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Hey Guys -

thank you all so much for supporting. One of the things we've wanted to commit to was doing MORE for Patreon supporters this year, particularly because this platform has been our lifeline and the backbone of our operation from the very start. 

I'm stoked to announce our new Patreon-exclusive series 'C5 Newsroom,' which we'll produce weekly episodes of. This first episode is sort of a test run, but we're also going to be releasing a lot of BTS in-the-field content for this series as well.

In this video, you'll get a tour of our office and more. 

I'm open to ideas and feedback, so let me know what you guys want to see!




Slick Willy

You should upload a weekly poop pic to patreon don't post anywhere else, I'd up my pledge for that fr fr no cap on God


Appreciate all you guys do, keep up the good work, that’s more than enough for my support.


Put all my regulars at my bar onto you, luv u bby <3

Slick Willy

Office needs more fog machines and lasers but pretty dope


Love that Rug, Really ties the room together


Does anyone know the ch5 discord channel? I have discord but I don’t know how to access the Patreon discord chat


I’m with you on the fan.


You guys are the best

Slick Willy

I guess it is good you changed up ur style. Stuck in that character for your entire career like nardwaur would suck

Van Kirwin

I am so amazed at how this channel has grown over the years. I'll never forget when all gas no breaks came to my home town of Minneapolis (and all the crazy shit that's happened since then). Thank you


Love the exclusive content. Subscribing was so worth it


Thanks for all you do! Don’t over pressure yourself to force content, we joined the Patreon because we appreciate what you currently do, not because we expect more from you!

Jevon Golden

I’m in Australia if you ever float down lmk

Sinan Duran

Love your content. Don't over stretch yourselves!


Absolutely love the inside look. Super happy I’m able to support you guys and your mission


Appreciate the candid content


i have ur toy lol


thanks brotha


Andrew & Co. Keep up the great work. Your content is fun, eclectic, dynamic, informative and serious when it needs to be. Cheers from Montreal, Canada.


11:33 is that Steroid Billy Mays??


Dude u had some random in ur bed and ur acting like it's normal 👀☠️


Andrew’s idol worship comment is the real behind the scenes <3

Martina Bustos

Enjoyed the new video! Would love to see a bts process of how you film your stories.


Love this, would love for these to go even longer if possible.

Lord of the fleas

What do you think about Andrew dice clay


Love to see the behind the scenes and weekly would be dope✌🏽


thanks for behind the scenes


this is so dope man thank you

Citizen Cuck

Arnold is the real brains behind C5. Know the truth.


Watching you go over some of the popular news stories was really interesting maybe that can be something you do in these weekly videos?


I, personally, am happy (and proud) to support your journalism. Would gladly give you more, too, if you’d put it to good work. Peter Thiel is such a despicable person. Not only did he likely violate tax code by putting manipulated shares into his Roth IRA in order to create a $5 Billion tax free fund for himself, he is a true jerk IRL and in a heartbeat will shit on anyone he perceives to be lower than him. If you’re ever so unlucky as to meet him in person you’ll likely find him berating some entry-level employee or throwing a temper tantrum.


Fr I think this can be a fun series. Bloopers from the field would be cool


It’s dope af getting the behind the scenes run down

Alex Ezorsky

I super appreciate this realness behind the realness! Hitup Minnesota police!


Can we please get more behind the scenes stuff, extend/deleted scenes from past ventures, bloopers, more updates, and perhaps another tour? Love your work man!


Love this new bts styled content, if y’all could just put a lil disco ball🤌. Naw but seriously glad to hear Sidam’s still part of C5.


You’re truly an inspiration and you deserve everything in the world! I love channel5 and will support forever 💜


This was great. Really appreciate your perspective on "Platforming problematic ideologies".


Would be cool to learn more about how you choose the stories/topics!


Your reporting is super high quality and thorough, keep doing what you do Andrew

Taylor Stutz

"It's a picture, but it paints a picture of a period of time" Straight fire 🔥

Jevon Golden

Check out (@brahkruz) doing some cool stuff in Hawaii


Wouldn’t be gonzo, but I would dig a weekly news run down video of worldwide happenings with the channel 5 spin

Grant Jansen

Andrew you wearing a 100 yr anniversary carhartt chore coat??


Love you papa.

Josie Jos

This is the 123rd post


Glad you're back doing videos about the shit that matters. Anyone interested in more independent journalism covering the situation at the US / Mexico border should check out: https://www.theborderchronicle.com/


Best journalist in America. Honest truth.


Hell yea man


This patreon is the best money I've ever spent online. Thanks for the videos and keep it up!!


I LOVE CHANNEL 5 HOLY SHIT... but where's the discord?


how stoned were you for this? xD


I love supporting creators like you. Keep it up. I love this format. Especially when you talk about how mainstream journalism tried to change you. When you just talk off the cuff about your experiences.


Thanks for this look! I'd love to have a video about your thoughts on staying informed. Where and how do you recommend people consume news and independent journalism and are there good places online that aggregate the work of independant journalism?


