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Hey Guys-

Here's our final round of coverage. This time -- in Uvalde, TX. 

- Andrew, Nic and Evan.



I was held hostage in a school shooting… literally where guns are banned. Now imagine no-gun zones being literally everywhere in the US


so tragic :(


love you guys. thank you for this.


the piggies be rocking with the cool ranch Doritos !?!?!?!? Well needed coverage thank you Channel 5

Magic Plants

21 and up only for gun purchases, universal background checks


Fucking hell. This stuff needs to be seen and you're doing good work but fuck me does it hurt to watch.


Thanks for giving us the first hand experience of an observer, rather than the out of touch opinion of another talking head. Keep your finger on the pulse fellas.


You guys just keep doing the content. Some of the few real journalists left. Stay documenting fellas and ty for getting it out so quick


Thanks for doing what you do guys. This was hard to watch, can't imagine how hard it was to experience first hand.


thank you guys


Solid stuff, but what's that song? I know it somehow


Metamorphosis, by Phillip Glass. Sounds slowed down. Nice choice in tunes, let's hope a change comes soon.


Do most Americans believe that every other country is shackled by government overreach? Governments (all over the world) are incredibly disorganized, bogged down by bureaucracy, and inefficient. If the American government decided to, enslave their people to the point that armed citizens were the last line of defense, do they think that that process would be smooth and secret enough to actually work? Not to mention why they fuck would they do that. Just ban assault weapons, no one needs them


thanks for your work


The interview with the couple at the end was impactful. The guy showed real wisdom and insight into the situation, paired with the woman's idealism. Both were measured in their responses, but still felt passionately about the situation.


damn i lost it at the gnr part


Thanks for filming this


This is important and everyone should see it.


Thank you guys, we learned some details that were sadly not fully known, the police chief was the one who said to wait not anyone on the school board, he should be arrested and charged for manslaughter, hope you guys keep safe and keep giving us great content.


I’ve avoided watching other coverage about the Uvalde shooting because goddammit America, this is insane. It’s so heartbreaking. And infuriating. Thanks Andrew et al.


thank you for going there and filming this


the work you all do is so important, thank you

Joey Planets

The beauty of your work is giving us the first two videos, which showed one side empathizing and one side antagonizing but neither side came close to understanding. This video was such a contrast to the first two by showing the true grit of the situation, in a light no one has been able to shine, and highlighting the discrepancies in the arguments of both sides of gun control at the same time. There were more protesters at the NRA convention than there were supporting the community in Uvalde, which happens to be in the same state! Andrew, been following you for a long time man and between your style, the camera work, and the editing, I am glued and hooked, waiting for the next time you guys drop a video. (:


I think my biggest issue with that si find that it would be a bit hypocritical to say you’re too immature to buy a gun at that age but you’re good enough to be able to enlist in the military, take out loans, and aquire credit cards at that age, all shit that is more that is more complicated to handle and entails a huge risk/sacrifice that an 18 year old can’t really comprehend. Anyone that buys a gun goes through a background check and if you’re in school you probably got that gun from someone else that’s most likely already over the age of 21 or took your parents gun, so I don’t see how it would change the same outcome.


You don't see how it would change the outcome yet moving it 21 literally would've prevented this shooting. Maybe, just maybe, this shooter would've found someone or something in those extra 3 years to stop him from doing what he did.


Thanks for all you guys do.


They had to DNA swab for the the remains to be identified because the AR was so powerful. I’m glad that got into this piece because when I heard it the other night it really hit home that these need to go. Red flags need to happen and UBC’s need to be better.

Jonathon Angell

I knew the kids were young. The news said they were mostly 10, but in your head, that's just a number. Seeing their faces, it's gut wrenching seeing just how little they actually were. Truly, they were all completely innocent still. None of them will ever know what their lives could have become. I can't imagine anything sadder than this.


Maybe or maybe not, and just because it would have prevented him from buying the gun outright from a store it wouldn’t have stopped him from getting one from a friend or family member like other people have. He was a mentally I’ll guy that wanted to do harm, I don’t think a simply raising the age limit to buy one from a store would’ve done much to keep him from getting one.Either way I feel like it would be something that restricts law abiding people who want to use their constitutional right while not really doing anything to effectively counter people who wish to commit mass murder.

Andrew Smoke

Wow. Can't thank you guys enough for showing us the reality of what's going on out there. Keep up the incredible work. You'll have me as a backer for life. Increasing my monthly amount after this series!

