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In this episode, we sit down with Mom Mom  at Uncle Bill's pancake house to discuss the origins of the Temperance Movement and it's influence on Ocean City. We also give a brief overview on the Prohibition of 1919 and how it led to the creation of organized crime and changed American drinking culture forever. 

Ocean City holds a very special place in my heart and so making this series means a lot. 






Is it 3 or 4 parts, I yam confuse? ❤️


best patreon i’ve ever subscribed to keep it up Andrew 👌🏻

Zoe B

love your work

Jeremy Johnson

The dude who plays the saxophone was an aid for a special needs child in middle school. So many people and places in this video that i know and grew up around... Kinda crazy watching Andrew come to where i grew up.

Jeremy Johnson

Hope i see youngboimitch in the next episodes


The "I work security here" line was hilarious


Unexpected Nils and unexpected TPB, good shit


Ehhh, I agree with a lot of the principles, but there are some pretty poor arguments portrayed in this video. Yes, of course more people died of alcohol than any illicit drug... alcohol is used by significantly more people in the US because it's legal and more easily accessible. So of course there's going to be more deaths, but that doesn't mean alcohol is more dangerous than tranq or fentanyl. Alcohol is absolutely harmful, but nowhere near the level of those drugs. Also, comparing Ocean City to Jersey Shore is comparing two massive extremes. Alcohol is legal in the vast majority of the US, and Jersey Shore is still a shithole compared to most of the US. There are plenty of places where alcohol is legal that aren't terrible trashy places to live.


grinding to broccoli 😵


Love your content in general, and not suggesting anything malicious on your part. I just don't believe the logic in this video holds up to your normal standards.


I’ve been drunk in OC many times. Just bring your own.


lmao "im working security!!"


I wonder how many people would be dead if you could overdose on furry purp stank ganjza


*sips sake at 1AM* ... that's sad


Definitely a good time to bring up societal bias. Federal prohibition of drugs like weed and shrooms has done nothing but bad things for America in general

Just human

The shareholders who own a percentage of Anheuser-Busch InBev for example, are no better, if not worse than the drug cartels pushing tranq and fent. IMO.


Honkey is a rite of passage

Anthony Johnson

Alcohol has the better pr team :/ Can a channel 5 intern do a wintertime doc the rapper has a crazy story and if you could interview him it would go crazy

my name

makes sense that women started that movement these hoes always trying to exaggerate and ruin a dudes good time


This piece is a great way to follow up on your alcohol abstinent lifestyle promise


Drugs and alcohol isnt really comparable on deaths. The number of people drinking alcohol is waaaaaay higher than the amount of people doing dangerous drugs, so ofc the death toll is gonna be higher. This comparison is like comparing crime and gun violence of a country like US to Norway, wich has only a fraction of its population. Consuming any substance that alters your mood and behavior comes with risks, and everyone knows this and makes the choice themselves. Its all about how much you consume and how often.


I used to swear alcohol was my favorite thing of all time. Then I quit it after having kids, don’t miss it at all, just don’t have that life anymore.


Fuck it post the rest im interested now

Carlo Vicenzetto

Being an european I think your problem is that you have to wait till 21 to drink, here you start with beers at 16 at parties and by the time you’re 21 you’re already quitting, or maybe just getting one or two drinks on Saturday night

Brendan Rimmer

You tease me Andrew, you tease me.


Border Crisis Part 4 please 🙏

Joe tuna

I’m interested to see what direction this goes it feels like a philosophical cliffhanger haha

Andrew Matson

Nice work Andrew you got a great Grandmother it looks like. I can only imagine what Ocean City Maryland would be like without booze! For another view check out "Heavy Drinking, The Myth of Alcoholism as a Disease"

Jack Bowden

Aye lil yachty ain't deserve that


Your confusion would be cleared up w a level 100 stats course my g

James McKey

I’m sure you are winning over all the best ladies with that grammar and tone. Well played.


Andrew on his AA ark lol no hate please don't turn into steveo tho and make it your whole identity . Good points tho. Alcohol is synonymous with bonding with the boys or anyone really if their were more social places where alcohol wasn't the focus I guarantee alcoholism would go down hard.


Saw this on Wikipedia about Ocean City: USA Today listed Ocean City as the state's most drunken city on its 2017 list of "The drunkest city in every state".[52] Additionally, a loophole in the law allows private dining clubs adjacent to restaurants to serve alcohol to members.[53] Could be interesting to dive into that?

James McKey

We should probably let all 4 parts play out. Andy is pretty good at following the story unbiased and then winding up with an interesting curveball that perhaps not even he saw coming. He rarely broadcasts (lately) in the first half where the message winds up. Or if there even is a clear message. It’ll likely be grey and up to us to realize it’s more nuanced and not an all in or all out situation. Just my inflationary 2 cents.