Love this concept dude! Definitely adds to the exclusivity of being a patron 😎 happy af to be back on here I held on for a while then thought y’all shut down so I jumped ship, but the second I got wind you were back I jumped right back on the bus. Read for some 2024 merch baby, this years gonna be wild, watch 👀

Zack Dowdy

Newsroom is dope!


Antony story..... classic

sex defender

w video, and my clothing finally shipped. praise 5

Ryan V

Really enjoyed this, look forward to more! Would love to hear about your process of learning Spanish so fluently

Azzle Toof Toph

My respect for channel 5 after finding out Andrew edits his all his videos: 📈 As someone who makes my own music I am very biased towards creators and artists who are also the engine behind the whole craft


After watching the SF & Philly videos, I think your journalism on homelessness & tranq is currently some of the best available anywhere. I’m blown away at the depth of these releases. You have a genuinely sincere & thought provoking approach to covering these topics. Hearing your candid comments in this video about your process & legacy media failing despite every advantage were great as well. Keep up the incredible work Andrew & Ch.5!

Matias Faure

Andrew, the transformation of the traditional industry to independents is not one to one. The amount of people watching the politicians will reduce which will have an impact on citizens ability to keep a large number of politicians accountable. If you can, check out Julia Cagé’s book “Saving the Media”.

Matias Faure

Also, really liking this behind the scenes hangout.

Darry Lavid

First Patreon I ever subscribed too, love the content!

Ruben Garcia

Andrew lemme send you some art me and my homies write so I got u with some fire canvases

Ruben Garcia

That sticker smash goes crazt


incredible ep brother man, loved seeing behind the scenes into the actual work being done in order to give us the coverage we’re looking for. good work to the whole team. big ups.


Andrew, if you ever need music or another editor—I’d happily oblige.

Ruben Garcia

Keep these videos coming dawg


This Video got soooo good at the end. I liked the apartment tour, but the last 3-4 minutes were so good. Please do go revisit eagle pass. The masses in youtube need to see what’s happening today



Katelyn Armbruster

Curious about what topics you've investigated that haven't been published for one reason or another.

Ben Hardy

will blunderfield was insane, I also saw him on the Seabus heading to waterfront station a few months back

Isaac Olexio

this is fucking awesome


Can u play Fortnite


I feel like the blanket dismissal of the work that newspapers do is wrong thinking. New York Times, I don't personally care about (the paywall can fuck right off), but my home town newspaper, The Colony Courier? I support the fuck out of local journalism in its job to expose the government and keep it in line. Dallas Morning News also does important work of exposing and documenting the corruption of Paxton, Abbott, and the rest of the clowns running Texas legislature. I genuinely enjoyed hearing your perspective on this, and I'm glad to hear people I respect challenge my perspective. -Peace and Love


I want to know more about the crew and how they came to work with you. Hi Larry Suzanne


Man id love to watch this videos in other platform, i can't watch it.in My TV cause it can't download Patreon


Love this. Keep being great



David Ventura

I don’t know about you folks but I will certainly be purchasing the services of NordVPN immediately, thank you Channel 5!

Just human

Dude! Please tell me that those aren't your only backups and you have off-site cloud storage as well. 🙏🏼


spirit animal yo


I agree. Also, yes these big institutions do have more accountability than independents. I think channel 5 is an anomaly when it comes to small independent journalism. Partisanism, sensationalism, and disinformation can definitely run rampanant without accountability.

Just human

Awesome episode dude.. love the art work.. 😂 love the positivity and the trajectory in which Channel 5 is heading. 🏆

Shea Davis

You are truly the goat Andrew. Thankful for you and your crew.


Congratulations happy to see the progress


Even your off handed tangents are so well thought out. I truly appreciate your desire to see all sides of every story.

Jacob Batt

You should look into Ground News as a possible sponsor for your videos. The whole platform is about bridging biases and uncovering possible blind spots in your news consumption. Sort of a new spin on a news aggregate app. I feel that it would fit your demographic.

Music Colin

full support . always. best journalist hands down


Big love from the UK! It's a pleasure to support you and contribute towards your progress. You've always kept it real, humourous, heartfelt and very interesting with all of your content. Keep it on smash mode & have a lovely day! 💚🍀


You made me want to get into independent journalism, Channel 5 crew. Been watching since All Gas No Brakes you guys made me challenge what the media put out and made me trust most citizen journalists. Keep it up guys

Richard Springfield

Nice to finally meet you. Thanks for showing us a bit of your life.


Respect, A!


Comment on 3:18: Standard journalism has been a shrinking market for a long time now. The global recession is only hastening it's demise.


love you!

john R

This is dope

Chris B

epic gamer move


I bought 10 Nord vpn subscriptions


Really enjoyed this behind the scenes, will deffo keep my patreon sub for the foreseeable. Keep up the good work xx


Woulda rather seen y’all edit and finish up part 2 of the Texas boarder thing, but whatever you put out I’ll at least try to watch it


This was sick man


i gambled my life away on sports betting cause of this


Keep the great content up. After watching your coverage of Arizona border crisis. I'm now well aware of the true scale of migration that's going on from people all around the world. I live way out in the desert of Lancaster California and I've noticed a lot of new people moving to the area to buy land. Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of these migrants are moving here also to do with the coyotes that are smuggling them here. Lots of cartel involved in mariujana in the area. Just had six people shot and killed minutes away from where I live.


yeah the ocean city series is sorta ass, border crisis making up for it tho <3 keep it up dawg


Thanks for talking about how the MSM had influenced your previous work and what you needed to do to try an uphold basic journalism101 standards of objectivity. It's very frustrating to hear about your experience I'm glad your back happy to watch the MSM burn down with you brother !


