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Hey guys,

Happy new week! Been working hard all week on this episode and stoked to finally get it to you. In this episode, we illegally enter the United States by crossing the Rio Grande alongside two coyotes.

Unbeknownst to me, entering the U.S. this way is actually a federal crime, even as an American citizen with a clean record.. so if you're watching this, don't attempt to do what we did. You'll see why!





Heck yeah!!


Come to Brazil


I love tou


Can't wait to watch this


My body is ready.


Thanks AC

Zack Dowdy

Appreciate the risk you take to make these videos. Your work will undoubtedly provoke radical empathy.


Amazing work like usual boys


The realest.

Nate Fifield

Glad you’re safe Jesus


Media needs to cover YOUR coverage of this and give you some spotlight... This is insane bro, no one else is doing what you're doing





Casey Nova

Holy shit bro. This is crazy!


holy shit


If nobody had said it I appreciate your work, incredible journalism!


Yoooo! What the fuck? Are you ok?


Holy fuck! Incredible work.


This is unreal. How do you think you got stopped and detained among the thousands making it in each day?

Martina Bustos

Amazing vid. Hope you and your camera man are okay! Very fascinating to see this as someone who came to this country 20yrs ago

Robbie Freece

Insane coverage. Can’t wait to see how it all pans out with the federal charges 😬


Wow can’t wait for part 4. Those dudes scammed you


That's absolutely fucking wild that they detained you and even put you in solitary. At the same time, it's not even surprising. I truly wonder whether USBP considers themselves agents of the law here, considering how far away their actions are from the spirit of the law.


So good


How fascinating and informative. Revealing even. Much appreciated.

James Gamblen

God damn AC, thank you for your commitment to this, glad your safe 🙏 👏

Devin Briggs

This is journalism


Matt and Shane mentioned him on the last pod, have heard other pods also mention Ch. 5, but you are right that's about it. Andrew deserves way more recognition, this is legit boots on the ground gonzo journalism, that peak Vice News once achieved, before they got destroyed by cable news investments.


Absolute legend for this type of coverage


Andrew you are the literal goat. I’m surprised your balls of steel kept you afloat when you crossed.


I saw you used a clip of the Daytripper, he's actually a really good Texas YouTuber. Tells you the history of towns and the best spots in each town. I recommend him to anyone that lives in Texas


damn guys… this whole story has been some of my favorite work from the whole team. Proud to help support the mission. Would love to hear about your time in custody/solitary if that isn’t in the next part. Also maybe looking more into the path that more migrants take through Uvalde and San Antonio. Keep it up




this was insane


Death to traditional media


thank you for all the hard work you and your team put in these videos!!


NO F-ING WAY! This is not what I was expecting at all. This is truly insane. Thank you for all your hard work to show us this.


Send us your prison address


Glad you all are safe!

Christen Lasley

Even tho yall r outta ur mind i still thank u for literally risking ur life to provide the truth which no one else is providing. Ur loved and treasured!

Jeremy Williams

Holy fuck this is insane that you actually crossed. Solitary confinement too?! What the fuck!!! Amazing coverage. Sorry you guys went through that but to show the perspective of what many folks go through is important! Glad you're safe C5 gang.

Gaius Nietzsche Patton

Lmao I really hope you weren’t actually ignorant and naive enough to believe that it’s not a federal crime to illegally enter the country even if you are a citizen. They’re called “legal ports of entry” for a reason. And people are going to say “well what about the illegal immigrants” but that’s where our broken system comes in and they can claim asylum from their shitty situations in their home countries; Andrew obviously can’t claim asylum and can’t play that broken system. This is one reason why when Bald and Bankrupt and Timmy did the journey from Venezuela through the Darien Gap and Mexico he stopped his journey at the border. Your coyote “friends” sure did you good, buddy.


the bit at 4:20 is very succinct


Balls of steel man, holy fuck


you're doing some important work Andrew! stay safe and keep it up!


you are fucking wild and I love it. thanks for all you and your team do, wild shit !




This is your defining work Andrew! Imagine Anderson Cooper or Tucker Carlson trying this!

Majdi Awad

Insane lmfai


This. Is. Wild. Cannot wait for part 4.




Honestly, journalistic intent should nullify that charge, how else would people be able to report firsthand on what is going on? What, would you send a letter to the border patrol, "I'm gonna cross illegally, for a story, so if you catch me, please don't charge me!"


Yo wtf


Going to refer to “political parties” as “consumer groups” from now on


Andrew holy fuck…


wait so they lock up a US Citizen, a journalist at that, for crossing the border illegally ...which is bullshit that is even a law, as a citizen i should be able to walk back into my country.. but if you are an alien they give you a free bus ride and hotel stay in NYC ...hmm


Never stop g cant wait till u win that Oscar for best docu in 2037


I'm so glad you are okay and alive.


Someone already brought up Bald and Bankrupt- what you did here is probably more dangerous than anything he has done (besides the Darien). Glad you're okay!


That’s pretty cool


What a cliffhanger bro


Best $8.50AUD I've ever spent. Insanely gutsy reporting. I'm honestly scared one day your channel will go on pause bc you're in jail or dead. Keep safe Channel 5

Gaius Nietzsche Patton

Lmao he started in Venezuela, crossed the Darien AND rode La Bestia. Sorry but Andrew’s little sojourn a mile over the border doesn’t even compare. That’s just plain insulting to B&B

Gaius Nietzsche Patton

Wrong. Bald and Bankrupt started in Venezuela, crossed the Darien, and rode La Bestia, all while living exactly as the migrants do. However he, unlike Andrew, was smart enough not to illegally enter the US and get arrested by CBP.

Todd Troxell

real: legacy media's purpose is to distract and divide


i appreciate the level andrew goes for us guys


Whys sleepy joes shirt all unbuttoned like that homies got his titties out


my god this one felt risky :|


Holy shit!


