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Welcome to the first ever Colin's Last Stand Topic Primary, this one for the month of July, 2017.

What do you do? It's simple. If you have access to this tier (you'll know you do because you're reading this), think of a topic you'd want CLS to cover, and post it in the comments. If your idea is already in the comments, don't post it again! Instead, use the "like" option (the heart) to vote for that topic.

You can vote for as many topics as you'd like (though I ask that you only submit a single topic), but please make sure that each topic is relegated to one post. If a topic is posted more than once, I'll delete it, and any votes on that repeat topic will be lost. So tread carefully!

On July 24th (thereabout), I'll close this thread, and open up a new topic with a poll which will include the five most-requested topics. You can then vote in the Topic General Election (=D) and determine a video I will make at some point in August.

Naturally, I reserve the right to decline a potential or winning topic if I think it's stupid, inappropriate, or off-topic; otherwise, anything historical or political is game, even if I know nothing about it. (That's part of the fun.)

That's enough chatter. I can't wait to see what you come up with! -Colin



A history of the TSA


I saw on twitter that you're reading about Churchill. I would enjoy an episode on him.


Benedict Arnold

Michael Bruchsaler

I would love to see you cover the Korean War at some point. Your North Korea video was one of my favorites.


Talk about all of the U.S. territories outside of the 50 states (Guam, USVI, etc.) how we acquired them, what purpose they serve today, etc.


I know we are getting one or two shows with your dad surrounding 9/11 but I was hoping we could get one surrounding the fall out. Specifically why it was important to go into Iraq and why so long afterwards.


Media Bias and Echochambers.


How historical figures are portrayed in Video Games, such as Assassin's Creed - harmless or bad for younger generations learning history

Alex Ball

Gulf of Tonkin Incident/Vietnam War


The History of the Gulags in the Soviet Union. Its unfortunate that more people don't know about that.


Electoral college. It's formation, uses, pos/neg of it.


Saul Alinsky


Dangers of judicial tyranny: when judges try to be legislators.


Snowden: privacy vs security?

David McKinstry

Similar to your Andrew Jackson video. But why Theodore Roosevelt was awesome.

Fred Bence

Thomas Jefferson, similar to your topic on Andrew Jackson


Scandinavian style socialism


If the British were given a do-over, what few things could they have done differently to turn the American Revolution tide in their favor?


With all the tensions growing in the United States, do you think we are brewing up for another revolution or maybe even a Race War? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and if this is possible and what do you think the fallout would be like.


I'm interested in your thoughts on the current state of investigative journalism and where/how you get your news.

Lucas Gremista

Are Political Parties really necessary?

Jonathan Perez

Great topic. In school we are taught about the horrors of Facism but never are the atrocities of Communism mention.


As someone who works in the Human Services field I would be interested in your thoughts of the ADA (Americans with Disablities Act) and how it has changed the lives of Americans living with disablities.


Who is the most important or influential historical figure from each era (which could be at your discretion) and why?


The influence of Irish people on American culture


The Corwin Amendment.


I loved your recent video of the sacking of DC and the burning of the White House. It made me more curious about the War of 1812. I would love a video on that subject.

Steven Oslund

History of the income tax in America!


The origins of Game Theory

Evan Bederman

Net Neutrality and the roles the FCC and FTC play in the current debate over it.

Dylan Manuszak

Why socialism doesn't work.

Evan Bederman

Clarification note: this is different from online surveilance/security, for those unfamiliar


The US Presidential Election of 1992

Brent Lindquist

I'd love a history-centric episode on the Wunderwaffe, aka all the crazy experimental weapons and vehicles the Nazis had in the works.


Maybe an episode on who your favorite, and least favorite US Presidents are and why?


"The 51st State of America". Specifically, the two most realistic candidates- Puerto Rico and Washington DC.


The formation and reformation of Americans modern political parties, what they were originally and how they grew into what they are now.


I am not sure if you are too familiar with it, but I would love to hear your take on the public lands / conservation devate currently going on in the US.


The Space Race


MAD, or more specifically Reagan's "Star Wars" Program or Russia's "Dead Hand."


I'd love a Colin researched video on the JFK assassination :) - I'm Canadian but I did my final research people when I was in high school on the subject for my grade 11? American History class. Always fascinated me.

Dominic Dilullo

A history of the progressives (Wilson, the Roosevelts, etc.) and what it means to be progressive today.

Scott Rabideau

The history of toilet paper.