Dude. MORE of these! Aside from all the cool BTS shit the ad work you showed was really insightful and honestly gave me a lot of confidence. Much love from Camden, NJ cousin!!!


This good content

Andrew Boryk

Love the behind the scenes and also stories of what was going on when pitching your movie, and your headspace at AGNB. Also, confusing timeline, editing Ocean City pt 1 (came out a couple weeks ago) but also the New Hampshire primary lol Maybe you guys are just editing it for youtube probably haha Super excited for more behind the scenes!

Mirko Ruhl

My best wishes from Argentina to the launch of Canal 5. Latinoamérica needs better journalism

Denny Chandler

Yo this was awesome! Great content... Y'all need an IT guy though, those hard drives could be dumped on a backed up storage array and used in the field! ;)


The excitement about Arnold and Andrew kissing him is the wholesome content I needed


This type of content is great. It is refreshing to see how the operation works from the inside. Keep carrying the fire.

Suitable Alias

Also agree with this, AP, CSPAN, Reuters, all solid boring factual sources. The rest have fallen into the entertainment-based revenue trap and are taking partisan stands to cater to their audience in hopes of getting more engagement/revenue.

Suitable Alias

This site is useful for getting a reference point when considering where a news organization stands -- https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/new-york-times/ Obviously not infallible, but like I said, a useful reference point. Reuters example - https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/reuters/


Andrew, can you help me and your viewer understand the capitalist forced on journalism. Specifically, how engagement drives mainstream content? I would love to see that opposed factfulness and the research by Hans Rosling.

Alfy Penny

I'm on the boat with you bro!✊️


Awesome bts stuff while Looking forward to the continuation of your coyote interview.

One Full Time Equivalent

Andrew, waddayathink about public broadcasting and associated media outlets? give 'em the ol' kick in the butt?

Cesar Gomez

Arnold, age 12, channel 5 bookkeeping.


Love what you’ve evolved into


This is a dope insight Can’t wait to see more! 💪 hopefully some editing process or your writing process I’m trying to get in the journalism field as well So seeing equipment and stuff that y’all do for the process would be a dope video!


Definitely enjoyed this video and I'm glad to be a supporter.


I wasn’t in this 😢

Alexander Abbas

Its amazing to see how you’ve grown as a journalist from the all gas no breaks times. Really seems like you’re making Hunter S. Thompson proud, keep doing what you love and I’ll always be happy to support the great work you do Andrew


Following you since the start of All Gas No Breaks <3 Thanks for the amazing work you are all doing. Love the chill and raw vibe of the Newsroom. It gives you the time talk naturally and us to listen carefully.


If you need ideas for Newsroom topics, I would love to hear about some common/un-common challenges you face on the job. People trying to ruin your shoots? E.coli from your favourite roadside diner? Cringe moments that you would never post (except on patreon heh)?

Elyse Monroy

This was great. I love your videos, and look forward to you posts going up.


Man you guys should really add second monitors to your setups, really helps with the workflow


love the idea Andrew. would love to see more in addition with actual news obviously but I have a particular interest in architecture/design so kinda cool seeing the pad you produce all this great content at


Thanks for everything yall do-. Never stop OR change

Todd Troxell

Andrew your takes are a breath of fresh air- way ahead of the curve

Nicholas Zimmerman

Hey Guys, if you need any help with spreadsheets, number analysis, etc id love to donate some time to help. I love what you do and am currently a revenue accountant getting my MBA.


Enjoyed this SO much. Behind the scene stuff but still contains full of fascinating information on current affairs. Look forward to the next one as well as other ongoing stories!


Hearing that Sidam is still part of the team is some of the best news I’ve heard in a minute. 🔥


This was very cool. Im excited to see more of this style


Dude the shit you do is awesome! Your vids have been so eye opening to what's been going on in the world. I showed your channel to all my close family and friends. <3

Chanan Greenblatt

This was awesome! BTW, how do we access the Discord? can't find the link


Nice to see a less edited and more free floating version of you. Would love to see more of the other people behind the scenes and more of the non-interview talk. But Please don't start a Podcast.


Loved this, can’t wait for more

Kenneth Baker

Glad to hear that Sidam is still Channel 5. Friends are supposed to lift each other up when we slip. Keep up the great work dude


Hey Andrew I’ve got a few questions! Are you fully fluent in Spanish and how long have you known how to speak it? Also how did you learn and how long of a process was it, or is it an ongoing process? Thanks! - Seth S. from the Coastal Cot


much love <3 <3 <3 <3


Would love to see more BTS of how you guys shoot your content. Otherwise keep it up Drippy Cheeses, the patreon subscription is pretty worth it!