What a baller omg that took a turn like no other


Andrew is the worlds greatest reporter


What a fucking story. Excellent narration


Bro if you get locked up I'll say subbed and send you comissary


I worry about you guys sometimes sheesh


Shout out to Andrew for taking one for the team


omg.... sorry for the solitary. big respect. this is true journalism <3


What the fuck. This was insane, AC.


I see a lot of graphics in your videos that seem intended to support the facts stated in this video. As a viewer, your videos make me think critically and wants dive deeper and better understand the graphics. Would it be possible to have references for your graphics in chronological order and include the timestamps so I can look them up on my own time and better understand the research you do to create this content? Longtime fan, Ben Keep doing what you do! I’m specifically interested in the free press diagram shown at 3:26.


Insane clips. Kinda funny that border patrol lets in hundreds of thousands of migrants but caught you two


This sort of reporting reminds me of Nellie Bly, who feigned insanity to be admitted to a “Lunatic Asylum” and reported on the injustices. Total immersion. Good shit AC and team.


Holy shit!!! cant wait for the last part



Joshua Duarte



this is insane dad lore


Time for a legal costs gofundme!


Edge of my seat the whole time.

Bin Ury

retarded coyotes


Absolutely insane that you guys were able to capture something lime this. One of the craziest journalist related content I've ever seen


Now imagine the hundreds if not thousands of poor souls they scam trying to get across the border, but not just these guys...it's a whole racket


Holy shit. I'm so glad I'm subscribed to this Patreon.


Nice work man


It amounts to some work. I know some youtubers that create a document, that includes sources for all used references.


That’s rich, it’s illegal for Americans to cross the border but not for illegal immigrants.


I get my law license in a couple of months and I live on the border. I can help with translating, and once I have my license, with legal issues.


Just got out of paying $10k😂


absolutely insane, hope nothing major comes out of it here. appreciate the work

Will Hair

This is the craziest shit I've ever seen


You are amazing, we don't deserve you Andrew.

Music Colin

damn Andrew ... u really took it this far , incredible wild & all to real . brilliant work as usual

Dan Rustle

Wow. They spend days in the detention camp when 10000s of illegals get to roam free? USA is clowmworld

Jose Magaña

Pretty sure they talked about $5000 pesos not dollars last episode


Ending was crazy


oh my god, im glad u guys are fine atleast,hope the days there werent to harsh and it was atleast a once in a time experience in life

Josh Greer

this is hands down the craziest thing ive ever seen from a journalist, amazing work, holy shit


what the fuck

jamie medley

Absolute madness Andrew! Thanks for bringing this story, but please take care!


Fuck I can't hardly believe what I'm watching


Wow daym baby. Thanks for this. At least you don't have to pay your coyotes now XD


Trump 2024, idiot!!!


This is awesome Andrew. Thankyou so much for what you are doinf


the full version of this video will blow up in popularity


This level of journalism in my lifetime is something I promise to never take for granted. Thank you Andrew and Susan. I'm glad you are both safe.


This is pure, actual journalism at its finest! Very curious to hear more about your detention, you're lucky the footage survived, this gives a whole new perspective to the border 'debate'


And you didn't even cry like Taylor Lorenz

Kristi Brennan

Excellent. Really apreciate the information asnd commentary re political and economic. status - you do a remarkable ob packing complerx information into a succinct presentation. The best I've seen. I wonder as well - who is telling these people all those fairy tales about paradise in America? Hope you take that on....


Some of the best journalism ever done. Thank you Andrew


Well done, Chief


This explain his new appreciate for his House/Newroom 😂 You’re the GOAT of Modern Journalism


Can’t wait to hear the rest of this, your journalism always amazes me Andrew. You are never afraid to go the extra mile to let the story be known, even if it wasn’t your original plan. Hope that you weren’t punished federally for this.

Jon C

Maybe they spotted the cameras and thought it would be an opportunity to make a point


Wild you didn’t just go back to the entry point. Die Hard for sure!



Josh Newton

Damn, this deserves awards

Nate Lacroix

this series is way too good and your mom must be shitting her pants watching it.

Nolan Wilder

Holy shit. Absolutely amazing. So grateful to be supporting this type of work. Keep going!

Luca Clark

I can't believe it's a federal crime... that really is ironic coming from the land of the free


Ah, yes, solitary. Not that I believe it's an ethical punishment ever, but why here in particular? What lesson is Border Patrol hoping to impart on a journalist of all people?


you shoulda pretended to not speak english you would've gotten $3,000, a free phone and a free bus ride across the country.


Content, in any form, doesn’t get better than this




Great work you are doing there. You should go to Darien and document that POV, which I believe it's 10 times harder than Texas and Arizona border crisis right now. Thousands of people crossing the most inhospitable jungle in the world by walking with kids and women, coyotes asking for money, rape cases, robbery, etc. And yes, as a Venezuelan I can tell you that the need of this people for a better life for them and their sons is stronger that anything and makes them do these decisions that looks irrational for US people, but you just don't understand how hard it is out there comparing to USA, even this 2024 USA is way better than most of the latin american countries right now.


I mean, outstanding content. Thank you for trusting your instincts, while putting your life at risk. I know a lot of us truly appreciate the footage. Best of luck C5



Baba Singh

Hardcore af

Elyse Monroy

Truly amazing work!


I think you’re a bit off when talking about the state of America. Compared to where these people are coming from, the US IS paradise. To have freedom of speech, political expression, and ability to move up economically is something that is legitimately illegal in many countries. Not the say the US doesn’t have issues. But I think you can get lost in a bubble of the political divides and extreme situations you are reporting on — those are the minority. I think it would be very interesting to go to the sanctuary cities where migrants have settled to interview them on their time in America


Free big Brody n em


This is real journalism. Thank you


This is amazing work Andrew!


You are somewhat right, when people are leaving their country due to political instability, America is heaven, but some people that come only care about making enough money to survive and send back to their countries to help their families, they aren’t even aware of the politics and divide in the country. It’s such a complicated topic


I hope the Patreon $$$ helps a bit with legal fees. It's really important work you're doing.


