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Welcome to a special, one-topic-driven episode of Constellation, Last Stand Media's conversational podcast. This week, I (Colin) am joined by Punching Up co-host Gene Park, Sacred Symbols co-host Chris Ray Gun, and storied game designer David Jaffe, and we gather for a some-four-hour chat all about the first of two scheduled presidential debates for the 2024 election cycle between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. This is obviously an exclusively, deeply political conversation, so be warned before you hit play. We touch on just about everything imaginable: The debate itself, the fallout thereafter, who we think will ultimately win, if we believe that Biden specifically will even ultimately be one of the nominees, and -- of course -- we get deep into the weeds on all of the important issues they spoke about during the debate, and more. Again, be warned: If you don't like or care about politics, or if you get upset when you hear serious, adult opinions you don't agree with, don't listen or watch. For those with open minds and a curiosity for a wide variety of opinions, however, please enjoy.




Great episode guys

Buster Crabcakes

It is WILD how out of touch Jaffe is. Colin, Chris and Gene are voicing these prescient concerns about American society and Jaffe's biggest concern is Christian nationalism? This guy needs to touch grass and talk to someone outside his bubble.

Jerry Huerta

How can you say with a straight face that Trump is the crook smh

Nicholas Santaro

Man was this talk fantastic. Long live LSM. So engaging. And LOVED the pairing of personalities moriarty Raygun 2024!!!

Robbie Cooper

For gods sakes I hope Biden doesn’t win. I’m sick of the woke shit and always putting the blame on Trump and republicans. Biden should be a convicted felon as well but the court deemed him “unfit to be put on trial” but sane to run a country. I used to vote democrat but this culture bullshit and high prices drives me insane. The only way Trump loses is if they fix the election and allow illegals to vote and dead people to vote again. Oh and if they do the votes still coming in at 3 am again.