Edwin Garcia

Hi Colin , big fan of your content since the gaming days . I know that the priority is main land stuff and I can completely understand that , I mean why would you care about Puerto Rico? , right now PR is facing a huge debt and it's all over the news with the current government pushing for statehood. Although does are good topics by themselves I want to concentrate in One mayor thing , How do we contribute to the " main land " , I feel that there is a missed conception that the island does not contribute anything to the main land and although we don't pay Federal Income tax we contribute by other ways like the jones act . To keep it short they pay taxes comparable to some states or even more in some instances. I feel it could be a good educational video for everybody, Maybe down the line you can make a video like this, but I know this is probably not interesting for a lot of the viewers. Thank you in advance


We need a series about the history of the American Mountain Men.


Gallipoli Campaign WW1


A history and legacy of the Manhattan project.

Jeremy Echols

I believe that series is actually called Mountain Men and airs on the History Channel.

Jeremy Echols

Operation Paul Bunyan (aka, that time America went to DEFCON 3 over landscaping gone wrong).

Jose Oliver

Bears Ears National Monument is a huge topic of debate in Utah right now. It would be really interesting to hear Colins perspective on national park conservation too. - Heather


The Caning of Charles Sumner


Battle of The Alamo or more broadly the Texas Revolution


I would love a George Washington video akin to the Andrew Jackson one. I know there are not as many crazy stories but whenever i read up on him he always seems to be extremely interesting and at the same time unlike every president that came after him.


This is a great topic. Don't apologize for suggesting it.


Would love to hear you speak on the facts and misconceptions about global warming/ man-made global warming/ global cooling.


How the legalization of Marijuana in states that have already done so, has changed the landscape (for better or worse). I live in Washington and would love to hear where the tax money has gone and what changes have really taken place. I know you could do a much better job at analyzing the research than I could. You're doing amazing work and I really love this community topic idea.


I would love your thoughts on religion in America! Thanks!


Universal basic income.


Health Care in America. Pros and Cons for both free market and socialized system.


The American Revolution

Liam Argent

Brexit and Nigel Farage!

Karlos Rey

MY QUESTION: How do you feel about the state of 'quality control' in regards to consumer electronics and the product manufacturing industry as a whole (hardware not software)?

Karlos Rey

I’d love to see your research and hear your thoughts. This has been nagging me since your AMAs with KF

Brian Fuller

The adventures of Al Gore. Once a top politician, Vice President, may or may not have won the White House at one point, and let us not forget his tireless efforts to warn us about global warming and more importantly...Manbearpig.

Noah Keith

The civil war and slavery


Salem Witch Trials. An interesting period in America's history, as well as mankind with our limited understanding of the world. The power of the church and public opinion was crazy.


I would like something on the man who carried a big stick: Teddy Roosevelt.

Nick O

World War 3! (When will it happen? Why will it start? Who will be involved? Where will it be mainly fought? What technology/weapons will be used? How will it end?)

Hose A Contra Razz

History of planned parenthood and it's founder


The role of media in a democracy and why is it failing in the US.


Hate speech and the 1st amendment


I'd be interested to hear about a battle during the Civil War that you think is extremely important, yet isn't well known/discussed.


I would like to hear your full breakdown on Hilary Clinton. I know you are not her biggest fan based on passing remarks from the KF days. If you find it more interesting, you could make the topic about "The Clinton's" to include Bill too. Keep up the great work Colin!

Christopher Lee

Oh man this is really good.... I'm divided between this and the manhatten project (because... manhatten project)

Christopher Lee

After careful consideration, you sir have gained my vote. With everyone saying trump would mash the fuck out of the nuke buttons I've been searching for documentaries on the manhatten project and just haven't found any good books/films that cover this. SO even if Colin doesn't cover this does anyone have any book/documentary recommendations? This might be one of the single most fascinating and terrifying things we have ever created as humans.

James Schubert

I'd be interested to see you do research and the history of the Satanist Church, they get tarnished with the crazy brush in the media but rarely does anyone give them an even platform. Also interested in their policy of always paying their taxes.


A history of US involvement in the Middle East.


I would love to see a video talking about the Handover of Hong Kong from the British to the Chinese. Seeing as the 20th anniversary just occurred it seems like an appropriate time to do it. I think It would be interesting to touch on the impact it had, specifically the umbrella movement.


I'd like to see a video talking about the history of the U.S. criminal justice system

Jason Kelley

Can't see this winning, but I would love it. Let's see if it gets more than my vote.


Anita Sarkeesian

Kevin Sullivan

Third party presidential candidates. This could be a hybrid of history and modern politics. Most notable third party runs in the past, your thoughts on the viability of third party in the next or future election cycles.

Chris Johan

The Cold War. I know this is a broad topic that starts after WWII with containment and then eventually escalates until '89. But maybe cover the point you feel are most important


The impact of the Commerce Clause


Would be great to also show the connection of socialism to dictatorships, like Venezuela, and Cuba


Made sure to scroll through before posting - I would like to hear your thoughts on Patton Vs Rommel in World War 2. - While a lot of people know about Rommel, it doesn't seem that Patton is as widely covered as I believe he should be.