This is crazy, man! Your work is truly admirable - and you must be the best and most real journalist in our time. Lots of greetings from Norway


is there a discord to join or am I blind?

Hannu Jaakkola

This is the craziest video I've seen


Oh shit wtf


What both of you guys seem to be getting at is the fact that being able to complain about the state of the US is a privilege and a first-world problem; you need to be well enough off so that your safety, your day-to-day livelihood, and the well being of your family are not a serious concern in order for you to worry about things like political divide. While it's true that we're probably selling an exaggerated image of ourselves to the rest of the world, it's very easy for people like us who can afford Patreon subscriptions (and those who make Patreon content) to forget that the US is still a pretty nice place.


He is the realest journalist of our time and it ain’t close


Man of the people




Glad your safe doing gods work sorry you had to go through that dying to see the next episode. Glad your guides got away it's crazy they just expected you to cross but they're the same time they're like what's the point if not probably


CAN American journalists just pull that and walk away squeaky clean? Wild if true. Obviously he's putting out this content so he's out, but what legal repercussions will be faced? Dude might have just fucked his ability to leave and reenter the country. Enquiring minds want to know wtf happened!


DAMNNNNNNNNNNN, Talk about a cliff hanger.


the dude literally hired a coyote and was smuggled into the US in the interest of real/legit journalism. this man is an absolute gem.


Hey man, on the bright side the coyotes bailed so you don’t have to pay them anything, hopefully your legal fees or fines are less than what they wanted from you

Joe Greene

Holy shit. This is insane. There's no one like you Andrew. Proud to be a supporter of this work.


Bald and Bankrupt did the Darien if you are interested in a POV perspective that is already online.


saved 5k lol

Dan Ridlon

You an absolute legend. You and your camera man. Appreciate you sacrificing some of your own freedom to bring us this side of the journey no one ever gets to see. Astonishing on so many levels. Can't wait for the next episode.


Holy shit man

Wylcey Keep

Holy shit Channel 5 just keeps raising the bar. So much respect to you all for going through with this, every reporter in america needs to take notes.

Dan Ridlon

Drug smuggling, human trafficking etc. I assume that would be the concern. I don't know what kind of legal troubles these immigrants face, I really hope our own citizens documenting this aren't treated worse then outsiders entering.


Wow never seen anything like this. You put your lives on the line to make this report, mad respect.


Glad you spoke on Housing Costs. Diverse Dense Housing is needed across the US, especially in SF and other larger cities #YIMBY


what the fuuuuu


Holy shit Andrew! I was wondering why you posted a video incriminating yourself, then the end made more sense lol.


Yup. You're highlighting the difference of legitimate asylum seekers vs people coming in for economic opportunity


Your mom was probably so pissed Andrew. Thank you for covering this side of immigration and not just the fear and panic coverage the country is so used to.

Denny Chandler

Dude what a fucking great episode! So glad I'm supporting



Robin Bergfeldt

wow thats a ending i never thought


The dude with the machete just "checking whether the guy got paid", damn. Seems like everyone was chill so long as you fork over some dinero though. Craz ep, can't wait to see the last one.

jamie schicker

chanel 5 going above and beyond for this episode


you would leave us on a cliff hanger

Dr. Cool

I have a feeling that at any moment Andrew is going to admit he has become a red. And that's awesome.

Connor H

Thanks for pointing out how half the shit from legacy media are complete non issues used to divide people.i wish i could just shake these lead poisoned boomers and yell wake up!

Liam Trippi

The entire episode I was thinking about how your mom would kill you if you didn’t die




Wow, such incredible journalism on display. Really never seen anything quite like this regarding the Mexico/US border


those coyotes were amateurs


Crazy content !!

Hector P

Should’ve know then watching they see everything, also you need better Mexican Spanish to English translation, I got u, it’s cheap

Hector P

Known* They* it’s not not 2000s anymore, they got heat sensors and motions detectors EVERYWHERE now, usually it’s only human trafficking or drugs smuggling nowadays


Greatest journalist alive rn


they shouldve charged upfront. also that "5k" is so ambiguous. it can be 5k usd or pesos depending who you ripping off. if its pesos its realistic to think people would pay it; usd 5.000 its a lot of money for the impoverished latinamericas


man that's fucked up they sent you to solitary confinement over nothing. Keep up the work your stories are important to bring awareness and change to this world. God bless


this is insane

Noah Shapiro

Holy shit..... AC was in the pen. Did not see that coming!!!


lol, crazy - american citizen held for several days for entering america. That's the type of shit, that would never happen in europe.


we've come a long way from gem and jam and storming area 51


Amazing coverage!!! From witten to this Jesus fuck


Damn man! I'm so impressed by your dedication and courage! You're paying the cost for these important issues to be seen in a human light... Good on you!




Holy crap! i'm glad ya'll made it out. I'm surprised your story didnt get you a little leniency with the border patrol

Caitlin Kuvalanka

wow Andrew! You and your crew are dedicated to this work. Much love and thank you for all you do.


Actual madness, top tier journalism

Christian Terry

Gotta say, 100% did not expect that ending. Holy FUCK


Holy shit


Absolute legend!


So much of this stood out as phishy. The route they used is allegedly controlled by cartels, who they aren’t paying. First aid man just chilling at the border to “help” people cross safely and is teamed up with machete man. Then, the best place to cross was where a very clean cut gentleman (“Ernest Hemingway”) pulled his truck up to the river to fish. Im guessing all of the above are informants for one or more groups.


dude everything about this is INSANE. Thank you for your hard work to bring us the truth in all of this but please be safe!

bat kyak

What a trip!

WeAreThe Q

Guy's a modern legend. Who else would do this??


honestly the best possible outcome. those traffickers were extorting you fs

Gary Eddy

“Politicized consumer groups” is a brilliant line

Nathan Parks

I just finished watching the Darien Gap/Caminante series. That was truly insane. Highly recommend that to anyone here.