Gaius Nietzsche Patton

I think you’re missing the bigger point of the Texas v federal government border dispute. The issue is that in prior cases the courts have defined immigration and border security as being purely a federal responsibility. It’s clear however they are not upholding that responsibility. Therefore the states such as Texas have had to make the decision to shoulder that responsibility. This administration, as with many issues, is taking the completely contradictory stance of claiming that responsibility is theirs while leaving states to the mercy of dealing with it. I suggest you watch Peter Santanello’s border series where he interviews these border county sheriffs (something you absolutely should have done) where they talk about many of the costs their localities are incurring from record numbers of crossings which the government is not recouping them on whatsoever. The suit against Texas is borne out of nothing but embarrassment by this administration because it broadcasts across the airwaves they are not doing that job which is allegedly their sole responsibility. It’s a supremacy clause, state’s rights issue more than anything. What are states to do when the federal government fails in upholding their responsibilities?


¿Qué pasa con este canal cinco?

Baba Singh

Maybe you will look at Minneapolis in a futue piece, bro - so many independent rappers from there like Slug and Brother Ali, and the cop culture there pre- and post- BLM summer gets talked about alot. Thanks for this piece! Stay up!

Josh Newton

Love your open mind Andrew. I don’t agree with you on everything. But you do come from a place of genuine curiosity. But I assure you that the smarter you are the more liberal/progressive you are, is because those people are indoctrinated. And they literally aren’t allowed to think any other way if they want to keep a job/status among their peers. They also don’t live by the virtues they profess. Non of these libs would take in an immigrant into their home…


My brother in Christ, you are releasing so many videos I cannot keep up. (compliment) I want to know if you’ve watched Mariana Van Zeller - Trafficked, a new season was just released with an episode on migrant smugglers. I’m curious as to what current journalists you admire etc.


Yo Andrew I’ve seen some crazy shit on Reddit about Abbot trying to get Texas to succeed from the US. Not sure how legit it is and may be too far out for some legitimate journalism but could connect well to the border crisis.


I didn't think I'd enjoy this but it was really insightful to see your thoughts on how you've progressed these past few years. I'm a former patron who let my sub expire after I felt like you were doing too much character stuff. Your past few videos brought me back and I'm happy to be a patron again, not for the bonus content but because it's important to support those doing this work. Keep doing your thing.


Great work as always. Awesome to see BTS. Looking forward to more like this. Cheers!


It was really interesting hearing your thoughts on mainstream media and the issue of sunlight versus deplatforming. I don't know if I totally agree but I respect your perspective a lot and I'd like to hear more of it in the future.


Sweet, more inside shit for Patreon subs!


Drop the discord bae

Moistened Mann

the nuance !!! I love this channel so fucking much man


Hell yeah! Love to see it thanks


i hope you get paid for squeezing that ad into your paid content 😂


I really appreciated this. Thanks for taking the time!

Suggestive Carp

Good seeing the man behind the camera. you seem like a chill dude, Andrew

bat kyak

BTS siiiick


This was dope but don't act like we don't want to see you bro We care about you as a character or not it's okay to party from time to time Hope all is well


Yea but the more you play into a ‘character,’ the easier it is to be misrepresented


I meant to say person not character my bad I'm stoned enjoying the show and typing before I finished 😂

Zaden Smith

I saw you reply to a comment about being misunderstood as a character, but I think this series is off to a great start bc it shows you more as a real person. Too many of the institutional journalists or even news outlets have these familiar faces that are simply mouthpieces for a conglomerate disinterested with civilians. Watching this, I’m even more curious to hear your perspective because of how authentically independent you are, and you also open up about past projects, even ones you’re not entirely proud of bc of certain phases, despite the popularity surrounding them. Always love the work you put out, and I’m so grateful you’re becoming more and more dedicated to cover the more serious shit going on. Much love from the culturally dead city of Albany


Key west was my least favorite episode we’ve ever done 🤣 I love that


MTV cribs


The way you show different personalities and opinions in you videos is the reason you're one of the best journalist I know and a real one. Keep up the great work! P.s. your raps are fire

Michael Tuttle

Nice studio my boy , keep up the great journalism 💯


Is that a Whitney Holborn painting with the barbed wire?


Don't listen to the haters obviously, this is really cool to see BTS. and people need to chill out and let you have fun sometimes. Jesus christ. You still put out the best and you're the standard in my mind for independent journalism, one of the best at least. Stay safe out there dude ✌️


Venezia’s vegan pizza is good.

jamie medley

Great stuff! Behind the looking glass!


I wake up at 5am because I have anxiety


can you imagine NordVPN hoppin on the Border video? "It seems like getting into the US poses a ton of challenges. Luckily, you can BROWSE from the US no matter WHERE you're stuck!" 💀


This was great! I liked seeing you read through news stories and talk through how you view different articles. Keep it coming!


What Andrew said about the news industry I said about hollywood during the writers strikes. A horrible industry (the movies are bad but I mean the allegations) that needs to be decentralized.


Yo Andrew, how do I apply for the channel 5 news team?


