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Hey Guys,

I’m back! I hope you’re all doing great.

First of all, for those at the $5/month level, I hope you enjoyed access to Colin’s Last Stands first three Q&As. I figured they’d be useful companions to you as you mowed the lawn, or cooked dinner, or whatever. Consider them a modest thank you for your patience as I took my very first prolonged vacation following the founding of Colin’s Last Stand. It was really nice to get away, without even my laptop, so there’d be no excuse for me to do work! Seven days off provided a wonderful respite, and it was awesome to see family and friends. But now it’s time to get back to work.

I do want to let you know two things:

1.) You will be getting a second post tonight at the $5+/month level, that one with a movie recommendation. I promised you all more of those types of posts moving forward, and I genuinely hope it doesn’t become too spammy. Lemme know if it does. I’m always reading your feedback.

2.) Patreon arranged a call with me today to discuss what happened with Lauren Southern. I didn’t even reach out to them about it (though I was planning on doing so over the next few days), so I appreciate their proactivity. They only spoke to a small handful of creators, and I left the conversation with their CEO feeling good about the present and future. I’m going to write a longer letter to the wider CLS audience tomorrow about that conversation, and about the future (as well as about a few other things I wanna talk with y’all about), so keep an eye out for that.

Okay, that’s it. Let’s get into the news!

The West Wing Implodes: http://www.newyorker.com/news/ryan-lizza/anthony-scaramucci-called-me-to-unload-about-white-house-leakers-reince-priebus-and-steve-bannon

My Take: As the link above shows -- which is just a tiny piece of the puzzle -- this entire fiasco has reached even higher levels of theater. Increased levels of absurdity. Untold volumes of fucking stupid. I’m starting to get tired of reading about this stuff, thinking about this stuff, and talking about this stuff, but here we are. Hey, at least he gives outlets like Colin’s Last Stand plenty of fodder. It's almost as if he can't help himself. Nonetheless, I’m unsure of where to even begin with this nonsense, other than to say that it’s hard to believe how an administration could lurch further and further into the abyss after being given near-daily chances to get out of dodge. I’ve never seen anything like it.

You’ve all probably read all that’s going even today with Anthony Scaramucci (who is somehow now in the West Wing), Chief of Staff Reince Priebus (who is apparently in a fucking blood feud with Scaramucci), Sean Spicer quitting because of Scaramucci’s hiring (though I think it’s undoubtedly a good thing to get out of dodge at this point), Steve Bannon’s relationship to the whole thing (more on him in a minute), and whatever else. You can read some of the Related Stories below to get a better idea if you’re out of the loop, but let me just pose this question in the meantime: Why does Trump think it’s a good idea to govern in chaos, hiring people that don’t get along, Tweeting things out every morning that cause controversy? What is the end game, exactly?

As I said on Twitter (and as I’ve remarked many times in the past), the real shame of all of this is twofold. First of all -- and perhaps most manifestly -- we are wasting time. Precious time. The budget is out of control, the debt is skyrocketing, the social programs are unsustainable, there are like five or six major military flashpoints brewing around the world, we have social unrest here at home and abroad… we don’t have time to waste. And secondly, Trump’s status as the outsider has already been ruined, and worse yet, it’s probably ruined any real chance of getting another outsider in the duopoly for a generation or more. Which is why we -- all of us -- need to start talking about third party options at the nearest possible moment.

(Related Story | Scaramucci-Priebus Feud Getting Worse: http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/344090-scaramucci-priebus-feud-reaches-boiling-point)

(Related Story | Priebus Apparently Leaks Scaramucci’s Financial Disclosure, FBI May Be Involved: http://www.mediaite.com/online/scaramucci-reportedly-asking-fbi-to-investigate-reince-priebus-for-leaking/)

(Related Story | Scaramucci Vows War on Leakers: http://www.mediaite.com/online/scaramucci-calls-in-to-cnn-clarify-priebus-leak-tweet-fish-stinks-from-the-head-down/)

