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I hope today’s (or should I say this evening’s) News Burst finds you very well. I wanted to wait until the Special Election results rolled in from a couple of Congressional races here in the States, and now that they’re in and they’re conclusive, it’s go-time. And so I write.

There's little else to report, otherwise. I had an idea for Thursday’s episode of CLS; pivoted this afternoon to another idea. Now, I’m pivoting to yet another idea. Life moves fast, my friends. Very fast, indeed.

I hope all is well, and, as always,  I thank you for your support.

Mandel Beats Ossoff in Georgia: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_HOUSE_ELECTION_GEORGIA_THE_LATEST?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2017-06-20-21-32-17

My Take: I’m not too interested in how either side spins this one, because it’s clear to me that the Democrats should have won this seat, they didn’t, and it wasn’t even close, really. Ossoff lost to Mandel by five points, or about five times more than Trump beat Clinton in the same district back in November of 2016. This should have been a slam dunk for Democrats; it wasn’t. Now, if they’re smart, they won’t deflect blame or take this as a little victory, but instead take time to actually self-reflect, and figure out where they went wrong. Because this isn’t the outcome that should've happened, no matter how “red” the district is (and frankly, the “redness” of the district, depending on your lens, is being wildly overstated).

For starters, Jon Ossoff wasn’t an ideal candidate. Too young, too inexperienced, and, well, a carpetbagger by definition. He grew up in the Georgia 6th, but didn’t live there, and, to make matters worse for him with family-oriented suburban Republicans, he had a longtime girlfriend who he just happened to decide to marry during the election. It was all a little strange. Handel, on the other hand, didn’t run away from Trump, or his base of support. So, the complexion of this race is bizarre, up and down the proverbial list.

The big story here, though -- other than the Democrats losing, of course -- is how expensive this race was, on both sides. With internal and external spending, the 2017 special election in Georgia was the most expensive Congressional race in American history. Ossoff’s campaign outraised and outspent Handel a staggering 7-to-1, but with outside PAC spending in Handel’s favor, the overall spend in favor of Ossoff was significant, but not by the former margin. Either way, it’s another L for Democrats, which may or may not be the subject of Thursday’s video. =)

(Related Story | Georgia 6th’s Congressional Election Most Expensive Ever: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/20/georgia-election-results-karen-handel-wins-house-special-election.html)

(Related Story | Democrats Fall Short Again: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/06/20/georgia-election-results-ossoff-handel-239778)

Norman Defeats Parnell in South Carolina: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/06/20/republican-wins-south-carolina-special-election-239783

My Take: This election got far less play in national media than the Georgia special election for a multitude of reasons, but it actually ended up being a more interesting race, with a slightly tighter outcome and a larger swing in electorate behavior. Similar to the Georgia race, in which Tom Price was nominated to a Trump administration position and therefore vacated his post, this race was also to replace a Trump appointee, the popular Mick Mulvaney, who won his election in November of 2016 by 21 points. It wasn’t quite the blowout for his successor.

One point this story made clear is how little attention Democratic opponent Archie Parnell attracted from monied powers, and the Democratic party itself. While the DCCC got behind the aforementioned Jon Ossoff, as well as Montana’s Rob Quist (who also lost to a Republican), the D-Triple-C spent a mere $300,000 on Parnell’s behalf. The story here, as it sometimes is, may just be what would have happened if the Democrats paid more attention, which was a similar storyline in the most recent gubernatorial race in Virginia, not to mention the presidential race there, which both could have went Republican if the GOP paid more attention (and paid more, period).

This race, along with the race in Georgia, doesn’t change the complexion of the House at all. Two GOP seats stay in GOP hands. The bigger question here is if the Democrats will finally, finally, finally reflect on their tactics. The biggest klaxon of the night for me came from a Tweet I RT’d not too long ago, one sent out from Massachusetts Congressional member Seth Moulton. Moulton Tweeted, “#Ossoff race better be a wake up call for Democrats - business as usual isn’t working. Time to stop rehashing 2016 and talk about the future.” Well said, Representative. Let’s see if anyone’s listening.

Attempted Terrorist Attack in Belgium: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4622952/Explosion-reported-Brussels-central-station.html

My Take: Some hours ago, a fresh, new terrorist attack took place, this time in Brussels, Belgium. There’s not an incredible amount known about the attack as of yet, as it just happened, but suffice it to say, it was an act of Radical Islamic Terrorism. The suicide bomber was reported to have yelled “Allahu Akbar” before detonating a bomb like a coward, so the motive of the attack should be fairly clear.

The whole situation was a little unclear to me, in terms of the play-by-play, but what appears to be the case is that the terrorist was strapped with a suicide vest, but also had a separate explosive device. The separate device was used to create a small explosion, which apparently injured no one (thankfully), but then started threatening people at a Brussels train station with a separate explosion, this one purportedly hailing from the vest he was wearing. Belgian soldiers gunned down and killed the terrorist; a controlled explosion later rid the vest he was wearing of any danger. No one was injured in the latter, controlled explosion, or in the gunfire that took the punk down.

