbreaking reality is kids of color in my neighborhood finding those kkk flyers or being harassed by my neighbors who adopted or embraced that philosophy. The parents of these kids having to have those conversations. The inherent fear of knowing your neighbors hate you for nothing you've done but just what you look like. I do not condone violence and I agree that the Antifa violence we have seen is absolutely ridiculous and is an insane attempt to stop freedom of speech, but I also do feel for my neighbors, and think it's absolutely horrible to have to live in fear. I think back to bullying cases that have happened in the past, where it's merely verbal no physical acts have ever been used and the kid still commits suicide...should the bully be protected due to freedom of speech or should we hold everyone accountable to not only their actions but their words. Violence is not the answer and I know that, but I just don't know what we should do. I don't think we should punch nazis but I also don't want my friends, neighbors, coworkers, or anyone else living in fear based on looks.


I'm definitely with you. It's sad and honesty pretty disgusting that we're still dealing with this to the extent we are. Those conversations are not easy. I've had to have them, beginning when my son started going to the mall with friends and getting profiled. When the tension between blacks and LEO's was escalating after Ferguson and he was driving his own car. And after Charlottesville. We've also had the flyers in my town. My conversations are honest, these people are out there, but they are the true minority. And we must treat everyone as an individual if we want to be treated as an individual. I don't know what we should do to fix it either. It's certainly a tough one. But I would start here: Reclaim American symbolism. We cannot cede the American flag and National Anthem to racists. We must use those symbols to spread the message of unity. We cannot allow those who seek to divide, hijack symbols and messaging of the true American spirit. They must be relegated to using accurate symbols such as the swastika and torches to show their true colors (which has started). I think that will be a starting point to showing that they are the ones with the backwards thinking that isn't consistent with American values. It should force anyone thinking of aligning with these groups to really consider so long as we keep teaching history accurately. We have a f*cked up past, but I think what's lost in history is that the true spirit has overcome the atrocities. I think lacking that emphasis has brought about a lot of shame, and people feel guilty for having pride in this country. We need to reclaim it. We need an American Spirit Movement.

Michael Francis

Appreciate the call for decency and civility. It shouldn't be that hard. Hell, it should be SOP. Great video.

Timothy Monnig

Harumph!!! I appreciate that this has become a major talking point on CLS, since it gives me hope that these sentiments will worm their way into the broader conversation. Keep it up, sir.

Jonathan Rice

This was an excellent video. Whatever happened to having a conversation


It's an interesting quote; I'd merely counter that there's a time and place for everything -- including violence -- and that this isn't one of those times or places.


Glad you like the shirt! Senseless violence will hopefully lead to more logical and reasonable outcomes. We'll see.


Most of these people don't have the first fucking clue what they're talking about, so... it makes the situation even sadder and harder to watch.


It's funny, because since this video posted, I've actually become even more optimistic, as mainstream outlets (and even The Daily Show?!) have come out swinging against Antifa. We'll see how it all shakes out.


I'll stand on the side of decency and civility until (and if) the situation calls for something else. We're so far removed from the situation calling for something else.


Who really knows? All we can do, collectively, is continue to have conversations with one another, and hope more jump on board, and reject extremism.