Hard agree about people interview MAGA folks just to make fun of them, always strikes me as so needlessly mean and fruitless. But I do wonder if your videos served as a good example of how to do it properly, but I understand the impulse to just step back from it.


I love the idea that mainstream journalism fails and is replaced by independent journalists who don't have to focus all their reporting on furthering the ideological goals of their billionaire owners. However, part of what makes your reporting effective is that it's not just sound bites and headlines. Americans might need longer attention spans to make your format more popular. Also, I think it's hilarious that you're scrolling on your computer surrounded by Trump hats and ranting about the mainstream media. If this were the first video of your someone watched, they would need a lot of convincing that you aren't an apologist for right wing extremists. Also, you were a little hard on the journalists who don't just go independent. Not everyone has your grit and dedication; most people just want a stable job.

Chris Bay

Thanks for the content, I wanna work for channel 5 news. Lol

Luca Clark

The American dream propaganda is big and ironic part of the issue for me. I'm glad to hear someone else mention it. Also a related observation: I was born and have lived all my life in Germany. When friends from outside of Germany would visit. They would often lose their minds over something made there. They just assume it is high quality. Another one being that Germans are hard workers but in comparison to the rest of the world it is not the case at all imho

Zacry Spears

Love this. So happy i subbed

Alfie C

I really enjoyed when you read through the news and made your own personal comments. I really respect your views and your content I feel helps me grow in a lot of ways


Thanks for sharing your environment and process!


I wouldn’t have a problem with regular journalists if they didn’t actively antagonize and try to discredit C5 as a “YouTube comedy show” at every possible chance. They’ve also always been rude to us in the field (especially during 2020 election), and they’ve got a major complex about us succeeding while MSM fizzles out. It’s too bad because I’d like a non-adversarial relationship with the press, but as long as we continue down this path, that will always be impossible - ac


Ok, you've convinced me. Fuck those guys whining about becoming obsolete. You put the work in, you're a hero and they're NPCs (but actually). So honored you replied to my first comment! This is also the first Pateron I've become a member of!

Dave France

I wouldn’t mind see some of the computer work. I know the research process can be monotonous and boring but I still think it would be interesting to see some it.

Dave France

How you decide what topics to cover, how you decide where to go and who to interview. How you get interviews with owners/operators of different places and business, etc.


Loved the tour! Antony the room bandit deserves a full episode. Or one on testosterone-fueled hustle culture


Glad to hear Siddam is still around.


I second this, Andrew reading the news could be a fun little feature.

Kaelen C

Dude Venezia's is so good. When I was going into work everyday It was by far the best pizza in Mesa. Those huge 24" part pizzas they would bring in were the only thing getting me to lunch lol


Love C5 and this new series next episode you should show us you getting naked




lol, vacas. Found it a fun break from the drearyness of it all. Sure, its serious but Andrews personality -whatever hes doing- i assume is what helps get these people to open up. whatever, keep doing what your doing, this is great stuff. made a patreon accnt just to pay something to you.


Never trust hard drives my dude.


Big buck hunter is the best arcade game ever

Fire Flores

Thanks man , I appreciate the tips of the ad read cause I’m a mass comms major. I feel like school is booty .-. But I’m using the fasfa to slowly gather my equipment when I’m out. Thanks for coming back


Great patreon content. Thanks!

'C0COP '

Good vid brother hope to see more exclusive content ;]


Andrew try to get cash app sponsorship again u were really good at those ads


Sick vid nice crib. What pills you got on that table? NTZ-48? Keep up the great work


good stuff but stop shilling nordvpn plz, its a legit scam. they are absolutely not anonymous and sell every dns request you make. its actually kinda fucked. if you used that in ukraine you'd be dead. that synology box you use would be a better ad spot, it actually works.


Wow hearing you talk about the mainstream media and the censorship hits home to me rn. Ive watched a subreddit thats been reporting and shedding light on financial crimes recently got mysteriously banned and removed off reddit.


Man, love your stuff! Please keep it up


We're rockin' and rollin'.


Hell yea I loved this!

King of Simps

I reckon this is because reddit has been super cautious about this stuff since the Boston bombing fiasco.


Thanks guys, this is very helpful for anyone trying to figure out next steps

Liam Trippi

“We have a lot of trump hats in here…. I don’t fuck with him I swear” 💀

Leonel Perez

Man I love the ocean city type of content it’s the best! It feel more like your older stuff .


My mom came from Mexico, she had me come with her when I was one year old. All I know is the American life, everything I know is American. My mom tried her best to teach me about Mexico but it always narrowed down to being not a fruitful place. All her entertainment was international with cartoons from Japan, movies from the U.S, comics translated. Her life could’ve been similar to someone living in the U.S just translated into Spanish. I grew up naive and “innocent” like most Americans I feel. I could barely think myself as being an immigrant much less interracial, but people reminded me all the time as to where I came from. Even if I came from Illinois which is my early memories. I needed to start to create my own personal identity because once I let people decide who I was I was constricted and felt I couldn’t be anything besides a mistake in policy.