(Related Story | GOP Lawmakers in Open Revolt: https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/gop-lawmakers-openly-defy-president-as-frustration-mounts/2017/07/27/2ddb8a2e-72e7-11e7-8839-ec48ec4cae25_story.html)

(Related Story | The White House Turns Into A Reality Show: http://nypost.com/2017/07/27/the-white-house-has-become-the-craziest-reality-show-on-tv/)

Steve Bannon Wants to Raise Taxes on the Rich: https://theintercept.com/2017/07/26/steve-bannon-pushing-for-44-percent-marginal-tax-rate-on-the-very-rich/

My Take: The reason I think this story is interesting isn’t because Bannon is taking a populist approach to tax reform. He takes a populist approach with everything. Hell, I’ve even mentioned here in a previous News Burst that Bannon was keen on the idea of raising taxes on the rich, specifically. What makes this notable to me is that this is a serious thing worth considering. We should have a dialogue in this country on taxes, and how to best raise revenue and lower spending (at least, that’d be my approach). But here’s the thing: There’s no oxygen in the air for substance. Just like with health care reform, dysfunction will be a primary driver in dismantling what we should be doing as a country right now.

You’ll note that this is also the case with the transgender military ban that came out of left field yesterday (you can see the Related Story below for a link on that). Trump, in his infinite wisdom, thinks it’s smart to throw policy-laden Tweets into the wild without the ability to flesh those out in 140 characters, and without any ability for context to be included. If there’s a conversation to be had about this issue, let’s have it. Lay out all of the pertinent facts and opinions, and let’s assess those. Instead, we hear that the Pentagon doesn’t even have marching orders on the issue. Who leads like this?

Listen. I’m always going to call it like I see it. As someone who not only didn’t vote for Trump, but actually took significant action in defiance of him and the Republican party, I gave Trump a chance. I wanted him to succeed, and I still do. But how will he possibly carve a way forward now? If it wasn’t for the Democrats’ incredible ineptitude, the steady support of his third of America, and a general political apathy and exhaustion in this nation, Trump’s administration would be buried by now. You really have to think how he’s going to get anything done when he’s barely able to get his party to act on fundamental, red meat conservative issues. It’s embarrassing. And you can only blame the media so much before you need to start looking in the mirror.

(Related Story | Joint Chiefs Have No Idea What Trump Wants Them To Do: http://thehill.com/policy/defense/344107-joint-chiefs-chairman-no-change-in-transgender-policy-until-trump-sends)

Jeff Bezos Becomes World’s Richest Man: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-07-27/bezos-surpasses-gates-as-world-s-richest-ahead-of-amazon-results

My Take: For the past 20-some-odd years, “Bill Gates” had become synonymous with “gratuitously wealthy.” Everyone was compared to the brilliant (and very rich) Microsoft co-founder when it came to the accumulation of greenbacks. But, times change. The incredibly philanthropic and good-for-the-world Gates has been supplanted as the world’s richest man by none other than Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, who, with the increase in Amazon’s stock following the hoped acquisition of Whole Foods, now holds the top spot in undisputed fashion.

Amazingly, Amazon is trading at well over a thousand dollars, and there’s a ton of talk that, with Amazon’s runaway, explosive growth trajectory, we could very well be staring at the world’s very first trillion dollar corporation. It’s impossible to even put into words how massive that is, how absolutely, incredibly gigantic a company has to be to pull in enough money to justify that moniker. Amazon is a company that’s becoming more diversified, more embedded in everyday life, and more powerful in the marketplace with each passing day. And there’s Bezos, with a fortune in excess of $90 billion, as he owns roughly 17% of Amazon. Could you imagine?

Now, the conversation will turn to the aforementioned increasing valuation of Amazon (should it successfully buy Whole Foods, which it’s likely to do), its inexorable march to $2,000 a share, and what future purchases it could make and breakthroughs it could stumble upon to dominate even more marketshare in more markets. I’m reading a lot about Theodore Roosevelt lately, and especially about his relation to monopolies and combinations. Something tells me we’re going to be having serious conversations about those two very issues -- totally revolving around Amazon -- in the coming couple of years.