My boy caught a charge for the story?! Damn dude.. you're a beast


what a cliff hanger :0


Bruh, you are a cold piece. Never a dull moment and this sir is your best piece by far. Wow


Them cartels is crazy smh


i think those freelancers were some amateurs that took him to a well known area and didn't really know what they were doing.


$5K USD is a lot of money to have you walk me right into the hands of border patrol


Holy shit this is crazy


This shit is wild lmao


Wait, yall got in MORE trouble than a migrant?



tj morrs

you guys do realize andrew will get off and now all the camera footage is intel for the operation smh

Adrian McBurnie

Holy shit what a journey. I can't imagine the panic realising this ain't no tour and you felt compelled to cross the Rio Grande rather than stay. YouTube is going to go wild for this. I am in Australia and really I should put some Patreon into Jordan Shanks as he is our equivalent kind of reporter except way more political. I just had to support Channel 5 first because it doesn't get more raw than this. Wow.

Bin Ury

fr. also duh being a criminal human smuggler is easier than working a dishwashing job in san antonio

Chris B

I feel like it's kind of obvious that illegally crossing the border is illegal.

Em and Jo Talk

Wow. America ain't ready for this one lol


If the border patrol wasn’t there, I am really curious what would have happened with the $5K y’all owed those coyotes


Incredible stuff. Just wow


Amazing work. Crazy to see things from this perspective


I hear you but when I think about the future of journalism, decentralized journalism at that, I think a huge part of it will be integrity. Alot of the institutions we recieve media from today have no integrity leading to agendas and politicized content. Independent journalists like Andrew will have need to have an echelon of Tegridy in order to provide information superior to traditional outelts and more impactful, impormative, and un-biased reporting. I think it's fair to say Andrew has a fair bit of good 'ol tegridy about him. I would't put him in the same pot as a news outlet that lies to its viewers.


Well, That wasn't the ending I was expecting. What a cliffhanger.

Virginia Hanna

You could fit 30 European countries within the United States... We can cross all state borders with absolutely no issues, no checks, no nothing. It's hard to compare our borders with yours. I imagine bouncing around the Russian border would get you held and looked into and not just by Russia. Heading North toward Canada (or South outta Canada) is less intense, but there aren't 2.2M ppl illegally immigrating from Canada into the US every year. It makes sense that the government would want to do a little research into characters illegally crossing the border, with freelance coyotes, claiming to be press. They prolly needed to get through the "paperwork" and add all sorts of tracking and whatnot to C5 crew members. Definitely on a watch list now.

Virginia Hanna

This was a wild ride. Kinda at a loss for words, but y'all got my mind reeling. So complex.


My thoughts are, does this make him a marked man to them and the cartel they work for? Because technically he owes them 10k. 5k per person and he and Larry Susan did this journey.


It’s so funny I’ve seen you hate on so many of his videos now, and you PAY to do it lmao


can't wait for next one damn what a cliffhanger

Gaius Nietzsche Patton

So terribly sorry it’s a novel concept to you that you can support someone while giving them constructive criticism and not blindly suck them off. But I’ve noticed independent thinking is a rare thing among most Channel 5 supporters ironically. Andrew is a human and prone to mistakes and biases just like the MSM he hates so much.


if i remember correctly, the coyotes weren’t part of a cartel?


Can’t wait to be here when MSM finally collapses


It’s funny how the coyotes see themselves as doing good, when their whole job is to extort people crossing the border and even has little affiliates who demand payment for showing up with a machete ??? Glad this story didn’t end with those kids getting paid


Yeah he shouldn’t have any issues with the cartel unless the two guys were lying. Also it seemed as an effort to extort yet another person wanting to cross the border, not exactly like they were demanding it. They mentioned what is included with that price which is housing and food and everything


have you ever read how to win friends and influence people? I think its one of the first chapters that covers what your comments is about

Joel Stephenson

least u avoided paying that 5k ^_^


I have not yet, i’ve heard of it many times but maybe i’ll finally give it a read.

Jami Gordon

Ack my heart 😭


gonzo af

Carlo Vicenzetto

This man singlehandedly balances out the crappyness of normal media with masterpieces like this.


some tik toker is using your patreon videos for likes. currently has 4 million likes https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8W8DT9w/


Probably been said before but at 0.38 they don't say "mucha cartela", they say "mucha cautela" as in we have to be cautious, they don't want to get caught doing this.


you guys are the best. these episodes are best in class for investigative journalism.


Andrew is really providing one of the last sources of media that doesn’t have an agenda and also shows both sides. Much respect to the channel 5 crew. Thank you for all that you do!


Andrew, you’re one of the few news sources left that I can trust. I’m so thankful you’re back and better than ever. The work you’ve put into yourself shows. You’ve handled controversy, self growth, and your return so well. Your work has improved so much since your break. Great job Andrew.


that's money in their pocket too. i truly don't get how people can steal content directly from an actual creator. fuckem


Holy shit….




Whay fhe fuckkkkk




NICE!!! Unfortunate that border patrol didnt pass the vibe check, but it prolly made for a good part 4




Yo Andrew and Susan are either crazy as fuck or brave as fuck..


What a way to end part 3, bravo homie.

Owen Altheide

holy. fuckn. shit. andrew, you continually shatter my expectations. i will never stop being a patron.

Owen Altheide

THIS IS JOURNALISM!! Real journalists put their neck on the line to reveal the truth. you’re the mf man Andrew.


holy fuck


Not the most nicest welcoming home. But glad you made it back to the U.S. in one piece🙏🏽


How do we join the discord?

Matt Miller

On the bright side, border patrol saved you each 5k. So, kinda homies?


Great stuff just stay safe my dude!