1) thank you! 2) those sandisk extremes, bro, watch out. They will magically erase all your data. Fundamental flaw in the software engineering. Back them up to your synology asap and throw them away. There is a class action lawsuit - https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/08/sandisk-extreme-ssds-are-worthless-multiple-lawsuits-against-wd-say/ 3) the single HS7 (hopefully not HS6) for audio monitoring is absolutely hilarious. I love it. Who needs stereo anyways? 4) nordvpn, great sponsor. sports betting tho.... brother c'mon, you've seen enough of the dark sides of society that you must be aware of how evil these companies are. please distance yourself from sponsors as predatory as sports gambling tech startups :( Thanks for doing what you do brojandro. It is really important, more important than most people realize. Much love <3


also my man, the antony painting with the meth pipe and whippie nangs hahahah, and the story. amazing. unbelievable. highlights the vast difference between the way we experience the world, and the way "normies" do. You're like, hey bro, hang out, be a part of my shit, haha. I love it. Hey, I've said this before, but you have a huge platform and show people using nitrous sometimes - please help educate people! People don't know about B12 and nitrous. I'm a highly educated, highly skilled engineer. I did nitrous regularly for 12 years without any ill effects. I mean, running tanks, filling at a nitrous mafia spot, doming 20lb tanks sometimes just for fun in <12 hour. Still did 100 mile bike rides on the reggy and was in great shape. That said, I abused nitrous really hardcore after I was laid off during the pandemic. It was really awful being stuck in a tiny apartment with abrasive roommates in the heart of the mission while every theater, comedy club, movie theater, yoga studio, bar bakery and restaurant was shut down. I was personally hospitalized for over a week from nitrous abuse, in SF general. I could barely walk. I couldn't feel my legs or my hands. I had a spinal tap and 3 days of pure misery thinking I had guillan-barre syndrome (this is what the doctors thought), before a wonderful neurosurgeon, Dr. Laura, properly diagnosed me, after asking about my party drug usage. She said I was case #4 in the past 12 months. It was extremely lucky that I had such an educated doctor who understood this complex neurological reaction. Please check out the science behind it and give people a shout out that they need to take B12 supplements (including redbull, comically enough), if they partake in nitrous. The person in this medical study was only doing 30 7g cartridges a day. IDK about you, but anyone I've seen, including myself, go hard on nitrous, has done a *lot* more than 30/day / 210g/day. I was doing 9,000g+ a day at my peak. My brain and body function has returned, mostly, after many many years of PT and abstinence. Anyways sorry for the long message, but please Andrew, you have such an amazing platform, please talk about B12 and nitrous, because your videos show people partying and using it, just like other drugs, but it has an incredibly detrimental effect on your body with chronic use, and it's not well publicized enough. I have watched people lose all of their physical facilities to that drug and it is preventable. Mid 20-s humans should not be in wheelchairs because they didn't understand that nitrous oxide abuse was paralyzing them :( All that said, still an amazingly fun and interesting drug when used in moderation. As a true psychonaut who has tried damn near everything, I have had some of my wildest fully disassociated trips on that drug hah. Salvia, and Nitrous+K+L have been the wildest. And really great for dental anxiety. Just keep it in moderation, friends. Love you <3


As a south texan resident, thank you channel 5 for showing the border crisis!!!!


glad to hear sadam is still in the mix. im all in for reparations


Andrew - you sounding a little winded. Get that cardio bro. We need you.

Arthur Bauer

Andrew my friend you truly are a national treasure and I don't say that lightly. I have been watching you since the New Orleans Videos and then All Gas No Breaks and told anyone who would listen about you. With that being said when them movie came out I was stoked and then the aftermath left a bitter taste in my mouth as I thought you has been taken down by cancel culture and the like. Then you came back and dude in the biggest way I have been meaning to write this for sometime but could never find the words.... The San Fran stuff was insane bro I came from that world and got out to tell the tale and it's never been covered so purely and without judgment you are too real for that. You have grown as well by leaps in bounds these border videos are legit insane be safe we need you more than ever.. Also the under the bored walk that is gonna be something else thanks that one its been a real nice change of pace.. Also much love to the homie Crip Mac good looks for lookin out for him he deserves it much love.

Gary Eddy

Sunlight is the best disinfectant. You know who else says that? Joe Rogan. Would love to see you on there. His producer is hip to you and brought up your San Fran coverage the other day


If you ever need a contact in Taiwan hmu. Love from Asia.


Great stuff Andrew and team. I agree, fuck the institutions. What can we do so you don’t have to Ad read anymore and support capitalism as it stands? I would be open to paying double on Patreon to avoid hearing and seeing ads.


Damn I’d love if you had one of my paintings in your collection


Definitely more of this stuff. Cool to see AC just scroll and talk about the news.

Matt Keough

I could watch/listen to you read news and give your thoughts all day. This is good content.


Read All Gas No Brakes by the pool, lying on the grass and facing the mountains in San Jose Costa Rica today. Amazing portraits. Thank you so much for broadening my horizons


gr8 stuff dawg but someones gotta back alex thats my guy

Ben Reichstein

Happy to support you, the work you're all doing is so important right now. And if you ever need any sort of help / translation for something in Germany let me know, I'd be glad to do what I can

Matt Gray

I really dig this behind the scenes look and get to hear your thoughts on your take on stuff. Hope there's more in the future. Keep up the good work!