I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again. Europe has a problem on its hands -- especially mainland Europe -- and they really need to start wrapping their heads around it. Identify the issue, and rectify it, for the good of Europeans across country boundaries. It’s scary and sad reading about this stuff on a near-daily basis. I love Europe, and I hope the terroristic violence that’s plaguing the continent will be solved, far sooner than later.


Arvel Crynyd

RE: Attempted Terrorist Attack in Belgium: I think, we, as we Europeans, pretty much already know what the problem is. Right now, the biggest problem is the integration process of second- or third generation immigrants. All over Europe, in some of the major cities there are suburbs, small towns that are more or less a gated community that have become a more or less parallel society. I have heard stories from French villages where the police forces do not go in there any more because they are frightened. Despite the more and more frequent terrorist plots, sometimes you can also hear stories of honor killings. If for example, a woman does not follow the rules of the family of getting a husband of her own kind but instead has a boyfriend or husband who is of western european origin or she is losing her virginity, then she would put shame onto her entire family thus one other family (likely father or brother) is allowed to kill her. Which is batshit insane and shows how little some communities treat the value system of the place where they now live in. That being said: Most of the mainland European terrorist plots in Paris and Brussels actually come from the Brussels area, especially the Nov 13 2015 attackers where a large number were actually originating from the Brussels suburb of Molenbeek. Nearly all of the attackers in any of the recent attacks were native-born, second generation immigrants who were not integrated into the western civilization, became small criminals and at some point became radicalized. So, yes, there are some major problems in Europe, but I think Brussels itself is becoming a hot spot for those kinds of terrorists and it needs to be contained.

John Barton

I wonder if Dems will understand you can't just throw money at politics and you have the win. Trump has sure shook up there political spectrum. On a side note it was quite a surprise seeing Dave Rubin on the Greg Gutfield show on fox a few days ago. Always a pleasure watching his content and yours Colin. Keep it up!


Hi colin! Are you going to do a vid or your news burst on Otto Warmbier being sent to jail for tearing down a banner in north korea and eventually died after being tortured for 15 months.

Jeremy Meyer

Georgia 6, even with low republican turnout, the anti-liberals pulled it out, in a war of resistance against Hollywood, carpetbaggery, and the idea of Nancy Pelosi. But the democrats almost won by running a Rino. If they cut off their far left wing, abandoned the cult of identity, and went all-in on federalism and liberty, the democrats could unite the moderates in a Moriarty-Rubin coalition of the reasonable.

Jeremy Meyer

Who wins the oppression olympics when an illegal immigrant rapes and kills a teenage muslim girl?

Jeremy Meyer

Colin, do we need to get you some body armor? Now that the collective liberal freakout, like european terrorists, are knifing conservative celebrities on the streets of Santa Monica.

Jeremy Meyer

"Mother Jones Smears Liberal Talk-Show Host Dave Rubin for Daring to Interview ‘Alt-Right’ Figures" - National Review joins the phalanx around our boy.

Mike Smith

I think there was a backlash against Ossoff because Georgians perceived that outsiders were trying to highjack their district. A ton of money came in from California, Ossoff had celebrity endorsements, and he himself didn't even live in district. My guess is that this all offended Georgian sensibilities, and drove Republicans to the polls. Meanwhile in South Carolina, the election didn't get nearly the same attention and the results were closer in a district that was expected to be less competitive. There's a lesson for Democrats to take away from this, but I'm not quite sure what it is.

Jeremy Meyer

That Politico article "Why the White House Is Reading Greek History" was fascinating.

Jeremy Meyer

FBI report on Alexandria just debunked all the gun control talking points. Harvard Business School just backed up all of Colin's arguments on the $15 minimum wage. It's time people get woke, that our boy Colin M is a goddamn heavyweight.

Arvel Crynyd

RE: Mandel beats Ossoff in Georgia I mean, seriously, Dems? I'm not that quite familiar when it comes to local election cycles. But I understand this correctly. You have an election with 18 contestants with nobody gaining a 50% majority and Ossoff however having a large lead with 48.1%. And two months later when he competes against the second lead (previously at 19.77%) and loses 51.9% vs. 48.1% (48.1% again!). I'm sorry for the soccer reference. But how in the world do you miss that penalty shot. I mean, basically Mandel just collected up all other votes and Ossoff is not able to extend his voter base. Man, this is a bad campaign finish...

Ryan Blushke

The attempted Brussels attack really hit home for me as I'm a Canadian traveling across Europe right now! I was just in Brussels a week and a half ago and was even in that particular station a couple times! All of the bad seems to be getting closer and closer...


It's scary, my dude. I really hope Europe manages to remain Europe in the coming decades. And I don't mean that from a racial or religious point-of-view, but from a values point of view. It's strange how much Europe and the US are diverging, and ultimately, we'll find out which country has it right.


I think he appears on the show once a month! He enjoys it. Greg's supposed to be a great guy. Thank you for watching!


It all shows how uncertain the political game truly is. Like my Virginia example, a little money could have actually tipped that SC race.


The Democrats ran a bad race thinking "Not Trump!" would win the day. If I were GOP, I'd hope they continue well into 2018. Will be a bloodbath.