Andrew this was exhilarating to watch and incredibly humanizing for this issue. The perspective of seeing the actual journey for these people really highlights how dangerous and of a last resort this is.

Sam Louback

What an incredible final shot


“And free press” *shows graph of free press 😂


Wow, I've never seen journalism like this before. Amazing!


Holy shit this is real gonzo journalism.

Rolando Mota

Protect Andrew at all cost


This is incredible work. I can’t applaud you guys enough


Holly smokes man


dude i'm' so sorry that's fucking insane...i wonder if they'll still expect payment...I hope solitary wasn't too rough. I have too many questions right now jesus christ

Darry Lavid

Bruh what the fuck! The ending!!!! Need part 4!!!


damn son


Holy shit man


Beast mode


Yo dawg, is there any news in who’s gonna distribute This Place Rules in Australia. I’m absolutely dying to see it


Damn…now THIS is journalism!



Burnet Deown

bro omg please more more more

Burnet Deown

my mind is absolutely blown. andrew is jesus reborn...

Benjamin Vacek

i love how top notch yall are with everything i cannot wait for the next episode!


"Chart: These 6 Companies Control Much of U.S. Media" if you do a quick Google search and go to Google Images. Another good one is "These 11 Companies Control Everything You Buy"


I love your analysis @4:00. That's a great, succinct breakdown. Impressive work in this segment.


Release the unedited part from one side to the other, that would be really cool to see how long it takes, what the coyotes say and personally the ‘grunts’ and ‘fucks’ that were said in the process hah


Sidenote, I think the "America Rulez" propaganda is rooted in American corporate entitlement. I mean, it's easier for an American corporation to exploit the labor and environment of a developing nation if the sentiment towards America is positive. Also, entertainment is our best export, so there's that influence as well.


What a cliffhanger! Amazing episode. I was also pretty naive about where this journey was heading and the potential extortion/incarceration risks, I hadn't even thought about it until the "good Samaritan first aid" guy showed up. As soon as you hit the riverbank it was alarming to realize the situation you were in. Just incredible. Keep up the good work man

Matt Guastaferro

Seems like you got fleeced outta 10g my boy


absolutely wild, amazing work


holy shit lol


i've always wanted to do this


I love Andrew and he deserves a an award for journalism for all his work .. but him thinkings this would just be free is the whitest thing ever lol


you are going to get in more trouble than all the illegal migrants but it's worth it


so didnt have to pay 10k, didnt have to walk 60+ miles, but went to jail for a few days? not too bad.


gordon ramsey loves preaching the american dream on his shows


Them dudes finessed him lol….


Part four!?!?!?!


Hey man at least you didn't pay the 10g id say worth it 🤷‍♂️




Wow I had no clue that was a crime either!


damn!!! spent several days in jail??? i mean jeeze you got the experience but a legit crime record now.


Update on Chicago: the eviction deadline was pushed back to end of march


Props to the BP for keeping the camera running


??? what is this ending ?


Are you fucking real! You are doing gods work my man. Showing how it really is at the boiling points of human society


Border patrol agents saved you $10,000


holy shit


Absolutely insane


fuckk yess


This is too much suspense. I really hope you guys don’t get felonies.


Lawyers to fight the felony charge are going to cost him a lot more than that.

John S

holy fuck.




Ummmmm we’re gonna need an update 😭


Bro lmao damn


Love you dudes! From Quarter Confessions to this…keep it up!!!!


Holy shit! Amazing work.


Wow, I did not see that coming.


you are mental


Yoooo u guys r nuts

Isaac Healey

Wow who the fuck would think you’d be in solitary confinement. Thats straight bullshit. Good work Andrew appreciate the stories you cover and then depths you go to!!


Absolutely nuts. Love your dedication to the craft. Solitary confinement!? Looking forward to part four.

Mitchel Baker

Duuuuuude you got detained, no way was not expecting that


lol I thought the same thing although now he prob has to pay attorney fees for that fed case. He can't even use a free one since if you make more than around 60/k per year you don't have a right to a federal public defender. I was trying to look up what the actual charges are one thing said it's a civil penalty with a fine but then another source said a felony so I'm not sure.

Eli Brown

Holy fuck


Yall wild af


Andrew probably answered this at some point, but, why is having a Coyote necessary?

Hamish Rogerson



What kind of a fucking cliff hanger, no but seriously hope you guys are ok.


They should send them to Ukraine 😂


It’s not exactly necessary but it can be a lot more dangerous without one. a lot of the border crossing areas are controlled by cartels, which have coyotes working for them. so it’s more of a safety thing. because if you just try to cross through cartel controlled areas all willy nilly and the cartel finds you, you’re fucked. the cartels will shake you down for money and if you don’t have any money, they’ll just straight up kill you. so what some people do to avoid that is pay cartels for a sort of password, in order to travel freely and safely through the area. so if you’re found by a cartel member while traveling through, you tell them the password and they let you on your way. hope that explains it a bit for you


It wasn’t worth it


I still don’t get it. Why are the borders open? What benefit is it to have a huge influx of migrants? Why not implement a system to legally do this? And of course it’s ILLEGAL for a citizen of the US to cross back into their country. WTF is wrong with this world




good shit man


There are some economic reasons why having a big influx of labor might make sense. There maybe aren't a ton of American citizens chomping at the bit to work in agriculture or low paying service industries. Also consider declining birth rates in developing countries, and immigration as one of the best ways to counteract this trend, which has huge negative economic implications. Voting demographics may also be a factor, democratic party backed immigration might pay dividends in the long run for that party's chances at the polls... I Agree with you though, probably a better way to go about doing this...


Dude, best reporting I’ve ever seen. Appreciate you 🤘🏻


Can’t wait for ep 4. Wow!!


what an ending


When is Episode 4 coming out?


Incredible episode, joined your patron just to watch this all unfold, hope y'all are safe


Holy shit I can't believe you were detained and placed in solitary


$5 is a god damn bargain for this content. I loved you Andrew and crew


wild ending


Do you like Chicken nuggets? Steak? Vegetables? all of those companies rely on ultra cheap, almost slave labor from migrants that they can just deport if they speak up about their conditions.