James McKey

Your Philly tranq full video (which I saw on YT) was really impactful and hard hitting. I appreciate you diving into something that must have been scary and heart wrenching to dissect. This is my first series watching in parts as a new patron. Looks interesting so far. Thanks for making the YT platform a better place and making local news look like a bunch of chumps. Wish they weren’t all clear channel buyouts. I never watch cable anymore regardless but I know old folks are heavily influenced by its drivel.


No one waits till 21, it just isn’t legal, it’s astonishing easy to get though.

Carlo Vicenzetto

Not really, I spent 1 month in santa barbara when I was 20 and in order to get alcohol we had to ask a mate who was 21 and hide in parking lots to drink, meanwhile at parties you would see drunken 22 yo guys behaving like we used to do when we were 16 and first trying it out


the SWAT temperance team moment at 2:20, amazing.


Haha I’m not on my AA shit, although I’m still involved in various 12-step meetings. Think about it tho - pure alcohol would kill you. Beers with the boys is like 3-5% alcohol max. Federally regulated. Alcohol in its raw form, like most illicit drugs, would kill u, right?


Somehow I have his # and actually asked him if he hates broccoli as well - he does


Oh geez you actually read these haha love your work! I woke up hungover today and watched this I am just projecting my problems lol was just trying to razz you a bit all good i agree alcohol is a much bigger problem in our society then most people like to talk about.


I don't drink, I never have, and for me the amount of alcohol consumption that is seen as normal is insane. American fiction is particularly crazy about this, showing people drinking raw whisky as if it's not a big deal. It looks like ads.


Looking forward to it! The border series are some of the best and pure journalism I've seen in a while, keep up the great work

Dylan Wilbur

Carl Kasell's voice sending me on nostalgia whippet trips


so weird to watch c5 cover my hometown


Bro how you hating on Broccoli? Song is amazing. Also fuck the Sun #jft97

my name

i bet your a expert with grammar but still a virgin


Keep on Questioning, Keep up Keeping Up! ^^ thanks Andrew'n'Team

Baba Singh

Mom Mom is legit, Andrew! And the double standards are incredible. In 2023 opioid deaths just reached the level of alcohol deaths in the U.S. - but there's no alcohol epidemic, right?

Clare McKernan

u woulda loved wildwood smh


Do "Streets of Madison" and hit up the student bars during a game night to see some great examples of Wisconsin alcoholism.


this was great, quit drinking a few years back and didn't know places like this exist. super cool.

Kenneth Baker

Yet another example of manufactured consent. Great work, dude. I love the direction channel 5 is going.


Enjoyed this after watching Crip Mac's full episode. Puts things in perspective


Are we getting more NJ?! AC footage next please Andrew 🙏🏼


L take on broccoli


"Im working security" Gas.

John R

This genuinely makes me wanna never go out drinking again as an ohioan who goes to that kinda bar lol


I appreciate your content, but I noticed you used a clip of the Nicole Linton crash in this episode, and I'm not sure she was ever determined to have been drinking in that incident. I guess I could be wrong, but without conclusive evidence seems a bit disingenuous to use that footage in a doc about alcohol abuse/deaths? "Authorities said they haven't found any evidence that Linton was under the influence of alcohol or drugs" https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/nicole-linton-background-nurse-la-crash/285-b057c517-0723-46bd-9b67-9ca78118b8b3


go andrew!

Chris Bay

Hilarious when that guy told you to put your one down and stop filming. Like it was okay for him to act like a child and fight in public but you better not be filming him.


"I don't want any Shnookies here!"


That’s the one in Inglewood right? I thought there was alcohol involved, but thanks for letting me kno. I’ll cut it/replace it for the Final Cut


not very FERDA of her

Adam Dev

WHAT KIND OF APOLOGY VIDEO WAS THAT??? kidding luv u great work always getting deeper and refreshingly educational for today's face value society


I was having a lot of fun in my first years in university. Last year I stopped drinking for 5 months and nothing made sense anymore it became so bizarre. Before when I saw somebody snorting something at a party I was kind of feared and confused, now it is the same with binge drinking. Before I enjoyed it so much now I don't get it at all

Katalina Rocha

i wish y'all went to wildwood


It would be kinda legendary if you guys did a deep dive on the ambivalence of alcohol's place in societies throughout history, like its economic role in ancient Egypt etc etc and the central role of various types of fermentation in essentially all human cultures... it has totally defined history in positive and negative ways. Anyway love yall the border vids are filling a gaping hole in contemporary media coverage just like everything else yall do


And weed still isn’t federally legal and is still schedule 1 drug</3 i know this video doesn’t even mention weed but please bro alcohol and cigarettes can be legal with no medical benefits but weed can’t?


in the background of the last shot, the wind blows a soda lid off a passerby's boardwalk drink. how poetic


We all know you still love a good drink lol


my friends and I booked a last minute shore house this past summer... the only place we could find in our budget was in Atlantic City. We made the best of it and had fun but I will never willingly go back there lol.


yeah that was the Inglewood incident. I will try to track down more info, but being in LA I had been following it pretty closely when it happened since it was all over the news for a few days.