Lame One

My big problem is this logic of "you probably did X anyway", yet time and time again, they didn't do X. Shooters would just get the guns illegally. They'd just get them from friends. They'd just ask someone else to buy it for them. But that's simply not what's currently happening. Most preventative measures aren't going to completely stop the problem, but that doesn't mean they are a failure. If one of these changes resulted in even a 10% decrease, that'd be 20 lives saved from mass shootings in 2019 alone. That's just mass shootings, not gun deaths overall. With regards to whether it's their right or not, I think the couple at the end captures very well the feelings of those impacted by this. It seemed as if they had previously been in support of the lax gun laws, protecting their rights, but once they realize how catastrophic events such as this were, they decided they would be happy to give up some semblance of their freedom to ensure the safety of their children. Safety and Freedom are almost always at odds with one another. It's up to the individual to decide where their priorities lie. Most would call you crazy if you said speed limits were an assault on our freedom to travel, and that we should be able to floor it down residential neighborhoods.


Best channel on youtube


You should send this to Telemundo Noticias because big news is not gonna notify our communities of this


Journalism at its finest, the first two hurt to watch but this one was a different kind of hurt


The thing is, and my main issue with giving up freedom for safety and why I say the “he’d probably do X anyway through Y” example is that the only guarantee you have is loosing that freedom because the crux of the issue wouldn’t be resolved. Statistically there have been more times where legally owned firearms have been used to keep people safe rather than end innocent lives. It’s horrible that for those parents that this was one of those times that some POS decided to take away the most precious thing a human being can give to the world, but just because they’d be willing to give it up that doesn’t mean that it’s the best course of action.


as a parent of 3 it kills me to think what these parents are going through. prayers out to all of the souls lost in this tragic event great coverage guys, really appreciate the professionalism you show in presenting both side. background checks need to be expanded, and people don't need to own ARs

Magic Plants

Yeah let's not save some kids at the risk of sounding "hypocritical" get real dude. The military does extensive training, it's not the same thing. Who cares if we can save the kids from being slaughtered?


Uvalde PD's numer is online. Dial 3 to connect to the Chief's line. I've left messages calling him a bitch, a butt boy, a fascit who digs letting kids die.


I love you Andrew. Thank you for sharing this


Exactly bro, fuck saving kids! That’s 100% what i said and doesn’t completely ignore why I think it wouldn’t really do that! It’s only because I don’t care about kids being murdered that I disagree! And shit dude you are absolutely correct, the military does do extensive training which is why tons of veterans don’t have PTSD when they come back home and have trouble reintegrating into civilian life and why one doesn’t commit suicide every 65 minutes! The average high school graduate is so much more mentally capable of handling being deployed than they are having a gun thanks to our perfect “extensive training”

Magic Plants

Nice job moving the goalposts all while being sarcastic. It's clear you're taking this seriously...


My Pillow soldier kinda sounds like Kelly J Patriot


Hey this is masterfully put together. Thank you so much for your hard work on this.


The goal post was never shifted, you just completely missed it. I was just replying to your sarcasm with my own. Look back at what I actually said past the first sentence explaining my stance as well as the other replies that were replying to what I said and how I elaborated on them before you decided to try and discredit my opinion in by completely rephrasing it into your own narrative.And yeah I was being serious about how I don’t think a simple raising the age restriction would have been a gauranteed way of preventing those kids from loosing their life. Is that suppose to be a bad thing?


damn, that's heavy


Part 3 really puts things in perspective, thank you Andrew and the rest of the team.


Keep doing what y'all are doing. Y'all are the future of journalism.


That gentleman at the end is right, unfortunately, we're going to entirely forget about this in a few months because we'll be mourning the next 10 by then.


This is more powerful than anything I have seen. The sweet child o' mine part really moved me. Thank you guys

Andrew R

To the people saying raising the legal age to buy a gun won’t work, why don’t we see more under 18 shooters? Genuine question.


Keep up the great work guys. I originally found you guys from Asmongolds react content, your team has the best journalism out there.

Ben Chisholm

Thank you. Love you.


Excellent ending and content as usual. Big love from the ATX.


Well done



Nathan Parks

This is absolutely heart breaking. Thank you guys for your work.


I'd like to know the questions you asked the older couple at the end of the video. Did they bring up the NRA convention and the longevity of speaking of this tragedy, or was it a response to your questions? Thank you for all that you guys do.