(Related Story | Amazon’s Explosive Growth: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/27/amazon-is-on-its-way-to-becoming-a-2000-stock-says-leading-analyst.html)


Steven Camilo

Good to have you back sir. Hope the cheesesteaks were delicious.


I can't wait to hear this patreon conversation. I know from the fb group that some people have canceled their accounts due to this fiasco.

John Quinn

I've really been enjoying the movie recommendations so far. I don't think they're too spammy at all.

Christopher Lee

Colin I want to continue to support you man. But I am currently taking all things into account since they banned her, by supporting you on patreon I'm supporting patreon and their decision. A quick google search brings up some antifa patreon stuff that seems (to me) to call for violence and yet they still have pages. So I'll just say this. If there is an alternative to patreon that you could utilize I would follow you there and support you there. Your time on patreon will only be for as long as they "approve" of your message. You hate trump... but what if you liked him? Would you be allowed to stay on patreon and like him? Or would they ban you too, eventually. I love your content, but I no longer have any love for patreon or any platform like them that cherry picks and bans based on their own personal view points.

Christopher Lee

I don't want Colin's livelihood to be effected by this. I would be very pleased if Colin utilized a different platform OR just hired someone to make him a website that could handle monthly subscriptions and tiers. Patreon would then get no cut, he would keep all of it and not have to give patreon a percentage and not lose the people who feel patreon was in the wrong. I'm not going to cancel my support right now (because I feel that would unfairly punish Colin) but I do hope he has a new avenue he can go to, especially as one of the biggest patreon they make a lot of money by having him stay with them.... so I hope he finds an alternate solution.


I agree I've stayed to support Colin but I do not support patreon. It's a tough spot to be in because I can't give them the finger without affecting him. Some creators are switching to PayPal but I like the features patreon has.

Dylan Manuszak

Outside looking in, I'm not sure if Patreon was entirely justified in this. I'm curious to hear what Patreon had to say about Lauren Southern and also confident you'll give us your honest opinion.


Thanks! Good to be back. No cheesesteaks this time around, though I did go to Wawa at like 2am twice.


I'll wait to speak further on the issue until tomorrow. Just wanting to get everything just-so. I think people are missing a lot of context that will hopefully be cleared up. I know the Patreon guys personally, and they're solid folks. I'm glad Jack is going on Rubin next week.


I'd never presume to tell you what to do with your money, or where to spend that money. What I would ask is that you give me a chance to write my letter and get it out into the wild, and that, if you trust me at all, that you may see things how I see them. By this time tomorrow, we'll know one way or the other. =)


My letter will hopefully spell things out a little more clearly, and, if anything, give you my personal opinions on the present and future.

Christopher Lee

Yeah man I'm not canceling my patreon support of you right now because that wouldn't be fair to you. I don't believe in making a knee jerk reaction to something that happened that you didn't have anything to do with which is why I'm not canceling support now. I'm going to watch Rubins sit down with the patreon guy and see what I think after that. Ultimately if I myself or anyone else wants to support you but doesn't want patreon to get a piece of that financial support I just hope there's an alternative, that's the ultimate point I was trying to make. So to be clear I'm not canceling my support right now, I'm just hoping that if I feel I no longer want patreon to get any of my money that there is an alternative way to still support you.

Michael Bruchsaler

Been missing your news bursts, glad you have you back. But of course I hope you had a great vacation. I remember commenting a while back about how I really feel this administration isn't all that malicious, just really really stupid. And these past couple weeks definitely uhhh...exceeded the stupidity level I thought could occur. Don Jr's email correspondence..Trumps transgender "ban"...the hire of this new Communication Director who wants to kill these leakers. Absolutely incredible!


It's insane, though I'm still of the same mind that you are (or were): It's not malice. It's just incompetence. Monday's video is all about this...