Here's more from the LA Times: "Linton’s lawyers noted that blood tests showed their client had no narcotics or alcohol in her system except for fentanyl that was given to her after the crash" https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-08-30/nurse-charged-with-killing-six-in-windsor-hills-crash-may-have-had-lapse-in-consciousness-at-time-of-accident


please make this video public. more ppl need to see the juxtaposition between ocean city and sea isle city

Michael Garrison

I stopped drinking years ago. Best decision I ever made. Drugs only now


Feel free to enlighten. Your comment serve no purpose other than stroking your own ego.


Cant have common sense and a sense of responsibility. Easier to blame a substance for the problems people cause themselves.

Sweaty Palms

at first i was kinda sceptic of ocean city but after seeing you go to alatnic city and that cringe bar with the dad/son fight LMAO i can understand why they are a dry town. as well as the guy metioning snookie LMAO. Weed is legal in NJ is it weed also prohibited in Ocean City? Ill move there if everyones just smoking n no alc

Nathan MacDonald

me, sitting watching this video with a moscow mule in my hand


alcohol, the real gateway drug...


i have my phallus and some roxies in mine :)


Is the shot of Ryan Depaulo in Atlantic City just by random? He's a great dude.


This is such an amazing contrast to Kensington and SF


damn the hate for broccoli LMAO


New here. Is it a joke that the series always start out saying 1/3, then becomes 2/4?

Wylcey Keep

Wouldn't call it "normal" but they edit these videos as they post them sometimes they run over depending on feedback


Andrew you should have come to Long Beach Island which is a few miles away from Atlantic City. Here we are known to be “a family oriented” island but we also have bars and clubs. It would’ve been funny if you showed that too at the end. The island also has a bunch of history🤟🏽 loved the video


God this makes me hate women even more


Very good point! I wasn't thinking about it from that perspective.


So cool Andrew is working security at that bar on top of his journalism job


Average night at the OD


very interesting, like an ethno-island of protestant-based conservative social ideologies

🪷 T 🪷

Very interesting! Can’t wait for the next!


I grew up in Atlantic City and your description is spot on… it would also be an interesting place to do a story about though. The history there with gambling and the boardwalk is fascinating.


100% he was grasping at anything to control.


NJ coast is crazy, it’s like that all up and down the coast. I grew up going to cape may and some nights we would go to wildwood, it’s so cool to see the difference. Thanks for the great content Andrew


I knew you'd be a TPB fan!!! Sunnyvale was like OC for a time under Colonel Dancer's regime...


You should look into the horrors of the hermit crab trade.


Not sure why you showed that video of the 5 people killed in the LA car crash alluding to it being caused by a drunk driver. Toxicology showed that the driver who caused that crash was not intoxicated at the time. She had a long history of manic episodes and involuntary psychiatric stays, and based on records released so far was either in some sort of mental break caused by a frontal lobe seizure or was attempting to commit suicide. There is an ongoing wrongful death lawsuit against her employers because it is thought that her working as a travel nurse exacerbated her condition the day of the crash.


That part with the drunk dads & sons fighting, "I'm working security just making sure everything is good" lmao Andrew is a grade A bullshitter. Great work


Blend of Herzog and Thompson


Imagine being unable to crack open a cold one with the bois, you’d never take me alive 😈

bat kyak

Advertisement makes alcohol so difficult to pass up when you see it literally EVERYWHERE you go, there should be more places like Ocean City


ryan and joey are the perfect examples to use for an AC degen tho.


“Im just working security”☠️


I like how he apologized to you after he told you to stop filming😂


what website or video is the graphic from 7:37 from? anybody recognize it


straight fuckin edge


Definitely cool to see that. I wonder if he knows him or he just googled "degenerate gambler Atlantic City."


*she cares


...for our well being

Ryan Kahl

Please go report on the Darien gap because you speak speak Spanish you will be the perfect correspondent

Isabella Lugo

You have to film in Atlanta next!

Chums McGuffey

Damn, C5 is real as fuck for this episode.

Ethan Thornton

i watch channel 5 and learn cool stuff


Spent my life coming here with my mom mom too, will be there tomorrow. This shit is so funny. Need part 4 please