Dudes leaving us hanging


Had me on the edge of my seat!!!


my guy


Holy FUCKING shit


Joined you patreon because of this series and your other inner city videos. Keep it up!


Yoooo I work there. Im in the guard


love your guys' boots on the ground attitude but damn scaring the hell out of me with this one. happy you guys made it out alright.


I hope you all are OK! :'(

Aubrey Nicklaus

So glad you're back making great videos! Seriously one of the best journalists of our time.


i did NOT expect that ending holy shit


Do y’all have a lawyer advising you on these stories? One reason legacy media is still around is they look before they leap


Holy shit! I hope you guys are doing okay now. Your work is incredible!

Matt Gray

Ernesto Hemminguez

Herkermer Homolka

at least you didnt have to pay the coyotes lol'


He knew he was in too deep and went even deeper. Balls of fuckin STEEL man! Like everyone else is saying: Incredible work!


everybody on the channel 5 crew is fucking gnarly dude. love all of yall. mfs really know how to get down for us


i think paying the coyotes after the 60 mile walk would have been the happy ending


seriously, this one was like a dose of adrenaline, chills at the end my nipples could cut stained glass


you push what you believe and i will always love it


This is why I watch you. Thank you for taking us along on this adventure.


The guys fishing definitely knew


Want to see what comes next, living real life experiences of neighbor countries that see the u.s. as the only option for a better life. It has given me a lot of value and I hope others feel the same. I can only hope more journalist strive to reach the level of honesty and realism you portray. The world would be better off for it!

Ian Karanja

Great stuff man, really put your life on the line ✊🏾 doing gods work


Please be careful Andrew. I love the content and genuine journalism but it is not worth your life.


This shit was hype


Insane stuff, well done.


good shit


Balls of fkn steel


what sorts equipment do you record their voices with so clearly? interested in stickin mics on my friends in the train yards while we paint to record some yard talk... any help appreciated


Where’s the discord by the way has anyone found how to join?


The US ain't gonna go around telling everyone life is crap in America. Freedom and apple pies is how global support for the hegemony is maintained. Ya'll think millions of economic migrants is a lot. Just wait until there are two billion climate refugees displaced by rising sea levels and collapsing food and water systems. A closed border will eventually mean drones shooting them in the water.


You just post the videos here a week early?? They aren’t exclusive?


Channel 5 4L


What does it matter? Patronage is to ensure these keep getting made, not to change them or hoard them. These vids need more views not less. I reckon the patreon exclusive stuff should be the uncensored cut, extended interviews, added backstory. I'd be sad if there were whole investigative pieces that didn't hit youtube.


It matters a lot. It disincentives patronage. Not everyone will just pay him because they feel charity in their heart, he may be alienating a large market. Even if it’s the uncut, uncensored version as you say, there should be something differentiating the content on Patreon vs YouTube.


This shit is wild, can't wait for part 4


keep it 55th street


Wait, if the camera was confiscated, did the border patrol agents see uncensored footage of the coyotes? uh oh.


insane insights

Nick Burr

go back and look at all of the videos, there are videos on here that do not make it to youtube.


The things channel 5 goes through to get us real stories is amazing! Appreciate y’all’s sacrifice

Joel Stephenson

Sounds like it was a double whammy bonus then 🥳

Michael Carbone

Now that is some AFK shi+ right there. AC and his crew again, dropping the clips like they’re droppin’ them bars. Great piece. https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/19/123.2

Michael Carbone



I been straightup TENSE the last 4 days waiting for the final chapter


This is absolutely insane...everlasting props to you and your team.


guess who's going to jail tonight


A real journalist


This video is literally Patreon exclusive. If you actually looked at what he posted, you would see that the YouTube version stops at part 2 and the rest will only live on Patreon


THANK YOU! You're the only one showing what's really happening down there.

Gavin Armstrong

Now this is why I have the Patreon. This content is next fucking level and no journalist are putting themselves in this type of danger to get an understanding of what’s going with our nations biggest issues. Andrew and his crew doing the most for us all much appreciation.


I’m sure 2 mill is a low estimate.


Holy shit. I’m glad you’re all okay


Let’s put down a bet. $1000 that the contents in this video will be put on YouTube. Accept?


Yooooo did not expect that ending!!!!!! Wtf


Unbelievable journalism and courage. Excellent reporting!


Is it just me or those 2 coyotes just suck ass at their job? I'm not even sure if those are real ones. I mean it was this rapper's contacts after all lmao. ZERO preparation, not even a pair of binoculars to survey surroundings. No talk about payment or at least a deposit before crossing into US. Charging gringos upper end of 3-5k range. And to top it off, they ARE crossing with them, instead of taking payment, giving them exact directions where to go and watching them get out on the other side from distance? Are they walking 60+ miles (and back) with every 'customer'? Lmao... If not for the border patrol at the end, I would think this was just a set up for fun and views.


Amazing work Andrew. Please exercise caution when you can.


Just joined Patreon and I'm glad I did. Amazing journalism, Andrew and team! You do what others won't dare to. Much respect to you all. True independent journalism at its FINEST <3


It's not necessarily that migrants believe that life is easier in the USA, with unlimited social welfare and a higher minimum wage. There's also the perception that there's a greater opportunity to uplift oneself, and your offspring, in the USA, compared the their home countries. The idea that hard work and dedication allows one to go further in the USA, economically and socially, compared to other countries. However, there are already a lot of people in the USA with better access to education, more inherited wealth, and a strong desire to succeed, as well as racial biases. As a result, many migrants find themselves trapped at the bottom rung, without the education, experience, or resources to truly better their lives. Mult-generational migrant families, where the children of migrants become fluent in English, get an education in the US, and are familiar with US culture, are able to significantly get ahead, however. Many migrants to the USA understand this, which is why they're content to work low-paying labor and service jobs while their kids go to school.