Maya Gayler

As a journalist, I want to work with/for you

Maya Gayler

How do I get in contact with your team ? I greatly admire your motivation behind the topics you cover


I enjoy seeing an update like this, it's good to see how the environment has shifted and grown for the better, I'm sure someone mentioned it here, but an AMA exclusive to Patreon would be fun

Tri M

The ad read was hilarious good shit Andrew


Andrew love the behind the scenes! Thank you for doing what you do in all of your investigative journalism. Side note, I think you should get Ublock Origin for whatever browser you're using. The internet is so much better with all those ads taking up over half the page removed. Just my two cents. Keep it up man you and your crew are doing amazing work

Matthew Jackson

Do you feel a little ridiculous, talking shit on mainstream media about how you wish they would die while reading their headlines?

Jeremy Kasdin

In this day and age information is key above all. It helps us create our own perception and even also agency in an environment where both can be exploited and influenced for capital gain. I'm happy to say I get my information from here. Feeling allll the agency lol. Big Shoutout Canal 5

Jeremy Kasdin

I can't wait to see the combination of Web3 and what Andrew is building over there. Gives but a man hope


I'd love to see a tech breakdown; I see that little server rack and the Synology NAS choochin' along back there.


I'm a little bit of a journalist myself, operating out in central Europe, and let me say that your approach of work ethic is the only thing nowdays that keeps me going in our magazine. I don't know why, but even when everything is coming to shit, even for us in little lifestyle newsrooms in Europe, I see your commitment, see the urge to inform your viewers the best way possible about topic that you value the most and I'm trying to take this message out of it, avoid the tabloid bullshit and unimportant stuff that i HAVE to do and just trying to focus and fight for the themes that matters the most for me. I'm so glad that the first Patreon ever that I bought is yours and I hope you'll keep going. Because it keeps me going. Cheers from the Czech republic.


I’ve never related more to fan oscillation standards in my life 🖐🏼


Really liked this content, thank you, looking forward to #2 (peace!)

Romel Maldonado

Loving the content, enjoyed the background of your setup and art. But really liked your “research” session and your thoughts on current events. Keep it up!

Virginia Hanna

Arnold!!! I think Arnold should have a segment. There's got to be important things in the world that can be viewed better from a dogs perspective. I swear I'm not stoned, yet. I just wake up like this.

Virginia Hanna

I think the C5 newsroom content should include Andrew and/or whoever going through headlines and giving initial thoughts and impressions. And then also include responses to comments from the c5 segments. Provide clarification where needed. Possibly point ppl towards legit organizations working to fix issues that y'all discuss. And let ppl know who they can write or call or what elected official is in the position to directly effect changes to various issues. I love how unbiased your reporting is and how you are able to display the bits and pieces of beliefs and then put it all together like a completed puzzle so that we can understand better and respond to people when they express a piece of the puzzle and help them to see the whole picture as well.


I see your comments a lot and I like you Virginia


man I know you probably won't see this but if you do PLEASEE drop the @ of that guy pandasex if he has any art for sale

Virginia Hanna

Haha! Thanks! I have a feeling that most of the patreon supporters of Channel 5 would get along pretty well :) Maybe they should host fundraisers through conventions and get togethers? If C5 is reading this, I'm good at event management and planning!!


Would love to see some footage from the convoy

Hannes Winkel

FYI The SanDisk external drives are kinda unreliable and can just die unprovoked. I am a Samsung T7 shield kinda guy


true af the only drives to ever shit out on me have been sandisk


arnold need a special ong


Would love to see you give other independent journalists a moment on the platform and perhaps expand into an independent aggregation outlet. Would love more stories told in this style from journalists you respect because I resonate with your perspective quite a bit 🤘🏻

Leslie P

Nice. Thanks for your humanistic views of the world. Its so needed.


I got a 2tb Seagate HDD have those ever shit the bed on you guys? Mine been going strong for 3 years as far as I can tell


Virginia Hanna always got the banger comments and ngl it shakes my world up a bit because I'm sexist AF. I just never really met a woman who got good ideas or makes me laugh so I kinda just assume they all the same somewhat. Super retarded tangent but yea love u Virginia!

Hannes Winkel

Yeah you should be fine, don’t shake it tho lol HDDs can’t just die on you like a SSD might, but you can edit on SSDs ;) If you really really wanna be save and are dependent on your data you could look into getting a RAID, Andrew has one in this video, it’s the box with the 2 fans next to his Computer, I’m still salivating over it

Michael Carbone

Love it dude, it's cool to see the behind the scenes. You and your crew rock! :)


Im mexican live in mexico leme be part of canal 5


Cheers for trying to make it worth our while, and I definitely don't want to speak for everyone, but I do want yall to know; I'm paying to support all your content. I'm paying so you can afford to keep producing for people who don't have the money to support you. I'm not paying for anything extra, I'm paying you to keep making the free content I've always been watching. I'm sure there are plenty of people who will want motivation to pay though, so I'm not saying don't give us exclusive content. Just letting ya know, I'm sure a lot of us don't care about it being exclusive.


