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In Sacred Symbols' near-six year history, Helldivers 2 has been one of our single-most discussed games in the What We're Playing section of our show. But we never got around to dedicating an episode of Sacred+ to Arrowhead's critical and commercial smash-hit. Thus, I (Colin) gathered the Sacred boys -- Chris and Dustin -- along with our associate producer Ben, as we've by far spent the most time with Helldivers 2 within the walls of LSM. From there, we get into the nitty-gritty, espousing our individual statistics, outlining our playstyles, arguing in favor of our preferred loadouts, and delving into the metastory, too, not to mention what the future may hold for Sony's surprise second party breakout.




Can't wait, this game is special.


Love me some 311. Red Hot Chili Peppers is sort of the same permutation these days. Love that the gangs back and touring together again

Big titty drinker

Guard dog rover + laser cannon on bug missions goes crazy. Bugs are also pretty vulnerable to the fire based attacks. I think the bots have fewer weaknesses but the arc thrower works well against them.

Bogey Zero

The way I test out new weapons and builds is just load up a mission on easy or medium and turn off public matchmaking. Although I guess it’d work different for you guys who have crazy big friends lists

Bogey Zero

Colin just FYI, the automatons are actually from that rebellious human faction. They’re already accounted for.

Zeke the Plumber

I still play the game daily I don’t like that many patches seem to break something new, or that there are still unaddressed glitches from launch, but whatever Game is fun as hell


Light Armor+Shield Generator is my fav because I can run past enemies without being noticed , or just run in between enemies because I’m fast, and I have that shield generator giving me extra armor. I’ve died maybe once on most suicide missions. It’s amazing.

Joseph Gedgaudas

You'll have to tell Hoag that. He's the one who put it in Colin's head that the game is hinting at them getting involved

Philip Dunphy

My ship name is Dawn of Dawn


15-20 min nap really is a great hack. I agree Dustin. Been sneaking in a quick nap on my lower energy days since college.


In the customize character tab there is an option for random appearance suggesting that it’s a new trooper being recruited every time you die

Steven de

No collabs please. Keep the games identity unique

Michael Thew

Directed toward Ben and talking out both sides of his face. One side “oh I don’t mind grinding out Super Credits” then the other “It’s bullshit that guns and armor are behind a paywall and it’s pay to win.” They give you enough SC or almost enough to unlock these last two battle passes with just the basic BP, if not, do that grinding you’re such a fan of. Just makes you sound like a bum and just because you want to be a bum, then everyone else should be as well because the only person whose position should be listened to is you, we’d all hate for your feelings to be hurt, Ben. It was a poor choice to have made a guy that can do that type of mental gymnastics shown above and then make him the discord moderator. If the game is good, and it’s better than good, and people want to spend money on it for more content then let them. You spent your 40 and now all you are is a freeloader with every update that those that bought micro transactions have paid for, should the company and community call you out for not helping the IP you say you love, grow? Of course not, even though maybe they should start.

Luke Trewarne

Sometimes you do multiple missions before extracting which is why that number is significantly larger than the extraction number

Gray Gordon

Did someone tell Colin about “cock rock” where the super samples hang out around the base of the shaft?!

Guybrush Threepwood

Dude i love it when colin is really into a multiplayer game. first time i've seen it since i've been folloiwng CLS/LSM.

Glen Yelenovic

I take a Power Nap almost every work day

Glen Yelenovic

I want a Raytheon branded armor set

Bailey Callis

Chris is going to leave soon, I can feel it in my bones.

Aiden Gonzalez

It’s kinda crazy how enamored Colin is with Helldivers that he feels like he has to delete it so he won’t play it.

Bailey Callis

Maybe, I really feel like his hearts not in it. And snark tanks been growing heaps, I love chris so I hope I'm wrong.

Bailey Callis

Wait, did Colin really axe Spoilercasts? I love summoning sign, but I feel like it's not the same thing, spoilercasts were brilliant, and pretty much my favorite content on ss. That big sucks, ah well.