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I wanted to write an (exceedingly rare) update post to let you guys know what’s going on with a couple of things. We typically let the content do the talking six times a week, but sometimes, there’s more to be said. So let’s get right into it.

The show that this post hinges on is KnockBack, our oldest-running program on Last Stand, and the third-oldest product LSM has ever offered (with Fireside Chats and Side Quest coming first). For the uninitiated, KnockBack is our ‘retro and nostalgia’ podcast, and listeners may remember that, back in 2023, Dagan and I opted to start publishing KnockBack half-as-much as we used to, bringing it from a weekly program to a bi-weekly program. And you may have likewise noticed that the show has begun trickling-out even less in 2024, with its slot sometimes being replaced with the likes of Punching Up and Sacred+ (we like our six-shows-a-week cadence very much).

The reality is this: KnockBack is a labor of love that, due to scheduling issues, Dagan’s day job, and more, we simply cannot keep up with anymore. It requires too much work and preparation to merely half-ass (and half-assing is not our style), and frankly, we’d rather not do it at all than not do it justice. Now, I’m not going to ‘cancel’ KnockBack like I did Fireside Chats and Side Quest, because Dagan and I both love doing the show, and -- for those of you that have been with us for a long time will know -- it’s six-and-a-half years old. It would be a shame to just stick it in a coffin. Instead, I simply want to put it on ice and see where we stand sometime down the road.

I know that there’s a passionate KnockBack fanbase that even predate Sacred Symbols’ very existence. And I know that this will be sad news for you. However, I also know that many, many more of you won’t care at all, and while that’s fine, it speaks to the reasoning behind my decision. Preparation for KnockBack often requires dozens of hours, and -- as Shawn Layden says -- the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. KnockBack is our least-trafficked show per capita, and yet demands an outsized amount of time and effort. And it’s not something we can just hand-off to others. KnockBack is Dagan and I. It’s not a show about any nostalgia and retro stuff; it’s a show about two brothers reflecting on the products and stories before us. There are a billion retro and nostalgia shows, but it was the Brothers Moriarty that made ours unique. There was a time when we had the freedom to really explore topics and do things right, but sadly, those days are (at least temporarily) behind us.

I don’t need to tell you guys that Last Stand has changed an enormous amount since we launched KnockBack in early 2018. Sacred Symbols and Sacred Symbols+ didn’t exist yet, nor did literally any other show we run, from Defining Duke and Constellation to Punching Up and Summon Sign. But the price for access here on Patreon has remained exactly the same. So I honestly don’t feel like anyone’s losing any value, because if anything, you’ve only gained a ton over the last six years. So my apology doesn't stem from a declining value proposition, because that's nonsensical. Instead, I know that some of you will feel like you’re losing an old standby, a friend. And I get that. But I also hope you understand that situations sometimes change. Dagan’s professional field, especially, has become incredibly tumultuous since KnockBack's first episode. More is required of him in time, effort, and work just to stay afloat in animation, and -- because Dagan has picked-up work with us by hosting Constellation and co-hosting Punching Up (which he’ll be returning to imminently) -- I’m loath to ask him to stretch himself any further. With the ups-and-downs of his contracts, the scheduling changes that will again be necessary down the line and more, I’d rather avoid dilly-dallying with KnockBack, and just do what’s necessary for the time being.

So, here’s the plan. While KnockBack goes into an indefinite hibernation, Sacred Symbols+ will pick up the pace, which I know will please a lot of you who miss the more-frequent publishing schedule of yore. Moriarty x Jaffe will become more regular, Sacred x Duke will pop-up every now and again (including this coming week), and I have Brad planning the return of The Sacred League, too. We even have a couple of new ideas percolating that won’t necessarily lead to new shows, but rather the occasional rarity and one-off that may please you as well. You’ll still get plenty of Dagan on Constellation, Punching Up, and the occasional episode of Sacred+, and naturally, you’ll still see me all the time on Sacred, Sacred+, and the occasional episodes of Summon Sign and Constellation.

As for today’s missing episode of Sacred+, well, I’d like to ask for your patience. We are recording two episodes on Monday, including the aforementioned Sacred x Duke. Once that’s done recording, Dustin will edit it and publish it ASAP, and that will count as today’s missing episode. The second episode will then go in the Saturday slot, and we’ll be back on-schedule. Make sense? I hope so!

Anywho, sorry for the sad news. I appreciate your support and understanding as people’s lives change, scheduling shifts, and the dynamics of getting all of our shows done morphs. I can tell you with all honesty that I don’t anticipate any other changes any time even remotely soon, and -- indeed -- all of our other shows are doing great, publishing on-time and in a high quality form. That’s all we can really do! So the change begins and ends here.

Have a great rest of your weekend. <3 -Colin



Very understandable

Joey Mendoza

Truly one of my favorite podcasts on your network! Loved every single one. But life is always changing and things happen. I’ll be waiting patiently until you post another