I thought the same thing! I’m curious to know their angle. Maybe they thought having Andrew along would help them get into the US? Maybe it was a test to become actual coyotes? The dude in the red could have been there to check up on them. I have so many questions.


The American Mexican voices are no joke when they are giving you commands !!!!!


Hahah those guys fishing probably get drunk and watch all the migrants either fail or get across


Hell of a cliffhanger!


Is part 4 out

Ryan Kahl

Please go report on the Darien gap.

Ryan Kahl

The Darien gap

john morgan

My grandfather crossed the border illegally to get into this country. That was in the 60's. I wonder what the experience was like then vs now.


Its hard to put into words how much i appreciate your videos. This first hand account and your brave interviews really are invaluable to me. thank you for creating this show but stay safe as you do it




I wish I was there to shake your hand blud. I came off the line the days you were there


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a clearer depiction of an existing free market! The música helped, but the threat of violent death was there all along.


this is insane lol. So worth the money


Dude are you kidding me! Respect homie. I graduated with a journalism degree and trust zero of what comes out of any news source, left, right, or center. But this is truly Pulitzer Prize worthy


I am moving to Panamá in ten days, this would be super interesting


I am in awe, well worth the subscription


Holy shit man this is true journalism..




Them vacas 🥹

Andrew Spark

To andrew and the crew , thanks for your truth . Good luck with the recruiting, hopefully you find a gem

Daniel Downes

Need the next episode now! Best Buy of the year


Yo what the fuuuuuuuuuck. How gonzo can you get?


First time using patron worth it keep up the good work Andrew


good stuff! wen next episode?


can't believe you got caught man... that shit is crazy


Ayyyy k la chingada


this is fucking wild i cant wait for the next video i cant believe you guys got caught holy shit


Just joined your Patreon. Definitely worth the 5 dollars a month. Thanks for your work on getting information out on subjects the mainstream media won't talk about.

bat kyak

This is what happens when you dont listen to your parents


This is the best journalism I've seen. Absolutely great work gentlemen. Wishing you all the best.


he's going sicko mode


Between the extortion network situation on the Mexican side, and a guided 24hr desert walk on the American side, bet the arrest even felt like a relief. Could really feel the tension in this one, amazing work. Really appreciate the stress it must have cost you guys to bring us the story. Shame we couldn't get more on Ernesto!

Austin Ivy

This was incredible!!!!


You guys are truly the renaissance in journalism the world desperately needs. Best of luck to you all out there on the front lines!


i fucking cried to this. what kind of reporting is this?! you have no match in the game Andrew <3

Ryese Mason



Border Patrol treated y’all like a some Custers! Free the boys!


Everything is gonna C alright!


Y’all are WILD, don’t stop doing what you’re doing, this shit slaps


Hey Andrew. Dont know if you read these but if you do i just want to say you have the heart of a true Journalist. Im almost certain if Mr. Thompson was alive today hed commend your Gonzo spirit. Buy the ticket, Take the ride. Dont stop exploring, and be careful godamnit.


goddamn that was wild, and strange...


Now THIS is journalism.


free andrew ⛓️



Enrico Ros

Best camera man. Takes a huge commitment to follow up on this mission and be behind the scenes all the time


Insane. We would never know what this is like unless you guys took the risk. Thank you.


Great journalism

Brady Long Legs

This is the first and only Patreon I've subscribed to and I am so glad I did. Hope my $5 helps with the legal fees! Also mainstream media is gonna love having a federal crime to hold over your head! "Rogue YouTuber commits federal crime and illegally crosses the border in publicity stunt." The bullshit that will be printed... Stay strong!


4 min in. Andrew ranting about America's problems as something that would stop migrants. Honestly lmfao. Andrew clearly has never been to a slum in a 3rd world country. Would be interesting to see his reflections after he visits the places of origin of all those migrants. Despite all its problems, America is way better than any place of origin of those migrants. 100% sure. Greetings from latin America. Keep up the good work.


Lmfao so you’re not from the US but you think you know what life is like here ? So exactly what you’re trying to claim Andrew is doing. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Have you considered I could've lived part of my life in the US? 😉 Not the illegal migrant service worker grind, but 5y spent on American soil. Imo it's a bit pretentious to say "we know better what's best for illegal migrants" and blaming the whole thing on American dream propaganda. Like I said, Andrew should visit the actual places of origin of those people. It's impossible to understand their motivations without understanding where they come from.


I’m not saying that it’s not horrible conditions where they’re coming from. It’s just that - There’s other developed, first world nations with a higher quality of life that are actually closer to places like Senegal than the USA

Jason Alvarez

Amazing work. You guys have shown me my own ignorance on such a subject even as a Mexican-American. This is the journalism we need.


Love the content. When is part 4 coming out?


Incredible what yous are doing now man. Best news outlet worldwide. Free Channel 5.


Great work! Just wanted to mention the flag that shows up at 0:16 is a Colombian flag, not a Venezuelan one. Keep it up!


Wow. Amazing work. My family (may or not may not have) done the trip across the border to America. America right now is hard to live in. Money is tight for us and it sucks. But we love it here and we have made it our home and it feels great being here. I'm in school and about to finish with a BS degree. I hope to get married and have a life settled in America. But with DACA and being undocumented, it is tough to see a life like that without barriers. It sucks being in a country that loves and hates you. A constant struggle of having to prove myself of belonging here. I wish things were better, but we are here and that's what matters. Thank you for the work you do and keep it up!!!