Shit made me cry

Stewart Harrington

@andrewR You definitely see shooters under 18. Sucks that most of them are black but they also obtained their gun illegally. Shit you can even 3d print untraceable guns now


@Eutikus Not passing a law because there are other laws that need to be passed. Very smart


excellent use of philip glass


Great work like usual. Would love to see you guys talk to some politicians about gun legislation


this is devastating.... thank you so much for the important work that you're doing, and getting people's' voices heard.

Buz Lee

Something about the way you cut the beginning had me in tears instantly. Excellent work y'all.


Thank you guys for doing this. Proud of you


I agree with the sentiments of the video but I cant help but want to correct that lady from Corpus, her pistol is almost certainly semi-automatic too. I agree with her otherwise though, and Andrew followed her sentiment and not her words which was wise and tactful. The high-capacity mags are a good way to limit the destructive force of those guns easily.


@Dante Kanter. It ain’t just that, actually read the rest of what I say


@Andrew R You do see them, usually gang related and involved in drive buys or armed robbery.


For real, something really hit home for me about the randomness that a 10 year old girl's favorite band came from decades before her time yet it was still her favorite. That for me really bookmarks that time in a kid's life, and emphasizes the innocence of the victims.


It's honestly a common mistake and I try to correct peeps online as politely as I can when I read it


I really appreciated the quick shots of the Wendy's where the shooter worked, shop where he picked up his weapons, ditch where his truck landed and the distance he walked to reach the school. It's one thing to hear or read about details of how these things take place, but briefly seeing you stand near those places (vs. traditional tv news with its funky habits of standing however many yards away and zooming kind of weird I suppose) did a lot to make it feel more tangible and real to me personally.


Thin blue line beat


You guys are doing a great job!


Great work of journalism


This is why I subscribe


That kid was going to hurt people one way or another, gun laws will only work for people who follow the law. Elementary schools have always been soft targets with little security, couple that with end of year activities so the school was a lot more welcoming than usual. Critical thinking is needed badly right now to even begin to solve this problem so thank you Channel five for multiple perspectives and unbiased on the ground journalism. Hunter S. Thompson would be proud.


Black market purchases require you to have at least a small connection with an illegal retailer. Saying that common sense gun regulation wouldn't reduce access to firearms is a bad faith argument. It doesn't hold up against reality. This kid might have walked in the same building with a gun, but not with something of that caliber or capacity, and definitely not as easily, if anyone paid attention to the numerous obvious warning signs that he was exhibiting that should have restricted his access to high capacity deadly weapons.


At the end of the day people are always gonna have access to firearms. They are not always going to have cheap and convenient access to fire arms that could kill an entire crowd of people in a matter of minutes.


u think the dude would be able to kill 21 people without a semi-automatic weapon? Not anti-gun, but I think it would be silly to now be pro-gun control.




Thanks Andrew, you guys are awesome. amazing content as always


Heartbreaking. nice work man


This hit hard, thy for all the effort


Philip Glass <3


you fucking retard. He waited until it was legal. he waited until it was his 18th birthday and loaded up the day of. Laws were literally the thing preventing him from doing this sooner.

Mike Nichols

This series may be your best yet - great work Channel 5


@CG that murder question is such a tired strawman argument. It’s a cop out and if you don’t see that then you’re the one who needs more critical thinking. Are you actually trying to argue that laws don’t work to reduce bad actions and so we shouldn’t pass them? People brought up multiple responses to your post. The fact that this is best counter you could come back with really says something about either the depth of your position’s logic or the depth of your critical thinking ability.


Banning law-abiding citizens from owning guns because one madman kills kids with a “scary black gun” is the oldest cop out in the gun grabber playbook. If you want a counter argument, read the bill of rights and cope harder.


lol neither I nor anyone who replied to you advocated for banning guns but ok


You’re so right. I want to see barbed wire fences with watch towers and armed guards at every local school. In fact, we might as well reappropriate prisons and turn them into schools - all the infrastructure is already there. If those 7 year olds were armed, they could have dealt with the shooter themselves, and the risk of those brave armed students being shot by the police waiting outside who have no idea who the shooter is? Well that is a small price to pay for freedom. I totally agree with you bro, that’s flawless logic right there


No bro you’re right let’s just have the police, military, secret service, and every other three letter agency be the only ones allowed to have rifles. That would be so cool and nothing could ever go wrong, give me a break.