Andrew, Great content lately. I wanted to request you break down the basic equipment you need to create content like you do. Cameras, field recorders, computers, whatever. Thanks man glad to subscribe


Painting at 7:39 looks like Kevin RIP 🤍 #GodWillRise #ScorpionThumb #TheseThingsAintRandom


Lmao the mythical Antony. Wish he let you work with him.


Thank you Channel 5 Team for the work you do! The "research" ending portion of the video (or whatever you want to call it) was great. It would be awesome to see more in future videos.


This is awesome man


Great BTS Thank you


Antony the GOAT

Paul Hedges

Haha your NordVPN ad was how I learned about your HBO movie.

Eamon Mulholland

Andrew - “Smarter you are, more likely you are to be progressive… on a lot of issues” Do you think that’s in large part because people soak up ideology from those frequently around them, and higher education institutions have been heavily slanted liberal (hiring, curriculum, policy) for decades? I say this as a college educated dude. Many just spend 4 years and a bunch of money to learn leftist talking points and a pseudo-philosophical nihilism instead of critical reasoning skills. Anyway, love this new series and happy to see ya’ll still going strong 🫡


bro u should do a contest where people submit themselves doing your ad reads. 1. engagement 2. you don’t have to do ad reads. 3. im a really good ad reader so i wanna get on the show


Put your hard drives in a faraday box

Wes Bocian

Office looks dope! Dig the vibe

bill dacruz

Is the series still going?


"The smarter you are, probably the more progressive you'll be." This from the dude who just illegally crossed the border into the US without even checking to see if it was illegal first. Talk about partisan. For the record, it would be a lot more accurate to say something along the lines of, "The smarter you think you are, the more likely you'll be progressive."


I saw you on social media years ago and liked your stuff. I saw you in person on the Vegas strip 4-5 years ago interviewing people, thought it was so cool. But it’s fucking incredible to see how far you’ve gone. Seriously, wow. I love your work. It’s honest, it’s raw, it’s unheard of. Good for you bro. Happy to be a patreon.

christian999 M

Yea I don't understand why he would even say that. It goes against the vision of the channel imo. Andrew is the only news/journalistic source I actually trust to present issues to us without some sort of bias attached. He has the right to believe whatever he wants I just hope it doesn't impact the integrity of literally the last source of news that isn't just a shill for some ideology

christian999 M

So I take it you're not fucking with Tim and Eric anymore? Being that Tim is a far left liberal Cuck loser?


Yeah i like his videos and I think hes definitely doing some good work but he has never been unbiased. He may let people talk and is good at getting people to open up but at the end of the day he is still deciding who gets interviewed, and what interviews make the video vs get left on the cutting room floor. You can very easily still spin things the way you like that way, and its not hard to tell which way he leans. Not that thats horrible or anything, everyones got their leanings but thats why you cant get all your info from one place and actually be genuinely well informed.

christian999 M

Well he even hinted at it several times. How they don't want to show certain things because it platforms ideas they don't agree with

Dylan Munyard

Your reaction is interesting. Guess Andrew picked up fans from both sides of politics. I'd probably be mad if he was talking up Trump 😁

christian999 M

I think both parties are full of shit and are playing both sides for financial and power gain. If you watched his documentary you would understand

Dylan Munyard

Yeah I love Andrew's stuff. Why are you all angry at everyone. We're all Patrons homie.


love it


same, I have a really good speaking voice and think I’d be good at this


thanks for the peek behind the scenes. been watching you for years and stoked to be a patron. much love from a fellow Washingtonian 💖


I would absolutely love to do what you do. I’m thinking of starting something similar for the gentrification problems in Savannah, GA.


I'd love to hear more about some of the philosophy behind your journalism and how it's changed over the years and continues to change. You started to talk about some ideological armor you needed when working on your movie. I didn't fully understand what you meant, and I'm curious.


I can't believe that nobody is commenting on Arnold's couch ramp...

Ian Karanja

Getting dropped from Tim & Eric due to your platforming problematic ideology is very ironic 😂 I think the cops in Minnesota feel like they are in opposition with the people and that's why there's always shootings. I live in MN


This was fun! I like this new series.

Liam Patrick

You guys need a mural for the office, my IG is @liamwinslow ps: the new content has been incredible I'm excited to see where 2024 takes you guys

Randal Boyd

Anyone know of the artist that painted the guy getting blown up?

Louis Dickson

The monologue at the end alone is worth $10 a month, can’t wait for more BTS! You all inspire me to do amateur local journalism.


What's the name of the song you guys used at 12:30?

Patrick Hargett (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 15:16:21 Thanks for the tour AC!
2024-05-02 15:16:21 Thanks for the tour AC!
2024-05-02 15:16:21 Thanks for the tour AC!
2024-05-02 15:16:21 Thanks for the tour AC!
2024-04-22 04:18:02 Thanks for the tour AC!

Thanks for the tour AC!

Seth Callaway

I hope those HDs are backed up. Please make a backup of those drives, I can help if you hmu.