This It's the type of journalism I want to see from everyone. Don't tell me what you think the story is. Just go to the place and let the people talk.


pls release part 4


5:08.. she can stay


Island bois mentioned 🗣️🔥🔥🔥🗣️


Now THAT'S how you get out of a $10,000 check!


crazy.... well done gentlemen

Dan Ridlon

Man, we're going nuts waiting for part 4. Can't wait to see that

Owen Davies

I came back just to say: There is a lot of confusion as the term "dollar" is used interchangeably to mean peso. It seems suspicious that those suffering extreme poverty can come up with $5k (USD?) to cross the border. I now think they mean pesos, which you talk a little about here. Maybe you could go over that more? Thanks for the good work! Had some dental work done in Algodones this weekend, quoted me $14 for mouthwash and then charged me $22. I realized they meant pesos and it cost me $1.29 USD. So yeah, if you need dental work done, it's worth some research


they mean dollars. I know a family that crossed and they paid 100k pesos per person, people give up their life savings, sell off what little they have in order to afford the crossing.


Insane journalism. Gonzo lives on. But just to ask did you assume these guys were going to do this for free ? Seems obvious they would have charged you or anyone crossing for the same amount of risk.


Holy fuck, i was not expecting that ending.


I can second what Oscar says, i also have family that sold everything for a chance.


cant wait for next part


If he wasn't on a watch list he is now. Wonder how long he can continue before getting 'the talk'


Cheers to you Andrew, literally nowhere else in journalism can you find content like this. Hope you made it out fine. Thank you for your work.


My dad is crazy


im checking about 3 times per day to see if part 4 is out


part 4 dad

Melinda Shakti

Keep up the amazing journalism. Grateful for all your sacrifices and efforts to bring us the perspectives of our fellow humans. The mainstream propaganda gets people on all sides of the economic spectrum. Especially when it comes to the hype of living in the usa.


Andrew, part of your coverage seems underwhelming. No one can deny the moral pressure to want to help some of these people, but what about the fentanyl smuggling? What about the organ harvesting of some of these migrants by cartels as a form of payment to get smuggled? What about the implications to the economy that is already stretched thin? Our emergency resources, school budgets, food production, housing situation - now pumped with millions of future low income people? The poor get poorer.


Journalists are known targets of the Cartel. I think if anything Andrew should pull back after this video as to not attract lethal attention from the wrong people. Also he is not trying to be conservatively bias, alot of what you just said would be perceived as bias.


Border Patrol's thermal imaging probably easily picked up Andrew's massive balls. I'm surprised they didn't weigh him down when he was crossing the water.


need part 4 yesterday, king.

Marcos Lauteren

Idk how you don’t keep a strap on you bruh

Marcos Lauteren

Also bruh ik how hard solitary can suck depending wya I was in for a lil over two weeks during my 6 months before I bailed out and those two weeks was worse than all the rest keep ur dick phat balls big


How much I gotta pay for part 4 Andrew - where is it




Is this thing still on?

Joe Greene

Hope u didn't die


wheres that part 4 at mane


We need part 4


The vacas got part 4 we ain’t getting sh*t


That’s insane


Awesome work Andrew! What you’re doing is incredible and so inspiring. Well done and thank you for showing the world what we don’t usually see.


I fail to see how you cannot Appreciate what this man is doing. If you are so concerned about those other issues you have listed, why don’t you go and look into them and report back to us 👍


Great work! Imo the american dream is more the chance of upward mobility than anything else, where their kids can get a good education and have a chance at a US college degree. It’s commendable to see migrants sacrificing everything for a chance at a better future for their kids.


NGL he had me the first half. RIP


so brother, where is the next part?


Hope you're alright man, that's a dangerous situation to be in, and holy fuck this is some bad ass journalism.


Damn this is fantastic work. Thank you for taking the risk


there was an error in translation around 00:37, the guy says "cautela" which means caution.


No one is covering this situation like you guys. Didn't even know it would take thousands to cross


Would love to hear more of your thoughts on mainstream media and the culture wars in North America. Perhaps a podcast or interview?


This 1st hand account reporting is why I love watching you videos! Great stuff

Wet Meat

Bless that old fisherman, what a nice dude. Id be shitting bricks the second I saw Border Patrol

Wes Bocian

Wild journey! Super well documented


thank u for this ヽ(´∀`ヽ)


The patreon streams are super low quality. Can you please also provide direct download links in future posts?


Also the fishermen are part of the enforcement network. The sentiment is very positive I agree! Just want to be sure no one drops their guard if in a similar situation.


This is wild bro. Youre the goat.


Just saw this video on YouTube This video ha me standing up and signing up for Patreon the moment it ended.


beyond legendary, great fucking work

Daniel Hunter

Holy shitting shit Andrew is maybe the greatest independent journalist i've ever seen


Yo, does anybody have the source for the infographic at 4:28?? I neeeeeed it.


no one does it like you do man!


This is fucking real journalism. I can’t believe the shit that we see on the TV nowadays. PLEASE, be safe. This is going to sound egoistic but we need you. Thank you so much for all the hard work.


Damn yo. I was on the fence joining Patreon, but seeing this video on YouTube, I just had to.

Jake Lee

So you got arrested by CPB, but you saved 5k on coyote fees 😂


This episode made me a patron. Incredible work. Thank you andrew


Same here


Good job Andrew 👍

Adam Lubeck

The Darién Gap?????


This is one of the greatest journalistic endeavors I've ever seen


holy fucking shit

Nic soroka

We really need to push the idea that America is a shit hole so no one else comes here. America is pretty much a third world country wearing a Gucci belt


where has this "America Rules" stuff been coming from you ask? FROM AMERICA!!! You guys have been shoving it down our (the World's) throat since the 60s. lol


ahhh yes... nothing says welcome home to the land of the free like razor wire, an arrest, and solitary confinement! lol


Great quote from Andrew, "I think if we actually want to solve the border issue we need to figure out where and how this America Rules/American Dream propaganda begins in developing nations and figure out how to give the world a more realistic picture to our declining nation."




I recently found a pile of discardeitems in the desert of Tucson. Interesting to find a Russian velcro flag of the gear... made me wonder other countries spreading propaganda about the USA...


Ngl almost puked at the snickers bar.