You’re so brainwashed that you can’t even comprehend how absolutely insane it is to even suggest militarising schools. This is why the rest of the world thinks you guys are absolutely batshit. MILITARISING SCHOOLS ISN’T NORMAL BRO. Jesus Christ.


Militarize school? Every single important person you know has security. Most schools do not have enough police or security, raise the pay and hire more staff. Prohibition didn’t work, the war on drugs fell flat on its face, and now the war on guns is supposed to somehow fix everything? You live in an echo chamber if you think that.


Here’s a simple question for you: Do you think the Ulvalde shooter should have been legally and easily able to obtain two AR style rifles immediately after his 18th birthday? Yes or no. Don’t dance around the question, just answer it. Yes or no.


Ramos no but most 18 year olds would never commit a mass murder. I only simp for the firearms policy coalition. It is very apparent that the NRA lives rent free in your head though.


LOL Yeah you’re a simp alright. “18 year olds should have free access to long guns……. Except THAT 18 year old, and that one, and that one, and that one...” More brilliant logic


Andrew your commentary is perfect, thank you so much


People always act like it would just be trivial to get guns illegally... but it wouldn't be? And it just adds an extra step where these people might fail. If they get caught buying guns illegally that's a lot better than them getting caught murdering people. Not to mention in some cases it may make it outright not feasible for them or at least substantially more difficult and give more opportunities to raise red flags. It is honestly such a pointless statement to say "they could just get them illegally" when the vast majority of these shootings are with legally obtained weapons.


The end where you returned to the scene of where everything happened and talked to those suffering families and friends brought me to tears. Thank you for the work you and your team do <3


Shit brings tears to my eyes. I don't live in the US, but I want to due to career aspirations... and then I think about how this is something I would actually have to consider if I wanted to raise a family in the states. How do you heal a wound like this? Absolutely devastating.


I live in Tasmania / Australia, when I was a kid we lived 4 blocks away from the guy that did the same thing here at Port Arthur. It didn’t blow over, people still talk about it today. At the time though gun laws were changed, and we haven’t had a mass shooting like that in Australia since then. Thank you Channel 5 crew for all that you do, best news source on the interwebs.


"the guy that did port arthur" was a saint and your government licks ballsack


No. But you’re a piece of shit for sure


Hi, I'm not sure if you're a troll or a bot but I'm gonna double down on being human and hear you out. Also if you need more context with my comment, his name was Martin and he was super socially isolated, bullied at school from a young age. He had pretty severe, undermanaged mental health issues (schizophrenia). I feel like if he had more support, a feeling of connection and community, friends even, and he hadn't had access to an AK-47 the shooting wouldn't have happened. I remember him visiting our house door knocking for green peace as a kid, he seemed like a pretty normal person. The whole thing was really sad and tragic.


The shot of the cops getting chips really ties this video together


I live in Spain. Hunters can buy hunting rifles with a license. It’s a minor sport. Most citizens don’t own a gun. We have never had a school shooting.


This video hurt. Online gun sales?.. really. So where are all the people protecting others with their guns?


It's insane that even TEXANS are agreeing that this is out of hand


Thank you for this investigative reporting that we really need rn ❤️


That was a funny, beautiful, yet harrowing video - and I'm not even American. Thanks for putting it out in the world 🥺 you all are skilled


a few weeks later, it has blown over.


That's where we come in. Don't let people become complacent and desensitized. It really is an uphill battle, always will be. But if enough people show that this shit is unacceptable, and make others remember their own frustration with how the situation was handled, maybe we can make strides against a fucked up current that doesn't want change. I think gun politics and and some media has just so fucking politicized everyone that children dying, is left or right.


See that’s how selfish of a person you are. It hasn’t “blown over”, those families lives will never be the same again, just becuz it’s not on your timeline doesn’t mean it’s over. Sick fuck


I lived in the US during college with the same aspirations and realized that while there are more job opportunities, my quality of life almost anywhere else would be significantly higher, and no job could make that sacrifice worth it. Now a couple months after the event, it's so saddening to realize that the man was right, it's fully blown over in the US and nothing's changed.


loved the closer, editor!


2 mo after your comment and it's pretty much blown over. Yeah, of course the families lives will never be the same again. But that's not what they were saying. They said "it has blown over" and it has. Now we have Mar-A-Lago and Halle Bailey playing Ariel so wayyyy more *pressing* things to worry about. Pretty fucked up. 21 lives lost. 19 children. What's changed? Fucking NOTHING. All those kids and nothing has changed and everybody is over it because there's new things to be mad about I guess.