The life and works of George Orwell.


Iran and our relationship with them over the last 150 years or so and how that relationship evolved over time since they were very western influenced at one point and now they are a very cut off country to the US and basically our "enemy" now.


I'd love to hear you go through some of the history of online outrage regarding the Presidential cabinets. Earliest I can remember it is the 2nd W election, 51% of the popular vote, when the "Not My President" website sprang up with person after person posting pictures of them holding up signs with various riffs of of, "I didn't vote for him..." Bringing up things like that from the last 15-20 years might be illuminating for some.

Kyle Hinze

Similarly, an explanation of the political parties beliefs.

Steven Bellah

Who is the best/greatest Presidential Campaign manager and why? Karl Rove? David Plouffe? Lee Atwater? KellyAnne Conway? Carville and Stephanainaoeaoropoulous?

John Burleson

1800's Exploration of the West. Jefferson's National Expansion and its memorial (Arch). Lewis, Clark, etc.


An analysis of the current power structure of the world in comparison to, say, 500 years ago - Countries and civilizations that have come and gone, etc.

Ryan Greenwood

How about the history of the Gadsden Flag?


Waco Texas siege on the Branch Davidian complex.


The contentious nature of the signing of the constitution.

Arvel Crynyd

The Sovereign Citizen movement (Bonus: and similar movements around the globe)


99% of the topics this community mentioned above are really interesting. I feel like we pushed out majority of the CLS vids for the rest of the year lol. Can't wait to see what you got next planned, Colin!

Timothy Monnig

Early America and the Articles of the Confederation. America in the Philippines, or America's role in the age of Imperialism, or just a deep dive on America's Territories. The Bretton Woods Conference which established the US Dollar as the central world currency, and I guess as an adjunct, the gold standard: pro and cons. I also think a deep dive into gerrymandering would be intriguing, and some counters to it (the podcast 1947 (from Meet the Press) had an interesting discussion as to how to make district drawing empirically fair, and I know the Supreme Court will weigh in on this question in the fall session). Lesser known Presidential Assassinations and Assassination Attempts.


Your thoughts on the BP Deep Water Horizon oil spill and the lasting effects on our world today.

Ryan Berry

Affirmative Action. Apologies if this was already posted; I searched but didn't find it...


The Milgrim experiment would be interesting. Also can you just go through your bookshelf one episode and reflect on some of your favorite books. I always dig your recommendations. You could pair them with a good bourbon.


Operation Desert Storm/ The Gulf War. History of the conflict itself and our involvement in this conflict. Plus the ramifications (if any) of the conflict that is still felt today.

Mike Smith

The One Term Presidents: Who were the most consequential and inconsequential one term Presidents?


Colin, I would like to know what your favourite & most fascinating world events in non-American history are? They can be what you deem as important, ridiculous or just simply head-scratching.

Michael Ferrari

I'd like you to cover slavery in the United States. I think the way you cover stuff so thoroughly it could clear up a lot of things and people could learn a lot more than what they typically do, which is more or less "the south wanted slaves, the north didn't, sooooo - Civil War."


The "Norwegian Rocket Incident" of 1995 !!!!!


History of the political parties and how they have changed. Is the idea that Republicans and Democrats "switched" a myth or reality?


Thomas Jefferson and the Barbary Coast Pirates. America's first encounter with Radical Islamist Ideology.


i know you already did a video like this on the old channel but i'd love your top 10 presidents list to be updated so that you have more time to think about it


Jury nulification, a little known aspect of the legal system where a jury can find a guilty man innocent

Cameron Liardi

Campaign Financing and Lobbying at the state and federal level. Pro's, Con's and evidenced exploration of the topic.

Sam Hunter

A pro-life vs pro-choice video (your personal view on the topic and the history/politics surrounding it). Personally I'm interested to hear what you think what might be the most realistic chance of Roe v Wade being overturned in our country...I'm especially interested to know if you believe Mike Pence would (or would not) be an instrumental force in that process if he were to replace Donald Trump (via impeachment, assassination, Pence running in 2020 instead of Trump, etc)? Sorry if this question is too overarching; I would be thrilled if any part of this topic could be covered.

Bryan Silva

Sherman's March to the Sea. How it was the equivalent of an atomic bomb for the Union and ended the Civil War.

Faremis Sound

Would love to hear Colin's take on China, it's rise to curent economic power and US - China relationship throughout history! Love what you do Colin! Keep it up!

Prince Borutski

Aboriginal Residential Schools in North America