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America's Dishonest Gun Control Debate!



Nicholas Amato

I think you put the wrong title on this one lol.

Christopher Lee

Great episode just listened to it. I would love, LOVE the follow up video you hinted at reading what all the writers of the constitution said about gun ownership back then. On HBO there was a Vice episode (maybe in season 1 or 2?) that was about Texans (I think, sorry my memory here is foggy) but Americans lined up in opposition to some kind of obama land grab... no violence happened BUT the government was forced to stand down or open fire on peaceful American citizens and the government stood down. I apologize for being so fuzzy on this but it was a fascinating occurrence of our 2nd amendment rights leading to a showdown with the government and the government backing down. Should you bring up any "sequels" to this topic would be interesting to hear about times like this recently and in the past in which the 2nd amendment served its actual purpose of keeping the government in check.

Ryan Berry

How do we solve global warming in America? With guns. MFing guns.

Jeffery Vandenbossche

The same people who support antifa, also want to take your guns away, go figure. Anyways, great episode! You make a lot of valid points and even alcohol causes more death each year than guns do. Where are the new prohibitionists? It's troubling that there is so much misinformation and politics at play . You have to wonder what the ultimate goal is. Division, or something more sinister?

Ian Andrews

I think as a foreigner that the only issue we care about (on the outside looking in) is school shootings. No matter what stats pro-gun people state 1 school shooting is 1 too many. As a Briton married to an American and a police officer working with an American I understand the fact that guns will never be banned no matter what happens. But surely an effective level of control should exist? No mentally ill, no criminals etc? No gun show loop wholes? Effective background checks...

Jeffery Vandenbossche

I take medication for anxiety and depression. It's mild, but does that constitute "mental illness"? Who makes that call? I'm ok with background checks and doing away with the gun show loopholes and all that, but unfortunately when most people talk gun control, that's not what they have in mind. The problem is that the target in all of this is guns, even tho as Colin says, they are used in a very small amount of violent crime. And the fact that stricter gun laws don't protect the vast amount of people who do die as a result of gun violence, as so many cases are gang related and not a result of legally purchased weapons.

Ian Andrews

Australians do have a sense of pride about giving up guns. We gave up assault rifles and heavy calibre pistols with extended magazines. You can still have a gun in Australia, there is just very strict control measures. Police have snap inspection powers, limited types of firearms ect. One could argue that the strict measures only punish lawful gun owners...

Jeffery Vandenbossche

"police have snap inspection powers". That right there is why so many Americans are not willing to give up the things we consider rights.


I will almost certainly do an episode surrounding the 2nd Amendment itself, where it came from, and what the Founders said about it. Just wanna give that episode and this one some distance.


For me, it all goes back to the individual, and the agency of an individual to make decisions. With 400 million guns in the country and < 15,000 annual homicides by gun, we're seeing statistics that show, in essence, a small problem. Dangerous freedom or peaceful slavery? I'll choose the former.


If we really want to tackle the problem effectively, it's gotta be an "all of the above" approach to figuring out the issue. I have no problem with the government saying that you can't have certain types of incredibly high-powered, military-grade weapons, as an example, and I have no problem with background checks (so long as there's no permanent gun registry). And, to your point, I also take no issue with mental illness being dealt with, but it has to be done fairly.

Jeffery Vandenbossche

Agreed. But as in dog breed bans, people jump on a specific type of weapon and label it as something that it's really not. I'm 100% ok with people not owning fully automatic or explosive weapons, but again they label anything with a pistol grip in the same category, and it's absurd.

Kevin Dunkel

I was hoping you would go into how the NRA is such a big deal no matter what side you are on when it comes to gun control, and how they influence the gun laws we pass. I also listen on audio most of the time and this episode was hard to follow at times when statistics were thrown out mostly due to a lack of visualization. I'm assuming the video version is probably better. Overall good episode.

Stephen J Seidler

I wish there could be some sort of agreement on minimum firearms training as well. I get that many gun owners interpret the 2nd Amendment as not requiring this, and therefore no one can or should ask it of them, but if these same gun owners also expect the rest of us to essentially defer to their judgement in a crisis as if they were equal to soldiers or trained law enforcement personnel, they should assent to voluntary minimum training. Otherwise, they're part of the problem and not the solution.

Jeffery Vandenbossche

One would assume if they are out in public and carrying a gun in a situation like that, they would have their concealed carry permit, which in most if not all cases requires training in order to get.


I never make an episode with audio in mind, and tried to be fairly clear early-on that audio is only being made available because it was widely requested. CLS remains a video show; that said, I think it works as audio most of the time. As for the NRA, well... they probably deserve their own video at some point.

Kevin Dunkel

Thank you for the response, and I'll be continuing to watch/listen. Have a great day!